35. A Sweet Reunion

3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n immediately teleported everyone back to the new age Academy once they arrived there he immediately summoned his roommates they arrived just in time to watch him cook something up they watched with a fire extinguisher in hand to make sure nothing went wrong Y/n L/n currently has his huge big book of recipes he flipped to page 777 to find the recipe he was looking for.

Y/n: bacon grease chocolate chip cookies from 1953 now I can't tell you all how much everyone loves bacon well except for a certain number of people of either religious faiths or dietary preferences and when it's cooked it sweats a fair bit of liquid gold which theoretically can be used for baking just like butter so first we start with frying an entire pound of bacon!!!

Y/n L/n immediately put the skillet on the stove he then placed the entire pound of bacon into the skillet.

Y/n: bacon is always a good idea!!!

Y/n L/n then activated the right burner and yelled.

Y/n: FYAH!!!!!!!!!

Y/n L/n started cooking the bacon.

Y/n: hi bacon!~

Y/n L/n continue to cook the bacon as it sizzled and the greased popped it reminded him of the time he tried to cook bacon without a shirt on which was a painful learning experience.

Y/n: you know they say bacon clogs your arteries yeah with what baking~

Once the bacon was fully cooked he then took it off the stove and he quickly transferred the bacon grease into a liquid measuring cup.

Y/n: we need a half cup

Once he had a half cup of bacon grease he smiled and said.

Y/n: in the words of Perfect Cell perfect!

Y/n L/n then put the bacon grease a large bowl.

Y/n: then we need some sugah!!!

Y/n L/n placed the sugar into the bowl and he got some brown sugar and got ready to put it in the bowl.

Y/n: and next we need some brown sugah!

Y/n put some brown sugar into the bowl and started mixing it up.

Y/n: 1 egg-y!

Y/n cracked an egg and put it into the bowl without getting any shells in there.

Y/n: then we need some nilla~

Y/n L/n added some vanilla extract to the concoction he then grabbed a Whisk and started whisking away.

Y/n: now if your grease is solid just melt it.

Y/n L/n started laughing hysterically that's the fact that he was using bacon grease in a cookie

Y/n: now for the dry ingredients we just need two cups of flour.

Y/n L/n added the flower to a separate Bowl.

Y/n: 3/4 of a teaspoon of fluff soda.

Y/n L/n added the baking soda to the dry mixture.

Y/n: we then mix wet to dry with a big cup of chocey chips!!!

Y/n L/n put the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and he added a big cup of chocolate chips he started mixing the mixture together holding in the chocolate chips.

Y/n: we can then add moo juice if it gets too dry.

Once the mixture was fully mixed together he then blasted the mixture with a blast of cold energy so that it could rapidly set without causing any damage to the mixture.

Y/n: don't tell me to chill you need to chill!!!

Y/n then used an ice cream scoop to scoop up the dough into balls he then put the dough balls onto a parchment lined pan.

Y/n: 350 for about 12 minutes!

Y/n L/n placed the cookies into the oven once they were in the oven he then used the time Stone to fast forward time to 12 minutes from now after he had successfully skipped time to 12 minutes into the future the smell of wonderful chocolate chip cookies could be smelled throughout the cafeteria and to those with highly developed senses or those who are highly attuned to the smell of cookies could smell it throughout the entire Academy Y/n L/n opened the oven and took the cookies out to allow them to cool soon enough the door to the cafeteria was blown off and a certain Scythe wielding silver Eyed Girl burst into the cafeteria.

Ruby Rose: I SMELL COOKIES!!!!!!!


Ruby Rose was about to charge towards the object of her delicious confection but before she could get there she was immediately stopped by a blue glow surrounding her body the source of the glow was none other than the power of the space Stone arresting her momentum and forcing her to stay still.

Y/n: easy Johnny Millsap we're down range we also need to let them cool so we don't burn the snot out of our mouths with chocolate and the special ingredient.

Ruby Rose: what's the secret ingredient?

Y/n: you'll find out after you taste them.

Ruby Rose immediately folded her arms over each other and let out a cute huff puffed out her cheeks and looked adorable.

Y/n: and besides what's cookies without milk?!

Ruby Rose: you're absolutely right we need milk.

Y/n: and you know what's better than milk from a store?!

Ruby Rose: WHAT?!?!?!

Y/n: when you make it with your own two bare hands!!!

Everyone was very confused as to what the young man had just said.

Rebecca: I don't understand how do you make milk, milk comes from a cow.

Akeno: among other things~

Y/n: well let me prove you all wrong and show you the truth~

Y/n L/n used the power of the Mind Stone to flip the pages of his book from page 777 all the way to page 2,222 more specifically in the miscellaneous section of the book as said before the book is massive and it is floating in the air.

Y/n: almond milk from 1965 now listen I didn't know you could actually make milk yourself until I found it in an antique cookbook from the 1900s more specifically in the miscellaneous section which I have filed it into my miscellaneous section in my personal cookbook.

Y/n L/n snapped his fingers and immediately he assembled all of the ingredients he would need which was very simple.

