19. Introductions

3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n was now in the amphitheater of the new age Academy his weapon was strapped to his back in it's deactivated state the three head mistresses of the new age Academy stood before him ready to welcome him to the new age Academy as all of the students and staff had reconvened back in the amphitheater.

Glynda: students and staff of the new age Academy you have all witnessed two amazing victories for our newest student now before the new student reveals their identity for all to see you will all remember this the student has earned his place here and our decision is final so if any of you have any disagreements keep it to yourselves and live with it!!!

Venelana: now we are proud to present the newest student of the new age Academy Y/n L/n!

Y/n L/n stepped forward and deactivated his super suit his super super retracted back into his undersuit as soon as his face was revealed for all to see everyone took in every single one of his features they realized that this was not a she but in fact she was a he they could tell by his broad shoulders his Adam's apple his flat muscular chest and the shape of his face for a couple moments the entire New Age Academy became as quiet as a abandoned and forgotten graveyard.

Y/n mind: wow you can cut the awkward here with a Rusty butter knife.

Soon enough the crowd erupted into cheers and jeers 80% of the students of the new age Academy were happy to finally see a male for the first time in God knows how long the other 20% they weren't so happy Y/n L/n started to go into sensory overload at all the loud noises but soon enough Y/n used the power of the Mind Stone to strengthen his resolve to remain stoic and calm.

Y/n mind: remain calm don't show them that you're uncomfortable.

Eventually headmistress Ruby Tojo summoned her magical staff she slammed it on the floor and using her magic she Amplified her voice so that everyone could hear her her voice was loud and booming.

Ruby Tojo: SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her voice carried throughout the entirety of the new age Academy and it carried to the outside world for Miles round as soon as everyone was quiet again the headmistresses spoke again.

Venelana: you will all remain calm and silent as we said before our decision is final this young man has proven himself time and time again worthy to join this Academy and if any of you have any objections keep it to yourselves and learn to live with it!!!!

Glynda: classes will resume as normal tomorrow but until then you are all free to do as you please you are all dismissed!!!

With that said everyone left the amphitheater the headmistresses showed Y/n L/n to his new dorm room they made their way to dormitory Alpha otherwise known as the primary dormitories where most of the students are located when they arrived at dorm 1408 on the 14th floor Y/n L/n was amazed to see the room was not just a standard dorm but instead it was a penthouse suite when he got there he was greeted by Emerald and his two Terror dog servants who were still in their disguises.

Emerald: isn't this room amazing they said that we're going to share this room.

Y/n: this is going to be awesome!!!

Glynda then gave Y/n L/n a mobile Communications device known as scroll.

Glynda: here you go this will act as not only a Communications device so that you may contact others and we can reach you but it will also act as the key to your dorm so don't lose it.

Y/n: I will not thank you for all you've done for me and my friends.

Glynda: don't mention it now get plenty of rest the both of you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.

Y/n: thank you very much for everything.

Venelana: no thank you for being a student of this Academy together you will make a legacy that no one will ever Dare Forget.

With that said the three headmistresses left to go do what they do and that would be having to talk to the other staff members of The New Age Academy and convince them that their decision is final.

Glynda POV.
Location: the headmistresses office the new age Academy

Right now the three headmistresses of the new age Academy are talking to the other staff members trying to convince them that their decision is absolutely final and they would not change their minds.

Nezu: are you sure that this idea is a good one he's a male after all what if he is a colossal pervert and he ends up trying to manipulate others into doing perverted things with him.

Glynda: I assure all of you that what you have just said is absolutely not possible we've reviewed his file over and over again we sent for his medical records and so far we have found no indication that he is any type of pervert we even managed to track down his birth records.

Erza: if someone can truly defeat me as easily as he did then they have my stamp of approval.

Samus Aaron did not verbally agree but she just nodded her head in confirmation agreeing with her fellow teacher.

All Might: I have to admit this is quite an interesting turn of events~

Midnight: agreed I've never taught a male before maybe this could be very educational for all of us~

Eraserhead: Midnight could you please keep it in your pants for 10 minutes.

Glynda: listen all of you our decision is final he passed all of our tests and he has proven himself time and time again that he truly is a hero asking nothing in exchange for his Services unlike many of you so you're all going to respect our decision or you will find yourselves unemployed and banished from this Academy.

