34. Familiarity
Y/n's POV.
Location: Madame Lilith's house the familiar Forest
Y/n L/n is currently in the home of Madame Lilith a serpentine woman whom he had just met she appeared to be a lamia a popular species of demi-human but in reality she was far from a standard demi-human she was something far beyond that she was something much more Eldredge and ancient.
Y/n: so you knew my dad?
Madame Lilith: I absolutely did you see me and your father had a very interesting relationship and we did have a wild and romantic fling but it didn't work out he was so obsessed with his mission to balance out the universe that he didn't have room in his heart for love or at least so I thought it seems that your mother managed to capture his heart I must say Your mother must have been one hell of a woman~
Y/n: I wouldn't know
Madam Lilith: why so down all of a sudden?
Y/n: I never knew my mom and I never knew my dad you see since my dad had such a big Target painted on his back he left the Earth and never came back and when my mom was seeing consorting with him a Target was painted on her back so she put me up for adoption when I was just a baby and she hasn't been seen since she's been presumed dead for a very long time.
Madam Lilith: I'm very sorry to hear that a boy growing up without his mother is a terrible experience but if it makes you feel any better I never had a mother or a father to begin with in the first place.
Y/n: well I'm sorry to hear that did the stork deliver you to an orphanage?
Madam Lilith seemed a bit confused but she realized that the young man in front of her was just very innocent and a bit ignorant so she laughed it off and spoke once again.
Madam Lilith: no the stork did not deliver me to an orphanage you see before the universe exploded into existence along with the six singularities that are the Infinity Stones there were of course creatures like myself who existed in the Gloom of non-existence I floated an eternal slumber until the creation of the universe when the universe came into existence I was awoken and I basked in the glory of creation so to be honest with you I don't know where I came from I've always existed and I don't know for what reason I was created or how I was created.
Y/n: wow that's amazing!
Madam Lilith: well I've told you my origin why don't you tell me yours it's only fair~
Y/n: you're absolutely right well as you know I grew up in an orphanage until I was five on my one day while sitting on the front steps of the orphanage I grew up in I got a package from an unknown place I brought it in but of course the girl who bullied me in all my childhood she came in she insulted me snapped I beat her up and then I brought the package out into the woods when I open the box The Infinity Gauntlet was in it with the stones and all when I put the gauntlet on it resized itself to me and it offered me unfathomable and unimaginable power I just had to pay a price.
Madam Lilith: and what was the price you had to pay for the power you have now?~
Y/n: I had to pay a price of Flesh, Blood, and Bone I gave up my left hand and funny enough the power replaced my hand with a new cybernetic hand it was just a prototype but it got the job done after that I realized that unimaginable power was nice and all but I needed to be trained to be a hero so I went back in time and I trained with the greatest Samurai in recorded history.
Madam Lilith: ah Yes the one they called Jack~
Y/n: that's the one for 10 years I trained with him in the art of the sword he trained my body and he trained my mind he helped me conceive a bunch of coping mechanisms so that I could deal with the burdens of combat and not go into sensory overload after I was done training with him I came back to the future I went to the place called Nidavellir I convinced the universe is greatest Smiths to forge me my weapon a double bladed sword that I call the Maelstrom after that I bumped around the Earth being a hero righting wrongs saving lives kicking bad guy butt making friends and having all kinds of crazy fun adventures.
Madam Lilith: well you definitely keep busy so what did you do next?
Y/n: one day when I was hanging out with my friend at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory I was approached by some representatives of the new age Academy and they offered me a place there they didn't know I was a male at the time but after a shocking reveal of my gender of course they were more than happy to give me a place as the first male hero in training and since I had done so much in the past they knew that I was already Worthy and the rest is history.
Madam Lilith: well Color Me impressed the first male hero it's got quite a ring to it~
Y/n: it was very nice meeting you madam Lilith but if you excuse me I got to go find a familiar and my friends.
Madam Lilith suddenly got a brilliant idea a wonderful terrible evil idea she knew that she couldn't steal the soul of this individual due to the fact that he was incredibly powerful more powerful than she could ever dream possible and most importantly she actually liked this young man she thought he was cute and kind and she didn't want to hurt him so she decided to kill two birds with one stone.
Madam Lilith: actually I have an idea~
Y/n: is it for an amazing no sodium no carb Tasty Pizza?!
Madam Lilith laughed at Y/n's little comment.
Madam Lilith: no you silly boy but how about I become you're familiar?~
Y/n: really?
