Chapter Eight: To Titan or Earth

Thank goodness this place has WiFi! Enjoy!


She had to do it. There wasn't any negotiation. It was a literal life or death choice, or rather, one death over many. But remember, we don't trade lives.

Gamora understood this, and couldn't bear to see her sister suffer anymore. So, she took him to Vormir. She thought she was just a guide, but when they reached the peak of the mountain, joy lept in her heart.

He loves nothing, no one. How could he possibly acquire the Soul Stone now? Oh, and look, he weeps. But then, she realizes the tears are not for him.

He advances. How could this be love?! Clearly, his hunger for his so called 'destiny' overpowers the love he has for his daughter. This isn't love. Love isn't filled with this fear she feels, or the betrayal she sees. The tears mean nothing to her. Not now that she knows what's about to happen.

He apologizes, but she still struggles and feels her heart break. How dare he.

And down she falls. The one who raised her once again disappoints her. Tears of her own form in her eyes, but not because of the fate that awaits her. It's because of the betrayal that's crushing her and making her fall.

Because for a second, she thought he loved her. But now she understands that he truly loves nothing.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Oh my goodness. My head hurts so much. It's like someone's continuously punching my skull. It just keeps pulsing with pain, but at least its dying down now that I'm awake.

Now, what happened again? I remember I was in Doctor Strange's house and I was learning magic. Then, the events of Infinity War started. I forget where we left off though. I guess I'll go to Stephen and ask because my memory is all foggy.

I open my eyes and I wish I didn't. I recognize exactly where I am.

I guess Thanos and his minions have something for big, dark ships. It's nothing like the ship I was kidnapped on, but it's got the same interior designing. One huge front window, the steering is two handles that you stick your arms in, the ceiling is almost never endingly high, and the room I'm in is very spacey.

Stuck in the same position I was before, I start to realize I can't move anything but my fingers and my head. I'm raised up, levitating above the ground, and tilted up so whoever kidnapped me can talk to me easier.

"(Y/n)?!" I turn my head to my left and see none other than Doctor Strange! He doesn't have his Cloak of Levitation though; I wonder what happened to it. I smile and say hi, despite the fact that he's tied up in a chair and I'm stuck levitating.

Oh no, now I remember everything that happened. Peter Parker was carrying me through the city, helping me get away from- "Ah, so we meet again." ...that guy.

Clenching my hands into fists at my side and turning my nose up at Ebony, I say, "What do you want?!"

The member of the Black Order emerges from the shadows on my right side and creepily circles me until we are face to face, sending chills up my spine. "I think an organism with your knowledge can figure out exactly what I want. Everything will go much more smoothly if you just give it to me."

"How could you just assume that I know what your talking about?" I make eye contact with him to show my confidence, even though it's taking me everything I've got.

"The Time Stone, child." Um, excuse me, but did he just call me child? "You will give it to me. I always get what I want."

"You didn't get the location of the Stones when I was being tortured by you on Thanos' ship..." I definitely should not have said that. Out of pure rage, Ebony slaps me across the face, taking me completely by surprise. This guy never gets physical, I've only ever seen him use tactics, torture, and his powers to cause pain! What just happened?!

"Hey!" Ebony turns to the source of the voice to find Stephen tied up in the chair. "What are you doing?! Don't hurt her!"

"Ah, yes, the magician." Ebony slowly walks toward Stephen and bends down to his height. "You know, as long as I served Thanos, I've never once failed him. Today will not be any different. Now, if you don't like seeing her in pain, then I suggest you take the spell off the Stone and give it to me."

"I can't." I raise my eyebrows at Stephen's response and I can tell Ebony is also a bit shocked. "She took it off me when I was passed out. She was able to because she had good intentions, and her heart was in the right place." I feel my cheeks get warm as he continues. "She controls the spell now, and only she can break it."

Ebony and Stephen both turn to me. The former advances again and I start to get nervous. "End the spell," he commands.

"L-look, even if I wanted to, I don't know how!" I don't want to be tortured by this guy again! Of all the things I change in this story, why does this have to be it?

Slowly, about a hundred thin, clear needles float through the air and surround me. I try to focus on one thing and try to control my breathing, but all that I see are the needles. The thing that makes me even more scared is, if Doctor Strange thought these were painful, then I'm probably going to die.

