44. The Spice of Life

3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n is currently hanging out at the new age Academy more specifically he is in his room thinking up new attacks to add to his as he calls it playlist of pain so far he has come with two new super attacks them being the orbital slam and the radiant machine gun the orbital slam is quite simple he flies into the air transforming into Pure Energy as he flies straight up into the air once he is a thousand feet in the air he begins to drop down at terminal velocity once he hits the ground he creates a massive Shockwave of energy which takes out a multitude of enemies and does a massive amount of damage to more powerful enemies the radiant machine gun however was a bit different he creates a Shockwave of energy which holds his opponents in place floating in mid-air he then jumps into the air in front of his suspended enemies and then he begins to fire blasts of energy at a rapid speed not only dealing significant damage to his multitude of enemies but it also looked extremely cool as did the orbital slam.

Y/n: alright then two new super attacks now I need to come up with an ultimate attack.

Y/n L/n continues to try and think up some new super attacks and for his coup de gras his ultimate attack but soon enough a portal opens up in his room emerging from the portal was none other than his familiar Madam Lilith.

Lilith: hello master I have returned~

Y/n: hi Lilith it's so good to see you again!

Lilith: it's wonderful to see you again as well master~

Madame Lilith immediately gives her master a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Lilith: so what did I miss while I was gone on my little business trip?~

Y/n: you know the normal stuff crashed a wedding in the Underworld became the master of a trio of alien Knights who transform into a giant dragon defeated a dragon God helped another Dragon God reclaim her home and I helped patch up a broken family all the normal stuff~

Lilith: well at least you kept busy~

Y/n: so how was your business trip?

Lilith: boring and very uneventful I'm just glad to be back with my cute little master/boytoy~

Y/n: and I'm always glad to have you around!

Lilith: you really know what to say to charm a girl now why don't the two of us cuddle and have a nap.

Y/n: I'll never say no to a good nap and I'll never say no to good cuddles!

Immediately Madam Lilith quickly grabbed her master and carried him to the bedroom once the two of them arrived at the bedroom she laid down in the bed and wrapped her coils around Y/n's body as the two of them cuddled together the two of them fell asleep in each other's embrace.

(Time skip the next day)
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n is currently on a mission with team RWBY to exterminate an over abundance of grimm in the Colorado Rockies apparently a whole swarm of Grimm have taken refuge in the Colorado Rockies and so far almost nobody has been able to clear out the infestation Y/n is with team RWBY to act as muscle and support.

Ruby Rose: all right everyone this is going to be easy just kill as many Grimm as possible and destroy the hive.

Y/n: so basically just do as the Doom Slayer and rip and tear until it's done~

Weiss: you've been playing that video game a little too much.

Y/n: don't you dare talk smack about Doom God!!!

Blake: this is definitely going to be interesting.

Yang: we should have brought popcorn so we can watch the show.

Eventually everyone armed up and they got ready for combat soon enough an entire swarm of Grimm exited from their primary nesting area and they began to attack Y/n L/n started swinging his double-bladed weapon with extreme skill and Power cutting down a multitude of grimm with a couple of swings of his double-bladed weapon as he continued to attack his battle Fury continued to grow until eventually he put away his weapon and he started killing the Grimm with his bare hands.


Y/n L/n tore a Wolf grimm in half with his bare hands Y/n grabbed a another wolf grimm and prepared to tear it asunder

Y/n: AND THIS IS FOR THE CHEETOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n vinally broke both of the Grimm's arms in doing so it's arm bones but rooted from its elbows he then proceeded to shove the protruding bones through either side of the wolf Grimm's head violently and maliciously killing it with little to no effort whatsoever.


Y/n quickly send out a Shockwave of energy knocking down a larger alpha Wolf Grimm he then proceeded to stomp on its head until his head was nothing but a bloody mess.


Y/n L/n continued to rip and tear through the forces of Grimm as if they were nothing but monsters made out of paper who were filled with blood soon enough he decided to end this fight with one of his new super attacks more specifically the one he created known as the radiant machine gun he jumped into the air and with a stomp of his feet he Unleashed and energy wave which caught the remaining Grim in his telekinetic grip causing them to float through the air motionless as they could not move in his telekinetic grip all of the remaining grimm were contained within yellow fields telekinetic of energy he then jumped into the air again and he began to fire a rapid stream of deadly energy projectiles at his opponents in a sweeping motion.

