Ch#4- The Watcher

[Public Park, New York City, day. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts walk on having a conversation.]

Tony Stark: Slow down, slow down. I'm totally not kidding.

Pepper Potts: [laughing slightly and talking over him] You're totally rambling.

Tony Stark: [also talking over her] No, I'm not.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

"How would I know?" Tony answered.

"Seriously, who is this kid?" Steve asked.

Tony, Rhody and Vision gulped.

Pepper Potts: Lost me.

Tony Stark: Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?

'What!?" Almost everyone asked.

Tony was going red by each passing second. Strange was smiling.

Pepper Potts: Yeah.

Tony Stark: Okay, and then you're like, "Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?" "Oh! Someone's watching." "I'm gonna go in my pants."

"Terrans" Rocket said with a amusing look.

"Rocket it really happens." Drax said in monotone, and Mantis nods seriously. And Quill, Gamora and Groot groans.

Everyone was now eyeing Drax with new amusement.

Pepper Potts: Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee.

"Uhh.." Everyone made uncomfortable noises at this conversation.

"Can we, you know,... Umm.. Fast forward it, really, please." Tony said trying to avoid further uncomfortableness.

"No." Strange simply says, smirking.

"Did Pepper and you conversation always like this?" Shuri asked.

"No" came Tony's answer.

"Yes" Natasha stated at same time. "I've been undercover as Pepper's secretory. And most of time its like this."

At the cue everyone laughs.

Tony Stark: Yes.

Pepper Potts: Yeah. Everybody has that.

Tony Stark: Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?

Pepper Potts: [Nodding in understanding] Right.

Tony Stark: Morgan! Morgan.

Pepper Potts: So you woke up, and thought that we were...

Tony Stark: Expecting.

"Wow, You and Family man. I never expected you to settle. Congrats." Clint said sincerely.

And all the avengers nodded and congratulated him.

Tony's embarrassment vaporized in seconds.

Pepper Potts: Yeah.

Tony Stark: [Becoming excited] Yes?

"Oh Tony" Everyone laughs.

Pepper Potts: [Shaking her head] No.

Tony Stark: I had a dream about it. It was so real.

Pepper Potts: If you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn't have done that.

[Pepper unties his jacket sleeves and taps Tony's chest attachment]

Tony Stark: I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nano particles.

"Nano particles!?" Bruce asked.

"Yes, I...." Tony started but Strange interrupted, "Not now."

Pepper Potts: It's not helping your case, OK?

Tony Stark: No, no, it's an attachment, it's not a-

Pepper Potts: [insistently] You don't need that.

Tony Stark: I know. I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us. The future uses, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of, you know...

Pepper Potts: Shirts?

Tony Stark: You know me so well. You finish all my sentences.

Pepper Potts: You should have shirts in your closet.

Tony Stark: Yeah. You know what there should be? No more surprises. We're gonna have a nice dinner tonight. Show off this Harry Win-stone. Right? And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you.

Pepper Potts: Yes.

Tony Stark: I will.

[Tony kisses Pepper.]

"Aww.." Peter cooed.

[Doctor Strange comes through a portal.]

"Oh. Now you come to interrupt!?" Tony accused Strange. Who just smirked.

Doctor Strange: Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.

[Tony and Pepper are understandably shocked.]

Tony Stark: I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?

It was a Cue of Laugh.

Doctor Strange: We need your help. Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.

Tony Stark: And who's "we"?

Bruce Banner: [emerges from behind Doctor Strange] Hey, Tony.

Tony Stark: [looking surprised] Bruce.

Bruce Banner: Pepper.

Pepper Potts: Hi.

Tony Stark: You okay?

[Bruce gives Tony a desperate hug, not answering. After everything he has been through, we understand.]

[Back at the Sanctum Sanctorum]

Everyone leans forward for knowing as much as possible of the explanation.

Wong: [Using magic to show the universe and five out of six Infinity Stones] From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom! The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.

"Mr. Strange, Mr. Wong said six and only five are shown. Why is that?" Peter mouthed most of peoples thought.

"Oh, you Mortals, you didn't get it" Loki said with a frustrated voice.

"I think you will know in a minute." Strange politely answered.

Doctor Strange: [Each Stone lights up as Strange names them.] Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time.

[Dr. Strange opens the Eye of Agamotto, revealing the Time Stone emitting emerald light.]

"You have the time stone!?" Fury and Thor asked.

"Yes." Strange said ending the conversation.

Everyone last time glanced at Eye of Agamotto, and turn to screen.

Tony Stark: [very attentive] Tell me his name again.

Bruce Banner: Thanos. He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York. That's him.

Every eye turn to Loki.

Who desperately trying to look as nothing is wrong but failing miserably.

