Chapter 9
Final chapter!!! I really hope you enjoyed this, I admit it was hard to write (I only had the beginning and end in my mind, and no middle so I threw it together as best as I could) and it's definitely short. But I truly hope you guys enjoyed it! I know I did in the end.
Anyway, I won't keep you long. This chapter is a long one. Thanks for seeing me through another book! (there is another A/N at the end that I wrote when I first wrote the story, ima keep it there, but it's basically repeating this lol and talks a tad more about this chapter) Enjoy...
The day was finally here. Today, Infinite and Eggman were going to unleash their master plan and wipe out the entire Resistance. Today, they would win the war. Today, Infinite will become a step closer to having (Y/N) in his arms once again.
The jackal was getting ready, cleaning his mask and checking over the Phantom Ruby in his chest. All seemed good, set up perfectly. He was ready for the attack, and he was ready for the torment of his clan's death to be over. Finally, he'll be able to rest after this. He'll be able to rest knowing he got his revenge and fulfilled the promise he made to (Y/N).
Finally, it was time to go. He looked around the empty room, thinking about his teammates and wondering if they really were watching over him all this time, and grateful if they had. The feeling of them being there had kept him sane. The jackal smiled slightly, before sliding the mask over his head, the cool metal rubbing against his fur.
Letting out a sigh, Infinite left the room and walked to Eggman's main laboratory. There, the human was getting his things together, giving another ruby one final test. Once he was done, he smirked and destroyed it. Finally, the prototype was complete. Infinite's current gem was the best choice they had made out of the whole bunch.
The mad scientist turned to his furry friend, the evil smirk still plastered on his face,
"Shall we go then?" He asked.
"Of course." Infinite nodded, "I'm ready when you are doctor."
Infinite and Eggman were hovering over a large city of ruins. The buildings around them had been destroyed, some had collapsed on their own due to the damage they received. Infinite's handywork was for show, and this was destined to give them the one up as they faced their enemy. The jackal couldn't help but feel proud of the mess, seeing the destruction now as they unleashed their plan... It was perfect.
The Resistance was below them, most of them standing still and glaring up at the two villains as Sonic walked forward to say his bit. Infinite couldn't care to listen; it would most likely be some sort of heroic speech about how they plan to win. It was futile, and the jackal knew this; though it was still entertaining seeing everyone filled with hope, hope that will soon be ripped away.
It only took seconds after the blue idiot's speech, and the Resistance had been overrun with clones. Clones of Shadow, Metal Sonic, Chaos and Zavok fought the good guys, the emotionless shells relentless in their attacks.
"Aha! It's working!" Eggman said, a smile spread under his moustache, "Everything is going according to plan! The Resistance won't stand a chance."
"I agree, their resistance is... Amusing at the least." Infinite nodded, watching the battle below.
"Yes, and once this is over, the world can finally be rebuilt. Your team didn't die in vain." Eggman stated, his tone changing slightly as he spoke of Infinite's fallen comrades.
"Exactly, and it will be all the more perfect once I have (Y/N) by my side again." The jackal said, crossing his arms.
Eggman went silent, clearly choosing not to comment on his statement. His evil smile fell, and he turned his attention back to the carnage below. Infinite stared at him for a moment, wondering why the doctor suddenly stopped talking. The more they had talked about Infinite's family, the more Eggman's emotions had changed. He didn't agree or disagree with his ally. In fact, he seemed rather indifferent about it.
Infinite shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the fight. It was going beautifully just... Much more slowly than he imagined.
"I think I'll go speed things up." The jackal said, his hand started to glow.
"Wait." Eggman held up his hand, "Someone's missing. It looks like their new recruit isn't there. He might be up to something."
Infinite blinked, before scanning the battle scene below. The doctor was right, the red wolf was nowhere to be seen. What could he be up to? That's when he noticed the yellow fox was missing as well. He remembered the yellow fox from when he defeated Sonic; the young canine was able to scan Infinite and figure out his abilities so he was definitely a liability.
"Go! Find that rat!" Eggman yelled, swiping his hand through the sky, "Or you can kiss your girlfriend goodbye... Or not at all."
The jackal growled to himself before nodding, "Yes doctor, I will find the new recruit and exterminate him."
And he took off, flying away from the waging battlefield in search for the cursed wolf. There was no way a newbie like him was going to stop (Y/N) from coming back. Infinite wouldn't allow such a low blow.
As he flew away, Eggman kicked the master plan into action. As planned, the sun appeared directly above them, heat raining down on the entire town as the battle clashed behind the flying jackal. He growled again, wishing he could see the Resistance's face, but knowing what was important. He flew faster, this stupid recruit needed to be found and put to an end.
