32. An Unholy Resurrection
3rd Person POV.
Location: the Church of Braveheart
Currently in the Church of Braveheart the Fallen Angel Raynare is standing on the altar on which she had killed Asia standing in front of her was an enormous cybernetic dragon that was once Y/n L/n he had just finished killing off all of her servants and followers and right now his sights were set on her the Fallen Angel who had caused Y/n and Asia so much pain and misery was now terrified she was frozen in fear but soon she regained her composure quick enough to avoid an incoming claw attack she landed on the ground she rolled to cushion the impact of the Fall she looked up at the giant cybernetic dragon it looked down at her with malice and rage burning in its eyes she immediately spread her wings and took off into the air she started throwing Spears of light at the monster with all of her power and might but unfortunately the spears just shattered like glass as soon as they touched its invincible and impenetrable armor.
Raynare: how is this possible no male can be this powerful!!!
Raynare tried to fight off the monster that was trying to kill her but all of her attacks did absolutely nothing to it eventually she attempted to flee she flew out of the secret underground chamber and up into the church she flew up through a hole in the ceiling At first she thought she got away but unfortunately she was dead wrong soon enough the mechanical dragon once known as Y/n L/n flew up into the air after the Fallen Angel who had caused him so much pain and misery Raynare tried to fly away but she was soon grabbed before she realized what was happening the mechanical Dragon once known as Y/n L/n immediately started flying towards the ground at supersonic speed soon enough there was a loud bang as it broke the sound barrier now moving faster than the speed of sound it crashed back into the church creating a huge crater in the ground and blowing the walls and ceiling off the church the Fallen Angel who had caused him so much misery laid on the ground broken and defeated.
Raynare: please have mercy!
Y/n L/n in his Dragon form just started letting out a low growl soon enough the Soul Stone began to Glow and within a couple of seconds Twilight healing was forcibly ripped from the fallen angel's body in one claw it held the twin rings that made up the physical form of the Sacred gear that was stolen from Asia and in the other claw was the Fallen Angel who had caused him so much misery soon enough the members of the occult research Club entered the church or at least what was left of it they looked in Terror at the mechanical dragon that was once Y/n L/n the Fallen Angel Raynare looked at the occult research club and immediately started begging for help.
Raynare: please help me this thing is insane and Powerful I'll do anything I'll be in your Peerage just help me get away from this monster!!!
Rias: a very tempting offer but I'm going to have to refuse by the fact that you hurt my friend and you caused him so much trauma so I'm afraid you either die by his hands or you die by mine~
Raynare: please no I don't want to die!!!
The creature reel the back its head and soon enough and Unleashed a burning Inferno of energized purple fire burning the Fallen Angel alive and reducing her to nothing more than Cinders dust and a scorched skeleton.
Rias: well I guess that's that.
Everyone watched as the dragon reverted back to Y/n's original form he immediately dispelled his armor with a simple psychokinetic command he then walked over to Asia he uncovered her and immediately placed Her Twilight healing Rings back on her fingers he then fell to his knees and started crying over her dead body she was so at peace that she looked like she was sleeping without any warning Y/n could feel a hand gently touch his shoulder he looked over his shoulder and he noticed the occult research Club looking at him with sad sympathetic looks on their faces Rias immediately pulled Y/n into a comforting hug soon enough everyone of the occult research Club joined in to make the single hug into a group hug they held Y/n in a group hug trying to calm him down as he was still crying eventually Y/n L/n spoke in a weepy voice.
Y/n: I'm a horrible friend.
Akeno: no you're not!
Rias: why would you say something so horrible about yourself?!
Y/n: Asia was my friend I was her best and only friend and I couldn't help her or protect her she died because of me and because of me she didn't get to live her life!!!
Kira: it wasn't your fault don't ever think otherwise!
Koneko: please I don't like seeing you upset it wasn't your fault.
Y/n: but it was all my fault if I could have protected her she she wouldn't have died I have all this power and yet I'm too scared to use it all!!!
Rias suddenly got an idea that could kill two birds with one stone.
Rias: Y/n look at me
Y/n looked at Rias with puffy red eyes and cheeks stained with tears.
Rias: Y/n I can bring her back but only on one condition.
Y/n: anything just name it!
Rias: you have to make me an unbreakable promise that you will never look down on yourself like this ever again you will always hold your head up high and you will never ever talk bad about yourself like this ever again.
Y/n: I agree please help her!
Rias: consider it done.
