Chapter 7
Many months had passed since Infinite's attack on the city. He was ruthless, murdering the dozens in his wake, scaring off anyone that had survived, fighting anyone that was brave enough to try and fight back. He used the attacks on the cities to let his anger out. The jackal had hardly been sleeping, the nightmares having gotten worse.
He hardly saw (Y/N) in his recurring dream, it was recurring less and less. His sanity felt limited, every time he dreamt of her, he grew desperate and silently begged for her to stay, and every time she would only give a sad smile and shake her head, before fading away.
The more time that passed, the less sleep he got, Infinite was starting to get desperate. He had allowed himself to slip, the power taking control of him as he caused mass destruction. He was hellbent on stopping the Resistance, of getting rid of all heroes. Because they weren't heroes, they were murderers. All of them, every single one.
And he was determined to get (Y/N) back.
He couldn't deny, the Resistance had hidden themselves well, their base was nowhere to be seen, most likely hidden amongst the rubble. That was something Infinite had noticed about them, they would adapt and use their surroundings as good camouflage to stay hidden. What insolent cowards. They were even recruiting people to fight back, innocent people Infinite would happily cut down, trying to drive the message home to those weak mortals.
They were going to pay for what they did. He was going to slaughter every single one. He was going to win, no, he was winning.
He knew they were desperate. Their recruits were but strangers off the streets, injured and terrified, hardly even able to stand on their own two legs when they crossed the maddened jackal. He cut them down with ease.
But... There was one recruit that had been smart, instead of fighting they had run. However, Infinite soon realised that was a mistake to let them go, as they managed to break into one of Eggman's bases -the one with Sonic being held captive- and free the blasted hedgehog. Infinite had left a huge dent in the wall when Eggman broke the news to him. That hedgehog was meant to be dead, curse the doctor for deciding to keep him alive, it was just another setback in their plans. Another setback in getting (Y/N) back...
Infinite let out a sigh, coming to sit on top of a still standing building. Staring out into the carnage of the city, the jackal could almost feel her presence next to him. She'd be standing for sure, a hand on her him and a smirk on her muzzle.
"We did it huh?" He swore he heard her say, "Look at this mess, it's beautiful!"
"Yeah, but we're not done yet. Sonic still must pay for what he did to you. And Shadow... He better be prepared for Hell..." Infinite growled to himself, closing his eyes, feeling them burn with tears.
No. He would not cry. He wasn't that weak, emotional jackal anymore. He was better, stronger. He'd allow himself to cry once (Y/N) was back in his arms. He'd allow himself to feel once he felt her. The jackal raised his head to the red-tinged sky, gritting his teeth as a single tear soaked through the fur on his muzzle. Once his beating heart calmed down, once the feeling of his crew surrounding him left, only then did he get to his feet, the feeling of determination once again ablaze in his chest.
So what if Sonic was free? Infinite had defeated him before, and he knew he could do it again. The 'hero' of Mobius is weak, injured, unprepared. The jackal just had to make sure the blue idiot stayed away from Eggman's base long enough for their main plan of action to commence.
"Any day now..." He said to himself, clenching his gloved hands, "Any day now (Y/N), and then we'll be together at last."
Infinite was currently flying through the thick jungle around Eggman's base. The jackal was on high alert, knowing he was close to where he had lost everything, and also aware that one of the members of the Resistance were in the area. This would be his chance to finish one of them off, to send them running, break them as they did him.
Slowly, he came to a stop, ignoring the tension in the air around him. Here he was, the dark stains in the ground were now gone, washed away by rain and dirt, yet the scene was still plastered in Infinite's mind.
However, this time something was different. Instead of a black and red hedgehog standing in the middle of the clearing, there was a silver one, his quills shaped like that of a maple leaf. Infinite growled to himself, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in. Easy, he's alone. This will be a piece of cake.
With a chuckle, the jackal flew and slammed into the other, sending the silvery hedgehog into the wall. The hedgehog, clearly not expecting such an attack, if any attack at all, cried out as he hit the stone barrier. He glanced around quickly, now on high alert. When he spotted the jackal, a frown pulled at his muzzle and he slowly stood.
"Are you the Dark Mercenary?" He asked, glaring at his attacker, holding his shoulder as if in pain.