It took a while, Infinite had to fly all over the city and then eventually made his way to Eggman's laboratory. The blasted dog was probably going to try and sabotage their plans. The jackal was right, finding the new recruit standing on top of Eggman's base, his head was tilted to the sky.
Taking a closer look, Infinite realised he was holding a prototype of the Phantom Ruby. But how, he thought Eggman had destroyed them all. Did he really let one slip past without his knowledge? He growled to himself, taking off to attack the wolf.
But a bunch of hands grasped at his shoulder, the jackal felt like he couldn't move, like he was frozen mid-flight. He grunted and tried to break free, looking around to see who was holding him back. There was no one there, nothing could have been stopping him in this moment; and yet something had him in it's grasp. He struggled, watching as the wolf bent down to the ground, clearly about to jump.
"No!" Infinite yelled, realising what was about to happen. The wolf was about to stop their plans, he was going to ruin everything!
"Infinite..." A voice whispered in his ear as he watched in dismay, unable to move. His entire body was frozen, and he couldn't figure out why. Was it linked to the voice? Whose voice?
The wolf raised his hand, shooting the grappling hook into the sky. It disappeared into the large sun, clanging as it grabbed onto something, and the jackal yelled as the wolf flew up to the sky. No, he wasn't going to lose, he can't lose, not like this.
"Infinite..." The voice whispered again, now irritating to the jackal.
"Let go!" He roared, shooting forward through the air. He headed towards the sun, but within seconds it had disappeared. Their plan had failed.
Infinite growled, feeling tears threaten to fall from his eyes. No. No they had lost. There was no way Eggman would bring (Y/N) back, not now. Rage filled the jackal's stomach, a warm, dangerous feeling as he took off into the sky. Looking around, he spotted the red wolf standing at the front of Eggman's base; in front of the mad scientist, Sonic was by his side. Infinite clenched his fists, before dashing towards them.
He tackled the wolf, causing the other to yelp as he slammed him into the ground. The jackal stood over the rookie, who let out a groan and tried to get up. He huffed and stood on his chest,
"Pathetic lifeform... I will crush you..." His voice dripped with hate, he pressed down harder on the boy's chest.
"That's it Infinite! Finish him off." Eggman yelled from behind, clearly adapting to the action straight away.
But they had both forgot one crucial detail. Sonic.
The blue hedgehog spun into the jackal's back, sending him flying into a wall. The jackal grunted, before pushing off the wall and punching Sonic across the muzzle. This sent the hedgehog back, tripping over the rookie and hitting his head against the ground. He groaned and held it, trying to blink away the stars.
Infinite walked over to the two, his hands sparked with red energy; no, his entire body was crackling with red electricity. The hedgehog and wolf turned their gazes up to him, both still very dazed by the strong attack.
"You... You ruined everything..." Infinite growled, clenching his fists again, "She was meant to come back... She was going to be brought back... And you got in the way!"
"Get em Infinite." Eggman said, "Kill them, and I'll bring her back."
"Wh-Who...?" Sonic started, trying to sit up.
Infinite growled and grabbed him around the neck, lifting him to the sky, "(Y/N)... Ring any bells?"
"N-Not... Really..." Sonic gasped, grabbing at his arm, his eyes wide as the jackal started to choke him.
"Oh really... You don't remember the day you murdered her family? The day she cursed your demise? The jackal girl who stood in the rubble, her family buried by your carelessness... The people you chose not to save, leaving her with no one else in the world. You don't remember that?"
"W-Wait..." Sonic gasped, nodding as best as he could in the gloved hand, "Y-Yeah... I remember..."
"Oh do you... Well guess what? I'm here to fulfil her promise. Your death."
The blue hedgehog grunted, closing his eyes as Infinite tightened his grip. He started kicking his feet, nailing the jackal in the stomach and sending him back. Infinite let go of the hedgehog, holding his stomach as he tried to catch his breath, not wanting to let Sonic know he get him. The blue blur landed on his feet, holding his neck and breathing heavily.
"You know... Being a hero is a lot harder... Than people make it out to be..." Sonic said slowly, raising his head towards Infinite, "We can't... Save everyone..."
"Sounds like you're a pretty shitty hero then." Infinite stated, "What a pathetic excuse. The fasted hedgehog alive couldn't spare a few seconds of his time?"
"In my defence, I didn't know there were people in that building."
"Should have checked."
"People make mistakes." Sonic growled, "Just like Shadow making the mistake of slaughtering your team."
Something snapped inside Infinite, and the jackal let out a yell, charging at the heroic hedgehog. He raised a fist, swinging at the blue blur, but Sonic side stepped and kicked Infinite in the back. The jackal fell to the floor, growling and swiping a hand out, he too knocked Sonic to the ground. Climbing above the hedgehog, the jackal raised his hands, a ball of red energy crackling between his fingertips.
