40. The Darkness Within
3rd Person POV.
Location: The USJ the new age academy
Y/n L/n is now being consumed by rage his voice is not his own it was completely demonic and yet the voice of another could be heard through his voice he was a dark evil demonic voice and for some reason on his torso he had strange red markings glowing through his armor.
Hand Villain: what the hell?!
Y/n: now that I've dealt with your little monster I'm going to rip your soul out and turn it into a fuckable ashtray!!!~
Everyone who heard the foul language leave Y/n's mouth had to do a double take never before had they heard such a vile word leave his mouth.
Izumi: what's going on?! Those markings! That voice! That's not Y/n!!!
Hand Villain: how risque using such a vile threat against me not very heroic of you~
Soon enough a dark evil laughter could be heard throughout the entirety of the USJ the evil laughter did not belong to Y/n L/n instead it belonged to what can only be described as an ethereal demon.
Hand villain: why you laughing at me?!?! stop laughing at me dammit!!!!!
Y/n?: sorry but I can't help but laugh at you because of how pathetic you are!
Izumi: Y/n?
Y/n looked over at his green haired friend she looked terrified but he didn't care.
Y/n?: Y/n is not here~
The thing that was wearing Y/n's body looked back over to the hand villain and smiled.
Y/n?: now agonizing or excruciating that's up to you~
Whatever the thing was that was once Y/n walked over to the hand villain ready to do God knows what to her but soon enough he was grabbed and thrown away the Demonic entity using Y/n's body as a skin suit looked over to what grabbed him and threw him away it was none other than the creature known as Nomu apparently it regenerated it's missing head and got back up.
Hand Villain: sorry to disappoint but Nomu is not going to go down so easy she was genetically engineered to have more than one quirk she has extreme regeneration and shock absorption so if you want to kill her you're going to have to gouge out her flesh leaving nothing behind.
Y/n?: sounds like fun~
Soon enough the demon in Y/n's body attacked the undead creature but this time instead of just throwing powerful punches he instead decided to take care of this problem once and for all the red markings on his torso began to Glow a Sinister violet color he then released a blast of dark energy when the blast was fired it sounded like a dark horn signaling the end of the world but this powerful blast was Amplified by the power of the Power Stone with a flash of light the undead creature known as Nomu had been completely atomized leaving nothing behind not even dust.
Y/n?: now that the Abomination has been exterminated it's time to tend to the ugly~
Demonic creature using Y/n's body as a skin suit walked over to the hand villain with a demonic grin on its face hidden Under The Helmet it was wearing soon enough the warp gate villain appeared.
Portal villain: I think it's time for us to bail!
Hand Villain: I agree game over!!!
Immediately the two villains warped away leaving the heroes in training behind.
Y/n?: pathetic cowardly creatures oh well I guess sometimes cowards do survive.
Within a couple of seconds the red markings on Y/n's torso disappeared and he fell to his knees his armor retracted back into his hand leaving him in his normal school clothes.
Izumi: Y/n are you okay?!?!
Y/n L/n looked over to his green haired friend he looked very tired.
Y/n: not really no I feel so tired I don't feel so good.
Tsuyu: we should get you some medical attention now that the villains are gone.
Mineta: what happened you were acting crazy!?!?!
Y/n: well I remember fighting a couple villains but then I blacked out and I can't remember anything.
Izumi: something's not right we have to get you some medical attention now!
Soon enough a bunch of pro Heroes arrived with them was the head of the heroic Department of the new age Academy professor Nezu.
With them was none other than the number one hero All Might
All Might: no need to worry because I am here!!!!!!
Nezu: it appears we're late.
Midnight: yeah I don't see any villains.
Mt Lady: or at least any conscious ones.
(Time skip later)
Location: the new age Academy
Y/n L/n is currently in the nurse's office along with a couple other students and a teacher or two but right now he's the center of attention for one reason that reason being they can sense that something's wrong with him something deeply wrong an indicator of that would be the fact that Y/n's skin is turning black and not just any black it is the darkest of blacks so far whatever this strange substance is it has already spread to blow his waist half of his torso and it has consumed his entire right arm All That Remains untouched is the upper left side of his torso his head and his left arm.
Recovery girl: I have to say this is not good not at all!
Y/n: but can you tell us what this stuff is and what's happening to me?!
Recovery girl: unfortunately not whatever this is is definitely Beyond any medical science this is something relating to your soul to your very Spirit itself and whatever this is it must be remedied quickly because I believe that if it is not something horrible will happen.