Rias hold out a small Bishop evil piece from between her breasts she then started the ritual of bringing Asia back as her Bishop she chanted an incantation and soon enough the bishop piece disappeared inside of Asia her spirit came back from the shadow of death and within a couple of seconds he opened her eyes.
Asia: is this heaven?
Y/n L/n look so happy that he could have extinguished Suns with his Joy alone he then ran over to his resurrected friend and wrapped his arms around her in a big hug he then started crying tears of joy.
Y/n: Asia I'm so happy to have you back I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you please forgive me!
Asia immediately returned the hug she smiled and said.
Asia: don't worry there's nothing to forgive I'm back and I'm with you that's all that matters.
Rias: Asia welcome to your new life as my devil servant welcome to the occult research Club.
Asia: what is she talking about?
Y/n: well this is my friend her name is Rias she resurrected you but unfortunately to do that she had to reincarnate you as a devil and now you're in her Peerage please don't be upset.
Asia smiled at her friend and hugged him once again she then let go of him and gave him a reassuring smile.
Asia: you did what you thought was right and and I couldn't ask for any more from you.
Rias: don't think of yourself as my servant but part of my family my family are known to treat our servants more like family than slaves so now I like to welcome you to the occult research Club.
Y/n: I know you'll all be the best of friends!
Immediately everyone made their way back to the new age Academy but before they got there a thought crossed Koneko's mind.
Koneko: wait a minute if you're truly omnipotent and all powerful couldn't you just snap your fingers and bring Asia back from the dead?
Y/n L/n immediately froze and went rigid realizing that his white haired friend was absolutely correct.
Y/n: Oh.......FISH PASTE!!!!!!!!!!
The occult research Club began laughing at Y/n's overall ignorance and inability to think when he was in a traumatic situation once they arrived at the new age Academy they made their way to the headmistresses office where Rias explained what happened of course at first Y/n was scolded for his rash and just plain stupid actions but he was soon praised for his heroic actions and his unwavering loyalty to his friends and after filling out a couple forms Asia was now a full-fledged student of the new age Academy she was given new clothes to wear and soon enough everyone made their way back to their dorms luckily Asia was allowed to stay with Y/n in his dorm.
Y/n: here you can bunk with me and my friends just ignore the gossip.
The two of them made their way back to dorm 1408 when they got there the two of them made their way into the penthouse suite of a dorm they were immediately greeted by the other roommates of Y/n L/n.
Octavia: Y/n where were you?!
Charlie: we were so worried about you!
Rebecca: they're absolutely right we were worried sick about you!
Emerald: and who is this girl?
Y/n: her name is Asia Argento she used to be a member of the church but then after she healed a devil she was exiled and considered a heretic but then she was kidnapped by a fallen angel and she was killed but thankfully Rias was able to resurrect her and now she's a devil and a member of the occult research Club I told her she could bunk with us!
Charlie: wow that's all so horrible I'm so sorry that that happened to you.
Asia: it's okay and besides on the bright side if it wasn't for all that happening to me I would have never been able to meet Y/n!
Rebecca: he is quite a wonderful young man and I'm guessing you're now a student of this Academy?
Asia: why yes I am are you one of our teachers?
Rebecca: yes I am my name is Professor Rebecca Torres but you can just call me Professor Torres when we're in class of course when we're not you can just call me Rebecca also I'm Y/n's case manager.
Asia: that's so interesting.
Y/n: and these are my other friends Charlie Morningstar.
Charlie: hi!
Y/n: Octavia Goetia
Octavia: hey
Y/n: Emerald Sustrai
Emerald: Sup
Y/n: and these two little beasts are Zuul and Vinz.
Asia started petting the two disguised Terror dogs on the head they immediately accepted the affection and they leaned into her hands excepting the blissful affection she was giving them.
Asia: it's nice to meet you all I'm really hoping we could all be friends.
Charlie: don't worry we're all super friendly and I just know that we are all going to be the best of friends forever and ever!!!
Y/n: I'm so glad we're all getting along so well already but if you all excuse me I am super exhausted both physically and emotionally and I'm going to bed.
Y/n L/n immediately sauntered into the bathroom he did his nightly routine and afterwards he made his way into his room closed the door behind him changed into his pajamas and went to sleep.
(Time skip the next day)
Location: the new age Academy
Y/n L/n is currently is right now in the lunchroom having a delicious lunch but soon enough he's approached by two girls the first girl she is wearing a strange dark sailor uniform which showed off her midriff he also noticed that the uniform appeared to be alive he could sense it in the Infinity Stones and he could tell that the uniform was staring at him this girl had black hair with a red stripe in her hair she had blue eyes and she had beautiful unblemished skin.
