Chapter Eleven: The Power Throughout All of Space
Sorry this chapter is really short, but I really wanted to upload a chapter tonight. Also, I wanted to apologize for something else. So I just watched Infinity War again because I got it on DVD, and I'm sorry for forgetting some key quotes and conversations. Obviously, I can not remember every detail. But, I love how this story is going anyway, so I hope you can look past that!
Also, I wanted to start a little 'question of the chapter' for these last few chapters. You don't have to answer if you don't want, but I'm just a really curious person.
So the question of the chapter this time is: Which is your favorite and least favorite Infinity Stone? My favorite is the Time Stone and my least favorite is the Reality Stone.
Thank you and enjoy the chapter!
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
We only wait about twenty minutes for Thanos to come. During those long minutes, I sit next to Peter Parker and we play rock, paper, scissors. It's really funny to see him accuse me of cheating when he loses, which is a lot. Our fun only lasted so long, though.
Right after I won the next toss, I hear a weird sound. It's like someone opened up a black hole and all the air is being sucked into it. I don't feel anything, but that's what it sounds like. I peer behind the rock Peter and I are hiding behind, and my eyes widen when I see Thanos. The portal made by the Space Stone closes and Thanos walks up to Stephen.
"I take it Maw is dead." Thanos looks around for his minion and Stephen slowly nods. I feel chills go down my spine at the mention of the character, and Peter squeezes my hand. "At least he accomplished his mission."
"He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic Arts. I wouldn't call that an accomplishment." Savage Stephen!
"And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos waves aside Stephen's amazing savage comment, wanting to get straight to the point.
Stephen looks around, not looking that interested. "Let me guess, your home?"
"It was, and it was beautiful." Thanos rests the Gauntlet on his knee and uses the Reality Stone to make Titan look like it used to. "Titan was like most places. Too many mouths to feed and not enough to go around, so I suggested a solution."
"Genocide," Stephen says coldly, stripping away the nice wording that Thanos is trying to use. Honestly, it's like Thanos sees this as a good thing, which I guess he does. It's just so awful to me!
"But random," Thanos backs up his reasoning, trying to make it sound justified. The power of the Reality Stone wears off and the planet looks like it is now. "The men, women, rich, and poor alike. With half of the planet gone, the others would thrive and live in paradise! I call that, 'mercy'. Sometimes the hardest wills require the strongest minds."
"And what of the Power Stone?" Stephen couldn't hold back the question. He's just too curious. "I know (Y/n) didn't give away its location, so how did you come about it?"
"Where is the girl anyway?" Thanos asks.
"Ebony killed her." Stephen clenches his shaking hands, trying to make his lie look even more real. "You didn't answer my question."
"Well, as a matter of fact, (Y/n) did give away the location of the Power Stone." Thanos looks at Stephen's shocked face and continues. "After she escaped, we went through all the footage that she was in on our ship, and we listened carefully to everything she said. I believe she said something along the lines of 'When Ronan was torturing that Xandarian.' and that's when it clicked. The Guardians nor the Ravagers kept the Power Stone, no, it was on Xandar. So, we went there and asked politely. They refused, so we wiped out anyone in our path, meaning the entire planet. As I said already, sometimes the hardest will requires the strongest minds."
It's my fault. It can't be, it just can't! I tried so hard to keep it a secret, and my big mouth gave it away anyway! No, please let it not be true.
My hands start shaking out of pure anger. My breathing becomes unsteady. I start to stand up, but something yanks me back down to the floor. Peter makes me look at him, and I'm about to yell at him but he gags me with his other hand. I struggle as hard as I can but Peter pins me down, his super strength getting the better of me.
After a moment or two, I take control of my breathing. I notice Peter whispering soothing words which helps me calm down. He lets go of my wrists and picks me up, hugging me. "It's not your fault, please believe me (Y/n), it's not..."
After taking another deep breath, I manage to control my shaking a little bit. "I'm sorry, you're right. I won't mess up anymore."
Peter wipes away some stray tears and gives me a kiss on the forehead, making me freeze. He chuckles and gives me one last hug before we both pay attention to Stephen and Thanos once more.
Stephen stands up, enraged that Thanos even dared to accuse me of giving away the location of the Stone. "I think you'll find our will," Boom! Fire shield! "Equal," Boom! Another shield! "To yours!"
Just seeing Stephen mad at Thanos for accusing me makes me happy again. Thanos looks at Stephen with a confused expression. "Our?"
And that's the cue. I watch as Iron Man pushes down a large pile of broken building parts on top of Thanos. "Piece of cake, Quill."
"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" Star Lord makes his mask form around him and charges up his rocket boots.