"Loki!?" Thor said in a Threatening tone. Loki gulped.

He tried to cast illusion to vanish. But was interrupted by Crimson Bands of Cytorrak, binding him to his place.

"No illusions Loki. You may able to fool them. But not me. Now Answer the question." Strange said in calm voice.

"Well, I also may be in influence of Mind stone which made me angry on Thor and everything he Loves. Nothing much." Loki said weakly.

"You mean to say that, Stone was influencing you entire time, as It influenced us in Helicarrier." Steve asked.

"Yes." Loki said with a sigh.

Tony Stark: [Speaking to himself] This is it... What's our timeline?

"You were expecting this!?" Steve asked.

"Yeah! Anyone remember 2015" Tony sneered. "Wanda's little mind game."

"Oh.." Steve remembered then said "sorry"

"Its okay Rogers now is not the time." Tony shrugged.

Bruce Banner: No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands, on all six Stones, Tony...

Doctor Strange: He can destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.

"Did you seriously just say 'hitherto undreamt of'?" Tony asked.

Tony Stark: [Leans against a cauldron, stretching like he's about to go for a run] Did you seriously just say "hitherto undreamt of"?

Dr Strange ignored every eye and Tony's smirk.

Doctor Strange: Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?

Tony Stark: Is that what this is...?

[The Cloak of Levitation smacks Tony's arm, surprising him.]

"Oh, it is a cool Cape. Mr. Strange, where can I get one." Peter asked with wide eyes.

"Sorry Kid. Its only one in this universe. And my Name is DOCTOR Strange. So call me that." Strange explained. Peter nodded.

Tony Stark: [looking offended] [straightening himself] I'm going to allow that. If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?

"Did you seriously said that?" T'challa asked.

Doctor Strange: No can do.
Wong: We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone. With our lives.

Tony Stark: And I swore off dairy, but then, Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me, so...

"Are you just gonna change the subject when its a universal threat coming towards you?" Carol asked. To which Tony just shrugged.

Doctor Strange: Stark Raving Hazelnuts.

Tony Stark: It's not bad.

Doctor Strange: A bit chalky.

Wong: "A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge" is our favorite.

Bruce Banner: That's a thing?

Tony Stark: Whatever. Point is: things change.

Doctor Strange: Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. This Stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos.

Tony Stark: And still conversely, it may also be his best chance against us.

"Its a valid point doctor." Fury said.

Doctor Strange: Well, if we don't do our jobs.

Tony Stark: [Slightly condescending] What is your job exactly, besides making balloon animals?

Doctor Strange: [Completely calm] Protecting your reality, douchebag.
[You seriously can't tell who's sarcasm is better.]

"Oh-ho-ho. Clash of Ego. I think we finally found someone who can match Tony." Clint said in hope of removing some tension. And some people laughed.

Bruce Banner: Okay, guys, could we table this discussion right now? The fact is that we have this Stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we have to find him now.

Tony Stark: [awkwardly] Yeah, that's the... thing.

"What thing?" Fury, Sam asked with raised eyebrow.

Bruce Banner: What do you mean?

Tony Stark: Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He's offline.

Everyone turn to Vision. Who look as he wants to phase out of this room.

Bruce Banner: What? Tony, you lost another super bot?

Tony Stark: I didn't lose him. He's more than that. He's evolving.

Doctor Strange: Who could find Vision, then?

Tony Stark: [quietly to himself] Shit. [to the other men in a normal tone] Probably Steve Rogers.

Doctor Strange: [sighing in exasperation] Oh, great.

"How do you know about Acco.." Rhody started then corrected himself "forget it."

Tony Stark: Maybe. But... [sighs]

Bruce Banner: [missing the events of the Avengers' Civil War] Call him.

"Yes Tony, Call Steve" Bruce repeated himself.

"Maybe they'll answer it." Tony said weakly.

Tony Stark: It's not that easy. God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we?

Bruce Banner: No.

Tony Stark: The Avengers broke up. We're toast.

"What!?" Thor and Bruce said.

Bruce Banner: [Rather surprised and slightly let-down] Broke up? Like a band? Like The Beatles?

Tony Stark: Cap and I fell out hard. We're not on speaking terms.

Bruce Banner: [Almost pleading] Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not.

Every face fell at the remainder of Asgardian Refugee Vessel.

[Tony hesitates, before pulling out the cellular phone Steve mailed him, muttering 'flip phone'. It seems as though he brings it everywhere, always ready to call his lost friend. Before clicking "Call", he pauses, distracted by an unusual rumbling.]

"You take it everywhere with you!" Steve asked with a small smile.

''Yeah he takes it everywhere.'' Rhody snorted.

Tony Stark: Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?