???: that is absolutely true.
Everyone look to the doorway and saw a mysterious blonde haired woman she had a bright aura about her Y/n L/n could instantly tell that this woman was not a human even though he was sick and his powers were beginning to weaken with his deteriorating body and soul he could tell that this woman was an angel but not just any type of Angel she was an archangel.
Y/n: and who might you be?
???: I am the Archangel Gabriel leader of the Angel faction.
Y/n: so what brings you here?
Gabriel: I could sense a dark evil Aura beyond anything I thought possible an evil aura that I thought was long since eradicated.
Y/n: so you know what's going on with me?!
Gabriel: unfortunately I do you see long ago during the times of the Great War there were two primordial entities the first was The Entity of light and peace a spirit known as Raava and the other was the spirit of darkness and chaos this entity was known as Vaatu these two primordial entities had done battle in the spirit world for millions of years until eventually the spirit of darkness and Chaos broke through the boundaries between the spirit world and the material world to bring chaos and disharmony to the material world as the battle raged on the mother intervened and with her intervention the spirit of darkness and Chaos was defeated we thought that she was destroyed but we were given a warning that one day he would return from the depths of an innocent mortal.
Y/n: so the spirit of darkness and chaos is inside of me and is corrupting me from the inside out?!?!
Gabriel: you are absolutely right and if the corruption is complete then your spirit will be eradicated and the spirit of darkness and Chaos will return with all of your powers at his command.
Y/n: is there any way to stop this Rising Darkness?!?!
Gabriel: I'm afraid the only way to stop it is for you to confront this evil Within the depths of your soul head on.
Y/n: all right then I think I know what to do!!!
Y/n L/n immediately went to the courtyard of the new age Academy where he would be undisturbed he sat down on the grass and started to meditate as his master had taught him all those years ago he channeled the power of the mind and soul stones and he immediately traveled to the depths of his soul when his Consciousness arrived he looked to the sky and he saw the pink skies turning black it was like a plague a cancer and it was spreading faster than the eye could track soon enough he was plunged Into Darkness.
???: welcome Y/n L/n~
Y/n: I'm guessing you are the spirit of darkness and chaos Vaatu?
Vaatu: that I am~
Y/n: Show Yourself coward!
Soon enough the spirit of darkness and Chaos revealed himself he was quite large and he had red markings all over his body.
Vaatu: it's good to finally meet you face to face while you still exist.
Y/n: I'm here to purge you and get rid of you once and for all!!!
Vaatu: I would like to see you try little boy~
Y/n L/n immediately attacked the spirit of darkness and chaos but he was almost immediately overwhelmed by his incredible power and unfortunately since he was no longer truly connected to his body he had almost no access to the Infinity Stones Y/n L/n was grabbed by the spirit of darkness and chaos and whipped around like he was a rag doll he then received a blast from the spirit of darkness and Chaos which sent him flying backwards for the first time in a very long time Y/n L/n felt weak frail and Powerless.
Y/n: I have to defeat you good always triumphs over evil!
Vaatu: normally I would say I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm really not sorry you must understand that this is the real world evil often triumphs over good much more than not you have no idea how the real world works that little bubble of ignorance might protect your sanity but it keeps you ignorant and weak~
Y/n L/n attempted to get back up but soon he received another blast from the spirit of darkness and chaos.
Y/n: I can't lose I just can't if I lose here the entire universe is Doomed!!!
Vaatu: I'm happy to say that your defeat is inevitable and now that the corruption is almost complete you have no more power and now your Consciousness will be exterminated and I shall reign supreme!!!!~
Y/n L/n was left in total darkness as his soul was completely corrupted but his Consciousness still had more time before it was extinguished and disappears from existence Y/n L/n reverted back to his 5-year-old self he sat in the darkness crying over his defeat knowing that his failure was going to Doom the universe forever.
???: Y/n please don't cry.
Y/n: huh who said that?
Y/n L/n looked up and standing in front of him was a woman with fluffy pink hair slightly pink skin wearing bright colorful clothing.
Y/n: who are you?
???: my name is M/n L/n and I'm your mommy~
Y/n: Mama?!
M/n: yep!
Y/n L/n immediately ran to the woman who declared herself his mother he wrapped his arms around her body and he began to weep tears of joy finally able to meet his mother.
Y/n: I'm so happy to finally meet you but I have to know where are you?
M/n: I'm no longer in the mortal world I'm in heaven now but when I sensed my baby boy was in trouble I just had to come and see him and help him just like any other mother would do.
