39. A Villainous Arrival

3rd Person POV.
Location: the USJ the new age Academy

Eventually class 1A arrived at their destination a facility known as the USJ or the unforeseen simulation joint when they arrived they were greeted by the Pro Hero 13.

Y/n: wow the Pro Hero 13!

13: hello everyone I've been waiting for you!

Izumi: I can't believe it it's the space hero 13.

13: I can't wait to show you what's inside.

Class 1A: this is going to be so awesome!!!

Everyone made their way into the USJ it was quite impressive to say the least it had a multitude of distinct areas there was a shipwreck area a landslide area a wildfire area a storm area a mountain area and Etc.

13: I created this training facility prepare you to deal with different types of disasters I call it the unforeseen simulation joint but you can call it the USJ.

Eijira: it's like an amusement park!

Y/n: you mean like at.....

Y/n L/n seamlessly pulled out a brochure for Universal Studios in Orlando Florida in the United States of America.

Y/n: Universal Studios Ha Ha Ha Ha cha ching!!!

Y/n L/n immediately threw away the brochure over his shoulder and everything went back to normal no one even acknowledged his little reference.

Aizawa: shouldn't All Might be here already?

13: actually not you see she was doing too much hero work and she used up a lot of his power so she's in the Teachers Lounge resting and recovering.

Aizawa: that woman is the height of irresponsibility well we should be okay with just the two of us the clock is ticking we should get started.

13: I wholeheartedly agree now let me just say one thing or two things maybe three things possibly four things there might be a slight chance of five things.

Class 1A: we get it!

13: listen carefully I'm sure you all know that I have a powerful Quirk it's called black hole I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust.

Izumi: that's right you used your powers to help and save a bunch of people haven't you!

13: that is true but my powers can be easily used to annihilate and kill some of you also have powers that can be extremely dangerous in our society powers are strenuously regulated so we often Overlook how dangerous hero work can really be never forget that if you lose focus or lose control you can make the wrong choice and do something that you'll regret even if you're trying to rescue someone today you're going to learn how your powers can save someone's life you won't be using your powers to attack but to rescue besides that's what being a hero is all about ensuring the safety of others that's all I have to say thank you so much for listening.

Aizawa: all right now that that's ove-

Without any type of warning whatsoever a strange black and purple Gateway opened up in the middle of the USJ Y/n L/n looked at a cybernetic hand he could feel the space Stone pulsing the reason for this was because the space Stone could sense a spatial disturbance Y/n looked at the space Stone and noticed it's pulsing glow.

Y/n: I sense a spatial disturbance.

Aizawa: 13 protect the children at all cost.

Eijira: I thought we were using our powers to rescue people not for combat, did the training start already?

Y/n: no those are real villains!

Momo: how do you know?

Y/n: trust me when I say this I just know.

Aizawa: he's right those are real villains!

The girls of class 1A were absolutely shocked and a bit scared from the Gateway that was created by the portal villain at least 40 villains emerged from the Gateway most prominent among them were their leader a strange woman covered in disembodied hands.

Also there was a huge black monstrous creature it appeared to be somewhat humanoid but it's humanoid shape is where it's human like features ended.

Y/n L/n could tell through the powers of the soul and mind stones that this creature had no soul and this thing was nothing more than a Mindless Brute an undead subservient slave to the villains Aizawa put on her goggles to signal that this was real and that things were about to get very serious soon enough the portal villain spoke.

???: how perplexing all I see is the Eraser hero and the space hero yet I do not see All Might.

The portal villain looked closely and she noticed Y/n L/n with a determined look on his face.

???: how interesting I see our other Target and I have to admit he does look quite cute~

Aizawa: so you used the recent Intruder alerts to sneak on to the campus and steal the information you needed!

Soon enough the villain who was covered in disembodied hands began to speak she had a raspy somewhat disturbing voice.

Hand villain: how disappointing and I brought so many friends to meet her we want All Might but more importantly we need the boy so Hand him over and we won't have to kill anyone well except All Might.

Aizawa: if you want the boy you're going to have to take him over my cold dead body

Eijira: real villains no way how can they get into a new age Academy highly secure facility!?

Momo: exactly how come the alarms aren't sounding?!

13: that's a good question and I'm not sure.

Shoto: one of them must have a power to mask their presence they chose this part of the Academy which is isolated from the rest with a concrete objective they are fools yet they thought this out very carefully but the question is what is this objective.

Aizawa: 13 protect the children at all cost!