Doctor Strange: [Looking up at his forelock fluttering] Not at the moment, no.

''So you move them regularly.'' Hill asked amused.

''No, but some of my spells, generally makes strong wing current.'' Strange drawled.

[Tony looks at the Hulk-made opening through the ceiling and sees debris flying by outside.]

[He exits the Sanctum through the front door and scans the chaotic surroundings, the camera shaking around in this following long take to illustrate the chaos -- people running and screaming in alarm, traffic becoming impossibly tangled. A woman falls nearly at his feet and he helps her up.]

Tony Stark: You okay?

[The woman ignores him and runs away. A car crashes in on a pole behind Tony.]

Tony Stark: Help him! Wong, Doc.
Bruce Banner: Go! Got it!

"What's happening!?" Peter asked.

Tony Stark: [Putting on his sunglasses] F.R.I.D.A.Y., what am I looking at?

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Not sure, I'm working on it.

Tony Stark: Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!

Doctor Strange: [Bands of spells are readied around his forearms] Might wanna use it.

[A mechanical hum grows louder as Tony approaches the intersection. As he turns the corner, he sees a huge circular ship floating over Bleecker Street.]

"Oh no. They arrived." Quill said.

[On a school bus, the hairs on Peter Parker's arms stand up. He looks out the window and sees the ship.]

"Seriously who is this kid?" Steve asked final time.

"If he is here, it will show it." Tony said with eyes on screen.

Peter Parker: [Tapping his best friend in the seat in front of him] Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction.

"Distraction!? What are you thinking of doing kid. Its not your level. Don't think of going there please." Clint asked worried for the kid.

Ned Leeds: [Turns around and sees the spaceship] Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!

[Students scramble to the windows in the back to see the spaceship.]

[Peter quickly slides on one of his Stark-made web shooters, and webs the emergency exit lever on the opposite side of the bus.]

"Don't tell me. You take a Kid in Germany to fight us!?" Steve asked Tony with a sigh.

Strange paused the movie at Bus drivers face shown. But no one had their eyes on it.

"Well I was under hand at that moment." Tony said slowly.

"That don't explain, you taking a 14-15 year kid at a Fight. I guess, You give him that suit. He is only a kid, Tony. How can you endanger his life in our mess?" Steve angrily asked.

"Sorry, Captain. But I was doing what I think was right, and I was using my powers way before Mr Stark came to me. He gave me better upgrades so I will be safe. So don't blame Mr Stark that I came endanger because of him." Peter defended Tony.

"Sorry Cap. But kid is right. Peter Parker aka Spider Man, stopped 10 accidents and at least 15 criminal activities inside New York, before our Accords problem. I first thought, you would be a younger one, but not this young. I was going to come to you, then Accords happened. Trust me, if I got to you first, you would not be on that mess." Clint said with a smirk.

"How you found out!?" Peter asked shocked.

"Well kid. I am a Spy. We were recruiting, and I was retiring. And only Tony and I can make laughable comments. I had to get a heir. But then I found your all details, I postponed my meet with you for about 5 years, because of your age." Clint explained. "So Rogers, Tony may made a mistake to take him to battle, but he definitely is hell of a Hero."

Bus Driver, Stan Lee: What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?

"Hey, this guy is that FedEx delivery man." Rhody said.

"But, he is our bus driver for some time." Peter said.

"Sorry kid, but he is the one of Retired Solider who Drank Thor's wine at That party, the Ultron one." Steve said.

"No my friends, he may look like that person but He is the person on Sakaar that cut my Hairs." Thor said angrily. Loki sniggers.

"No! I saw him on Xendar." Rocket said.

''How many of you seen this Guy?'' Carol asked. And got almost every hand in air. ''Weird''

Strange laughs. Everyone turns to him.

"What are you laughing at?" Tony asked.

"Well, I think you all are Right." Strange said. "He may have been present at all the time you said. And maybe more, we didn't notice."

"What do you mean!?" Carol asked.

"He's name is Uatu, he is a member of species called Watchers, as the name they just watch other species, develop. And has some 'no interaction' rule, which he don't follow. So yeah. Every person in this universe is watched by those beings." Strange smirked.

[Peter jumps out the window, clinging to the side of the bus and pulling on his mask before leaping over the side of the bridge, shooting a web line and swinging free. He makes his way hastily towards the ship.]

Tony Stark: F.R.I.D.A.Y., evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders.

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Will do.

[Doctor Strange throws the Winds of Watoomb over Bleeker Street, and winks at Tony. The dust clears. Tony is begrudgingly amused for a split second.]

"What was that!?" Wanda asked.

"Winds of Watoomb" Strange answers with a shrug.

"Cool" Peter said excited.


2743 words
Widow Out.

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