24. Examination & Experimentation
3rd Person POV.
Location: science lab Alpha 1 the new age Academy
Right now the two mechanical Geniuses at the new age Academy Tabane and Mei are currently examining the primary weapon of Y/n L/n his double bladed sword the Maelstrom first they decided to examine the material they were able to identify three of the metal alloys that it was made out of but they weren't able to identify the 4th.
Mei: okay I've managed to identify three out of the four metals this thing is made out of the first is vibranium which I have no idea how you got your hands on.
Tabane: the second is adamantium which even I can't get my hands on.
Mei: the third metal is Goblin steel which should be impossible for you to have.
Tabene & Mei: but what is the fourth metal?!?!
Y/n: it's a legendary metal called Uru.
Tabane & Mei: URU?!?!
Y/n: yes Uru it's also known as the god steal basically it has the ability to channel and absorb massive amounts of energy it can help those of the Divine persuasion Channel and focus their powers it can only be found by God level entities and it can only be wielded by God level beings in the hands of a mortal it's completely useless unless they are given permission to use it.
Mei: but I don't understand how do you use it there's no buttons no switches no nothing!!!
Mei picks up the Maelstrom and she begins examining it more closely she can't find any button, switches, levers or any type of way of activating it she begins fiddling around with it trying to find its source of activation she becomes infuriated and begins banging it on the table in an angry manner.
Tabane: oh gee why didn't I think of that?!~
Y/n: well if you want me to show you how it works I can~
Mei: okay
Mei looked at the wielder of the Infinity Stones with a sad defeated look on her face she looked down and gave him his weapon.
Y/n: basically it only responds to my commands unless I give someone else permission to use this weapon but in the hands of somebody else it's powers are greatly diminished to only 5%, but in my hands I can use it to its fullest extent.
With a simple flourish and a flick of his wrist Y/n L/n deployed both Blades of his weapon both sides of the handguard deployed forming into an O configuration he performed a couple of quick flourishes and elegant Maneuvers with his double bladed weapon.
Y/n: this weapon is called the Maelstrom crafted by the trolls of Nidavellir a place that crafts the greatest of weapons the weapons of the Gods and Celestial entities it was the place where the Infinity Gauntlet was created.
Tabane: wow I've got to take a trip to this so-called Nidavellir maybe I can get some inspiration from there~
Y/n: good luck with that it's all the way up in space a couple light years away from the realm of Asgard.
Mei: Asgard?! As in the home of the Norse gods?!
Y/n: that's the one~
Mei: you know what I'm not going down that rabbit hole let's continue so tell us what can your weapon do?
Y/n: well it can do anything a double-bladed sword can do I can also retract one of the blades and half the handguard to make it into a single bladed weapon with both blades are activated and both sides the hand guard are deployed the blades can rotate at a high rate of speed it's mostly an intimidation and scare tactic meant to intimidate and befuddle my opponents it can be used in combat but it doesn't have a lot of practical uses in combat but most importantly I can channel the powers of the Infinity Stones through these blades some Powers I have learned to do so far are with the power of the Power Stone I can cut through anything and I do mean anything with the power of the space Stone I can cut through space and even dimensions with the time Stone the swing of my blades becomes so fast that no eye can track it also when my blade touches something it can instantly turn whatever it's touching into dust with the Soul Stone if I cut through someone I can end up destroying their souls making it so that they don't exist anymore with the reality Stone I can alter the molecular structure of anything my blades touch sometimes I can destabilize the molecular structure of things so I can cut through them easier or I can cause them to become so unstable that they actually explode and with the Mind Stone I can throw my weapon and it will act on its own going through flying through the air on its own cutting and destroying anything it comes into contact with eventually returning to my hand.
Tabane: that is by far the coolest weapon I've ever seen in my entire life.
Mei: I wholeheartedly agree is it possible to replicate this thing?
Y/n: not really no.
Both Mei and Tabane looked down disappointed that any hope they had a replicating this awesome weapon was now lost forever.
Y/n: yeah it is pretty sad but it's true it took the raw Force of a star to melt down the four different medals and it took a special chemical formula to combine the four separate Metals into one if the formula is off even by a single digit then the metals will become unstable and eventually it will cause a cataclysmic explosion.
Mei and Tabane swallowed the lumps in their throats realizing that if these metals were really that dangerous when combined together they didn't want any part of it.
Tabane: so we heard you made an Infinite Stratos can we see it please?!?!?!
Y/n: I'd be insulted if you didn't~
Y/n L/n touched the four pointed star Crystal embedded in his chest as soon as he did there was a flash of pink light and His Infinite Stratos had been activated for the two mechanical Geniuses at the new age Academy to see they were amazed to see this amazing piece of technology.
Tabane: I can't believe it it's so beautiful it's design is so sleek and yet powerful just so...so...so.