Y/n: mom I lost and thanks to my failure and my weakness the universe is going to pay!
???: nonsense!
Y/n L/n looked up and he saw a man with a bald head purple skin and wearing golden armor it was none other than his biological father the Mad Titan Thanos.
Y/n: dad?!
Thanos: yes it is I your father.
The Mad Titan bent over and gave his son a gentle hug.
Y/n: dad I failed.
Thanos: you did not fail not yet at least.
Y/n: but I couldn't defeat Vaatu!
Thanos: you only fail when you stop trying.
M/n: and besides you're never alone me and your father will always be with you no matter what.
Thanos: here in your heart we will make our final stand against this Darkness.
Y/n: but I don't have my weapons or Infinity Stones I guess they were right all this time I am nothing more than a powerless male.
Thanos: you are wrong you don't need weapons or even the infinite power of the Infinity Stones all you need is to wield what lies within.
M/n: your friends are many your allies are even more numerous each sends they're blessing.
Thanos: each blessing is a stone to fortify this land.
Y/n L/n wiped away his tears he watched as the images of the friends he had made along the way appeared each one of them becoming a single Stone of pure white light soon each of those glowing white stones took the shape of an enormous glowing White Castle.
Thanos: Your Castle is strong my son now now wield what lies within reclaim what is yours and break the siege of Darkness.
Y/n L/n still in the form of his 5-year-old self walked up the stairs of his castle made of light he walked through the castle and he made his way up to the highest tower onto a balcony he reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple arrow the arrowhead was in the shape of a heart he pulled out a simple bow he loaded the arrow into the bow he pulled back the bow string and with all of his hope and might he fired the arrow into the dark black sky the arrow disappeared into the darkness and eventually a beam of bright white light shined down through the darkness through a crack in the Darkness the beam of light shined down brilliantly through the darkness Y/n L/n was now back to his teenage form but now he was all decked out in a suit of glowing white armor he had a beautiful pair of glowing mechanical wings on his back.
(A/n): as you could probably guess this Chimera of images was edited and put together by me myself and I please tell me what you think in the comments.
Y/n L/n now decked out in his suit of glowing white armor walked over to the beam of light he extended his hand towards the beam of light grabbing the beam at the top he then pulled the beam of light away from its resting place turning it into what can only be described as a glowing sword of pure bright white energy he then swung his energy sword and with a single swing of his sword the black darkness was cleaved in half the sound of the spirit of darkness and Chaos could be heard screaming in pain as the sword of light carved through its pure Darkness Y/n L/n swung his blade of pure white light at the darkest again once again destroying part of it the bright pink skies of Y/n's Soul could be seen bleeding Through the black darkness of the spirit of darkness and chaos Y/n L/n continued to cleanse and purify his soul eventually the darkness turned to Shadows as he continued to destroy the darkness the darkness began to take human shape Y/n L/n continue to destroy his opponent eventually all that remained of the spirit of darkness and Chaos was nothing more than a simple humanoid shadow Y/n L/n raised his blade and looked at the Spirit of darkness and Chaos the two of them stared each other down soon enough the spirit of darkness and Chaos became afraid realizing that this was truly the end as Y/n L/n swung his blade one last time he was able to completely destroy the spirit of darkness and chaos nullifying his powers and erasing his existence and soon Y/n L/n returned to his body the black substance that covered his skin broke away and shattered like glass when it hit the ground pieces of the black substance caught fire and burned in a bright white fire the pieces of the spirit of darkness and Chaos were gone and Y/n L/n was now cleansed he was once again pure and whole.
Y/n: now that was intense!!!
Y/n L/n got up from his meditation spot and he smiled he was happy to see some of the staff members of The New Age Academy standing around him with happy Expressions on their faces along with them was the Archangel Gabriel.
Gabriel: well I can sense that the spirit of darkness and chaos is no more I'm glad to see that you're much more powerful than I imagine and for that you have my eternal respect~
Y/n: I'm glad to hear it now if you'll excuse me I need a nap.
Y/n L/n immediately teleported to his dorm room when he got there he immediately faced planted into bed and fell asleep unbeknownst to him the Archangel Gabriel slipped into his room and looked down on him with a smile.
Gabriel: such vast power and if the Legends are true you truly might be a perfect match to lead my people through this dark time~
Gabriel leaned down and gave Y/n a kiss on the forehead she smiled.
Gabriel: good night my Holy Knight~
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3044)
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