22. Taken down a peg
3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy
After the incident with the ball throwing test things were pretty tame after that the last three tests were the sit-ups, the seated toe touch, and finally the long distance run and just like all the other tests Y/n L/n manage to not only blow everyone else's test results out of the water but he was even able to break several Academy records.
Aizawa: all right here's the results ranked best to worse all of you should not be surprised with the new results.
Professor Aizawa used her phone to project a holographic image of the rankings unsurprisingly to everybody Y/n L/n managed to steal the number one spot for himself and the horrifying part was he wasn't even really trying.
Y/n: huh number one I wasn't even really trying.
Class 1A: WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!
Y/n: is it that surprising if I really went all out I could have ended up shredding the universe down to its last atom.
Everyone was shocked and even a bit terrified to hear that the young man wasn't even trying they could only imagine in their wildest nightmares what this young man was truly capable of if he wasn't trying that hard he could rip a hole to the other side of the Galaxy and while he made his bold statement he had an innocent smile on his face not knowing the gravity of what he had just said.
Aizawa: all right everybody head back inside so we can be ready for your next and final class of the day.
Y/n: well then let's get moving people!!!
Y/n L/n immediately ran back into the new age Academy to get to his next class everyone else in class 1A were just shocked and a bit terrified at what they had just witnessed.
Class 1-A: HOW POWERFUL IS HE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Y/n's final class of the day was combat class taught by none other than Professor Erza Scarlett.
Erza was the teacher of combat class and she taught all the basics, fundamentals, and everything else that has to do with combat in the fields of both hand-to-hand combat and and every type of weapon combat eventually when the end of class came it was time for the best part of combat class which was sparring.
Erza: alright Everyone it's time for the sparring matches do we have any volunteers?
Soon enough someone raised their hand it was none other than Kat Bakugo.
Kat: I have a challenge!!!
Erza: and whom do you challenge?
Kat: I challenge the pathetic extra Y/n L/n!!!
Everyone gasps in shock no one had the guts to challenge Y/n L/n to combat after what they had seen in the combat initiation and after the rumors they had heard from class 1A.
Erza: so what do you say Y/n L/n, do you accept the challenge?
Y/n L/n started rationally thinking about it soon enough a small angel and devil appeared on Y/n's shoulders but only he could see them because they were a figment of his imagination.
Angel Y/n: I don't think you should do it if you fight her you're going to end up embarrassing and humiliating her in front of everybody!
Devil Y/n: don't listen to him this girl is way too arrogant and she needs to be taken down and who knows maybe should become a better person if you show her who's boss~
Y/n: I don't know you both make good points.
Everybody look at the young Y/n L/n they looked at him like he was crazy because he was talking to himself which he totally was.
Devil Y/n: who ya going to listen to that guy's wearing a dress!~
Angel Y/n: it's a robe you horned moron!
Devil Y/n: listen he wants to lead you down the path of righteousness I'm going to lead you down the path that rocks~
Y/n: and why should I listen to you again?
Devil Y/n: two reasons one that guy is holding a sissy little guitar thingy~
Angel Y/n: it's a harp!!!
Devil Y/n jumps down from Y/n's left shoulder and stands on the top of his desk.
Devil Y/n: and reason two of two I can do this~
Devil Y/n immediately does a perfect handstand he then removes one of his hands from the top of the desk doing a one-handed handstand.
Y/n: what the heck does that got to do with anything?
Angel Y/n: no no no wait he's got a point.
Everyone continue to look at Y/n as if you were absolutely insane for talking to himself and looking at something or someone that wasn't really there soon enough Ruby Rose raises her hand to ask a question.
Erza: yes Miss Rose?
Ruby Rose: is Y/n okay?
Erza: to be honest with you Miss Rose I'm not entirely sure.
Y/n L/n immediately stood up both the Angel and the devil on his shoulders disappear and he immediately chooses what he's going to do.
Y/n: I've made up my mind!!!!
Kat: so what is it you extra?
Y/n: I accept your challenge and you are going down~
Kat: you're the one who's going down you stupid breeding horse!!!!!!!
Erza: all right then it is decided it shall be Y/n Vs. Kat both of you get ready for combat and we shall meet you in battle arena 1!
The two of them nod their heads and immediately go to get ready for combat immediately everyone makes their way to battle arena 1 when they get there they wait patiently for the two combatants to make their way into the arena after a couple minutes of waiting they finally show up Kat is all decked out in her hero suit and so is her opponent.
Kat: you're going down you stupid breeding horse!!!!!