Thanos yells angrily and uses the Power Stone to free him. The rock around Thanos breaks and he uses the Space Stone to shoot it at Quill and Iron Man. Tony shoots flames at Thanos and the Titan sucks in the fire with the Gauntlet, firing it back at Tony.
Iron Man flies away and Star Lord takes out his two guns. Doctor Strange forms platforms for Star Lord to help him get up to Thanos' height. Quill jumps on each of the platforms as they appear and performs a flip over Thanos' head. As he lands, Quill sticks a bomb on Thanos' back.
"Boom!" Quill flips Thanos off and jumps backward into a portal Stephen made. The bomb goes off and Tony comes back with a lot more explosives. Thanos yells in frustration and covers his head, not being able to see anything.
"I'll be right back!" Peter pats my shoulder and jumps into the fray. Tony and Quill make way for the spider, knowing he'll be alright. Doctor Strange starts making more portals while Thanos is still stunned. Peter jumps into the first one, excited to be teleported somewhere.
"Magic!" Peter jumps through the portal, punches Thanos in the face, and lands in the other portal. "More magic!" He does the same thing but in a different direction. "Magic with a kick!" Peter kicks Thanos in the face and I hold my breath for the last one. "Magic with a-"
Thanos anticipates this one and grabs Spider-Man around the neck. He shoves Peter to the floor. "Insect!" Without wasting another second, Thanos throws Peter like a baseball.
Suddenly, things start to move in slow motion. For some reason, my eyes are drawn to Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. Slowly and without thinking, I step out from my hiding spot. Everything starts moving regularly again, and people start to notice me.
"(Y/n)?!" Star Lord is the first to form words and Thanos turns toward me, not believing his ears. Sure this wasn't part of the plan, but it feels right somehow.
Thanos shoots a blast of purple energy from the Power Stone, and I dodge with ease. I run up to the Mad Titan and he gets in a fighting position. He shoots another blast at me, but right before it could hit me, I jump off the side of a piece of rubble, landing right in front of Thanos. Seeing my chance, I quickly reach forward and brush my fingers against the Power Stone.
A powerful blast pushes me backward just like what happened with the Time Stone when I put it on. I stand up and look at my hands, seeing my veins turn purple and the same color flames circle around my fingers. I smirk, understanding what's happening. Holding my hands out in front of me, I shoot purple flames at Thanos, knocking him down.
I understand now. I can absorb the powers of the Infinity Stones. When I put the Eye of Agamotto on, my arms healed because I reversed time. I'd bet anything right now that my eyes appear to be like purple kaleidoscopes.
Before Thanos can get up, I sprint over to him. I touch the Space Stone and another blast knocks me backward. This time, someone catches me. I notice the metal arms as Iron Man.
"I don't know what you're thinking kid, but you better do it fast!" Tony puts me down and I stick my hands in front of me again. I create a portal underneath Thanos and send him to the other side of the planet, trying to buy us some time. I would have sent him into Space, but that would have taken too much energy. This is good for now.
"(Y/n)! What was that?!" Star Lord lands next to Iron Man, Drax on his tail.
"She can absorb and use the power of the Infinity Stones to some extent." Doctor Strange lands next to me, smiling. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you when we were making the plan, but she needed to discover it on her own. Her reaction would have been different and she would have missed the opportunities."
"That's so cool!" Peter runs up to us and his eyes widen when he looks into mine. "They're like awesome blue crystals!"
I laugh and turn to Stephen. "Why can I do this?"
"You share a special bond with the Infinity Stones. You protected them and kept them hidden from Thanos when he was torturing you. When you refused to give him the locations, the Stones trusted you with their power." Stephen holds up his fake Eye of Agamotto as a reference to the Infinity Stones.
Something starts nagging in the back of my mind, and I can't shake the sudden guilty feeling. "But, you heard Thanos. I ended up giving away the locations of the Stones. I tipped him off about the Power Stone being on Xandar..."
I look down in shame and Tony puts an arm on my shoulder. Stephen smiles and explains, "You didn't do that on purpose, though. The Stones have an unusual way of being able to understand. So what if they somehow got lucky and were able to make an educated guess on where the Power Stone was? You genuinely tried your best to protect the Stones with your life, and they deem that worthy."
"The me?" I look at my hands and see the glowing blue in my veins fading.
Tony squeezes my shoulder. "Well, it's like the wizard said. They seem to understand. If they feel that they are in the hands of a being who's not worthy or has bad intentions, I bet they're letting you absorb some of their powers to help save them from Thanos. They trust you to help them, to protect them."
"Woah...I'm the Infinity Stones' Protector?!"
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