Chapter 4


Another few weeks had passed, and over that time Infinite had grown to care for the new recruit. He wasn't sure how, or even why for that matter, as he'd never been attracted to a teammate before; but this new girl, or not so new anymore, had really done something to him. It was something he hadn't thought about before, and now that he was sure of his feelings, a lot of other things had made sense.

And he was starting to wonder if (Y/N) felt the same way. There was no doubting the two worked together well as a team, and they got along swimmingly. Sometimes he found himself thinking back on the hug, wishing he'd just hugged back, and wondering if the other was disappointed because he didn't. There were a few other times when Infinite might be able to guess the female was interested, but he couldn't be too sure until he had asked.

Which sounded terrifying to him, and he wasn't sure why.

The leader of the squad had spoken with Zaun, his right-hand man, to ask what he thinks should be done. His friend had at first been shocked, surprised, but finally loosened up to the idea of Infinite being with a member of the team.

"It's up to you boss, you're our leader." He had said, rubbing the back of his head, "But be careful, she could crush your heart with one simple word."

He had a point, but the leader only shook his head in response. He had to try, had to know. And that's why he was now planning on asking (Y/N) if she'd like to be his co-leader soon. It was a small step, but it was also a way of protecting himself. If she declined the position, that would be the end of it, he wouldn't pursue her anymore.

But he really did hope she would accept the offer, because then when the time was right, he would ask her to be more.

The two were currently circling the city once again, however this time it wasn't just a security check, but more of preparation for war. Eggman had finally gotten somewhere with the Phantom Ruby prototypes, and he wanted to test them out soon. So he had sent the squad to do one last check, and familiarise themselves with the city.

"As if we wouldn't have by now." (Y/N) had said, though there was a spike of excitement in her tone.

"I think he just wants us out of his way while he prepares everything else." Infinite said, landing in an allyway; his eyes scanned the area, before nodding to himself, he girl following suit.

"I suppose so. But I just can't wait!" The girl smiled, slamming a fist into her palm, "I can't wait to watch the light fade from Sonic's eyes. I can't wait until he recognises me, and remembers he's still a murderer."

Infinite smiled at her, God he really loved her determination. He felt something pull in his chest, and he let out a deep breath. Alright, now was better than never.

"(Y/N), I have something I would like to offer you." He said, causing the girl to stop jumping and look at him in confusion. He smiled warmly, before rubbing his head, his chest felt light, fluttery, "You know we're all glad to have you here, the whole team are glad to have you with us. I, myself, am glad to have you here. We all enjoy your company."

"Oh, now you do huh?" The girl put a hand on her hip, raising a brow, before a wide smile spread over her muzzle, "Go on."

He chuckled lightly, shaking his head, "Being a leader can be hard, sometimes we won't make the best choices, and sometimes we are the only ones that know what's right. But it's tough, balancing everything on your shoulders."

"Sounds scary." The girl nodded, "Why are you telling me this anyway?"

"Because... I'd like some help." He said, "I'm offering you a position, to become my co-leader. I would appreciate you being by my side. The others don't mind either."

He had only talked to Zaun, but he was sure he would have spoken to the others by now.

The girl stood there, blinking in surprise. Infinite could tell this wasn't what she was expecting at all. So what was she expecting?

"I would love to." She said quietly, stepping closer to her now co-leader, lifting her head to look up at him, "If it means helping you out, I would be honoured to."

The jackal let out a sigh, relief washing over him. But then he felt nervous again, why? Because now felt like the perfect time to ask for more. He gazed down at her, his body feeling numb and shaky. Why did he feel so... Weak? He couldn't help it, couldn't control it. His hand rested on the girl's shoulders, and she tilted her head again, her ears flopping to the side. His heart twisted, she was so beautiful.

"I have another offer for you." He said, almost in a hushed tone. Why was he so hushed? It wasn't like anyone could hear them.

"Yes..?" She asked, her voice sounding... Hopeful?

"I was wondering... If..." But before the jackal could ask, Eggman's loud voice cut through the communicators in their ears.

"Shadow the Hedgehog is heading towards the base! I need the Jackal Squad here immediately; everyone knows their positions!"

The two jumped, separating, as the human's shrill voice yelled at them. They both rubbed their ears, before glancing at each other. Infinite cleared his throat, annoyed by Eggman and seeing as the moment was gone, before holding out a hand.

"We should go, we can finish this conversation later."

The girl offered a small smile, before nodding and taking his hand, "I look forward to it."

He couldn't stop the smile forming on his own muzzle, "Alright, then let's go."

The two stared at each other a moment later. Many words were needing to be said, but they had no time. And so they parted ways, heading to their own separate positions, ready to defend the base at any cost.

~An hour later~

Infinite sat perched on his spot, a telegraph pole that was somewhat away from the base. It was the highest point he could get, sitting just above the jungle-infested trees. But he could still see bits and pieces. If anyone came through here, he'd spot them immediately.