Izumi: but what are you going to do you can't fight them all all on your own!!!

Y/n: she won't be fighting them on her own!

Mina: what are you talking about?!?!

Y/n: simple I'm going to help her out!

Aizawa: no you're not you're going to stay here!

Y/n: listen I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I do know that you're fighting style is meant for one-on-one sneak attacks if you try to take them all out you will eventually fall and I'm not going to let one of my teachers fall in combat to a bunch of lowly villains.

Aizawa tried to stop Y/n L/n with a threatening stare but the determined look in his eyes showed her that he was not going to back down and he was being 100% serious knowing that he was able to handle himself in a fight she let out a long sigh and relented.

Aizawa: fine you can come with but the moment that I say it's too dangerous and you are in danger you will have to flee no arguments.

Y/n: whatever you say~

Y/n L/n put his right hand behind his back and crossed his fingers showing that he was lying.

With that said Y/n L/n and professor Aizawa jumped into The Fray Y/n activated his helmet now that his armor was totally complete he was ready for combat he decided not to pull out his weapon the Maelstrom because he didn't want to kill anyone so he decided to go for his onboard weapons integrated into his suit Aizawa used her powers to nullify three villains powers and using her capture weapon she was able to take them out in one Fell Swoop Y/n L/n immediately jumped into battle blasting Four villains with his Fusion Cannon on 15% full power the blast was enough to knock out Four villains at the same time he then blasted six more villains with his resonance blaster one of the villains got close enough to throw a punch he quickly dodged out of the way he activated his retractable blade underneath his Fusion Cannon and with one swing he was able to chop off two of the four armed villain's arms This villain let out a scream of pain Y/n L/n then kicked her in the head with such significant force that she was sent flying backwards the Pro Hero Eraserhead AKA Aizawa and the hero in training Supremacy AKA Y/n started devastating the forces of the villains.

Y/n: so who's next because there's plenty for everybody!!!!

Of course the other students attempted to run away but they were unsuccessful their path being blocked by the portal villain.

Portal villain: it's a pleasure to meet you we are the league of villains I know it's impolite but we've invited ourselves into this Haven of Justice to say hello and besides isn't this a fitting place for a hero like All Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath I believe he was supposed to be here but I see no sign of him there must have been some sort of change in plans oh well I still have a role to play~

Foolishly Kat and Eijira charged at the portal villain ready to strike her down unfortunately some of the heroes in training were teleported away scattered across the unforeseen simulation joint Y/n L/n decided that his friends what have to take care of themselves part of him rationalized this idea while the other part told him to split up and help his friends but he had to go with the rational side of himself.

Y/n: sorry guys but I can't protect everyone at once even if I do split up they're going to have to sink or swim.

Y/n L/n decided to continue fighting on he grabbed two villains by the back of their heads and smashed their heads together knocking them out Y/n disengaged his helmet knowing that he would not need it for this next part of the battle he then decided to bust out his awesome Kung Fu moves Y/n struck a Kung Fu pose while making Kung Fu noises immediately one villain charged at him with a punch Y/n L/n caught the punch and he proceeded to break the villain's arm the villain let out a scream of pain Y/n then punched her in the face without turning around another villain charged at him but Y/n quickly stopped the charge by kicking the villain in the face another villain attempted to kick Y/n in the face with a deadly roundhouse kick but he simply grabbed the villain and repeatedly kicked her in the taco with extreme strength and deadly accuracy he then bent down and started repeatedly punching the villain in her private area her eyes when crossed as she could feel an unnecessary amount of pain while this was happening Y/n was making all kinds of funny noises with one final punch he then proceeded to bite her right in the place where the sun don't shine and the moon don't glow and finally for the coup de gras he picked her up and threw the nameless villain away her body landed in the fountain while this was all happening the Eraser hero Eraserhead was watching she was actually a bit scared watching her student viciously beat the crap out of the villains.

Aizawa: remind me not to piss him off.

Soon enough a villain dressed as a chef known as the butcher jumped into The Fray she too had some awesome Kung Fu moves and she was armed with two meat cleavers Y/n turned towards the butcher with a goofy smile on his face the butcher performed a couple of impressive Kung Fu moves in response Y/n answered her kung fu movies with his own striking a couple of kung fu based poses while making a bunch of crazy noises as if he were having a psychotic break while this was happening the villain covered in disembodied hands was watching she was absolutely confused and a bit scared of what was happening.

Hand villain: what the fuck is going on?!