The other girl who was approaching him he was wearing a white and blue school girl uniform she had brown hair and brown eyes and she had a wild happy expression on her face.
???1: hey is it cool if we sit here with you?
Y/n: I would be sad if you didn't
???2: I told you he'd be cool with us sitting with him!
Immediately the two of them sat down at the table and they introduced themselves.
???1: nice to meet you I'm Ryuko.
???2: and I'm Mako!!!
Y/n: I'm extremely happy to meet you both my name is Y/n L/n.
Mako: it's really cool to meet you we've heard all about you and you were so totally awesome during the entrance exam!
Y/n: it was really cool
Ryuko: we also heard rumors about how you're the number one hero in the hero class.
Y/n: I guess so I don't like to brag or anything but I guess I am.
Mako: don't be so modest being the number one hero in the hero class is a huge achievement!!!
Mako then reached into her shirt and pulled out a huge lunch box which should have been inhumanly possible.
Y/n mind: how did she do that? maybe there's a 7th infinity stone that I don't know about~
Mako opened her lunch box and immediately started eating the contents of her lunch box with wild hunger.
Y/n: I might not be the most normal person on the Block and I might not be the most sane person in the world but how did she do that?
Ryuko: trust me I've known her for about a couple months now and I don't even know best thing to do is not question it.
Y/n: just like with magic got it!
Ryuko: so how are you able to do all the crazy stuff you do? you being a male and all.
Y/n: well you see I'm a hybrid my mom was a flufflepuff Faunus and my father was an alien.
Mako: your father was an alien a real life alien?!?!?!?!?!?!
Mako immediately started performing one of her Hallelujah moments excitedly talking about how Y/n's father is a real life space alien but soon enough Ryuko was able to pull her out of her moment and calm her down.
Y/n: yes he was he was from a dying race of aliens called the Titans basically they were a near immortal Godlike race but unfortunately his race mostly died out due to overpopulation his Homeworld was like any other world too many mouths not enough to go around he tried to save his people but they wouldn't listen to him and the exiled him for being a quote unquote Madman he then took on the title of the Mad Titan he then went on a lifelong quest to balance the universe to prevent the same fate that happened to his people from happening to every other race in the universe one day he came here he met my mom love at first sight and after that the stork brought me but of course my father being who he was he had a Target painted on his back so he left Earth and never came back but since my mom was seen conversing with the Mad Titan she gave me up for adoption and no one's seen her since.
Mako: so let me get this straight since you're half alien that's what gives you all those cool powers that you have?!
Y/n: kind of but not exactly you see the gain the powers I have I had to pay a price.
Ryuko: what kind of price?
Y/n: a price of Flesh Blood and Bone I had to give up my left hand.
Y/n L/n showed off his new and improved cybernetic left hand they were amazed to see the cybernetic appendage never before had they seen something so technologically advanced.
Mako: what are those funky glowing crystals?
Y/n: those are the six Infinity Stones each one holds Mastery over one aspect of the universe The Violet Power Stone controls all energies in the universe the blue space Stone controls all space in the universe the red reality Stone controls all reality in the universe the orange Soul Stone controls every soul in the universe both alive and dead the green time Stone controls all time in the universe and finally the yellow mind Stone controls all minds in the universe.
Ryuko: so wait a minute let me get this straight those glowing crystals can control basically the whole universe?
Y/n: basically yeah
Mako: wow so that means that you can do just about anything right?!
Y/n: well there are two hard limits on the Infinity Stones.
Ryuko: and what are these hard limits?
Y/n: well for starters this universe is not the only one in existence there is an infinite number of them and each Universe has their own set of Infinity Stones and the first hard limit on my Powers is that these Infinity Stones can only be used in this universe kind of like how a remote control will only work for one TV can't use your own remote on someone else's TV.
Mako: that makes sense
Y/n: and the second hard limit is a bit more drastic basically the stones cannot be used to destroy themselves basically it's because all of power, Minds, Souls, time, space, and reality are intrinsically tied to the Infinity Stones so basically if you were to erase the Infinity Stones from existence all of the universe would have to go along with them so the stones are completely indestructible.
Ryuko: I guess that makes sense.
Without any warning whatsoever the sounds of pain could be heard from another table Y/n L/n turned around and he noticed that the local racist bully Cadence Winchester was picking on Velvet by pulling on her ears and insulting her.
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3057)
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