However, he was currently listening to the battle raging on through his earpiece. The sound of explosions, metal clanging on metal, fists hitting bodies. He could only hope that it was his team doing the hitting, and Shadow taking the fall. The jackal wished he could help his team, however, but Eggman advised he stay in his position, in case anyone else came through to attack.

"Only attack in emergencies." He had said through the communicator, "I'll tell you if they need your help."

But God it was killing him. He was worried for his team, his friends, his family. He was worried for (Y/N), he'd never seen her fight in battle before, he could only hope she knew what was going on. The sounds coming through the ear piece started to die down, there was one less voice, less clanging, more explosions. The leader's stomach dropped as he realised.

His team was getting slaughtered.

That was it, he wasn't going to sit here anymore. He didn't care what Eggman would say, he just had to get to his team and help them.

"Infinite!" Eggman's voice came through the speaker as he jumped down, running through the jungle, "Get your butt here now! Your team are useless!"

The jackal growled to himself, choosing to ignore Eggman's nasty remark, "I'm on my way."

"You said your team was strong!"

Infinite only growled louder, cutting his way through trees and shrubbery. They wouldn't be losing this battle if he had been there to help. But he wasn't going to say anything now.

Finally, he came to a clearing. He could see the battle raging on in front of Eggman's base. Two jackals were still fighting. From what he could see, Infinite could make out Zee's red bandana, and (Y/N)'s outfit, as they fought against a black blur. The leader's heart started pounding in his chest as Zee was thrown into a wall, the foundation crumbling around him.

That left only (Y/N) standing. He could see her shaking, barely standing. He had to help her.

As he ran, he saw Zane lying in a bush, blood seeping into the grass below him, and Zoe was perched against a tree, blood dripping down her mouth, eyes staring into the dirt. Infinite flinched at the sight. His teammates... They were...

"I... Infinite..." He heard Zaun groan, and the jackal's ears perked. He turned, seeing his right-hand man laying on top of a pointed rock. Blood ran down the grey-ish stone, making it look like a gory cupcake.

"Zaun." Their leader ran over to him, grabbing his hand tightly, "Hold on, I'll have Eggman fix you up."

"He's too..." Zaun coughed, splattering blood down the front of the rock, "He's too... St-Strong... I'm... Sorry..."

"You did your best." Infinite said, any hopeful tone leaving his body. He felt himself shaking as Zaun let out a deep sigh.

"You did... Too..." He said, "You're a great... Boss..."

"I couldn't have done it without you. And I promise, I will avenge you." He said, gripping onto his friend's arm. But Zaun didn't respond, his eyes had glazed over, his body relaxed against the rock. Infinite closed his eyes tightly, feeling tears burn under his eyelids. No. No this can't be happening.

He looked around, trying to find his bearings. His vision was blurry, but he blinked it away. He had to find (Y/N) and save her, before she met the same fate. Glancing back at his best friend, he lets his arm go, before running through the trees and blood-covered ground. Zee hadn't returned to the fight, and he could only assume what that meant.

Finally, he reached the battlefield. (Y/N) was still standing, but it wasn't for long. The dark-furred hedgehog ran at her, pulling out an emerald. There was a flash, and he was suddenly behind her, kicking the girl into the door of the base. She cried out, slumping to the ground as tears ran down her muzzle. Infinite let out a growl, feeling something snap inside him.

"You... You destroyed my clan!" He roared, running out into the clearing, grabbing Zane's blood-red sword off the ground, and charging at the hedgehog. He let out a cry as he swung it at Shadow, but the other only turned around and lifted his arm. The blade collided with the metal bracelet around his wrist, and the sword shattered to pieces.

But the jackal doesn't stop. He swings a fist at Shadow, hitting him square in the jaw. The hedgehog stumbles back, clearly surprised to have been hit, before a dark look shines in his eyes and he grabs Infinite by the head. He pushed him into the ground, slamming his skull against the dirt, and standing on his back.

"I wasn't expecting to find anything here," The hedgehog said, pulling out a pistol and loading it, "Obviously, Sonic's hunch was right. Eggman is planning something."

"No!" (Y/N) was standing again, jumping onto Shadow's back and pulling him away from Infinite. They stumbled back, and Shadow lost his footing, falling back onto the ground.

"I thought I finished you already." Shadow growled, before standing and grabbing (Y/N) by the neck, "You really are annoying."

Infinite snarled, running at Shadow and tackling him to the ground. They all tumbled, and the hedgehog disappeared in a flash of light once again, catching himself on a tree and jumping back into the fray. Infinite landed on top of (Y/N), both yelping in surprise and pain. The leader glanced down at his co-leader, seeing her ears pinned back in pain, the tears drying her fur out.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but all she could do was shake her head, "Don't worry, I'll finish this."

"N-No..." She mumbled, grabbing onto his arm, "H... He's too powerful... Y-You'll die..."