Soon enough the villain known as The Butcher performed come get some motion with her fingers Y/n L/n continuing to make psychotic noises while striking Kung Fu poses decided to indeed come get some he charged at the butcher performing a cartwheel a forward full body flip he then started waving his arms in the air like a psychotic lunatic he then started flaring his hands out at the sides of his head like a elephant while sticking his tongue in and out of his mouth all while making psychotic noises soon enough the butcher just started throwing powerful punches at Y/n L/n causing the hero in training to stagger backwards she then started repeatedly kicking him in the face and eventually she jumped into the air and kicked Y/n L/n in the head causing him to go toppling backwards at first it looked like the butcher had won the fight single-handedly and with little to no effort but this was far from the truth.

Aizawa: this is not going to end well.

Y/n L/n immediately got back up as if he were Dracula emerging from his coffin while he was doing that he was letting out a sound like a valkyrie riding into battle Y/n L/n felt moisture on his bottom lip he wiped his hand on his bottom lip he then looked at his hand and noticed a little bit of blood realizing that this villain had it managed to draw blood.

Y/n: hah~

The Butcher: I'm sorry

Suddenly out of nowhere with the most blinding of speeds Y/n L/n proceeded to thrust his hand into the butcher penetrating her body he then grabbed one of her internal organs the internal organ he grabbed being her gallbladder and he proceeded to rip it out with his cybernetic left hand as the organ continued to pulse and move around he then proceeded to take the internal organ that he had ripped out and placed it in a doggy bag he then rolled up the doggie bag and gave it to the butcher feeling enormous amounts of pain the butcher's eyes rolled up the doggie bag closing it and then he handed the doggy bag and its contents to the butcher with a small smile on his face she held on to the doggy bag as if her life had depended on it and she toppled backwards falling unconscious probably going into shock.

Aizawa: holy mommy fucking Christ Y/n was that necessary?!?!

Y/n: absolutely not only did I take her out of the fight but I also probably saved her life.

Aizawa: how can violently ripping out a villain's organs save their life?!?!?!?!?

Y/n: well I looked into her body and I noticed that her gallbladder was infected and it was on the verge of self-destruction so I ripped it out and after a couple stitches and a lifetime of therapy she'll come to forgive me.

Aizawa: once again I have to rebuttal remind me not to piss you off.

(A/n): in case my terrible Kung Fu description didn't make it clear enough here is a video to help you understand exactly what happened just replace the guys beating heart with a gallbladder and replace all of the restaurant dudes with female villains and replace the amazing Jim Carrey with you wearing your armor.

The person who was most shocked was the villain covered in disembodied hands.

Hand villain: well I didn't see any of that coming I got to say this boy is definitely worth my time after we capture him maybe we can have a little fun together~

Unfortunately through the use of her powers and through the manipulation of portals the portal villain was able to take 13 out of play but fortunately enough Tenya was able to escape to alert the staff of the new age Academy of what was happening but unfortunately the Pro Hero Eraserhead had to go up against the supposed leader of the league of villains and she was losing badly.

Hand villain: I can't believe you're still standing you really are so cool!

Y/n L/n re-engage his helmet and charged into battle he jumped into the air and once he began Falling Towards the ground he hit terminal velocity his body caught on fire but the fire did not hurt him.

Y/n: MAN ON FIRE BLAZING CHARIOT KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n L/n kicked the hand villain so hard in the head that she was sent flying backwards she hit the fountain so hard that it shattered like glass she coughed up some blood.

Aizawa: thanks for the save.

Y/n: no prob Bob!

Y/n L/n no longer on fire gave his teacher a thumbs up and a smile from under his helmet.

Hand Villain: all right you want to play rough fine then Get'em Nomu~

Immediately the soulless Undead black monstrosity charged into battle the thing grabbed Eraserhead by the head and proceeded to slam her head into the ground she tried to break free and nullify it's powers but it proceeded to break her arm by stomping on it Y/n L/n saw this and was both terrified and completely enraged seeing his teacher in so much pain.

Y/n: STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n L/n proceeded to punch the creature now known as Nomu so hard in the head that her head came flying off her body she was now decapitated he then proceeded to disintegrate her head with the power of the Power Stone Nomu's decapitated body immediately fell backwards now being defeated and being rendered completely headless Y/n L/n looked at the hand villain with a burning rage in his eyes.

Y/n: I'm going to eviscerate you rip out your organs and hang you by your entrails you filthy pathetic excuse for a human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3063)

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