"Don't ever mention my family!" He yelled, swinging his hands down.
As the ball left his fingers, Sonic was ripped out from under him, and the jackal was shoved to the side. The energy hit the ground, blowing up dirt and metal, and a wire wrapped around one of his legs. The rookie had gotten back to his feet, and now swung Infinite around, throwing him into Eggman's base. The jackal hit the wall, feeling something inside him break; though he wasn't sure what; before falling to the ground.
"N-No..." He stuttered out, holding his side in pain, "I will not... Lose..."
"Sorry man, but villains never win." Sonic said, giving his teammate a fistbump.
"No... I can still... I will fight!" The jackal held up his hands, the area around them glitching black and red and the two heroes were lifted off the ground. Gravity disappeared, "I will not lose! I will not..!"
He coughed, blood splattering on the inside of his mask, sliding down his muzzle and to his neck. He rubbed his neck slightly, staring at the blood on his gloved hand. No, it was not going to end like this. He glared at the two heroes, clenching his bloodied fist. They were climbing to their feet, Sonic making sure his teammate was alright, the two turning their attention back to Infinite.
It was clear they were waiting; what was his next move? Would he attack? Run? What SHOULD he do? He felt a warm presence by his side, a hand touched his shoulder, and the wolf's eyes seemed to widen as if seeing a ghost. Sonic seemed unphased by whatever his friend was looking at.
Infinite closed his eyes for a moment, catching his breath. He could do this; he could defeat Sonic. He had to. For her.
"Thank you (Y/N)..." He mumbled, climbing to his feet. His body screamed in pain, but he protested it; he faced his foes.
"Finally awake?" Sonic asked, giving his enemy a smirk, "Took ya long enough, so, what's the plan now hm? Gonna duke it out? I can go all day you know."
The hedgehog punched his fist to his palm, the wolf glanced at him, before nodding and taking a fighting stance. The two were relentless, Infinite would admit that. But now he was calm, poised, ready to win this battle.
"Infinite! Stop the playing and finish them!" Eggman yelled from some high place, sounding impatient, "This has gone on long enough! Kill them now!"
He ignored his ally, focusing on getting his senses back. After having a small spell, the jackal took a deep breath, feeling his ribs crack slightly, a sharp pain shot through his chest. Good, he could use this, fuel his power with it. The jackal chuckled, adjusting his mask.
"You insolent fools... You've doomed yourself." He said, before the red aura surrounded him and he floated above them. The jackal saw Sonic lean into his friend's ear, whisper something. The wolf nodded, before aiming the grappling hook at Infinite.
The jackal growled, and when the hook came flying at his face, he knocked it to the side, grabbing the wire and pulling the wolf towards him. The rookie flew up towards him, striking Infinite's mask and sending him back. The jackal shook his head and growled, raising his clawed hand before Sonic jumped and homing attacked into him. His blue quills were sharp and cut into Infinite's chest, cracking the Phantom Ruby.
Infinite yelled as his entire body became enveloped in pain. Sharp stabs and long agonising aches filled his joints, his chest, his back, everywhere was in pain. His torso became warm as his blood soaked his fur, and he fell from the sky.
He hit the ground with a thud, Sonic and the rookie landing on too far from him. Sonic's quills were covered in his blood, and the jackal growled, trying to get up. Sonic nodded at his friend, who walked over and stepped on Infinite's chest.
The jackal cried out, feeling the ruby chip and break more. The power was surging inside him like an untamed animal, nothing was keeping it at bay, it was ripping up his inside. He grabbed at the red wolf's leg, clawing him slightly, unable to do anything else. The wolf blinked in shock, before stumbling back. It was as if he had just seen the blood, and he turned back to Sonic, pointing at Infinite in a haste.
Sonic ran over, looking at Infinite. His eyes widened at the damage they did, "Oh jeez... We really did a number on him... The Phantom Ruby is cracked too..."
The wolf pointed at Infinite again, tugging on Sonic's arm. The hedgehog glanced at him in confusion, tilting his head,
"Rookie... I don't think we can..." He sighed, shaking his head, before kneeling next to Infinite.
The jackal growled, which turned to gurgling as he clawed at Sonic, but the hedgehog caught his arm and pinned it down, "Take the mask off him."
Infinite could do nothing as the wolf obeyed, the air was cool on the jackal's face. He coughed, blood spitting out around him. The pain was unbearable, he could hardly move. Two of the people he hated most surrounded him, and he could do nothing.
Sonic looked down at him, sadness looked to be swimming in his eyes, "Eggman wasn't going to bring her back man... You have to know that."