"I'll stop him." Infinite said, holding onto her hand tightly, "I'll stop him. He won't lay another finger on you. I won't let him."

"In...Finite..." She stared up at him, her (e/c) eyes shining in fear, "Please... Don't fight..."

He leant down, gently pressing a kiss on her forehead, "I'll protect you. I promise. I love you (Y/N)."

"I... Love... You t-too..." She let out a gasp of pain, coughing up blood, "Boss..."

"Stay here, don't move okay?"

"Are you two done?" Shadow asked, there was a click behind Infinite's head, and the jackal froze. His chest was contorted into many different emotions, fear, love, hate but most of all, rage. He let out a growl, before spinning his body and kicking the gun out of Shadow's hand. It flew across the sky, landing near the debris that had covered his best fighter.

He could hear (Y/N) behind him, her breathing grew harder, heavier. He had to finish this fight now. For her sake. But Shadow already had him around the neck, lifting the jackal up over (Y/N)'s shaking body.

"You disgust me." Shadow said, "You're weak."

He spun, kicking Infinite in the side of the head and sending him into a pillar. The jackal let out a yelp, feeling a sting over his eye as the rocks tumbled around him. Holding his hand to his face, he saw blood and knew he had been cut. But he didn't let it stop him. He jumped to his feet, ignoring the red that filled his vision.

However Shadow was right in front of him, his foot hitting him in the chest and sending him into the wall. The leader of the Jackal Squad hit the wall, his vision going black as he hit the ground.

"In... Finite..." He heard (Y/N) say. Her body was laying next to his, and when his shook the darkness away, he saw the tears in her eyes, she was reaching for him, panting heavily, her eyelids were fluttering.

"No..." He said, slowly trying to get up, but his arms gave way and he collapsed.

"Please... Hold my hand..." She said, still reaching for him.

"(Y/N)... You'll be alright... We'll be alright..." He said, taking her hand tightly, "Please be alright."

But he had once again lost all hope. She had lost too much blood, it was pooling around her, soaking into the ground. A small smile spread over her lips, and the tears fell down her muzzle once again.

"Please..." She said slowly, "W-Win this war... For me... Please... I... I love you..."

"I will." Infinite nodded, before pulling himself towards her, "I will (Y/N), you have my word. I promise I'll win this for you."

She nodded slowly, leaning up and giving him a shaky kiss on the cheek, "I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry... I-"

The girl let out a sob, and Infinite held her close, "It's alright, you did the best you could."

"I'm so-o-orry... I'm sorr...y... The others... They need me... I-I need to..."

"(Y/N)..." He held her hand to his muzzle, leaning into it. No, it can't end like this. He never got to ask her to be his.

"A-And Infinite..." She mumbled out, her voice was so quiet, he leant down to listen, "My answer is... Y-Yes..."

He was confused at first, before realising what she meant. She had known he was going to ask her, she had known he loved her, and she loved him back. She had said so twice already. But hearing her answer to his unasked question, knowing the impossibility of it, his vision blurred again and a tear fell down his cheek, landing on hers.


"I-I need to... Go..." She coughed again, "The others... They're calling me..."

"Th-Then go..." Infinite choked out, the tears falling harder, "Go look after them for me... And tell them I'm sorry."

"I... Will..." She said, before letting out a sigh and closing her eyes. Her body went still, and Infinite let out a strangled sob. He held her close to him, letting his tears fall into her fur.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, "I failed you..."

Footsteps could be heard, and he raised his gaze to see Shadow walking over, having grabbed the gun once again. The hedgehog looked bored, staring down at the jackal as he re-loaded the gun.

"This is why I don't form close relationships anymore." He said, before putting the gun away, "You're pathetic."

Rage once again fills Infinite's body, and he lets out a scream, standing and running at the hedgehog once again. But Shadow simply grabbed him, shoving him into the ground. He sat on top of the other and threw a punch, then another, and another.

Infinite tried to block each hit, tried to fight back, but the hedgehog pinned him down, once again holding the gun to his head.

"You're weak, only fighting with rage. You'll never win." He said, finger on the trigger, "But now you'll live, knowing that you aren't even worth the time to finish off."

He grabs his head again, pushing it into the ground as he stands and looks around, "I better let Sonic know that Eggman is planning something..."

And with that, the hedgehog teleported, leaving Infinite a bloodied mess on the ground.

Infinite was breathless, his body screaming in pain, but he managed to get up and, with shaky legs, stand tall. Once he could walk, he hurried back to (Y/N) and carefully picked her up, cradling her body against his own.

"I swear... I'll achieve your goal." He said to her, even though he knew she couldn't hear, "I wear I'll get my own revenge as well... For you, and for everyone else..."

Slowly, he lifted his head, feeling the warmth of the girl's body leaving, holding her closer anyway, wishing she would speak, say anything. He could see the stars in the sky, and five of them seemed to shine brighter than the rest.

"I swear... I will find a way to kill any hero that stands in my way."

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