Deciding not to question the wisdom of the headmistresses of the new age Academy everyone decided to file out of the headmistress's office and forget about it but they were going to keep a close eye on this young man each and every teacher of the new age Academy had been given a copy of Y/n's IEP so that they will be able to teach him without any trouble.

(Time skip the next day)
3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n and his friend Emerald are currently making their way towards the cafeteria of the new age Academy when they arrived there there was nobody there Y/n L/n got an amazing idea he realized that a bunch of people didn't want him there and he knew that a bunch more people didn't trust him so what better way to win over people than to make them a nice breakfast.

Y/n: hey Emerald how about I cook breakfast today?

Emerald: I keep forgetting you can cook well I don't see why not go ahead Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

Y/n: you got it

Y/n L/n immediately ran into the kitchen she reached into his pocket Dimension and pulled out his big book of recipes which indeed was very large and very thick it was twice as thick as a phone book and four times as heavy Y/n L/n used to telekinesis to hold the book he opened the book to the appropriate page and found an excellent breakfast recipe.

Y/n: leftover bread pancakes from 1947 now I love pancakes but a recipe that's easy needs no flour and let's use up some stale old bread seems too good to be true so let's find out~

Y/n L/n immediately summoned all of the items and ingredients he would need first he grabbed a bunch of stale leftover bread.

Y/n: let's start with seven or eight slices of stale bread.

Y/n L/n tested the bread and it was indeed very stale first he tore up the bread and placed it in a very large vat.

Y/n: adding to it a cup of milk.

Y/n L/n added the milk to the mixture.


Y/n L/n grabbed a device for mixing the mixture.

Y/n: time to mash!!!

Y/n L/n started mixing up the the stale bread and the milk mashing it up into a paste all while making weird noises.

Y/n: next a pinch of salt.

Y/n added the pinch of salt

Y/n: two tablespoons of sugah!!!

Y/n L/n added the sugar to the mixture.

Y/n: they recommend 4 if these are for kids.

Y/n L/n added some additional sugar while saying.

Y/n: can I be a kid please?~

Y/n's face gained a goofy smile.

Y/n: next one teaspoon of fluff powder.

Y/n added the baking powder to the mixture.

Y/n: you know I call it fluff powder because it makes it fluff!!!

Y/n pulled out one egg and began to crack it.

Y/n: finally one egg-gy~

Y/n added the egg to the mixture.

Y/n: beat in thoroughly~

Y/n stirred up the mixture as thoroughly as humanly possible without over mixing it all while doing this he was making weird noises.

Y/n prepared the stove and a skillet for cooking.

Y/n: a little bit of oil

Y/n added a touch of oil to the skillet he put the skillet with the oil on the stove and he turned it on while loudly proclaiming.

Y/n: FIYA!!!!!

Y/n poured some of the mixture onto the skillet.

Y/n: 3 minutes on both sides on medium high heat~

Y/n L/n cooked the pancakes thoroughly and once he was done he had a sizable stack of delicious pancakes ready to go.

(A/n): in case you needed help visualizing what just happened here's a video to help.

Y/n: okay one down a thousand to go~

Y/n L/n repeated the process over and over and over and over again using the power of the time Stone to simultaneously slow down time and speed himself up once he was done he had cooked breakfast for the entire Academy but not just for the students but for the staff as well he teleported 25% of the pancakes he had made to the teacher's cafeteria which was located next door soon enough Y/n L/n grabbed two stacks of pancakes one for himself and one for his friend Emerald he sat down at the table and he gave a stack of pancakes to his friend Emerald Emerald ate some of the pancakes and she was amazed by the brilliant flavors that she tasted it was so delicious and fast that she could say that these were the best pancakes that she had ever enjoyed in her entire lifetime.

Emerald: I got to say you do not disappoint.

Y/n: what can I say I stand by my work~

Soon enough more people began to enter the cafeteria everyone was amazed to see the freshly made stacks of pancakes made by none other than Y/n L/n.

Y/n: please enjoy yourselves consider these pancakes as a token of my gratitude of being able to join this Academy.

The students were very happy by his amazing cooking eventually 2 familiar teams entered the cafeteria the first was none other than Team RWBY the other was Team TRIGGER Nora Valkyrie looked absolutely astonished she looked like a kid on Christmas about to open her presents.

Nora: Wow first a male gets to join our Academy and now he makes all of us pancakes this is got to be the best week ever!!!

