46. Ping the Pong
3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy
Y/n L/n is currently in his dorm room right now all of his roommates and friends are out doing they're own stuff soon enough there was a knock at the door Y/n L/n got up from the couch he made his way over to the door and he was surprised to see three Japanese men standing at his door each one of them had a smile on their face and one of them was holding a long rectangular box.
Y/n: hello gentleman can I help you?
Japanese Man 1: absolutely are you Y/n L/n?
Y/n: that's correct I am Y/n L/n now how can I help you fine gentlemen today?
Japanese man 1: May we please come in we have something very important to talk to you about and we have a very important gift to bestow upon you courtesy of the Empress of Japan.
Y/n: please come in have a seat would you like something to eat or drink anything at all?
Japanese Man 1: no thank you but your hospitality is very much appreciated.
Y/n: alright then how may I help you fine gentleman today?
Japanese Man 1: well we are here on behalf of the Imperial family of Japan you see for over a thousand Generations the Imperial family has had a great and Noble treasure that has been passed down in the Imperial family not to be given to the Next Generation but to be held on to by the Next Generation to be guarded you see during the feudal age of Japan the Imperial family's greatest ancestor a samurai warrior of the highest caliber wielded a magic sword that could destroy evil wherever it may hide this great Samurai emperor instructed his descendants that one day someone with your name and description would be born and it was supposed to be delivered to you when the time is right and now the time is right so please accept this gift and wield it with strength, honor, and above all nobility.
The Japanese man kneeled down and presented the black rectangular case to Y/n L/n he took the case from the kind man and with a simple click of a lock he opened the box to see none other than the sword of Samurai Jack within the Box resting in its sheath.
Y/n: hello my old master and my oldest friend it's good to see you again~
Y/n L/n picked up the blade he placed the Box down on the coffee table in one hand he held the handle of the blade in the other hand he held its sheath and with a quick draw he was able to relieve the blade from its sheath he could feel the connection being established between weapon and its master he looked into the blade and for a brief moment he saw the reflection of Samurai Jack looking back at him from the reflection of the blade Y/n L/n felt a great comfort in his heart feeling as if his old friend and master were standing right next to him in spirit but not in physical form.
Y/n: it's always good to have friends~
Y/n L/n gave a couple of masterful flourishes of his new blade he had just acquired and with the swiftest and most precise of motions he was able to put the sword back in it's sheath.
Japanese Man 1: well then our mission is a complete success if you will excuse us we have to return to Japan to attend to other matters of the Imperial family we wish you a good day kind sir and please make sure to keep doing such a noble service to us males.
Everyone bowed in respect to each other and soon enough the Servants of the Imperial family left the new age Academy Y/n L/n looked at his new acquisition with a smile on his face.
Y/n: you're not just going somewhere where you'll be forgotten you're getting a special place.
Y/n L/n made his way to an empty broom closet he then Unleashed a massive surge of cosmic energy from the Infinity Stones forever and permanently changing the empty broom closet into an enormous sanctuary that was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside the dimensions of the room were absolutely impossible by normal standards not by any stretch of the imagination but now since it had been infused with unimaginable Cosmic powers this room would never disappear and it would never deteriorate Y/n L/n made his way down the newly constructed hallway which was illuminated once he was on the other side of the hallway he made his way into the sanctuary the sanctuary was absolutely incredible there was all kinds of stained glass Windows each one of them depicting one of the many wonders of the universe.
And this was only the main chamber Y/n L/n made his way towards the leftmost side of the room he entered this room and in it was his most prized possessions in the room was objects from his past such as a picture of himself with all of his friends funny thing is the picture was imbued with Cosmic Powers allowing it to update every time he adds a new friend to his friend list every time he made a new friend the picture would grow and this new friend would be added to the picture recently it had been updated with his addition of Daisy Jones now in her normal human form he was in the center of the picture surrounded by his friends the people whom he called his family.
Y/n: you can never have too many friends.