Y/n: now the first step is to cover our almonds in water overnight~

Ruby Rose: we can't wait overnight the cookies will go cold by then and cookies are best eaten fresh and warm.

Koneko: I agree with her.

Y/n: you both are absolutely correct but we won't have to wait that long because time is on my side~

Y/n L/n immediately took some almonds put them in a bowl and he summoned the most purest of Waters from an untouched water source he then used his powers to completely filter purify and cleanse the water of any type of unwanted pollutant once the water was completely clean and purified he then doused the almonds in said water once the almonds were soaked in water he used the power of the time Stone to age the almonds 12 hours once they were ready he moved on to the next step.

Y/n: next we discard the water he snapped his fingers and the water floated up into the air and evaporated instantly.

Y/n: we then put the almonds in a blender.

Y/n L/n used his powers to make the almonds fly through the air and into a ready blender.

Y/n: we then add to it four more cups of fresh watah!!!

Y/n L/n recreated another batch of fresh purified cleansed water from an untapped untouched water source he then put the four cups of clean purified water into the blender.

Y/n: we then blend for about 3 minutes!

Y/n L/n set the blender to its most powerful setting crushing the almonds into little tiny pieces the water and the juice inside of the Almond combined together to make raw almond milk while this was happening he was making all kinds of weird and funny noises once the mixing was complete he then shut the blender off.

Y/n: yeah it's milky we then need to strain this to prevent pieces of nuts from getting into the milk you can use a cheesecloth, a tea towel, or something that's literally called a nut milk bag!

Akeno: sounds like something you use to prevent children.

Rias then elbowed the vice president of the occult research club and her old friend in the ribs to get her to shut up and stop making inappropriate jokes around Y/n L/n.

Y/n L/n immediately started using the cheesecloth to filter out the pieces of nuts from the pure milk he used his enhanced might to squeeze out any little bits of milk from the nut bits that he was straining while he was doing this he was letting out Grunts of effort.

Y/n: this feels wrong for some reason.

Y/n continued his work and eventually he had pure almond milk.

Y/n: and bam that is almond milk if you want it sweetened out some sugar and if you want a bit of vanilla add a bit of nilla~

Y/n L/n added a touch of sugar and a couple drops of vanilla extract to the almond milk he then whisked it together to make sure that the sugar was totally dissolved and the vanilla had been completely mixed in now he was done he poured himself a shot glass of the mixture to make sure that it was good he drank the shot glass and he was impressed by how good it was.

Y/n: well it's almond milk very good almond milk if I do say so myself so if you have water almonds and a blender go to town~

Soon enough almost everyone in the New Age Academy was in the cafeteria having smelled the wonderful smell of mysterious cookies being made and the sounds of Y/n L/n baking knowing the source of those sounds and the reason for those sounds everyone made their way to the cafeteria and immediately had themselves ready for deliciousness realizing that there was not enough to go around he snapped his fingers and immediately the cookies and the homemade almond milk began to multiply at an exponential rate so that everyone had seven cookies to themselves and everyone had tall crisp glasses of homemade almond milk ready to go everyone took their plates of cookies and their glasses of almond milk and they enjoyed Ruby Rose was even released and she was the first to have some as soon as she bitten to the cookie and tasted it Ruby Rose actually had a flashback to her childhood when her mother was still around and alive.

Yang: Ruby are you okay?

Ruby Rose actually had a tear running down her face but this was not a tear of sadness no it was a tear of pure joy and happiness.

Ruby Rose: these taste like the cookies mom used to make.

Everyone knowing Ruby Rose to have a sophisticated palette for cookies they immediately started enjoying and everyone loved them and I do mean everyone both students and staff enjoyed the amazing treats they had been given and baked for them.

Madam Lilith: wow these are actually way better than my cookies they're sweet salty gooey chocolatey goodness it's almost dark magic~

Sitting in the shadows of the cafeteria there were two certain individuals who reluctantly enjoyed the cookies and those people were Kat Bakugo and Kokoa Shuzen.

Kat Mind: I can't believe it these are really good he's an amazing fighter who managed to beat me three times and you can cook what kind of angle is this guy playing at?!?!?!

Kokoa: can't believe it not only did he beat me an S-Class Elite super monster but he can also make these wonderful Foods I need to keep a closer eye on him.

Kokoa look down and she noticed that her talking bat slave whom had the ability to transform into almost any weapon she desired was also enjoying the homemade cookies and the milk.

Kokoa & Kat: something's up and I intend to find out!

After everything was eaten and drunk and the mess was cleaned up in the kitchen an alarm sounded signaling that there was an intruder at the new age Academy the headmistresses immediately instructed the teachers to escort the students to a safe area immediately they checked their Scrolls and they realize that the proximity alarms had been triggered apparently something had crashed on the outskirts of the island in the middle of the Jade Forest.

Glynda: Y/n L/n we need you to come with us now!!!

Y/n L/n immediately gave the headmistresses a salute.

Y/n: Roger dodger!!!

Immediately the four of them made their way to the Jade Forest while the other students and staff we're going to a safe area of the new age Academy once they arrived in the Jade forest and found the object that had sounded the proximity alarm they noticed that it was some sort of large orb shaped object.

