Chapter Five: Sooner than Expected

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.


"Nooo! Thirty more minutes!"


"Ugh!" I spring up in my bed, almost falling off. "Why do noises always have to wake me up?! And where the heck am I?!"

The room looks very ancient, but in a good way. My little bed is across from the door, there's old looking curtains on my little window, and a circular, red rug lays between the bed and the door. That's right, I'm in Doctor Strange's house!

"I'm learning magic today! I need to get ready," I say in order to get myself motivated. I quickly get undressed and slip on the blue tunic the doctor gave me. I recall begging him to give me a blue one instead of the grey for beginners because, let's face it, I'm not going to be here long enough to become an advanced student. Thanos will find out I'm here soon.

I open my backpack to put away my old clothes, but I see something glowing at the bottom. I pull out the object to find its my phone. I open it and rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating. There's a text from Hazel!

I open the text and it reads: I'm alive and with the Guardians. We are following a distress signal - you're in charge of the Stones on Earth while I take the ones up here in Space.

How in the multiverse did Hazel get a phone signal while out in Space?! Well, at least I don't have to worry about her anymore. I know the Guardians will protect her.

I stuff the phone back in my pack and clip the last finishing touches on my outfit. I also find a (hair tie/headband) to keep my hair out of my face. Just then someone knocks on my door.

"Miss (Y/n), Strange is ready for you out in the training yard." I open the door to reveal Wong. If it wouldn't be completely awkward, I would hug him right now.

"Yes! Could you lead the way? I have no idea where I'm going." Wong agrees to lead me and I once again get lost in the amazing structure of the building. I just can't believe I'm actually here!

"Here we are." Wong gestures to a big room with Stephen sitting in the middle, meditating. "It is the best training space we have here in the New York Sanctum. We have a bigger space in Kamar Taj, but this will have to do."

Wong leaves and I quietly walk over to Stephen. I decide to just sit down in front of him, not wanting to disturb the comfortable silence. Without noticing, I begin to relax. All the worries about Thanos, Hazel, and the Infinity Stones start to slip away. Well, I know they are still a concern, but it feels like I'm not letting it weigh me down as much as it has been since I got here.

"Better, isn't it?" Stephen suddenly asks from across me.

"So much..." After five more minutes, my heart rate slows down as the last bit of tension leaves the room.

"That took a lot longer than I thought." Stephen stops meditating and opens his eyes, making contact with mine. "You were really stressed out."

"Well, I'm (y/a). What would you expect?" I say, making Stephen smile. "So, what are we learning today?"

"How to control your emotions with pinpoint accuracy." My mouth hangs open in disbelief. Stephen just continues to smile, waiting for my reaction.

"Uh, let's skip that." I look around the room, trying to think of something actually helpful that I should learn. Something that will help me in a fight. "Astral Projection."

Now it's Stephen's turn to be shocked. "That's going to be a 'no'. I learned that when I was an average student. I had to learn how to meditate and use a Sling Ring before I even thought about Astral Projection! You on the other hand, have never even attempted any kind of magic."

"Not true! I got myself a Harry Potter wand from Universal and tried to cast my Patronus!" That just made him even more confused and shake his head. "Look, I don't know how much time I have. Could you just please try and teach me how to do it? I'll eventually figure it out, I just know it!"

Stephen sighs and thinks about it. "Fine, but know that you aren't going to get it on your first try."

"Yes!" My (e/c) eyes shine with happiness and he sighs again.

"Alright, let's begin," Stephen instructs and I get in the same meditative position as him. "Focus on the calm atmosphere in the room, and use that as an anchor."


My eyes are screwed shut and I'm panting out of frustration. I probably look like I'm constipated right now, trying to get my stupid Astral Body out.

"Come on, (Y/n)! Concentrate!" Stephen says from behind me. After awhile of doubt, he must have finally realized that he wants me to achieve this. He started to pace around me, the tap of his foot on the ground helping me concentrate on something.

"I am concentrating!" I yell at him. I am so sick and tired of him telling me the same thing over and over, and as a plus, my arms still sting. I let go of the breath I was holding, break my formation, open my eyes, and wipe the sweat from my face. "Concentrate, (Y/n)! Come on, concentrate! Let's go, (Y/n), all you have to do is CONCENTRATE!" I yell, mimicking him in a stupid voice.

"Get back in formation! You're almost there, you just have to keep going!" Stephen snaps at me. Instead of listening to him, I push myself off the ground. "Oh no, you can't quit! You're the one who wanted to do this!"

"Yeah and I was wrong, ok?! You were right, I shouldn't have asked you to help me perform magic. Heck, you were right in saying I can't do it at all! I'm just a regular human who fangirls over superheroes. I can't force myself to become one, and I can't do this!" I wipe my arm over my eyes and start to walk away.

"No, I wasn't right! Your Astral Body was almost loose, I could feel it. I could almost see it! Get back here, you are not giving up!"