Sitting on a pedestal in front of this ever-expanding picture was a photo album with the words Memory Lane embroidered upon its cover this photo album contained photos from each and every one of his most cherished memories starting from the day he was granted the power of infinity all the way to the day when he befriended Daisy Jones which was just yesterday sitting on the the next pedestal there was a copy of the original Infinity Gauntlet it wasn't the original but it was a pretty good replica sitting on the pedestal next to it was a miniature statue of his mother and father they were sharing a loving hug and it showed off the good time between Thanos and his Blushing Bride M/n L/n the last of the Titans and the last of the flufflepuffs.
Y/n: hi Mom hi Dad
Sitting on the next pedestal was a single black feather taken from the Fallen Angel who had caused him so much misery on the next pedestal there is a piece of the armor that was once worn by the icon of sin it was just a small Shard of metal but it pulsed with unimaginable dark energy sitting on the next pedestal was the strange red Crystal that was used by Riser Phenix Y/n L/n looked over at his other Treasures there was a lock of hair from Gozer the gozerian a chocolate bar from Willy Wonka's chocolate factory a brick he had taken as a Memento from his time in the row house in New York City when he went home alone on those two crazy chicks who were trying to kidnap him and take him to God knows where the brick still had a bit of blood from the girl known as Mercy there was also a small shard from what was left of the Dead woman's chest and now sitting on an empty pedestal was the sword of Samurai Jack.
Y/n: welcome home my oldest friend.
There was still plenty of empty pedestals yet to be filled.
Y/n L/n heard the sound of his pocket watch going off he checked his pocket watch and he noticed that he had 15 minutes to get to his next appointment his appointment being a 2:00 game of ultimate Kung Fu ping pong with Mina.
Y/n: well can't keep my acidic pink-skinned friend waiting I better hurry or else I'll be late and I'd rather not have to repair any acid damage~
Y/n L/n immediately teleported out of his collection and he made his way towards the sports gym where his worthy opponent in ping pong was waiting when he got there she was waiting for him.
Mina: Y/n you're right on time!
Y/n: well usually I live by the philosophy of if you're not early you're late but I guess being right on time is acceptable as well~
Mina: I guess that makes sense.
Y/n L/n walked over to one end of the ping pong table behind him there was a small golden gong sitting on top of a table Mina picked up her paddle and got ready for ping pong combat.
Y/n: and the battle begins!
Y/n L/n immediately struck the gong as soon as he did the entire mood of the room changed going from fun and playful to serious and Epic like that of a powerful kung fu movie.
Y/n: my worthy opponent are you prepared to Ping the pong?
Mina: I am prepared young Padawan your pong is no match for my ping~
Y/n: ooooohhh do your worst!
Immediately the two of them started playing ultimate Kung Fu ping pong this was not like ordinary ping pong Instead This was something the world had never seen the two of them started doing Kung Fu poses every time the ball went into their side of the ping pong table all the while making Kung Fu noises while this was happening a couple of different student and staff members managed to wander into the sports gym hearing all this commotion soon enough almost 75% of the new age Academy wandered into the gym to watch this ultimate battle of wills and this amazing and epic game of ultimate Kung Fu ping pong that was until Mina went a little too far with her swing and she ended up sending her ping pong paddle flying across the room and flying through a window shattering the window thankfully Y/n L/n was able to duck out of the way just in time to avoid getting hit in the face with a ping pong paddle but the window was not so lucky it was shattered upon impact and the ping pong paddle went flying out the window to God knows where Y/n L/n look back at his opponent and still using his Kung Fu voice he said.
Y/n: you have smashed the window of transparency!!!~
Mina: oh crud not again that's the fifth window this year!!!
Y/n: don't get your horns in a Twist I'll fix it!
Y/n L/n snapped his fingers and he reversed time causing the paddle to return to the gym while at the same time repairing the shattered window as if nothing had ever happened the paddle went flying into Mina's empty hand and soon enough it was as if nothing had ever happened in the first place.
Mina: I keep forgetting you can do stuff like that!
Y/n: what can I say I'm a jack of all trades now let's call it a draw and let's do something else before we get in trouble.
Mina: I concede to a draw~
Y/n: well we still have another 20 minutes what should we do now?
Mina: wanna have a dance off?
Y/n: I don't see why not
Y/n L/n immediately used his reality bending abilities to create an enormous ghetto blaster this thing looked like it cost at least $1,000 it had all kinds of Sliders and knobs and it looked like it could blow the windows out of the gym from how powerful it was.
