Chapter Fifteen: Stormbreaker
I'm sorry it's so late, everyone. I'm a mess, my writing is a mess, school is a get the picture. Anyway, there's only one or two more chapters left after this! Enjoy!
Hazel's Group's P.O.V.
"Thor, you don't understand! It's going to take a lot more to heat this thing up." Rocket turns on the pod and follows Thor over to the rings of Nidavellir.
"Leave that to me." Thor grips his end of the rope while Hazel ties to other end around the pod.
Hazel finishes the knot and jumps down to where Thor is standing. Since she's in Space, Hazel floats down safely next to the god of thunder. Thor suddenly grabs Hazel's arm and turns her toward him.
"Female from the future," Thor stares down into her green eyes making Hazel internally squeal. "I understand you to have no special abilities. Yet, knowing where we are going, I ask that you also get a weapon from Eitri."
Hazel's eyes widen and she smiles. "That's a great idea! I'm trained in martial arts, so I'll be able to defend myself. I will need a weapon as you said, so I'll ask Eitri."
Thor pats Hazel on her shoulder making her stumble forward a bit. Then unexpectedly, Thor picks her up and chucks her over to where Eitri and Groot are waiting.
"Oof!" Hazel lands roughly in her feet before she falls over. "That's the stupidest form of transportation! He didn't warn me or anything!"
Eitri turns to the blonde and laughs loudly. The laugh echoes through the forge, reminding Hazel of how lonely and empty it is here. "That's Thor for you."
Hazel shakily stands up and grips her abdomen. Once she gets some air back into her lungs, she walks over to a pile of old weapons. "Thor said I also need a weapon, and he's right. I know what happens after this. We are going into battle."
Eitri glances out toward where Thor and Rocket are to make sure they aren't starting up the star yet. Surprisingly, they are still conversing about something, but Hazel and Eitri can't tell what it is.
Eitri brushes back some thick strands of his messy hair and walks over to a huge barrel of weapons. Hazel follows him and peers inside. The barrel is almost taller than her, so she needs to stand on her tip-toes to see its contents. Hazel gasps at all the shiny weapons she sees before her. Long, silver spears that look oddly similar to Okoye's, swords made from any metal imaginable, axes smaller than Stormbreaker but shine just as deadly, a bow with a quiver of golden arrows, and almost any other weapon you can think of.
The one that catches Hazel's eye is the bow and arrows, but she knows those won't be a lot of help in the Battle of Wakanda. She reaches inside the barrel and pushes away the quiver. A glint of shining metal shines at the bottom of the barrel now that the quiver is out of the way, but Hazel can't reach it.
"What's that?" Hazel points to the shining object and Eitri pulls it out. Hazel stares in awe at the weapon and she immediately knows it's the one.
Eitri lifts up one gold and one silver colored boomerang, each decorated with a fancy imprint design. The silver colored one has a blue gem where the boomerang bends and the gold one has a red gem in the same spot.
Hazel reaches out toward the twin boomerangs, but Eitri pulls them back. The guardian of the forge kneels down to Hazel's height and shows her the gold weapon. "These are called 'Elemental Weapons'. The gold boomerang holds the flames of fire and the silver holds the frost of ice."
Hazel nods in understanding, liking the weapons even better. Eitri smiles and continues. "Now, you can use these like normal boomerangs, but they don't do much in this form. When you throw them in this form, they will radiate their preferred element. Hold the weapon in front of you and thrust it forward-"
Eitri demonstrates while he's talking. He takes the gold boomerang by the tip and mimics throwing it. A beautiful golden blade emerges from the other end. He does the same with the silver boomerang and a silver blade comes out. Hazel gasps and looks between the two weapons.
"And if you swing them-" Eitri demonstrates again, swinging the blades only a little so as to not hurt the girl. The gold boomerang's blade becomes surrounded with flames and the silver one is covered in icy frost.
