25. Make 'em Laugh!

Octavia POV.
Location: the Goetia mansion The Pride ring Hell

Right now the Goetia princess is in her room jamming out to her favorite music ever since she had met Y/n L/n she has felt like her life has turned into a Perpetual daydream she keeps fantasizing about what happened the two of them felling in love everything ranging from how they would live together she fantasized about the home they would share she even had more explicit thoughts like how they would make love and she even fantasized about the family they would have what their children would look like, act like, and what they would name their children.

Octavia: Y/n L/n I wish I could know you better and I wish I could get closer to you, but how?

Suddenly Octavia's phone began to ring she looked at her phone and she noticed that it was from the princess of Hell herself Charlie she immediately picked up the phone and answered the call.

Octavia: hey Charlie what's up?

Charlie: I just talked to you about Y/n.

Octavia immediately became excited she jumped up on her bed and she held the phone close to her face excited to hear any news she had about the young man whom she had fallen in love with.

Octavia: what did he have to say?! is he okay?! Where is he right now?! Wha-

Charlie: calm down Octavia just calm down everything's all right but I do have some interesting information to share with you.

Octavia: well don't leave me in fucking suspense tell me!!!

Charlie: Y/n L/n has has been accepted to the new age Academy as a new student according to him he's made all kinds of friends he is both famous and infamous and he's been breaking all kinds of Records.

Octavia suddenly got a brilliant idea when she heard this information.

Octavia: Charlie are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Charlie: I most certainly am it looks like we're going to have to have a little talk with our parents if we are going to achieve our goal~

Octavia: don't worry that sounds easy enough.

Charlie: and I've got my folks handled once I tell them my plan they'll be more than happy to help~

Octavia: well then let's get to work~

Charlie: I agree~

Immediately the two of them terminated the communication at the same time and they went to their parents to go enact their genius plan.

3rd Person POV.
Location: dorm 1408 the new age Academy Earth

Y/n L/n continue to float in the air eventually his favorite teacher and his best human friend stop jumping on the couch and they noticed that Y/n L/n was floating in the air just doing absolutely nothing but relaxing.

Rebecca: Y/n how are you doing that?

Emerald: trust me when I say this he can do anything and he does whatever the hell he wants so don't ever question how he does what he does just don't follow him down that rabbit hole.

Rebecca: I'll keep that in mind

Y/n: again that's right I'm floating I forgot~

Y/n L/n snaps his fingers reestablishing his connection to the gravitational force of Earth as soon as he did this he fell down to the ground he landed on the couch bounced off the couch and landed on his face on the floor.

Y/n: little known fact us flufflepuffs always land on our faces!

Y/n L/n said this while his face was buried deep into the rug that was in front of the couch in the living room area so his voice was deeply muffled but everyone was able to hear what he said.

Emerald: I think the phrase is cats always land on their feet.

Y/n: oh now you tell me!

Y/n's voice was still muffled by the rug his face was buried deep in after a little while he finally got back up and he decided to make everyone a nice dinner the dinner was very nice and it was quite delicious for everyone to enjoy eventually everyone went to bed luckily for the two Terror dog servants they had their own extra large beds with their names embroidered on them once everyone was in bed the night passed in metaphorical Flash Y/n L/n was the first to wake up he decided that he wanted to go to the nearby town of Braveheart that was located on the same island as the new age Academy and it was just half a mile away from the academy when he arrived at the town of Braveheart he noticed that the sun was already starting to come up he still had a couple hours left until classes began but eventually heard the sound of a yelp and he heard a thud he ran around the corner and he saw a beautiful young woman lying on the ground she was dressed up in a nun outfit she had beautiful blonde hair and she had shining green eyes her suitcase was on the ground and it's contents were all Spilled Out.

Y/n: oh my goodness!

Y/n L/n immediately ran over to the nun and he started Gathering her things back into her suitcase he noticed that her veil was blown away into the air he quickly grabbed it and put it back on her head she looked up at him and smiled.

???: hello who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you.

???: I'm Asia it's very nice to meet you as well.

Y/n: here let me help you up.

Y/n L/n held her up to her feet he closed her suitcase and gave it back to her.

Asia: Thank you very much for helping me.

Y/n: to be honest with you it's really nothing at all, is there anything else I can do to help?

Asia: well if I'm completely honest with you and myself I'm new to this town and I don't know my way around I'm looking for the local church I was assigned to look after it and restore it to its former glory.

Y/n: I know where that is I'll take you there.

Asia: really?

Y/n: really really~

Asia: well then please kind sir lead the way!

But two of them make their way through the town of Braveheart but halfway on their Journey Asia hears a small child crying she runs towards the crying her guide Y/n follows her she sees a small boy on the ground crying in pain his knee is bleeding as he had scraped his knee Asia runs up to the little boy her hands hover above his scraped knee a pair of rings appear on both of her middle fingers and a bright green glow can be seen.

Asia: please don't cry Big Boys Don't Cry~

The wound on the child's knee disappears as if it never had existed in the first place once it was gone she padded him on the head he laughs and he immediately runs away laughing.