"The Stone, (Y/n)." Ebony forces a needle slowly forward toward my left cheek. I gulp and screw my eyes shut, not saying anything. All I can think of is that I will never give up the Stone. I can hear the magic shield form around the Time Stone, but I don't feel like I did anything.

The cold needle pokes my face and I can't help but squeak. I hate getting shots at the doctors, and this is a horrible reminder of that. The only thing different is this is one thousand times more painful.

A couple needles poke through both my arms and my muscles tense up, making it hurt even more. I bite my tongue, refusing to let out a scream. More of those stupid needles stab my face. I can't keep my bottom lip from quivering, and I can almost hear Ebony's smirk.

"You sick, twisted alien! Let her go!" I open my eyes and find Stephen struggling in his chair. "She's just a kid! She didn't ask for this! It's my Stone, so torture me instead!"

Ebony turns around just before a couple pain filled tears escape my (e/c) eyes. "That is very noble of you, but you are missing a terrible fact. (Y/n) has the Stone, and she brought that on herself."

About a good minute passes and my skin is littered with the clear, cold needles. He made fun of me for my tears, but I couldn't care less. I am able to stay silent through each new puncture, until he hits my neck just below my jawline and left ear.

"AHHHH!" My breath becomes even more shaky now that my mouth has opened, and my eyes refuse to shut.

I can't take it anymore. I need to escape somehow, just for a little bit. For at least a couple seconds. Oh, maybe I can do that.

Trying to not think of the pain, I focus on the two aspects on what make me (Y/n). My human qualities and my personal ones, and I push them apart just like I did before. It was a bit harder this time, but I manage to project my Astral Body.

Everything still hurts, but it's toned down a lot, which makes me very grateful. I float over to the front of the ship, reaching the window and staring out into Space. It's very beautiful and exactly how it was before. The Earth is nowhere in sight, but billions of stars fill the empty void. I reach toward the glass, wanting to escape the chains of the ship, but a voice from behind stops me.

"What are you doing?"I quickly turn around and see Stephen in his Astral Body. From behind him I spot Ebony and my human body in pain, so I quickly turn back around.

"I-I just needed to escape for a moment..." I look down at my see-through hands and notice something. The places where a needle is stabbing my on my human body makes my Astral Body glow in that place. There's a couple spots of light on my hands, and I bet my Astral Body has a bunch of them.

Stephen floats next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders, looking out into Space. "It's alright. You are very strong."

"I'm not as strong as you." At my words I can feel Stephen rubbing his thumb over my shoulder. This calms me down a lot. "But I won't let him get the Stone."

Stephen turns to me, his face in pure shock. "I can't ask you to do that."

"You don't need to." I turn to him and smile, letting him know I'm confident in my words. "This is my choice. I won't let him help Thanos kill..." I pause because I almost say 'you'. "...anyone."

"How can you say that when you are in so much pain?" Stephen asks.

"Because I know the pain will end soon." I look up at the ceiling toward my right, knowing Peter and Tony are up there, trying to figure out a way to save us.

Stephen smiles and looks out into Space again. "You're right. You'll be ok."

I smile and look outside too. For a moment, everything is fine, but that only lasts until I feel a puncture on the other side of my neck. I gasp and hold onto that area, but the pain broke my concentration. Stephen looks at me worriedly as my Astral Body is forced back into my human body.

"Ow!" I yell once my two halves merge.

"Painful, aren't they?" I look up toward Ebony with tears still flowing down my cheeks as he speaks. "They were originally used for microsurgery, but then-"


I peek behind the Black Order member and spot one of my favorite heroes. Iron Man looks at Ebony and raises his fist. "Let her go!"

Ebony starts walking toward him slowly. He raises his arms making parts of the ship levitate so he can throw them at Iron Man. "I can end her life in an instant."

"You better not, or that'll give me another reason to pound you." Iron Man clenches his fist tighter, ready to fire his missile at any moment.

Ebony takes a couple more steps. "You'll accomplish nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

"Yeah, well," Iron Man looks toward me quickly before he turns back to the Black Order member. "The kid's seen more movies."

As quick as Thor's lightning, Iron Man points his fist to the side of the ship and releases his missile. A giant hole appears in the side of the ship right before I'm sucked into Space behind Ebony.

I scream as I'm quickly pulled into the void, but I catch my breath when a web catches my hand. I look up toward the ship and see Spider-Man struggling to pull me back inside. After a few more struggling moments, the extra spider legs must have emerged out of the back of his suit. In one big pull, Spider-Man yanks me back into the ship.