"Throw them in any form you wish." Eitri goes back over to the barrel and digs out two more things. They are both little bracelets, one silver and the other gold. He puts the silver one around Hazel's left wrist and the gold around her right. "If you lose them, stick out your hand and they'll return to you."
After the bracelets are secure Hazel turns to look at Eitri. "Just like Thor's Mjölnir?!"
Eitri chuckles and is surprised that Hazel knew the name of the hammer. "Exactly. You can also use the blades without the elemental powers by saying the words 'Vær stille'. That means 'Be quiet' in Norwegian."
The dwarf gives the weapons to Hazel. She takes them and the weapons start to glow along with the new bracelets on her wrists. She looks at the boomerangs and mutters, "Vær stille." The blades extinguish their preferred element just as Eitri said they would.
Suddenly, the two hear their earpieces turn on. Thor made them all wear one earpiece so they could communicate from the opposite sides of the star.
"Finally, we got this thing on!" Thor's voice is heard in the earpiece making Eitri and Hazel turn toward the closed star again. "Human girl, Eitri, can you hear me?"
The two confirm that they have connection with the god of thunder and Groot also mutters an audible, "I am Groot..." He's probably bored.
Hazel sighs and walks over to the tree. "Hey Groot! I think we might need your help." Groot doesn't even look up at her, but Hazel holds down her anger and tries again. "I think that Thor will need your help, so can you please put down the game when it's time?"
Groot shuffles further away from Hazel and rolls his eyes. The blonde grunts in frustration and gives up, not being able to put up with the teen tree's attitude.
"Are you kidding me?!" Rocket says with a laugh. "Buddy, you're in Space! All you got is a rope and a- AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
Thor spins Rocket's pod around with the Guardian still inside. When he sees that the pod has enough momentum, Thor stops spinning. The pod flies forward with its gained momentum and Thor orders, "FIRE THE ENGINE!"
Rocket does as he's commanded and starts up the machine. Thor hangs down at the end of the rope close to one of the rings of Nidavellir. He glides right above it, so he reaches down with one of his hands and digs it in to the metal of the ring. The material starts to disconnect and fly away.
Just like he's jet skiing, Thor rides on the ring until he gets to the edge. The material builds up and completely stops Thor and Rocket from moving forward. Thor holds his ground while Rocket tries to continue in his path.
"More...power, Rabbit!" Thor manages to order. Ignoring the wrong nickname, Rocket once again does as Thor says. With the added power, the rings of Nidavellir start to turn. The three rings in total slowly adjust to their rightful place around the star.
"Well done, boy." Eitri stares at the now open star as it starts up a beam of pure heat. The beam shoots through the rings and into the furnace, heating up the metal.
Thor can be heard in the earpiece saying excitedly to Rocket, "That's Nidavellir!"
Rocket stares at the beauty of the star as Thor laughs in excitement of his success. Hazel strains her eyes and focuses on the little bit of metal that's keeping the star open. Just as predicted, the metal snaps and the star closes.
"Damn it..." Eitri says with an annoyed tone in his voice.
"Damn it? What's damn it?" Rocket turns the pod around to look in the direction of Eitri and Hazel.
"The mechanism is crippled!" Without even thinking, Hazel quotes the dwarf from the movie. Eitri once again looks at the girl in shock as she continues. "The iris is closed. Without it open we can not heat the metal."
"How long will it take to heat?" Thor stares at the iris of the star, knowing there's only one way to forge his weapon in time.
"A few minutes, maybe more. Why?" Eitri asks worriedly.
"I'm going to hold it open." The tone in Thor's voice is confident and set in stone. He along with Hazel know that this weapon is the only chance they have against Thanos in the upcoming Battle of Wakanda. Well, Thor doesn't know that it's in Wakanda, but he does know there's a battle coming, and it involves Thanos.
"That's suicide!" Eitri takes a step forward, his voice filled with the worry of losing his last friend in the universe.
"So is facing Thanos without that axe!" Thor takes a deep breath and jumps off of Rocket's pod. He dives onto the iris and places his hands on the handles. "Allfathers give me strength..."
