Chapter 1

I don't know the names of the Jackal Squad, so for this story I've made them up. If anyone does know their official names feel free to let me know. But considering there is a fan theory that Infinite's name used to be Zero, I decided to go with a certain pattern... Anyway, enjoy...

The sun was high in the sky, beating down on anyone that dared stay out under it. The sky was clear, a bright blue to contrast the tall buildings that were towering over the vast nothingness of the wilderness. A light breeze blew through the fields and trees, ruffling the fur of the Jackal Clan that sat on a large bundle of rocks, waiting and bored out of their mind.

The leader of this squad; the head jackal of the clan, was standing in front of his group, his arms crossed and head lowered in thought. His white scarf slowly moved in the breeze, and he let out a bored sigh. Much like the others, he didn't want to be here; but his current ally, Doctor Eggman, insisted on getting new recruits. He even found one and organised for them to meet straight away, only mentioning that 'she was a feisty one'.

"How long are we going to be out here boss?" One of the other jackals piped up, stepping up next to their leader. She glanced at him with her arms crossed. She wore a green tank top and long brown pants; her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

"As long as we need to be Zoe." The leader said, his heterochronic eyes scanning the horizon, "But it better not be too much longer."

"We don't even need any new people." Another jackal stepped up. He had a green bandana around his head and a scar across his muzzle. A white scarf was wrapped around his neck, blending in with the white fur on his chest, "We shouldn't even be working with Eggman."

"He'll help us in achieving our goal Zaun, I wouldn't put our clan in danger. I'll also add that Eggman has done this as a favour for us, as Sonic will be hard to battle. He said the more people we had; the better."

Zaun huffed, lowering his gaze to the rocky ground below them, "Alright, I trust you."

"Have we found any others?" Another asked, he had a red bandana around his neck and a leather belt over his shoulder; a bunch of ninja kuni holstered down his chest. He was leaning against a rock, his eyes closed and an arm leaning on his knee.

"No." The leader said bitterly.

"Then why are we doing this?" Zaun asked again, "What difference will one person make?"

"Apparently a lot." Zoe huffed, "Though I liked being the only girl, now I have to share the respect."

Their leader glanced at her, a small chuckle escaping him, "You have as much respect as you do kills, it has nothing to do with that."

"Oh, right. I'm just badass." She smiled, a hand on her hip.

"We're all badass." The red bandana-d jackal shrugged, "The point is, I remember boss here being against the idea as well, why are you suddenly all for this newbie?"

"I've seen what Sonic can do." He said, "Eggman showed me a lot of battles lost to him, the hedgehog is strong and fast. His friends are too, so I agree with the doctor that it is in our best interest to get as many people as possible."

"Even if it's only one?" Zaun asked.

"One is better than none." Their boss nodded.

"I don't know, I think we're fine on our own." Zoe shrugged, before walking back to the others and sitting down, "Besides, it's hot out here and I'm melting."

"That's because you're a witch." The red bandana-d jackal chuckled.

"Your somewhat close Zee." She shoved him over.

Their boss glanced back at them, chuckling to himself as the two started a playful brawl. Zaun watched as well, though he seemed more disappointed and annoyed he had to be sitting here. The only other member was sitting at the bottom of the rock pile, leaning against it with a mirror in hand. He wore a small white scarf and sports tape covered his legs. He was fixing his red beret which sat on top of his head, before flashing a smile into the hand-held mirror.

"You know, I think it will be nice to have another girl on the team." He said from below, brushing the fur that stuck out from under his hat, "It would be a nice change of pace from Zoe."

"Hey shut it Zane." The girl snapped, ceasing the fight with Zee, "I'm totally cool, you're just boring."

"I'm not boring, I'm beautiful." Zane huffed, sending a pout her way, "I wouldn't expect you to know that though."


"Stop it you two." Their boss finally spoke up, "Look, if this new girl isn't here in the next few minutes, I am willing to call it a day. We don't need someone who can't be punctual."

"Great, I can only put up with this sun for so much longer." Zoe said, "I don't think I can get any hotter."

"Whatever floats your boat." Zee chuckled, "But I like that plan boss."

He nodded, and they sat there for a few more minutes. The heat from the sun was burning down on them, and even the lead jackal was starting to feel it. He growled to himself, eyes still on the horizon as he was waiting for this already useless newbie. As if a blessing and a curse was passed to them, a small black dot appeared a fair way off. Someone was heading towards them.

"I think she's here." He said, before jumping down from the rocks and next to Zane, "And it's about time."

"Oh finally." Zee said, pushing himself off the rock to get a better look at the newcomer.

Their boss mumbled to himself as he walked towards the slowly growing form of a jackal, her (h/c) hair bouncing around her face, framing the smile spread out over her muzzle. Bright (e/c) eyes shone as she stopped in front of the other, giving a small wave of greeting. She wore a (f/c) shirt with black shorts, and a (f/c) scrunchie was wrapped around her wrist (if you have short hair, it's a style).

The leader of the squad stopped in front of her, already hating the very cherry demeanour this new girl gave off. He turned his head up at her, arms crossed under his scarf,

"You're late." He said, keeping it short and snappy.

"Sorry boss!" She responded in a cheerful, though somewhat sheepish way, "There are many places outside the town to meet up at, took me a while to find it."