Mina: where did you get that thing?!
Y/n: a magician never Reveals His secrets~
Y/n L/n pressed a button on his enormous boombox and immediately the two of them started dancing in their own styles Mina busting out her ultimate breakdancing moves and Y/n L/n popping and locking like a genuine master of the art of body movements after about an hour of doing this the two of them got bored of this and they decided to go back to dorm 1408 to watch a movie Y/n L/n ended up falling asleep halfway through the film resting his head on Mina's left shoulder At first she blushed but soon enough she smiled at her friend she gently placed his head in her lap and started stroking his hair while looking down at him with a smile on her face and a light blush on her face as well.
Mina: you're so perfect in every way I just hope that one day I'll be able to get the guts to tell you how I really feel but until then this is a nice consolation prize~
Mina continued to enjoy the situation she was in until eventually she fell asleep.
Ravel POV.
Location: the Phoenix estate the underworld
Right now in the Phoenix estate in the Underworld the next head of the House of Phoenix Ravel Phenix is sitting in her room with a dreamy smile on her face in her hands was a photo of Y/n L/n she managed to acquire through some deceptive means thankfully her family had the money to acquire what she wanted.
Ravel: how am I going to get him to accept my love?
Ravel thought about it long and hard but unfortunately she had no idea how to she then made her way over to her walk in closet with the photo of her love in her hand once she was in her closet she used her magic to to open a small cabinet on the other end of her closet which was locked by her magic once it was unlocked sitting in her little cabinet was a couple of momentos of her one true love that including a lock of his fluffy pink hair a couple other photos of him that were of lesser quality and sitting in the center of the cabinet was a stuffed animal in the likeness of Y/n L/n.
Ravel: how am I supposed to get close enough to him to get him to accept my affections and be my husband?
???: maybe you can ask your dear old mother how to do it?
Ravel turned around and noticed her mother standing in the doorway of her closet with a Sly smirk on her face.
Ravel: mom what are you doing here?!?!?!
Lady Phoenix: well I heard some noises coming from your room and I decided to check up on you and I'm happy to see that my theory has been proven valid.
Ravel: what are you talking about?!
Lady Phoenix: well ever since you met that nice pink haired young man you've been acting stranger and stranger and of course one night I heard you moaning his name in your sleep so that was a pretty good confirmation of my theory but this just puts the final nail in the coffin~
Ravel: so what do you think I should do Mom to get him to love me back?
Lady Phoenix: it's quite simple we enrolled you in the New Age Academy you become his friend and of course after you've earned his friendship you then Garner his attention and eventually he'll have no choice but to love you back~
Ravel: but how am I going to enroll the new age Academy?
Lady Phoenix: let's just say having a devil as one of the three headmistresses and being her friend definitely pays off~
Soon enough the two of them started making a plan of what Ravel should do to earn Y/n's love and affection and after making a few phone calls Ravel was able to be enrolled in the New Age Academy tomorrow so now she is packing up her things she even decided to pack her plushie of Y/n L/n into her suitcase she immediately made her way to her mother where she was waiting for her daughter with a smile on her face.
Lady Phoenix: are you ready to go my precious daughter?
Ravel: I'm ready
Lady Phoenix: now remember what I said and what you want shall be all yours~
Ravel: don't worry this is going to be a cakewalk~
Lady Phoenix: but don't forget he's one boy surrounded by dozens of females on a daily basis so do not underestimate any potential rivals~
Ravel: I will win his love and he will be mine~
Lady Phoenix: also when you do manage to gain his love and affection make sure that you sire some powerful grandchildren for me to spoil rotten~
Ravel: at least wait for me to graduate mom but then as soon as we graduate we'll get married and I'm going to rock his world~
Lady Phoenix: well then I will see you again real soon my precious daughter make sure to do the house of Phoenix proud.
Ravel: I will do my best mother.
Ravel immediately teleported to the new age Academy when she arrived she made her way to the headmistress's office.
Glynda: it's nice to see you miss Phenix let's get you all situated so that you can start classes first thing tomorrow morning.
Venelana: also we have a special surprise set up for you~
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 2981)
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