Iron Man hurriedly repairs the ship and Spiderman keeps me in a hug, not letting me go until the ship is fully sealed.

Tony puts his helmet down and unties Stephen. The magician stands up and rubs his wrists. "That was extreme."

"Uh, how about a 'thank you'? I just saved her!" Tony pats my back and I internally squeal. I'm about to say the thank you, but Stephen quickly grabs my arm and pulls me behind him.

"By almost sucking her into Space!"

"Well what did you expect me to do? I've got no backup and that alien was about to stab her to death!" Tony gestures toward me and I blush, not really knowing what to do.

"I'm backup." Peter points to himself, trying to include himself in the conversation. Despite the tense atmosphere, I giggle a bit.

"No you're not. You're a stowaway." Tony shoos Peter away, signaling him to be quite. Then he gestures to him and Stephen. "The adults are talking."

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused." Stephen shakes his head in a mocking manner. "What is he, your ward?"

I giggle again, making the sorcerer smile a bit. Ignoring the silent message sent by Tony, Peter speaks again. "No, I'm not. I'm Peter by the way."

Stephen looks down at Peter because of the huge height difference and introduces himself. "Doctor Strange."

"Oh we are using are made-up names?" Peter seems unfazed by the awkwardness. "I'm Spider-Man, then."

Stephen rolls his eyes and turns around, heading to the giant window of the ship where the controls are. I head over there too and take off the Eye of Agamotto. "I think you should have this back."

Stephen smiles and puts the necklace on. "You are a very wise young girl. But, why would you give it back to me?"

"Because I don't know how to use it." I laugh and so does Stephen. He looks out the window again, seeming to be lost in thought.

"We need to go back home."

"Yeah, uh..." All of us turn toward Tony who's fiddling with the controls.

"Stark, can you get us home?" Stephen's tone is more of a command than a question.

"Yeah I don't think we should..."

"Stark, you don't understand-" Stephen is cut off by Tony.

"No, it's you who doesn't understand that Thanos has been inside my head for almost six years. And I don't know what to do..." For probably the first time in his life, Tony doesn't have an answer to something, and that makes him scared.

"Are you suggesting that we bring him the Time Stone? If that is so, then I'm afraid-" Once again, Tony cuts off Stephen.

"Unfortunately the Stone is with us, but that's not what I'm suggesting. If we go to his turf, then he's not expecting it. So I say, we take the fight to him." Tony points toward the window as he explains. "Doctor, do you concur?"

After a second of silent tension, Stephen finally makes up his mind. "Alright, Stark, we go to him. But if it comes to saving you, or the Spider, or the Time Stone, I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't because the universe depends on it."

It took me a second to realize Stephen didn't include me in that deal. Before I can say anything, Tony takes control of the ship. "That's good. Prioritizing. Get your morals straight."

It's just then that a thought occurs to me. "We can't..."

Everyone turns to me, Tony looking like he's daring me to continue. "We can't go to Titan. We need to go back to Earth because Steve Rogers-"

"No, ok? The adults already decided!" Tony's voice quivers. I don't want to give him a panic attack, but I also don't want half of my heroes to die.

"I'm just saying that Steve Rogers can help us! The reason that you don't..." I stop myself before I continue. I was going to explain that the reason they don't win is because Steve and Tony aren't working together. They're still split, and that means the team is still split. If we work together, then Thanos doesn't stand a chance. "Never mind."

I turn around and walk away, not wanting to see anyone. I sit down in the corner of the ship and bring my knees up to my face. After a minute, I hear metal footsteps come over and I look up to see Tony sitting down.

"Hey, kid. I'm sorry." Tony puts a metal hand on my shoulder which makes me smile a bit.

"It's alright. It's just..." I wonder if I should tell him that I know about what happened. You know what? Whatever, screw it! "Your disagreement was so stupid! Zemo was playing you the whole time! A-and I'm sorry about your parents, but you and Steve need to make up. I know it's hard, but you can do anything! You're Iron Man! Plus if you don't make up, then bad things will happen."

After a moment, Tony takes me by surprise and wraps his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me close to him and holds me there, silent tears rolling down his face. "I'll try. I promise."

We both stand up to go back, but before we move I give him a hug. Even if I can't change the fact that we are heading to Titan, then I know I can still change the ending. I can still save everyone.

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