Tabane started tearing up at the beauty of this Infinite Stratos that she had not created herself.
Mei: are you crying?
Tabane: Maybe.......
Tabane wiped her tears away and got serious she immediately started Examining The Infinite Stratos she was gazing upon she managed to plug into it and get a basic idea of what it was capable of.
Tabane: this is absolutely amazing this thing has twin missile pods housed in both shoulders, Infinity Arrow launchers in both hands, twin Palm blasters, an Oblivion Cannon three different types of missiles, Omni Beam cannon in the chest, super enhanced strength and speed, extreme aerial maneuverability, autonomous omnidirectional Maelstrom cannons, and an elemental blaster this thing is absolutely Unstoppable!!!!!!!
Mei: I can't believe it this is absolutely unbelievable I've never seen any type of Infinite Stratos with this kind of Arsenal!!!
Tabane: and you made this yourself?!?!
Y/n: that I did~
Mei: how did you exactly do this and how did you know how to do this?!?!
Y/n: well how I did it was I used the Infinity Stones to make my fantasy a reality and as to how I knew how to do it when I was a young child I managed to get my hands on an Infinite Stratos manual it also came with a set of blueprints as to how I got it I'd rather not talk about it let's just say involved a jockstrap and a lot of holes.
The two mechanical Geniuses of the new age Academy looked at each other Shrugged their shoulders and continued on with they're research.
Tabane: I can't believe it I've never seen anything so Advanced the technology itself is completely alien and yet it's so elegant and sleek.
Mei: I just can't believe it how did you manage to come up with something so amazing?!
Y/n: I don't know I just did~
Tabane: all right then.
Mei: since this is an Infinite Stratos of your own make and Design have you come with a name for it?
Y/n: actually yes I called it Alphatron.
(Time skip later)
Location: dorm 1408 the new age Academy
Right now Y/n L/n is in his dorm room with his best human friend Emerald and his two Terror dog servants eventually the two of them here and knock at the door.
Y/n: I got it!!!~
Y/n L/n jumped off the couch but he didn't get much air because there was no bounce in the couch so he fell flat on his face in front of the door.
Emerald: hey are you alright?!
Y/n: I'm okay!
Y/n's voice with muffled because his face was flat on the floor he used the power of the Mind Stone to pick himself up off the ground by using his telekinesis to pick himself up off the ground and put himself back on his feet once he was back on his feet he immediately dusted himself off and opened the door he was happy to see Professor Rebecca standing there with a happy smile on her face.
Y/n: hello Professor! what are you doing there?
Rebecca: I'm here bearing good news I am your new case manager which means that you will be my personal responsibility also I'll be staying with you from now on in this dorm~
Emerald: WHAT?!?!?!
Y/n: that's so awesome not only will my favorite teacher be staying here but I also have my best friend and my two favorite doggos with me it's like a dream come true!!!
Rebecca: wait a minute did you just say I'm your favorite teacher?!
Y/n: yep!
Rebecca had a pink blush on her face but soon enough her embarrassment turned into joy and her face gained a sultry smile.
Rebecca: well I'm so happy to hear that~
Y/n: we should celebrate with a couch jumping party!!!
Emerald gets up from the couch very confused as well as Professor Rebecca.
Emerald: what are you talking about?
Rebecca: I am also quite confused myself what are you talking about?
Y/n: what's to be confused about we're going to jump on the couch like it's a trampoline!!!
Emerald: we can't jump on this!
Emerald pointed to the nice couch that they were just sitting on a couple moments ago.
Y/n: oh my goodness you're right we can't jump on this.
Rebecca: you're absolutely right we can jump on that couch it's to-
Y/n: not like this it needs some adjustments!~
Emerald & Rebecca: WHAT?!?!
Y/n: YEEHAW!!!!
Y/n L/n use the reality Stone to change his outfit at one time he was wearing just a casual set of clothes but now he was wearing a pair of overalls that an auto mechanic would wear he slapped on a name tag on his left pectoral he then put on a trucker's hat with his name also on it all this was happening to the sound of a banjo playing could be heard in the background.
Y/n: let's take a look under the hood~
Y/n's voice had changed into a deep thick southern accent he clapped his hands together he shot a loogie into a nearby spittoon which had appeared from out of nowhere.
Y/n: yeah here's my job~
Y/n L/n lifted one of the couch cushions as if he were opening up the hood of a car he bent over looking for something he then let out a fart and looked over his shoulder and said.
Y/n: sorry!
Y/n L/n continue to Rifle through the innards of the couch looking for something.
Rebecca: are you as confused as I am?
Emerald: very much so yes
Y/n L/n first pulled out an enormous tennis racket which was way too big for any normal human to wield properly in a game of tennis.
Y/n: look what we got here Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha that's oversized that's unusual!~
Y/n L/n put down the giant tennis racket he went back into the inside of the couch to look for what he was looking for and eventually he found what he was looking for which was a car jack.