I'm almost to the door when a rough, trembling hand grabs my arm. A hot pain shoots up and down my arm from where he grabbed it, and I gasp from the pain. "Ow!"

For a second, everything is silent. Stephen looks from my arm to my pain-filled face multiple times, not once letting me go. Then, without warning, he lifts up my sleeve to reveal my bandages I put on yesterday.

"What happened?" He asks and I sigh. I forgot I left out the part of me wrapping up my injured arms when I explained my story. All I told him was that I was looking for him.

"When I was tortured by Ebony, these burns appeared." With my other hand, I slowly unwrap my bandages. "But I don't know why the injuries didn't appear sooner. They appeared hours after I escaped."

"It must have been a reaction of entering the Earth's atmosphere with your skin still being sensitive." Stephen continues to flip my arm over and over, probably looking for something specific. "Do they hurt only when you touch them?"

"No, they've been stinging all day, but not as bad as yesterday."

Stephen then takes my hand and squeezes it gently, a big smile forming on his face. "That's it! That's what's keeping you from projecting your Astral Body! We'll wait for your arms to heal a bit more, so they don't bother you and break your concentration."

A new match of hope sparked in my heart at his words, and a smile formed on my face that mimicked his. "Yeah! Then maybe I can do magic after all!"

Stephen chuckles and ruffles my hair, making me huff and readjust it. "For now, let's take a break. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah I could use some food," I say as he walks away and I start reapplying my bandages. "What are we getting?"

I follow Stephen out to the main room and walk down the stairs to find him and Wong talking. They seem to be talking about sandwiches and how much rupees cost compared to dollars. I just smile when something starts nagging at the back of my mind. Why does this seem so familiar?


The three of us turn around, the two men conjuring fire-like shields. A huge crater has appeared in the stairs that seems to have came from the big, circular window. I creep up to the crater and look inside it. The sight causes my blood to run cold and my heart to stop moving.

"Thanos is coming! He's coming!"

"No..." Stephen looks at me, but I can't even move. Bruce Banner just crashed through the floor in Stephen Strange's home. That means Thanos already has the Space and Power Stones.

I can almost see and hear the Avengers logo with the music in the background. Then I try to think of what comes next. "We need to find Tony."

"Tony?! Yes, yes that's a great idea!" Bruce tries to stand up, but the rest of his clothes start to slip off. His face turns red as a result and I awkwardly look away.

"I'll get you some clothes!" Wong disappears through a corridor and I explain to Stephen that we need to go look for Tony.

"Even if we find him, why would he trust us?" He asks me. I look down at Bruce and Stephen understands. "I'll conjure a portal. I want you to stay here and guard the Sanctum while I find Stark."

I nod and Wong comes back with clothes. "These will fit you. They adjust to the size of the wearer." He tosses the clothes down to Bruce and I turn around, fiddling with my fingers.

After a minute, I turn back around and help Bruce out of the crater. "I'm sure you did your best, Bruce. Don't worry about being defeated. Thanos had the Power Stone after all, so you might actually be stronger than him if he doesn't have it."

"Th-the Power Stone? What are you talking about?!" Bruce puts a hand on my shoulder, making me look at him.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just used to talking with other people about, um...the Infinity Stones." I decide against telling him all about how he's an actor in a movie in the real world. It would just take too long and it would make him confused. I have a hunch that Stephen only believed me because he is a sorcerer and saw I was telling the truth.

"The Infinity Stones?" Bruce's face looks full of pain and fear, and I automatically feel bad for the man. He's been through so much with being in Space, becoming the Hulk, and being beaten up by Thanos.

"I'll explain when we get Tony here. For now, just wait for your cue." Bruce's facial expression says that he wants answers now, but he nods and looks toward the portal Stephen made. I can just catch a glimpse of Tony from behind the magician.

I notice Stephen struggling to talk with the billionaire, so I nudge Bruce to step through the portal. Bruce squeezes my shoulder to reassure himself and let's go, stepping through the portal. "Hey, Tony."

Bruce hugs Tony, obviously glad that he sees someone he recognizes and to get a sense of home. Tony agrees to enter the Sanctum and walks through the portal.

Oh. My. God. IT'S IRON MAN OR TONY STARK AND I'M FREAKING OUT HOLY CRAAAAAP! The man who started it all! Iron Dad! The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist! I can't even!

Tony looks over at me and my chest literally explodes. My brain isn't functioning at all. "U-uh, hi, Mr. Downey- I MEAN! Mr. Stark. It's so great to meet you even given the fact that the world is at stake and everything. I-I just wanted to tell you that, you're one of my favorite superheroes of all time!"

"Yeah, no problem, kid." Tony looks at Stephen and Bruce. The latter just shrugs.

"She's not of this world. It's a long story. She appeared yesterday." Strange gives the extremely short version and Tony seems to accept it. He sits down on a bench against the wall, waiting for Doctor Strange to explain what the heck is going on.