Madam Lilith: absolutely you see I've been growing bored in this house being all by myself so why not join you on your adventures and watch the first male hero make history~
Y/n: that sounds like fun are you sure you want to be my familiar?
Madam Lilith: absolutely now why don't you perform the ritual and I'll become your familiar from now until forever~
Y/n L/n immediately performed the ritual but for some reason when he finished the ritual the magic fizzled out as if the ritual was canceled at the last second.
Y/n: that was weird, did it work?
Madam Lilith: well you've managed to start the ritual but since I'm so powerful you need to perform a certain Act to bind us together as master and familiar~
Y/n: what do I need to do? Do I need to do the Hokey Pokey? Do I need to go on some sort of amazing Epic Quest? Do I need to throw the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom?!?!
Madam Lilith started to giggle at Y/n's silly gestures.
Madam Lilith: no you don't need to do all that we just need to perform a simple little action to bind us together for all eternity~
Y/n: well what do we have to do?
Madam Lilith how to sly and seductive smile on her face.
Madam Lilith: you need to give me a big kiss~
Y/n's face adopted a deep red blush he started stuttering out incoherent babbling soon enough he managed to get out one coherent sentence.
Madam Lilith: oh really?~
Madam Lilith licked her lips with her snake-like forked tongue.
Madam Lilith: What a shame~
Y/n: what if I'm not good at it?! What if I mess up?! Are you sure there's nothing else we can do?!?!
Madam Lilith: nope there's nothing else you have to give me a big fat kiss on the lips~
Y/n L/n was excessively nervous his face was now entirely crimson red Madam Lilith could even see Steam off of his face from how nervous he was Madam Lilith couldn't help but giggle at Y/n's nervousness.
Madam Lilith: well come on I'm waiting~
Madam Lilith closed her eyes puckered her lips and leaned forward Y/n L/n nervously closed his eyes and shyly puckered his lips he leaned forward a little bit but before their lips could make contact Madame Lilith opened her eyes and had a predatory look on her face like a lion ready to pounce on an injured gazelle and feast she immediately wrapped her arms and her tail around Y/n's body Y/n's eyes open wide as Madam Lilith had a Sinister and yet horny expression on her face.
Madam Lilith: PUCKER UP LOVER BOY!!!~
Madam Lilith immediately forced Y/n to pucker his lips once he was in Prime position Madam Lilith immediately placed her lips upon his own the two of them shared an extremely heated kiss the kiss then turned into a makeout session Madam Lilith doing all the work holding Y/n L/n in place so that she could have her fun soon enough the two of them started glowing and the bond between the two of them was established the connection now being Unbreakable now Y/n L/n is the master of Madam Lilith and she is his familiar servant but she didn't stop there she actually slid her thick wet tongue into Y/n's mouth turning the heated kiss into a full-blown French make out session Madame Lilith was moaning in pleasure while Y/n also began to feel an amazing pleasure he had never experienced before eventually the two of them separated Madame Lilith allowed Y/n to escape the passionate love of her kisses but she continued to hold him in her coils Y/n now I had a bright red lipstick mark on his lips he looked dazed confused and completely enraptured by Pleasure.
Madam Lilith: the ritual is complete you are now my master and I am your familiar but more importantly I am your sugar Mommy and you are my sugar baby~
Y/n was still Dazed and Confused by the amazing pleasure he had just experienced.
Madam Lilith: from now until forever I am your humble servant and if you treat me good I'll treat you good I'll make sure that your life shall be filled with happiness and pleasure~
Y/n: I like da ponies~
Madam Lilith: oh my I think I screwed a few bolts loose oh well~
Y/n L/n soon enough regained his composure after a couple more minutes of being Dazed and Confused.
Y/n: s-s-so what should w-we do now?
Madam Lilith: well I think we should go find your friends and you can introduce me to them.
Y/n: t-t-t-that would be a good idea!
Y/n L/n was then released from Madam Lilith's grasp she smiled at him and the two of them left her home once they were outside her home Y/n L/n teleported the two of them to the exact whereabouts of the occult research Club when they got there they were shocked to see what was happening to the girls of the occult research Club.
3rd Person POV.
Location: The Familiar Forest
Y/n's jaw dropped when he saw his friends from the occult research Club were covered in green goo the green goo was dissolving their clothing Rias looked absolutely embarrassed Asia also looked extremely embarrassed Akeno had a naughty satisfied smirk on her face Koneko did not look happy in the slightest and Kira she also looked very embarrassed but at the same time very angry.