Y/n: here it is!!!
Y/n L/n put the car jack down on the ground and without any type of warning whatsoever an elephant trunk emerged from the inside of the couch the sounds of an elephant could be heard from throughout the penthouse suite of a dorm room.
Y/n: bad Simba bad Simba!!!
Y/n started smacking the elephant trunk trying to get it to go back in.
Y/n: get outta of here!!!
While this was happening the four Spectators watching were absolutely shocked and flabbergasted at what they were seeing even the two Terror dog servants watched on in total shock with wide glowing red eyes Y/n L/n picked up the tennis racket and smacked the elephant trunk when he did this he received a blast of cold water in the face from the trunk.
Y/n: spray me would ya!!!
Y/n L/n continue to fight with the elephant eventually he ended up in the couch being strangled by the elephant trunk he was dragged into the innards of the couch they could see him punching the elephant in the head trying to get free eventually they heard the elephant whining and it let him go he popped out from the inside of the town with an exhausted expression on his face.
The four Spectators watching all this unfold still had no idea what to say or do they were absolutely shocked and a bit terrified as to what was going on in front of their eyes even the two Terror dog servants were a bit scared of what was transpiring before they're very eyes Y/n L/n immediately pulled out a device known as a creeper he lied down on it and he said.
Y/n: back in a second~
Y/n L/n rolled under the couch which was being held up by the car jack.
Y/n: who's your couch mechanic?
As Y/n L/n was under the couch the sound of tools being used could be heard such as a high-powered pneumatic drill a buzz saw a lug wrench and all kinds of other different loud automated tools could be heard from the bottom of the couch the four Spectators watching when to a new level of shock and a bit of horror as they saw all this transpire.
Emerald: I'm scared
Rebecca put her hand on Emerald's shoulder in a reassuring type of way but she looked just as scared as Emerald if not more so.
Rebecca: Emerald we're all scared.
Y/n: you ought to call me the fluffle wrench!!!
Y/n L/n continued working on the inside of the couch from the bottom Sparks could be seen flying out from the bottom of the couch eventually he started crying out in pain.
Y/n L/n eventually slipped all the way underneath the couch which should have been impossible eventually all the sounds of tools being used abruptly stopped the spark stopped flying and he came out from under the couch.
Y/n: that ought to do her whew yeah!!!!
Y/n L/n gently lowered the couch onto the floor he removed the jack from under the couch he immediately put all of the tools and stuff he had into a large tool chest he then pushed the tool chest back into his pocket dimension once everything was back in his pocket Dimension he quickly changed clothes in the blink of an eye back to his casual do nothing clothing you started laughing he jumped onto the couch and he jumped into the air as soon as he did he had managed to get some nice air time and some serious height now the couch was as bouncy as an industrial grade trampoline.
Y/n: what are you waiting for?! I could use some company here~
Emerald and Rebecca looked at each other they Shrugged their shoulders they immediately took off their shoes and started jumping on the couch like small children having the time of their lives soon enough in the middle of bouncing on the newly remodeled and heavily modified couch Y/n L/n got a phone call he jumped into the air and he used the power of the reality Stone to severed his bonds to the gravitational pull of Earth he was now floating in the air he pulled out his phone and answered the call.
Y/n: Y/n the hero in training what's your favorite color?~
Soon enough The Voice of none other than Charlie Morningstar could be heard.
Charlie: well if you must know my favorite color is all the colors of the rainbow and I'm so happy to hear you again so what's happening?
Y/n: well since you asked I got accepted into the new age Academy as their newest student I've done all kinds of crazy awesome stuff apparently I'm both famous and Infamous here I've made all kinds of friends and right now I'm bouncing on my couch with my favorite teacher and my best human friend Emerald.
Charlie: oh I'm so happy for you but did you say that you're at the new age Academy as a student?!
Y/n: that I am I'm actually the first male student to ever be accepted at the new age Academy and I've managed to break so many records that I might as well build a trophy case for all the records I've already broken.
Charlie: that's awesome you're already making history!
Y/n: so what's up with you?
Charlie: oh nothing nothing just hanging around I'm actually kind of bored and to be honest with you the hotel is not doing very good.
Y/n: you want to talk about it?
Charlie: no I'm fine
Y/n: okay well if you ever want to talk or hang out my door is always open!
Charlie who was on the other end of the line suddenly got a brilliant idea how to cheer herself up.
Charlie: that's it!!!
Y/n: what's it?
Charlie: oh nothing to worry your cute little head over listen I got to go I've got to make a couple phone calls and take care of some serious business I'll see you again real soon bye-bye!
Y/n: bye-bye!
Charlie immediately terminates the communication as soon as she does Y/n L/n immediately puts away his phone and continues to float in the air for a couple seconds.
Y/n: such a sweet girl~
(A/n): WORD COUNT 3242)
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