Stephen conjures up a magical presentation. My head buzzes with excitement, and I don't hear the beginning of the explanation. My attention snaps back into place when five of the six Infinity Stones appear.

"OH! CAN I SAY IT?!" I jump up next to Stephen who sighs and nods. He steps aside and I look at the projection in front of me.

"Alright, so this one is Power-" I point to the purple Stone.

"Reality-" The red Stone floats forward.

"Soul-" The orange Stone replaces the red one.

"Space-" The blue one kicks the orange Stone out of the way. "That one was the Tesseract, by the way."

"Mind-" The yellow Stone floats in front of me. "Which is what is in Vision's head, and also what was inside Loki's scepter."

"And Time-" I gesture toward Stephen and he opens the Eye of Agamotto. I stare at the glowing green Stone and whisper, "So epic..."

Tony also stares at the Stone, seeming to be thinking about something. I'm guessing it's Thanos. "Tell me his name again."

"Thanos." Bruce steps forward and Tony stands up. "He's a plague, Tony. He takes what he wants, he wipes out half of the population. He sent Loki! The attack on New York, that's him."

Tony nods, an expression of realization dawning on his face. "This is it..." He turns around and looks at the picture of the Stones again. "What's our timeline?"

"No telling," Bruce says and follows Tony over to the Cauldron of the Cosmos. "He's already got the Power and Space Stones, and that makes him the most powerful being in the universe. But, our biggest play is here with this Stone because we know where it is! Vision is somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we need to get him now."

"Yeah, that's not happening," Tony says making Bruce's eyes go wide. "He deserved some time off. He went offline, and there's no connecting with him."

"Well, is there anyone who could find him?!" Bruce asks, hoping there is someone.

Tony scoffs and puts a hand on his forehead. "Maybe...Steve Rogers." Stephen Strange scoffs as well from behind me and I snicker.

"Well, call him!" I can't hold in my laugh at Bruce's lack of information and understanding.

Everyone turns to me, so I decide to explain, "The Avengers broke up, Bruce. They're toast! Steve and Tony fell hard. There are no more Avengers."

"Broke up?! Like a band, like the Beatles?!" Bruce still can't wrap his head around the fact of his team being gone because of some disagreement.

"The girl from a different world is right. We're on 'not speaking' terms." Tony gestures toward me and I smile, but then I stop smiling when I remember how devastating Captain America: Civil War was.

"My name is (Y/n), by the way..." I add in quietly, but probably no one heard me.

Trying to change the subject, Tony shakes his head. "If Thanos needs all six, then why don't we stick this one down a garbage disposal?"

"Oh, no can do." A little laugh could be heard behind Stephen's words. He is probably finding the thought of destroying the Time Stone hilarious. "We promised to protect the Time Stone with our lives."

"And destroying the Stone will make that segment in the universe even weaker, theoretically. Think about it: it's the Time Stone. Time needs a stone to have a basis and keep it balanced. Without the Stone, time would be very fragile." No one seems to understand my reasoning, so I explain further. "Time loops may happen occasionally. Time warps could appear and transport you to somewhere in the past or future. People wouldn't be able to live their daily lives in peace with the constant breaks in time messing with them. The Time Stone is probably the most important Stone there is, and without it, chaos runs the world."

"She's right." Stephen looks at me with surprise and a bit of respect before continuing. "Destroying the Time Stone will bring chaos hither to undreamt of."

Tony leans on the Cauldron and laughs. "Did you really just say 'hither to undreamt of'?"

"Are you really leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?" Stephen retorts, obviously done with Tony messing around. The Cloak of Levitation smacks Tony's arm away from the pot.

"Tony, listen to me." Bruce grabs Tony's attention again. "Thor's gone. Thanos is coming, it doesn't matter who you're talking to or not."

I couldn't have said it any better myself. Finally, Tony understands the gravity of the situation. He scoffs again and takes out the flip phone Steve gave him at the end of Civil War in case of an emergency like this. His thumb hovers above the 'Call' button. Before he presses it, he turns to Stephen.

"Hey, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair at the moment?" Tony gestures to Stephen with his phone hand, and all of us look toward the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Not at the moment, no..." Stephen stands perfectly still and looks up toward his forehead. I can tell he feels the strands of his bangs flow from side to side.

Screaming can be heard from outside followed by loud crashes of what I'm guessing is cars. All five of us look at each other and Tony walks toward the door. He looks back at us before opening it.

"Not yet. This can't happen yet, it's all so fast. His minions can't have gotten here yet. This is too soon!" I say as Tony steps outside.

Have I changed nothing? Was this all predestined? Me being here seems to have only changed the order of dialogue and added some dialogue to some characters. All the events happen no matter what I do.

No, I can change it. I will change the ending. These people are my idols, my friends, my family. No one is dying, not while I'm here.

Because I have something Thanos doesn't. Friends and people worth fighting for.

I have heroes.

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