5. The rise of Supremacy
Glynda POV.
Location: the new age Academy
Right now one of the three headmistresses of the new age Academy is trying to figure out a solution to a very difficult problem apparently there's a vigilante going around all of North America doing illegal superhero work and apparently on a mission to destroy a stray devil the members of the occult research Club were easily defeated by this vigilante but they were not seriously injured suffering only superficial wounds.
Glynda: I don't understand, how we supposed to catch this vigilante if we can't figure out a pattern as to where she shows up?!
Venelana: and without something of hers to track a tracking spell will do no good.
Ruby Tojo: we might have to set up a trap.
Glynda: I agree if this so-called hero is truly a hero then we'll have to set up a scenario that a true hero which never be able to ignore.
Soon enough the three Headmistresses of the new age Academy received a transmission apparently in Washington DC a super villain has taken the president hostage.
Ruby Tojo: it seems that fate Has Smiled upon us and given us our scenario that the so-called true hero cannot resist.
Glynda: I'll send some of our best agents to go apprehend the so-called hero.
Ruby Tojo: I'll contact the authorities tell them the situation and tell them to keep an eye out for the vigilante.
Y/n's POV.
Location: Washington DC USA
Y/n L/n is right now across the street from the White House he's using his powers to render himself invisible right now the White House is surrounded by police officers members of the SWAT team and a bunch of members of the Secret Service.
Y/n: hopefully when I save the president this will boost my rep and people will start seeing me as a hero instead of a vigilante.
Y/n L/n teleported into the White House using the power of the space Stone when he got inside the Oval Office he noticed that president Ray Lafleur was being held hostage by a couple of super villains there were three of them in total of course all of them were female the first villain her arm took the shape of a powerful automatic rifle the second villain she had a chainsaw arm and the third villain she had laser eyes the three super villains were holding the president hostage and trying to force him to sign a bill that would make superheroes illegal in America.
Gun arm villain: now Mr President you just have to sign that bill and heroes will be illegal and we'll let you go~
President Lafleur: I will not do it you can take my life but I will not endanger my country's Society by taking away our greatest Defenders!!!
Chainsaw villain: well then Mr President you're about to get your pretty little guts splattered all over the Oval Office~
Y/n: that's what you think~
The three of them turned and they immediately saw Y/n L/n appear before they're very eyes using his powers to turn himself visible again.
Laser eye villain: who the hell are you?!?!?!??
Y/n: Lady I am father Reverend Uncle Ruckus no relation~
Everyone: Huh?!?!?!
Y/n: no I'm just kidding I'm the Infinity Hero Supremacy and I've come here to chew bubblegum and kick butt and unfortunately for the three of you evil doers....
Y/n L/n reached behind his back unclipped his weapon and deployed a single golden blade.
Y/n: I'm all out of bubblegum~
Chainsaw villain: don't worry I got this~
The chainsaw villain charged at her opponent with her chainsaw arm raised above her head ready to slice the new superhero in half but unfortunately for her he raised his blade in a defensive position above his head as soon as the Blades of her chainsaw arm touched his weapon the chains jammed up the motor burned out and her bodily weapon broke apart causing her arms to squirt blood she let out a horrible shriek of pain as her Quirk-based weapon was damaged Beyond repair sending waves of pain throughout her body.
Chainsaw villain: YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!
Y/n: I know you are but what am I?~
Y/n L/n jumped into the air and kicked the chainsaw villain in the face knocking her out cold and sending her flying out the window.
Y/n: who's next?~
Immediately the laser eye villain stepped forward and fired her laser eyes at Y/n but before her laser eyes could touch the young superhero he raised his left hand to intercept the laser beams he channeled the power of the Power Stone absorbing the energy of the villains laser beams after what seems like a long standoff which was no more than a minute long this super villain finally stopped firing her laser beams from her eyes she let out a grunt of pain as she closed her eyes and brought her hands up to her eyes apparently her Quirk could only last for so long until it gave out due to overuse.
Y/n: looks like someone's run out of juice~
Y/n L/n immediately thrusted his left fist towards the villain blasting her with an amplified version of her own energy the blast hit her with such force that it sent her flying out the window and knocking her unconscious.
Y/n: now that was just too easy.
Realizing that she was now alone the gun arm villain started panicking she held the president at gunpoint ready to kill him in a moment's notice.
Gun arm villain: don't you dare move you move I will kill him!!!