"Do you understand, boy? You're about to take on the full force of a star!" Eitri's voice chokes up, but he regains it after a second. "It'll kill you!"
"Only if I die." Thor grips the handles even harder and takes another deep breath. Unbeknownst to all four of them, Groot looks up from his video game and glances worriedly at Thor.
Eitri wears a confused look on his face as he tries to make sense of Thor's sentence. "Yes, that's what...'killing you' means..."
Before he can rethink his choice, Thor readies himself and pulls the star open once more. The beam of energy flies through the god of thunder and into the furnace. Thor looks backward into the star in pain and Eitri runs over to the pot of metal.
Hazel follows Eitri to watch the pot with him, but before she gets there something catches her eye. On Eitri's table of tools sits a bag of little crystal-like spheres, and Hazel knows exactly what they are. Proxima Midnight explained to (Y/n) back on her ship that they went to Eitri to get these spheres that can connect their dimensions. These spheres can take her and (Y/n) back home.
Hazel grabs a handful of the spheres, twelve to be exact, and stuffs them in her pocket. She runs over to Eitri to see if the metal has made any progress.
They both stare at the metal, and slowly but surely, it starts melting. The dwarf and the human hold their breath as the metal starts swirling around. The heat from the energy of the star radiates into Hazel's face and blows her blonde hair back. Her eyes become dry from the intense heat and they start to water.
Finally after what seemed like five hours, the last of the metal melts and creates one last air bubble. Eitri quickly turns to the wheel. He can't grip it because of his damaged hands, so Hazel helps. The two turn the wheel making the melted metal pour out of the pot and into the mold.
Thor can't hold the iris open anymore and faints. The energy of the beam from the star pushes Thor forward to where Eitri, Hazel, and Groot are. Rocket yells Thor's name as he sees the god fall from the iris. Rocket drives the pod and tries to catch up with Thor, but the god runs into a pillar and his body slams on the ground in front of Groot.
Rocket parks his pod and jumps out, running over to Thor. Even though he only just met the guy, he respects him for everything he's been through.
Rocket kneels over Thor and puts a furry hand on the god's chest, trying to feel his heartbeat. "Thor, come on, say something!" He puts his ear up to Thor's nose only to find a very faint breathing sound. "I think he's dying!"
"He needs the axe!" Hazel jumps down from her spot by the wheel and runs over, kneeling next to Rocket. She feels for a pulse and sighs when she finds a very slow and faint one.
Eitri slams the mold on the ground and punches the outer shell with his now metal fists. The shell breaks, revealing the stunning silver weapon that has yet to be assembled. One part is the hammer end, and the other is the sharp axe that is destined to penetrate Thanos.
"Where's the handle?!" Eitri yells in a crazily worried voice. Hazel's mind blanks out for a solid two seconds before she remembers what happens. She turns toward Groot as Eitri orders, "Tree, help me find the handle!"
Groot looks between Thor and Stormbreaker. He takes one last look at his video game and his expression changes. He tosses the game aside and stands up, stepping toward the newly made weapon. Groot leans forward and extends his hand, making his fingers grow and wrap around the two pieces of metal. His hand starts smoking, but Groot only grunts at the pain. He holds the two pieces together and lifts up his arm. With a final yell of pain, Groot chops of his arm at the elbow.
The assembled axe falls to the ground with a thud. Groot's arm quickly starts growing back and Thor's fingers start making sparks. As quick as lightning, Stormbreaker flies into Thor's hand.
Without thinking twice, Hazel screams, "Wakanda on Earth!"
Thor understands and summons the Bifrost. Hazel, Thor, Rocket, and Groot are all consumed by the transportation beacon and they find their bodies leaving the ground. Inside the Bifrost, Hazel readies her new boomerang weapons, Rocket loads his gun, Groot fully regrows his arm, and Thor leads them with Stormbreaker extended in front of him.
Don't worry, (Y/n), we're coming.
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