Eventually all of his opponents were dead and once they were released from his telekinetic grip they fell to the ground in piles of black ash team RWBY was absolutely flabbergasted by the amazing attack that Y/n L/n had just Unleashed upon the forces of Grimm.

Weiss: okay I'll admit that was mighty impressive.

Blake: I didn't think an attack like that was possible!

Ruby Rose: that was by far the coolest attack I have ever seen in my entire life!!!

Yang: I got to admit when he does stuff like that it does make my panties a bit wet~

Thankfully Y/n L/n did not hear that inappropriate comment from Yang Weiss immediately pull out a bat with the words.


Weiss proceeded to lightly smack Yang in the head with the horny stick.

Weiss: when we get back you're going to horny jail.

Yang: mah it was worth it~

Y/n: all right everybody that's the last of the Grimm let's go home!

Y/n L/n and Team RWBY immediately went back to the new age Academy unaware that dark Forces were at play.

Salem POV.
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness

Right now the three mistresses of Darkness are having a serious meeting about what to do next they are very unhappy with Emerald's betrayal but they are trying to find a workaround.

Salem: Cinder what do you plan to do to bring down the new age Academy?

Cinder: the plan is still the same acquire as much dust as possible to create instability and Chaos then we will cause a grimm invasion of the town of Braveheart once the Grimm are Unleashed me and my remaining teammates will then Infiltrate The New Age Academy under the guise of students from Haven Academy thanks to the help of the treacherous Lisa Lionheart once we are in I will hack into the system take control of it and then afterwards I will bring about the destruction of the new age Academy.

Ragyo: a very marvelous plan but the circumstances have changed and now that they know about you and no doubt Emerald has given up information about us your plan is going to have to change.

Cinder: but the plan cannot change it took me almost a year to get every piece in play and into proper position if we stop this now the shaky Alliance I have with the White Fang will fall apart and they will lose faith in me and my plan.

Salem: I'm afraid my associate is correct your plan is going to have to change if they discover that you have infiltrated the new age Academy they will most certainly capture you and if they find out that Lisa Lionheart was the one who betrayed them then all of our work will be for nothing!!!

Cinder: But-

Salem: no butts you will not talk back to your superiors you will not initiate your original plan you will change the plan as needed and you will not argue do I make myself clear?!?!

Cinder: yes your grace

Salem: excellent now get back to the drawing board and start thinking of a new plan of attack.

Cinder: by your command your highness.

Cinder POV.
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness

Cinder immediately left the room to go replot her plan but she already had an idea she was not going to change the plan she had worked so hard to put into play she was going to continue on with the plan as she saw fit knowing the consequences of disobeying her mistress.

Mercy: so what's the plan boss?

Cinder: the plan Remains the Same.

Mercy: you know what the big boss lady is going to do if you don't listen to her direct orders?

Cinder: I know but if we manage to pull off the original plan then lady Salem will then have more faith in me and I will be free to perform more of my plans without her guidance.

Mercy: whatever you say boss lady I'm just here for the fun of it~

3rd Person POV.
Location: the town of Braveheart

Y/n L/n is currently hanging out with the student council enjoying some popsicles.

Satsuki: and where did you get these popsicles?

Y/n: I know a guy in Louisiana who owed me a favor and he decided to send me a whole bunch of popsicles for free.

Sona: interesting

Y/n pulled out of Popsicle opened it up and he began to enjoy the cold delicious treat.


The members of the student council had no idea how to respond to what they had just heard it sounded like utter nonsense but they decided to question it anyways.

Sona: I'm sorry what did you say?

Y/n: Purpnle

Everyone had no idea what the heck they just heard and they were dumb enough to follow him down the rabbit hole that was his insanity and or his silliness.

Origami: I am very confused

Y/n: you know this reminds me of the time when I was a little kid when I managed to come across some money and I bought myself 100 double stick popsicles the colors were beautiful on the box but of course you do not want to eat 100 double stick popsicles because you're fixing to upchuck real fast trust me rainbow does not look as good going out as it did going in.

The student council: Ok then!

After a long uncomfortable silence the student council decided not to go further down into the rabbit hole.

(Time skip later)
Location: the town of Braveheart

Right now Team RWBY are hanging out at the Docks talking about how awesome the new age sports festival is going to be Weiss is shooting her mouth off about stuff that she doesn't truly understand eventually they arrive at the Docks and they find Y/n L/n hanging out at the Docks with no clear sense of what he's doing there.

Yang: HEY Y/N!!!!