Glynda: what is that thing?!

Venelana: I don't know

Ruby Tojo: whatever it is we must approach with caution.

Glynda: hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Soon enough the object opened up a hand could be seen reaching over the edge of the object from the inside soon enough someone emerged from the object it was a woman she had a bald blue head she had dark black eyes she appeared to have a multitude of cybernetics she was wearing a skin tight red outfit with a pair of gray combat boots.

The mysterious blue skinned figure looked around until her eyes landed on Y/n L/n and the three headmistresses of the new age Academy.

Glynda: can you understand me?

???: yes

Glynda: do you know what planet you are on?

???: yes this is Earth, is it not?

Glynda: indeed this is Earth!

Ruby Tojo: what is your purpose on our planet?!

???: that's none of any of your business my business is my own!

Venelana: please we mean you no harm tell us your intentions or we will be forced to treat you as if you have hostile intentions!

The mysterious cybernetic blue-skinned woman looked at Y/n L/n she looked deeply at him as if she was studying each and every one of his features she then looked it down at his left hand and noticed the six Infinity Stones glowing embedded within his cybernetic left hand.

???: you are Y/n L/n correct?

Y/n: I am he and he is me now please tell us why you're here I don't want to hurt you.

???: I'm here for you Y/n L/n on behalf of our father.

Y/n L/n looked incredibly shocked by what the blue-skinned cybernetic woman had just said.

Y/n: did you just say our father?!

???: I did your biological father was my adopted father my name is Nebula and I am a daughter of Thanos.

Y/n: oh my God!

Y/n L/n stood there absolutely Frozen for a couple moments but one thought ran through his mind and eventually he ran that thought through his mouth and said it out loud with stars in his eyes and a big smile on his face.

Y/n: I HAVE A SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n L/n immediately ran over to the blue skinned cybernetic woman now known as Nebula he realized that this woman was older than him and much taller than he was.

Y/n: so you're my big sister?!?!

Nebula: technically yes

Y/n: bring it in sister!!!!!!!

Y/n L/n immediately wrapped his arms around Nebula's body and gave her a bone crushing hug she tried to break free but even though she had powerful cybernetic strength she couldn't break free of her younger brother's hug.

Nebula: please stop I think you're going to kill me!!!

Y/n L/n immediately released his older sister from his bone crushing bear hug and he immediately apologized for his over excitement.

Y/n: sorry I got a little excited I've never had a older sister before in fact I've never really had any family to begin with so I'm just so excited to finally have someone to call family!!!!!

Nebula looked over towards the three headmistresses of the new age Academy with a confused look on her face.

Nebula: is he normally this excitable?

Glnyda: yes

Ruby Tojo: absolutely

Venelana: you have no idea.

Y/n: well come on big sister I've got to show you the new age Academy I'm sure that the headmistresses would be willing to let you join as maybe one of they're agents or something!!!!

Glynda: please hold on a minute Y/n we don't know this woman she could have hidden nefarious agendas and she could be manipulating you and your want for a family to try and earn our trust.

Y/n: you make a good point so we'll use my new built-in lie detector!!!

Y/n's cybernetic hand opened up to reveal touch screen he pressed a few buttons on the touch screen and immediately his built-in 100% accuracy lie detector activated.

Y/n: is your name Nebula?

Nebula: yes

The lie detector let out a ding signaling that she was telling the truth.

Y/n: are you a daughter of Thanos?

Nebula: technically I'm adopted but yes.

Once again the lie detector let out a satisfying ding signaling that she was indeed telling the truth.

Y/n: are you evil?

Nebula: I guess I was before our father died I did very questionable horrible things I've murdered countless people I've done everything our father has asked us to do without question I served our father loyally but now I am not as you say evil.

The lie detector let out a satisfying ding again signaling that she was indeed telling the truth again of course the headmistresses were very shocked that this blue skinned cybernetic woman who had just landed would say something so horrible with such confidence and without any type of regret in her voice.

Y/n: do you have any type of Nefarious hidden agendas?

Nebula: no

Of course the lie detector let out A Satisfied ding signaling that she was indeed telling the truth.

Y/n: are you here to conquer the Earth or take the Infinity Stones?

Nebula: absolutely not I was sent here by our father to watch over you and to help you in any way I can.

Once again the lie detector let out a satisfying ding showing that she was indeed telling the truth.

Glynda: what happens if she lies?

Y/n: you can lie for this next question, what's 2 + 2?

Nebula: 2

Soon enough the lie detector let out a startling and unsatisfying buzzing sound effect similar to that of something you would hear on a game show if you got the question wrong.

Y/n: see she's a good guy she's here to protect me, so doesn't that mean she deserves a place at the new age Academy?

Glynda: not as a student but definitely as one of our agents but first she must prove herself.

Nebula: I assure you that will be no challenge I was trained to be the universe's greatest assassin my body is considered a Lethal Weapon my body has also been cybernetically enhanced and I assure you I can meet all of your expectations and far surpass them.

Soon enough Glynda's scroll began to ring she checked her scroll and she noticed that the Intruder alarm had just gone off.

Glynda: we have an intruder at the docks!

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3387)

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