Infinite only glared at him, his promise was just there, a snap of the neck away...
But his arms were pinned, he was stuck. His body felt like it was on fire, everything around him was starting to fade. He was losing consciousness.
"N...No..." The jackal growled, trying to fight it, to struggle, to win, "H-He..."
"He lied to you, trust me." Sonic said, holding him down and turning to the other, "Call the others, we can try and help."
The wolf nodded and ran away, holding his wrist to his muzzle. Sonic faced the jackal again,
"It's alright, we're going to help you." He said, "Just stay with us."
"N-No..." Infinite coughed again, choking on his own blood. His head laid back; the jackal unable to hold it up anymore, "(Y-Y/N)..."
Sonic left his vision, and the sky above him turned white. Warmth spread throughout his body, and the pain slowly started to fade. The spunky (Y/N) was standing above him, his clan behind her. They were all watching him, their emotions hard to convey. Were they sad? Disappointed in their leader? Happy to see him? The jackal tried to sit up, but he just couldn't. Sonic was still holding him down.
Slowly, (Y/N) stepped forward, kneeled next to Infinite. She pressed a hand to his cheek, her palm felt real against his muzzle and the jackal couldn't help but tear up. She tilted her head at him, giving him a small smile,
"You did good Infinite..." She said softly.
"I failed..." The jackal managed to say, surprised by how steady his voice now was.
"No you didn't." She said, before leaning down and pulling the jackal into a hug. He closed his eyes tightly, his arms breaking free of their hold and wrapping around the girl, "I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you... Watching you all this time... Seeing you suffer the expectations... I'm sorry..."
"No (Y/N)." Infinite said, the tears now running down his muzzle, "Don't apologise... You're here now. Eggman brought you back."
"I-Infinite..." The girl choked slightly, tears now running down her muzzle, "Eggman didn't... He was never going to..."
"But then... How are you here, what's going on...?" The jackal asked, "Did we win? I'm sure we won. Right...?"
The female lowered her head slightly, shaking it, before she gave him a smile, "You're safe now, and no longer suffering. That's all that matters to me."
"I..." Infinite stopped, realising the reality of what had happened. He pulled away from the other, staring at her, "I really did fail you; I couldn't fulfil your promise... I couldn't..." He turned away from her, biting his lip. He'd let her down, she died in vain.
"Shh..." She said, turning his head back to face her, she gently pet his head, "It's alright, I'm just happy to have you here... We all are. It's good to have your leader back. Even if it means..."
She stopped, not wanting to upset the jackal. Infinite closed his eyes, trying to believe the girl's words. But he had spent so long trying to avenge his team, he had spent so long trying to fulfil (Y/N)'s promise... The leader turned his gaze to the rest of his clan, wondering what their thoughts were. They stood together somewhat awkwardly, all watching him with sad smiles. Zaun stepped forward, offering his hand to his boss,
"Welcome back boss." He said, hoisting their leader to his feet. Infinite nodded to him, giving him a pat on the back before he turned to the rest of the crew.
"I'm sorry I let you all down." He said, lowering his head, "I should have been a better leader, I'm sorry for what happened to you all. And I'm sorry for falling to the hands of the Resistance. I... I should have been stronger..."
"Pssh, who cares?" Zoe asked, swaying her hand, "We're cool with it, you totally kicked Sonic's ass."
"Yes, you tried your best, and we're all quite flattered by your loyalty as our leader." Zane said, rubbing his nose, "We're just glad you're with us once again boss."
"Plus I haunted Shadow's bathroom, he won't find his toothbrush for years." Zee said, giving a shrug, "Or his soap, or his shampoo."
Infinite couldn't help but smile at his group. Trust his teammates to help make him feel better about, well anything. If they said they were happy with him, then he'd take it.
He turned to (Y/N), who was still next to him, and he put an arm around her waist. He finally had her in his arms, and he finally had his team back with him. Despite everything that had happened; despite all the failures and pain he endured; all he could feel now was warmth. And light. And happiness.
Finally, he had his girl, his family, and finally he was happy.
I've been wanting to write this since I wrote the oneshot in the Sonic Boys X Reader, and I finally did it! I REALLY hope you enjoyed it (even though everything was ripe trash fire until this chapter)
I literally took days to write this final chapter, I wanted it to be perfect. And yeah, it's not really perfect, but I'm still proud of it nonetheless and I really do hope you guys enjoyed it.
I admit, I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter; I had planned this ending from the beginning, but God dammit I got attached to Infinite and his ambitions/goals/promises and it was a struggle to do what I had planned. BUT I DID IT ANYWAY.
So yeah, I hope the story wasn't too terrible, and I'm sorry if it was. But I did have fun writing it!
That's all for this book,
Haven Out!!!
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