Y/n: hello!!!!

Ruby Rose: Y/n what exactly are you doing here?!

Y/n: well you see there I was minding my own business when out of nowhere I was told to go to the docks to pick up something for the headmistresses of the new age Academy.

Weiss: what are you here to pick up?

Y/n: apparently it's something a very significant important something called the Dead woman's Chest.

As soon as those words left his mouth Weiss and Blake immediately froze up in fear the color left their faces and they went as rigid as a board and pale as ghosts.

Y/n: what's the matter with those two?

Yang: I haven't the foggiest idea.

Weiss: you've never heard of the Dead woman's chest?!?!

Y/n: not at all

Ruby Rose: Nope

Yang: never heard of it

Blake: Legend has it that it used to belong to the most fearsome pirate to ever sail the seven seas in all of recorded human history a Woman by the name of Daisy Jones apparently according to Legend the chest contains the only thing that can kill Daisy Jones and if anyone were to possess it Daisy Jones would come after them and kill them or warp them into inhuman sea creature monsters so that they may serve as her crew aboard her cursed ship the Flying Dutchman.

Y/n: wow sounds like one neat box!!!

Weiss: Legend has it it's been lost for centuries but according to what I've heard someone found it buried on an island and you're saying that now it's on its way here?!?!?

Y/n: I guess so

Blake: why are you not panicking if the Legends are true you'll be targeted by Daisy Jones and only God knows what will happen to you!!!

Y/n: I ain't afraid of no ghost~

Dock worker: Hey stop her!!!

Soon enough everyone turned to see a blonde haired monkey faunus running away from a boat.

???: thanks for the ride boys~

The girl immediately jumped down from the boat and down the docks she jumped on top of a light pole and began eating a banana.

Dock worker: you no good stowaway!!!

???: hey I'm a great stowaway a bad one would have been caught!

The mysterious monkey tail girl finished her banana throw the peel at a cop and immediately ran away as soon as she ran past Team RWBY they immediately chased after her Y/n L/n on the other hand just stood there he Shrugged his shoulders and maintained his position remembering his mission soon enough a delivery boat arrived one of the crew members of the boat came down from the boat after it docked and they approached Y/n L/n.

Dock worker: excuse me but are you Y/n L/n of the new age Academy?

Y/n: I be he and he be me!

Dock worker: may I see some identification?

Y/n L/n presented his identification card realizing that this was the person they were looking for the captain of the boat nodded his head and soon enough two of his crew came down from the boat and they presented the dead woman's chest in all of its terrible Glory.

Y/n: fancy chest~

Y/n L/n took the chest from the crew he held on to it in his telekinetic grip Y/n feeling curiosity grip his mind from The Legend he had been told by Blake and Weiss he put his ear to the chest and he heard a very eerie and disturbing sound the sound of a heartbeat.

Y/n: hmm well wrap me and bacon and call me rimaki they weren't just blowing smoke.

Y/n now knowing the contents of the Dead woman's chest just Shrugged his shoulders and then brought it back to the new age Academy when he got there he was greeted by the three headmistresses of the new age Academy.

Glynda: we're glad you were able to secure our newest acquisition.

Y/n: it was easy like picking up a pizza.

Glynda: yes well we shall take it from here.

Glynda grabbed the dead woman's chest with her telekinesis and she proceeded to take it away to a secret place but much to the headmistresses of the new age Academy's secret vault wasn't so Secret at least to Y/n L/n.

Y/n L/n turned around and he saw storm clouds gathering in the distance.

Y/n: there's a storm a-brewing and we best be ready when she hits~

Far off the island of the new age Academy deep within the stormy sea there was a ship setting sail for the new age Academy it had a crew of monstrous human sea creature Chimera Abominations they are Captain was a creature just as foul with no mercy in her heartless body.

???: heve ho you bilge rats!!!

The captain of this mysterious dark ship looked out off onto the horizon she pulled out a telescope and she extended it outward towards the island of the new age Academy she could sense that what she saw out was there waiting for her to reclaim it.

???: the new age Academy I've heard legends about it and on this day I shall walk on land again and I will slay any who get in my way!!!

The mysterious figure immediately takes a step back retracting her telescope and placing it back on her belt she then yells out in order to her crew.

???: DOWN!!!!!!!!!

Immediately her ship descends into the ocean as if it were sinking but instead of going to the bottom of the ocean it instead floats under the surface of the water so that it may remain undetected as it approaches the new age Academy.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3014)

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