Y/n: don't worry I won't move~
Y/n L/n decided to have a bit of fun with this last villain he raised his hands in the air and to show that he surrendered but in reality he channeled the power of the Mind Stone and he was about to give this criminal scum a Savage beat down without even touching her.
Gun arm villain: now that's more like it now get on your kn-
The gun arm villain was immediately cut off by the sensation of her getting punched in the stomach knocking the wind out of her she released the president when she bent over in pain holding her stomach feeling the pain of getting punched in the gut the president ran from the villain and over to the hero before she knew what happened the gun arm villain received a swift uppercut to the chin.
Gun arm villain: what the hell is going o-
The villain received another punch to the stomach she then received a slap to the side of the face she received another Swift slap to the face on the other side of her mouth before she could understand what was going on she started receiving a quick succession of punches to either side of her face she received a swift punch in the chin knocking out one of her teeth she then got punched on the top of her head by the Unseen force that was beating the snot out of her she got kicked in the groin by the Unseen Force causing her to fall onto her hands and knees and just as she thought it couldn't get any worse she was lifted into the air by the Unseen force and twirled around as if she were pizza dough being spun by a professional pizza maker.
President Lafleur: how are you doing that?
Y/n: wait a minute Mr President it gets better~
The villain then got slammed onto the floor again and again and again like a certain gamma green Goliath would do to a certain Norse god of mischief once she was back on the ground she picked herself up from the floor trying to comprehend what was going on through the enormous pain she was experiencing but to act as a crescendo she was lifted up by the back of her pants causing both her pants and and her panties to dig up into her backside in a cutting painful manner lifting her up into the air where her feet couldn't touch the floor.
Gun arm villain: please God have mercy!!!!
She was then turned towards the window finally she received a swift kick to her backside sending her flying out another window and across the front lawn of the White House she smashed into the front fence of the White House with such Force that the fence buckled underneath her weight and the force of the impact.
(A/n): in case you're having a hard time visualizing what happened let me give you a quick video to help you understand what had just happened to the villain.
Right now the police are taking in the three villains who are out on the front lawn of the White House all of this was happening the president of the United States Ray Lafleur was amazed by the hero work of his savior.
President Lafleur: I got to say I'm really impressed you did fine work hero tell me what's your name again?
Y/n: I am the Infinity Hero Supremacy!
President Lafleur: you did a fine job here today young hero now let's go outside and let the world know that the president has not been shot~
Y/n: good one Mr President good one~
The two of them made their way out side where they were greeted by the public the Secret Service took the president in to make sure that he was all right and soon enough a bunch of reporters started swarming over to the young vigilante.
Reporter 1: are you the one who saved the president and defeated these villains?!
Y/n: that I am~
Reporter 2: who are you?!
Y/n: I am the Infinity Hero Supremacy.
Soon enough before the reporters could ask any more questions or anyone could throw more praise on to the new hero they were stopped by the sound of someone clearing their throat and guns cocking standing there was none other than the professional Heroes All Might and Midnight and they were being backed up by at least 100 police officers and at least 50 SWAT team members.
All Might: I have to say you look much more professional with your fancy new suit but we know who you are vigilante!
Y/n: you call me a vigilante while many others call me a hero well you lot were busy twiddling your thumbs I stepped in not only saved the most powerful man in the Free World but I also managed to take out three villains in record time and without breaking a sweat~
Midnight: we're not denying that you've done some very serious good here but without a license and authorization what you've done here is known as vigilantism and we're going to have to bring you in!
Y/n: I guess you will have to seeing as it is the right thing to do but before you do I can only say one thing~
Midnight: and what would that be?
Y/n L/n took a step forward snapped his fingers and activated the power of the Infinity Stones to do what he was about to do next.
Y/n: HIT IT!!!!!!!!!!
The helicopter spotlights turned on to everyone shock Y/n's superhero outfit had a bunch of colorful Cucaracha salsa Ruffles on it stuffed into his belt were two maracas he was wearing a South American hat and before anyone could ask what the hell was going on catching music started playing with no source to be found.
As Y/n L/n was doing his song and dance the power of the Infinity Stones managed to override everyone's sense of Duty causing them to join in on the song and dance even the Pro Hero the R-rated hero Midnight danced with the so-called vigilante no one could break free from the power of the Infinity Stones as the song and dance continued on a conga line started forming and eventually once the song and dance came to an end Y/n L/n disappeared Without a Trace in reality he had teleported away from Washington DC and to a small place down south camp by a lake known as Camp Crystal Lake to be specific.