Y/n: but it's opposite day~
Kat: what no it's not!!!!!!
Y/n: that means it is!!!~
Kat: oh for the love of can we just get started?!?!?
Erza: combatants at the ready?
The two of them nod their heads in confirmation but they were ready.
Erza: then 3...2...1...FIGHT!!!!!
Kat immediately charges at her opponent she immediately fires a powerful explosion at him but he Dodges out of the way just in time she immediately starts throwing rapid fire explosions at him every time she throws a powerful explosion at him Y/n L/n simply Dodges out of the way with little to no effort.
Kat: hold still you bastard!!!!!
Kat continues throwing powerful explosions at her opponent but he continues to easily Dodge each of her attacks like they were nothing but simple gusts of wind.
Y/n: 🎵chick-y China the Chinese chicken~🎵
Kat begins gritting her teeth and growling in frustration she charges forward and attempts to punch her enemy in the face but unfortunately all she does is hit an after image.
Kat: WHAT THE HELL?!?!??!?!?
Y/n: look up genius~
Kat looks upward and soon enough she realizes that her opponent is floating in mid-air with his arms crossed she can't tell but he has a happy grin on his face.
Kat: get the hell down here!!!!!!
Y/n: why don't you come up here and make me?~
Kat: OH I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kat immediately jumps into the air and fires a couple of powerful explosions to give her more altitude once she is above her opponent she raises her hands towards him and she fires two powerful blasts at him but unfortunately all she does is hit another after image.
Kat: WHAT THE?!?!?!?
Without any type of warning whatsoever Y/n does a front flip through the air and he proceeds to ax kick Kat in the head sending her flying down towards the ground she hit the ground with such Force that her body actually creates a small indent in the floor she gets back up now more Angry than ever Y/n L/n floats down towards the ground and lands quite gracefully this whole time he hasn't even pulled out his weapon or used any real power.
Y/n mind: now it's time for one of my signature moves~
Kat: this is getting ridiculous!!!
Y/n mind: first I taunt~
Y/n L/n uses a psychic command to open up the stomach region of his superhero suit he raises his shirt and begins to perform an offensive gesture with his stomach.
Kat: are you taunting me?!?!?!
Y/n mind: then I befuddle~
Y/n L/n proceeds to do an unnecessary backflip with no real Rhyme or Reason confusing not only his opponent but his teacher and his fellow classmates.
Kat: what in the actual hell are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?!
Y/n mind: helicopter kick!!!!
Y/n L/n immediately disappears he reappears behind his opponent and proceeds to do a powerful helicopter kick sending his opponent flying forward.
Y/n: Time For The Pain Train to leave the station!!!!!~
Y/n L/n proceeds to unleash an Unholy volley of unbelievable attacks first he releases his astral projection from his body and he proceeds to give his opponent an invisible Beatdown of epic proportions punching her in a rapid fire succession.
Once his opponent is launched backwards by his final Rapid Fire Punch Y/n L/n uses the time stone to stop time while loudly shouting.
Y/n: ZA WARUDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Y/n's opponent is completely Frozen in Time he then proceeds to use the reality Stone to create what can only be described as a large Road Roller otherwise known as a steamroller he jumps into the air on top of the Road Roller and he resumed time Kat falls to the ground unaware of what the hell just happened she looks up into her other horror a Road Roller is flying down towards her.
Y/n: ROAD ROLLER DA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y/n L/n then proceeded to slam the road roller down on his opponent not killing her but badly wounding her he then started punching at the steamroller in a rapid fire succession well once again chanting as fast as he was punching the Road Roller with one final powerful punch he destroys the Road Roller causing it to explode everyone including the students and staff who were watching were absolutely shocked at what they had just witnessed thankfully Kat was not killed but instead she was just badly injured by the final attack the road roller disappears out of thin air and Kat is revealed to be lying in a medium sized crater that her body had created in the ground her limbs were twitching and she is gasping for air she tries to get back up but she cannot and soon enough she disappears in a flash of blue light.
Erza: in an amazing turn of events the winner by Total Knockout is Y/n L/n!
No one dares to speak or cheer eventually everyone made their way back to the classroom where everyone was terrified and yet wonderously Amazed by the amazing strength and power of Y/n L/n eventually the bell rang signifying the end of combat class and with the end of combat class it was officially the end of the school day Y/n L/n immediately packed up his things and he decided to go wander about the campus for a little while to go stretch his legs eventually he heard a strange sound it sounded like clanging metal and gunfire he immediately teleported to the sounds he was hearing soon enough he reappeared in battle arena 3 the place where another class was taking place this was the last class of the day for certain students these students were Infinite Stratos Pilots and right now they were going through IS training Y/n L/n was amazed to see so many Infinite Stratos units in action he began taking in every detail he could about these exoskeletons and their weapon he noticed that they were divided up into two groups the normal students who were wielding generic Mass produced IS units the other group were more advanced this group of females were wielding their own personal IS units these individuals were National contenders for their countries for example representing France was Charlotte.