Akeno: oh my this slime is so naughty~
Koneko: someone get this crap off me!
Y/n's face immediately went bright red he then covered his eyes and turned away totally embarrassed at seeing his friends partially naked.
Y/n: Madam Lilith can you do something about this!?!?
Madam Lilith: absolutely Y/n Baby~
Madam Lilith extended her left hand outward towards the members of the occult research Club from her fingertips bolts of lightning fired off from her fingertips disintegrating the green slime she then snapped her fingers and new clothes appeared on the girls of the occult research Club completely replacing the damaged old outfits.
Asia: wow what just happened?
Y/n: my familiar destroyed that green slime.
Rias: oh you got it familiar that's wonderf-
Rias looked over and immediately became shocked when she saw Madam Lilith she put the dots together in her mind and she realized that somehow Y/n L/n had made Madam Lilith his familiar of course she was extremely cautious Rias knew all about madam Lilith an ancient Eldridge creature of pure chaos who managed to single-handedly bring the four factions to their knees killing countless members of the four factions any who had sought her out would never return so she knew to be cautious.
Madam Lilith: Y/n Baby you never told me your friends were devils~
Y/n: you never asked~
Madam Lilith: I guess you have a point I never did ask so let's see who we have here from that red hair I can tell we have the Crimson princess of ruin the Priestess of thunder the bearer of the Sacred gear known as swordbirth bearer of the Sacred gear known as Twilight healing and the famous wielder of the light of shinjutsu~
Rias: how do you know us?
Madam Lilith: knowledge is power and I like power~
Akeno: tell us why are you here Madam Lilith?
Madam Lilith: simple I've grown bored of being by myself in that big house so I've decided to allow the most powerful being in the universe to me my master and my little sugar baby~
Y/n: what's a sugar baby?
Rias: don't worry it's nothing you need to worry your silly little head over~
Koneko: you better not have hurt a hair on Y/n's head or else!
Y/n: don't worry she didn't hurt me at all she's really cool actually.
Rias: you better not have.
Y/n: she didn't
Rias: we believe you
Asia noticed something on Y/n's lips.
Asia: Y/n what's that stuff on your face?
Y/n: what stuff?
Akeno: oh my is that lipstick?~
Koneko suddenly felt the burning hot sensation of Rage in her mind she clenched her fists extremely tight and she immediately asked the question on her mind.
Koneko: who kissed you?
Y/n: well Madam Lilith said since she's so powerful that we needed to complete the ritual and seal it with a kiss....please don't be mad at me!!!
Koneko saw Y/n L/n was being sincere so she calmed down and looked at her friend.
Koneko: I'm not mad....
Y/n: thank goodness I was scared that I made you upset.
Koneko: I'm not upset but you do owe me a tasty dessert.
Y/n: sounds good to me I have an awesome recipe for homemade cookies that will blow your mind when we get back I'll make everyone some and if you like I know a really good recipe for almond milk that will complement them nicely.
Rias: that sounds delightful.
Soon enough a blue Sprite Dragon flew down and landed on Asia's shoulder.
Asia: oh that's right this is my familiar.
Y/n: that's so cool a blue Sprite dragon that's so awesome!
Y/n L/n started petting the Sprite dragon's head and unlike it's normal behavior it actually enjoyed getting pets from Y/n.
Rias: that's strange I thought dragons like that don't like males they only like girls and they'll attack any male that gets too close.
Y/n: everyone does say I'm special~
Koneko:Yes you are~
Koneko actually had a small smile on her face.
Y/n: so let's all go home and I'll make us all some awesome cookies!
Everyone nodded in agreement and they immediately teleported out of the familiar forest and back to the new age Academy totally unaware that they were being watched by a very colorful bird and they were even more unaware that something was coming towards the Earth something small but at the same time it was something very significant or in this case it was someone.
???: I finally found you after all these months of searching and waiting I have finally found your location Y/n L/n.
Also on a boat heading for the island where the new age Academy was the ship had a stowaway the stowaway was hiding in the shadows awaiting the moment that they could emerge from the shadows and make their way towards the new age Academy.
???: soon my beloved we shall be together again~
The mysterious figure pulled out a cut-out article from a recent newspaper.
"A new star is born"
"Y/n L/n the first male student ever accepted to the prestigious New Age Academy for the first time the history of the Earth has a male actually been accepted to the most prestigious Hero Academy in the world what will happen only time will tell but what we do know is that this young man has a long way to go before he can become a fully licensed hero and he has a lot to prove"
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3012)
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