"You... May call me Infinite." The jackal said, adjusting his mask from the impact, "Of course, that's the last thing you'll call anyone..."
"In your dreams!" Silver growled and flew at his attacker, the jackal easily evaded him, grabbing him by the back quills and throwing the hedgehog into the ground.
The silvery hero let out a groan but recovered quickly. He looked around, a few pebbles around him started to glow turquoise, slowly they started to lift off the ground and flew towards Infinite. A smirk pulled at his muzzle, hidden from the hedgehog, and as the small rocks drew closer the glow shifted from the calm turquoise to a violent red. They crumbled, shaping into sharp blades and flew back towards Silver.
The hedgehog barely managed to bring up a shield to deflect the shards of rock. He let out a grunt as Infinite attacked the bubble around him, striking it with a swipe of energy. Another swing and the power caused Silver to stumbled back, his shield falling. Infinite swooped down and grabbed the hero by the neck, lifting him into the air.
"You're nothing but a weak pest. Soon enough you'll be wiped from this world..." The jackal stated calmly as Silver clawed at his arm.
"N-Never...!" The hedgehog grunted, "The R-Resistance will... Rise against you... We will win..." He gasped out as Infinite tightened his grip.
"Such a hopeful dream. How futile." He chuckled, digging his fingers into the silvery hedgehog's neck, "It's a shame you won't be there to see it all be stripped from you. You'll never understand the pain of losing everything..."
Silver whimpered as the enraged jackal slammed him into the ground. He gaped as the wind was knocked from his lungs, stunned and unable to move. Infinite adjusted his mask, flying up above the other. He lifted his hands above his head, a red ball forming between them. This was it. He was finally going to take something from them. He was going to start his vengeance. He was going to get (Y/N) back.
But just before he could end the hero's life, something slammed into the jackals back, sending him into the ground. Infinite groaned, getting on his hands and knees and shaking his head. When he lifted his gaze, a dark hedgehog stood above him. Infinite startled, jumping to his feet with a growl. That's when he realised it was Sonic, the blue fool smirking at the jackal.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would assume you were about to kill my buddy there." He said, making sure to stand between Silver and the jackal.
Infinite calmed his racing heart upon realising his mix up and stared at the blue blur, "You may have gotten out, but I know you're weak. I will destroy you in seconds."
"Funny that." Sonic shrugged, taking a few steps towards him, "I was going to say the same thing..."
And the two ran at each other. Just before either could make contact, Sonic jumped over Infinite and kicked him in the back. The jackal stumbled and growled, glaring back at the blue hedgehog. His hands sparked with energy and he threw it at him. But Sonic dodged quickly and ran at him.
The jackal reacted quickly this time, stepping to the side and holding his leg out. Sonic's eyes widened and he tripped over the other's foot, flying through the air and landing next to Silver. The hedgehog let out a groan, having his face skid through the dirt. Infinite growled, holding his side as a fiery pain took hold of his body. It was awfully intense. Sonic had really taken him by surprise.
He shook his head. No, no he can't let them know they got to him. A war stirred in his mind; to stay and fight these two, possibly losing, or retreat and grow stronger. Retreat... What a joke. Yet her presence was there again, coming from behind him, enveloping him. Warmth. His side throbbed. And the jackal made his decision.
"I'll let you both live... For now..." He said, flying up from the cursed ground. He did his best to hide his pain, "You're nothing against me anyway... I'll finish you off when the time is right."
Sonic started to get to his hands, turning his emerald gaze up to Infinite, "H-Hey... What a second..!"
And with that, Infinite flew off like a dog with its tail between its legs. Pathetic. He really was pathetic. Running from a fight he could have won. But the burning pain in his side worsened and he knew another hit would have knocking him down and out.
Finally, the jackal landed back at the new hidden H.Q., in fact he nearly toppled over. He hurried inside and into Doctor Eggman's laboratory. The mad scientist turned as the jackal barged in, panting, and he tilted his head at his ally.
"Infinite, what happened to you?" He asked, sounding more annoyed than worried.
The pain in Infinite's side grew and spread across his stomach, his chest. The jackal let out a groan, unable to keep his footing, and fell to the ground.
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