Representing Japan was Houki.
Representing England is Cecilia.
Representing Germany was Laura.
And representing China was Lingyin AKA Rin.
Y/n L/n watched as the five National Representatives battled their hearts out against each other he immediately recognized faults in their combat tactics and thanks to his advanced Analytical mind he was instantly able to see weaknesses in they're personal battle units Y/n L/n continued to examine and study these units before gaining his powers when he was younger he did read up on the Infinite Stratos he had even managed to get his hands on an Infinite Stratos manual how he got it I cannot tell you but while he was reading the manual he absorbed everything he needed to know about the IS soon enough he was noticed by none other than the teacher of the class Chifuyu.
Chifuyu: well look who it is the famous and infamous Y/n L/n, what are you doing here?!
Y/n L/n stood up from his seat he placed his briefcase in his pocket Dimension where it would be safe he then teleported down to the ground in the battle arena out of The Spectator seats everyone was shocked to see that he was able to teleport so fluidly or at all.
Y/n: well I heard some of my favorite noises them being the clanging of metal and gunfire the sounds of combat and I just had to take a look for myself and when I got here I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had stumbled into Infinite Stratos training.
Maya: well it's nice to see you here but this is a private lesson and we don't want you interfering, distracting anyone, or getting hurt so you leaving would be nice.
Y/n: can I join?!
Everyone looks shocked and baffled at the young man's question.
Chufuyu: listen I read your file I know that you might not be what many would consider to be normal but you have to understand that this is extremely dangerous you could get seriously hurt.....
Maya: and most importantly you don't have the ability to control an IS.
Y/n: I could if I wanted~
Immediately the representative of England started laughing as if she had been told a funny joke.
Cecilia: that's very cute and all but why don't you leave this up to the big girls and skedaddle before you get hurt~
Y/n: what I say is true I've studied the Infinite Stratos when I was 4 years old and I managed to memorize an entire Manual of how to use one when I was five I know the ins and outs of the Infinite Stratos.
Cecilia: and how pray tell did you manage to get an Infinite Stratos manual?~
Y/n: let's just say I had to do things that I'm not proud of and things that I would rather not talk about.
Chifuyu: listen I reviewed your test scores and I seen what you're capable of I will admit your powerful your intelligent you're strong but you cannot hope to match up to the power that is the Infinite Stratos and even if you could control one you don't have one.
Y/n: I could just make one.
Some of the students gasped in shock when they heard the words that Y/n L/n had just spoke some of the students even started laughing as if they had just been told a very funny joke Cecilia had a cocky arrogant high class attitude about her and she laughed into her hand in a cocky manner.
Cecilia: that is by far the most idiotic thing I've ever heard in my entire lifetime many countries may have the ability to create and develop IS units but no one in the entire world besides its creator knows how to develop the all-important core of the Infinite Stratos and I assure you little man you have no idea how to make one.
Y/n: yes I do!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
Cecilia: do not!!!
Y/n: do too!!!
The two of them continued their little back and forth for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only a couple minutes until eventually Chifuyu finally decided to step in and end this childish nonsense.
Chifuyu: that's enough the both of you you're acting like children!!!
Cecilia: he started it!!!
Y/n: nah uh she started it!!!
Chifuyu: I don't care who started it I'm ending it!!!
Y/n: you know what I have an insta fix for the situation!!!!
Cecilia: oh this ought to be good what do you got little man?!~
Y/n: why tell when I can show!!!!!
Chifuyu: this I've got to see.
Maya: agreed
Y/n L/n took a deep breath to calm his mind and body he clenched his cybernetic left hand into a fist the Infinity Stones began to Glow and they immediately became active again making a single noise that caught everyone's attention.
Everyone: What the-
Y/n L/n raised his cybernic left hand into the air channeling the power of all six Infinity Stones there was a flash of pink light everyone covered their eyes to prevent themselves from going blind strange sounds could be heard coming from the center of the glowing Mass of light.
As soon as the light dissipated away everyone opened their eyes to see something absolutely shocking and amazing standing before them.
Chifuyu: HOLY SH-
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3085)
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