Y/n: Camp Crystal Lake sounds hmm homie~
Y/n L/n walked into the abandoned camp to find that it was indeed abandoned the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the lake some insects and some chirping birds unbeknown to the young vigilante he was being watched.
Glynda POV.
Location: the new age Academy
Right now the 3 headmistresses of the new age Academy were absolutely Furious by what they have seen on the news Not only was two pro Heroes made a joke on National Television but the Vigilante managed to get away again.
Glynda: I can't believe it I just can't believe it
Venelana: you can't believe it I can't believe it either not only did we send the number one hero in Japan but we sent the R-rated hero as backup it should have been a cakewalk but somehow this vigilante managed to sing and dance her way through our fingers!!!!!!
Ruby Tojo: that was very unfortunate but it was very entertaining.
The other two headmistresses looked at the Third very upset at what she just said.
Ruby Tojo: what? it was!
Glynda: how are we going to bring this vigilante to Justice if she's so slippery?!
Ruby Tojo: well maybe instead of trying to imprison this vigilante we should try to help her bring her on to our side and maybe give her a place at this Academy.
Venelana: are you out of your mind that idea is completely-
Glynda: brilliant!
Venelana: What?!?!
Glynda: the idea is actually brilliant this vigilante has proven herself time and time again to be a force to be reckoned with not only has she managed to save the president of United States in record time and without breaking a sweat but she also managed to knock out five White Fang bases all over North America she has defeated at least 20 villains she wants wiped out an entire Invasion force of Grimm she took care of a multitude of covers why not allow this vigilante to join the academy as a student because if we can get her on our side we can learn what she's truly capable of and hopefully we can get her magnificent powers under control before they get to her and she can become a very tremendous threat to us.
Venelana: now that I think about it you do have an excellent point.
Ruby Tojo: you see not only am I a powerful witch but I do have my moments of absolute brilliance~
Glynda: all right then from now on our Alpha priority is to bring this vigilante not to the proper authorities but to the new age Academy to be trained and taught how to use her powers.
Y/n's POV.
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Right now the last of the Flufflepuff faunus is right now in the counselor's cabin of Camp Crystal Lake he already changed out of his hero outfit thanks to the brilliant engineering of Edna the hero costume was now permanently bound to Y/n's body so that now whenever he didn't need to be a hero the suit would melt into his body and whenever he needed to go hero and he needed the suit the suit would immediately emerge from his body as a black sparkly liquid and it would wrap around his body forming the hero suit.
Y/n: man I'm hungry I can go for some pizza.
Y/n L/n realized that the camp was abandoned years ago and he assumed that delivery places were not going to deliver to an old abandoned camp so why go for delivery when you could just make it yourself.
Y/n: fine I'll do it myself~
Y/n L/n got up from the couch he was sitting on and deciding that he couldn't do this alone he decided that not only would he do this by himself but he would have some help he raised his cybernetic left hand and a single clench of his fist and a single push of the reality Stone he managed to divide his physical body into three separate copies of himself each one wielding two Infinity Stones clone Alpha wielded the power and reality stones clone Omega wielded the soul and mind stones and finally clone Epsilon wielded the time and space stones other than that each of the Clones were completely identical to one another they had the same hair color or same skin color same eye color same everything the only thing that was different about them besides the stones they wielded was the fact that they were slightly different when it came to their minds because because he didn't just clone himself he divided himself into three separate fragments clone Alpha was intelligent and wise clone Epsilon was Brave and Noble and colon Omega was kind and silly.
Alpha: all right everyone I'm going to make the sauce.
Epsilon: I'll take care of the dough.
Omega: and I'll get in the way and make a big mess!
??? POV.
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Right now a mysterious figure was outside of the counselor's cabin at Camp Crystal Lake whomever this mysterious figure was they were watching from the Shadows as Y/n L/n arrived at Camp Crystal Lake the mysterious figure then watched as this mysterious so-called hero somehow removed her superhero suit to reveal that she was not a she at all she was a he the mysterious figure watched in shock as this mysterious person sat down on the couch in the counselor's cabin and eventually he got up he raised his alien looking robot hand into the air in front of his chest and using some sort of power the mysterious figure didn't know about The Stranger who entered Camp Crystal Lake somehow divided himself into three identical versions of himself and the three of them started making pizza.
???: hmm interesting~
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3080)
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