Y/n: wow you can heal people that is so cool!

Asia: sorry about that let us continue!

With that said the two of them make their way towards the church which was on a high hill when the two of them arrive at the church Y/n L/n bids farewell to his new friend.

Asia: thank you very much Y/n may God bless you on this very fine day.

Y/n: back at ya I'll see you later I got to get some stuff done before my classes start.

Asia: well I wish you a safe Journey.

Y/n: and you have a nice day!

Y/n L/n immediately ran back to the new age Academy when he got there he was greeted by a very unhappy Rias and and an equally unhappy Sona.

Y/n: what's the matter you guys?

Rias: we saw you with that girl from the church.

Sona: and we forbid you to ever see her again.

Y/n: why she's my friend?!

Rias: Y/n listen we're doing this for your own good.

Sona: indeed if the church were to ever find out about you or the Fallen Angels they would most likely report you to their highest authorities and a new Great War could erupt over control over you this place is neutral ground for the four factions so you are safe for now.

Rias: she's right and your power is unmatched and unrivaled if they don't already know about you we have to keep your identity and your existence a secret from them because there are some people out there who will stop at nothing to gain your power and or control over you.

Y/n: I guess you're right.

Y/n L/n had a sad expression on his face the student council president and the president of the occult research Club could feel their heartstrings being tugged at by the sad expression of their friend.

Rias: it's okay you still have plenty of friends here I'm your friend.

Sona: and you can consider me a friend as well.

Y/n's sadness began to slightly alleviate he gave his two friends a small smile.

Y/n: I guess you're both right thanks for that.

Rias: anytime also after classes end I would like for you to come to the occult research Club to talk about some very serious matters.

Y/n: okay I'll be there

Rias: good I'll see you then.

Sona: but for now could you please come with me to the student council office I would like to have a word with you don't worry you're not in trouble or anything I just thought we would have a civil conversation between friends.

Y/n: okay then see you later Rias.

Rias gave her friend a friendly smiled and waved back at him.

Rias: see you later my friend~

Y/n L/n followed the student council president to the student council office when they got there they started having a civil conversation over a cup of tea.

Sona: so I've done some digging into your files and according to what I've read your autistic am I correct?

Y/n: that I be~

Sona: how interesting I've never met anyone with autism I've done some research on the condition and I realize that it's measured on a spectrum according to your files you fall under the category of high functioning autism otherwise known as Asperger's Syndrome, am I correct?

Y/n: yepperoni!

Sona: interesting tell me how do you see the world?

Y/n: what do you mean?

Sona: let me rephrase the question what do you believe the world to be do you believe it to be black and white do you believe it to be Gray or do you believe it to be a mixture of black gray and white.

Y/n: I like to think of the world to be black and gray and white everyone's got good in them everyone's got bad in them basically when we're born we start off as Gray basically when people are born they are nothing more than a blank slate ready to learn and absorb knowledge and become who they were meant to be some people they are corrupted and they turn dark and evil others they become inspired and they lean towards the light while other people they remain Gray being a mixture of good and bad some people do good things for the wrong reasons other people do bad things for the right reasons so if you think about it good and evil are subjective.

Sona was amazed by the very intelligent answer she was just given she knew that this young man was very bright according to his files but she didn't expect him to be this bright he gave such an astute answer even though he has such a childish and innocent Behavior but when she peeled back the layers of his personality she realized that he indeed was most certainly extremely intelligent and he understood things that many don't understand either at all or until their late 60s.

Sona: I must say I'm rather surprised that you came up with such an intelligent answer to a very complicated question.

Y/n: I might be special but I'm not stupid it's kind of like what I always say I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid~

Sona: personally I don't see you as either stupid or an idiot but instead I see you as someone who is Gravely misunderstood and someone whom has more to offer than other people can hope to realize.

Y/n: thanks

Y/n L/n reached into his shirt pocket and he pulled out a pocket watch that he created from the Infinity Stones this watch was connected to the time Stone so no matter where he was he would be able to tell the time of the place he was at.

Y/n: Great Scott class starts in 10 minutes!!!

Sona: you're right I guess we better get going before we're late I cannot have my perfect attendance record blemished.

Y/n: you know what they say if you're not early you're late~

Y/n and Sona bid each other farewell for now and the two of them made their way to their classes when they both got to their separate classes they were right on time for classes to start.

(Time skip later)
Location: music class the new age Academy

Right now in music class Y/n L/n is learning about great musicians of the past eventually it was time for something special to happen.

Isabelle: all right students if anyone would like to come up here and perform a number for us for extra credit you may do so otherwise you have the rest of the class to do as you please.

Y/n L/n immediately raised his right hand ready to perform an amazing number he had just thought about.

Isabelle: well then I guess we're in for a nice treat please come on up and perform for us~

Y/n L/n ran up to the front of the class he waved his left hand channeling the power of the reality Stone to create everything he would need for example instruments props and pieces for a scene.

Y/n: lights please!

(A/n): listen to this while you read the rest of this part.

The lights went out and a spotlight came on pointing at Y/n he snapped his fingers and music began to play from the instruments he had summoned each of the instruments were playing themselves except for the grand piano which he walked over to and started playing on himself.