"Alright." He shook his head, "But don't let it happen again."

She nodded, before holding out her hand for a shake, "The name's (Y/N) the Jackal, I am totally excited to join the Jackal Squad. I can finally feel like I'm going to make a difference on this stupid planet; whether it's destroying cities or just torturing people! I take it you're the so called 'Zero' Eggman mentioned to me?"

"I prefer Infinite now." The male said, a frown pulling at his muzzle. The overly hyperactive personality was apparent and already rather annoying, although he had to admire her lust for destruction, "You can meet the gang while we head back to the base. Eggman was expecting us an hour ago."

"Right!" She shouted; the others all jumped down from the rocks, taking in the girls' appearance and deciding whether to talk to her.

Infinite raised his hand, before glancing back at the others, "This is (Y/N). She's our newest member. Treat her as such."

"Got it boss." The others all said.

"Make introductions on the way back to the base." Infinite ordered, "I'm sure Eggman has a lot in stock for us, so we better make it quick."


The Jackal Squad had just returned to the base, everyone now knowing (Y/N) and her overly characteristic personality. Everyone else had already seemed to warmed up to her, and although she talked like it was the last day of her life, the others didn't seem to mind it. Compared to literally everyone else, this new girl was totally different and surprisingly to the others, they liked it.

Except for Infinite.

God, he found the newbie annoying. Her bounciness, her loud voice, the wide smile that screamed good instead of evil; she was exactly what they didn't need. A distraction, a problem. She had made herself comfortable with everyone else, smiling and giving compliments as if she had been their friend for ages. And these guys, after being so against the idea, were suddenly like her best friends.

Zoe glanced back at him as they walked into the hidden jungle base, a smirk pulled at her lips when she saw the agitation in his eyes. She gave him a shrug, before slugging an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder and walking her into the large, moss covered, metallic building.

The group lead the new girl into the large laboratory, where a tall, egg-shaped human stood hunched over a metal table. The human was clearly busy working on something, and (Y/N) could see the red gem below his gaze, a purple hue swirling through it's red glaze. The girl stared at it for a moment, before the human raised his head.

"It's about time you got back. What took you so long?" He asked, putting his things down and taking off the gloves.

"(Y/N) was late, very late." Infinite huffed, crossing his arms.

"In my defence." The girl jumped up, "You didn't specify where to meet, but I'm here now, and it won't happen again!"

The human gave a wide, sinister smile, shrugging it off and turning back to his work, "Glad to see you here (Y/N), but as much as I would love to show you around, I have a mission for you all."

His voice was filled with so many different emotions, there was the hint of sarcasm, the sound of absolute glee, and a sense of something evil that dripped from the white-toothed grin he was giving off. The squad all nodded, ready to listen to the mission details, and the human went back to working on the colourful gem.

"I need you to do a surveillance, just to make sure no one is on our tail." He said, "Make sure there are no tracks or anything to give away our position, I won't have Sonic ambush us this time."

"Got it." They all said, before the original members of the clan ran off.

"Infinite." The human called out, causing the other to stop in his tracks, "Take (Y/N) with you, show her the ropes. You are the leader of your squad."

Infinite growled to himself, before nodding towards the other, "Yes Doctor Eggman. Follow me (Y/N)."

The girl gave him a smile, but it slowly disappeared as he glared at her; the others all chuckled, before the group made their way out into the city. It was silent at first as Infinite lead the girl through the trees, then the buildings; together they scaled a wall and came to a stop on a roof. The city looked normal, no one was running around asking any questions. Infinite had also kept note on where they went. The surveillance checks were weekly, and they didn't wait to raise suspicion with repetitive moves.

Once he had checked the roof, he turned to the newbie. She was jumping on the spot, the smile back on her face as she looked out over the city. She turned up to face him, unable to keep the excitement in,

"This is so cool! I get to hang with the leader of the jackal squad and help Eggman, it's everything I had dreamed of. This has got to be the BEST day of my life!"

"Will you shut up?" Infinite finally snapped at her, causing the girl to flinch and shrink back, "All you've done since you've arrived is talk. Is there ever a time you're quiet? We need to be quiet on these missions, we can't be seen. It's in your best interest to tone it down unless you want to be kicked out on your first day."

The girl was taken back, her large ears pressed against her head in response to his anger. But she slowly nodded, turning her (e/c) gaze back out to the city.

"S-Sorry..." She mumbled, "I've just... W-Wanted to fight Sonic for such a long time... I've just never had the materials or the chance to challenge the Hero of Mobius... I'll shut up."

Infinite took a deep breath in, pinching the fur between his eyes, "I apologise for snapping, but you need to be quiet. Talking all the time is a distraction and we need to be smart, mature and focused on these missions. On any mission."

"Yep... Sorry..." She said, and her hyperactive demeanour disappeared. Infinite let out a sigh, before shaking his head, this was what he was after. Silence. Even if the girl radiated sadness, the leader shrugged it off. They had a mission to do, and he was no where near caring enough about someone he just met. But she was finally silent, so he was happy with the outcome anyway.

"Right, lets get this mission over and done with." He said, changing the subject and jumping down from the building. He ignored the slight feeling of guilt that formed in his chest as the girl nodded and followed suit, clearly biting her lip to stop from saying anything else.

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