Y/n: 🎵 though the world is full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as....but are we?.....No🎵

Y/n bangs on the keys making an Out Of Tune sound.

Y/n: definitely no!

Y/n bangs on the keys again making another out of tune noise.

Y/n: positively no!!

Y/n L/n raises his foot and bangs on the keyboard with his right foot.

Y/n: decidedly no!!!

Y/n L/n bangs his head on the keys this time making a loud Out Of Tune sound.

Y/n: nuh uh!

Y/n L/n starts playing a continuation of the tune and he was playing.

Y/n: 🎵 short people have long faces and long people have short faces big people have little humor and little people have no humor at all~🎵

Y/n L/n jumps up on top of the grand piano placing his feet on the keys.

Y/n: 🎵 and in the words of the immortal Bard Samuel J Snodgrass as he was about to be led to the guillotine!~🎵

As Y/n was singing these words he walked across the keys of the piano he then jumped off of the piano and he started to sing his heart out when he jumped off the piano he used his powers to immediately Bewitch the piano to start playing itself.

Y/n: 🎵Make 'em laugh make 'em laugh don't you know everyone wants to laugh HA HA!!!🎵

Y/n L/n Falls onto his knees and continues singing.

Y/n: 🎵My dad said be an actor my son but be a comical one!🎵

Y/n L/n started sliding on his knees pretending to run as he was singing.

Y/n: 🎵they'll be standing in line for those old Honky Tonk honky shine🎵

Y/n L/n jumped up onto his feet and continued singing with the charisma of a professional triple threat.

Y/n: 🎵now you can study Shakespeare and be quite Elite you can charm the critics and have nothing to eat just slip on a banana peel and the world's at your feet make'em laugh make'em laugh make'em laugh!!!🎵

Y/n dance the cross the stage like a professional comical dancer.

Y/n: 🎵Make'em......Make'em laugh don't you know everyone wants to laugh my grandpa said go out and tell'em a joke but give it plenty of Hope!🎵

Y/n started jumping in the air while crossing his legs every time he landed on the ground he would straighten his legs out and every time he jumped into the air he would recross his legs in a silly pattern.

Y/n: 🎵Make'em Roar make'em scream take a fall, butt a wall, split a seam!!!🎵

Y/n L/n started doing elegant dances while singing his heart out.

Y/n: 🎵You start off by pretending you're an dancer with Grace your wiggling till they're giggling all over the place and then you get a great big custard pie in the face!!!🎵

Y/n L/n with blinding speed opened two portals using the space Stone he then caused a big custard pie to appear in his hand he threw the custard pie at one of the portals custard pie flew through the first portal and came out through the second it sailed through the air nailing himself in the face his face was now covered in custard but everyone was still laughing and enjoying his performance.

Y/n: 🎵Make'em laugh make'em laugh make'em laugh!!!🎵

As the music continued to play all on its own Y/n L/n started dancing like a goofball on the stage he even managed to incorporate some slapstick into his routine by walking into a low-hanging board nailing himself in the face and even opening a door which led to nowhere but a brick wall he slammed into the brick wall he started making goofy faces while everyone was laughing smack himself in the face to restore his face to its former glory and he continued to sing his song.

Y/n: 🎵 make'em laugh make'em laugh don't you know Everyone wants to laugh!!!🎵

Y/n L/n fell onto his side he started running running in circles on the floor pumping his left arm as if he were actually running but in reality he was just going in circles while lying down on the floor while laughing like an idiot.


As the music began to reach its crescendo he seamlessly got back up without using his hands he did a little turn and he faced the crowd as he was ready to pull out the grand finale and showstopper.

Y/n: 🎵Make'em laugh HA HA!🎵

Y/n L/n immediately ran towards a wall but instead of slamming into it he instead ran up the wall did a backflip landed on his feet and continued his routine as flawlessly as possible.

Y/n: 🎵Make'em laugh HA HA!🎵

Y/n L/n once again ran to an adjacent wall running up the wall like a ninja doing a spectacular backflip and perfectly landing on his feet.


Y/n L/n immediately charged at the wall across from him everyone noticed that this wall was not really a wall but instead it was a sheet of paper just put up in a way that made it look like a wall everyone immediately tried to stop him from running through the wall and hurting himself like an idiot but he didn't listen and he thoughtlessly charged at the wall he attempted to do the same thing he had done twice before but instead he just flew through the paper wall and the sound of all kinds of musical equipment could be heard as he had crashed into a pile of drums brass instruments and other musical paraphernalia.

Everyone: OUCH!!!!!!!

Everyone grimaced in pain as they could understand that what he had just done must have hurt a lot but apparently he was unharmed because he had popped out of the paper wall with a smile on his face and he finished his song singing

Y/n: 🎵Make'em laugh make'em laugh MAKE'EM LAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!!!!🎵

With the conclusion of his song Y/n fell backwards onto his back as if he had become extremely exhausted from his little performance.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3644)

(A/n): if you're wondering why I did that musical number that way was because I thought the moment needed something extra!

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