Nora grabbed a stack of pancakes along with everyone else she drenched them in her own personal maple syrup that she carried with her for some reason or another and she chowed it down when she took her first bite it was so delicious in fact that she forcibly experienced a flashback to her happiest childhood memory once her flashback was over she started weeping tears of joy.

Nora: absolutely delicious!

With that said Nora continued to Chow Down as fast as Greased Lightning when she was done her stomach was as bloated as if she had eaten the whole side of beef she let out a lot of burp and soon enough her stomach returned to normal.

Y/n mind: how?!?!

Y/n L/n had no idea how she did that but he decided not to question it if anyone can appreciate the crazy and the weird it's Y/n L/n.

Y/n: that was strange but I like it.

Y/n L/n continued to eat his breakfast when eventually he was approached by someone it was none other than the two student council presidents Satsuki and Sona.

Satsuki: hello may we sit with you?

Y/n: absolutely please have a seat.

The two student council presidents sat down at the table across from Y/n L/n and Emerald and they enjoyed the homemade breakfast.

Sona: I have to say this is quite delicious where did you learn to cook like this?

Y/n: it's a hobby I picked up.

Satsuki: it is quite delicious

Y/n: thank you very much

Sona: let us introduce ourselves we both are the student council presidents of this Academy I am Sona.

Satsuki: and I am Satsuki it's an honor to meet you.

Y/n: thank you it's very nice to meet the both of you as well I am Y/n L/n and this is my close friend Emerald.

Sona: it's very nice to meet you as well Emerald but I would like to get down to business.

Y/n: of course I believe that you have questions that only I have answers to?

Satsuki: you are correct we would like to know how are you able to do what you do?

Sona: also we would like to know where did you get that weapon and who trained you?

Y/n: my powers come from a very powerful source called the Infinity Stones and before you ask where they are or what they are let me show you and give you the quick rundown.

Y/n L/n raised his left cybernetic hand and he showed the six Infinity Stones embedded in the back of his cybernetic hand the stones began to Glow he used the power of the Mind Stone to beam the information directly into their brains once they understood how the Infinity Stones worked where they came from and their history the two student council presidents were very amazed shocked and a bit horrified at the power that has been given to this seemingly mortal young man.

Sona: I can't believe it where did you get this power?!

Y/n: it was an inheritance from my father who had passed away.

Sona: fascinating I'm very sorry for your loss.

Y/n: that's okay I never even knew my own father but I'm glad to know that he was a hero of the highest order.

Satsuki: yes but that leaves the question where did you get that weapon and who trained you?

Y/n: well now that you know about the Infinity Stones it is now time for me to tell you about my weapon and my teacher you see long ago in a distant land a monster by the name of Aku known as the shapeshifting master of Darkness Unleashed an unspeakable evil but a noble samurai warrior stepped forth to oppose him wielding a magic sword but before the final blow was struck Aku tore open a portal and flung the samurai into the future where his evil was law and for the longest time the samurai sought a way to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku.

Sona: why are you telling us all this?

Y/n: I'm getting to that you can't just skip over the boring stuff and get to the good stuff there's an art to telling stories there's a beginning a middle and an end and right now I'm fast approaching the middle part.

Satsuki: sorry for interrupting you please continue.

Y/n: thank you now where was I oh yes I remember but unfortunately 50 years past and the Samurai warrior realized that time had lost its effect on him he was frozen in time no longer able to die of Aging after the shapeshifting master of Darkness sealed away all of the time portals he thought that he would have to wait it out and eventually the samurai would die but this was not the case you see the Samurai warrior lost his way and his magical sword that was the only thing that could defeat the shapeshifting master of Darkness and the samurai fell into despair but fortunately enough the noble Samurai found his way again and with an army of noble Heroes and with the help of the daughter of Aku the noble Samurai was able to return to the past and undo the future that was Aku but unfortunately the daughter of his greatest enemy disappeared before the two of them could wed.

Sona: but I still don't understand why are you telling us all this?

Y/n: as I said before I was getting to that now let me finish that's where I come in the noble Samurai Warrior's name was Jack and using the powers of the time and space Stones I traveled back in time to the long forgotten land and with his help I was trained by the world's greatest Samurai he taught me everything I would need to know and then some he was strong powerful compassionate and a lifelong friend after I trained with him I returned to the present and through the help of the greatest Craftsman in the universe I crafted my weapon I named it the Maelstrom it is made out of the four most powerful metallic materials in the universe the first two I guarantee you probably heard about the first is vibranium and the second is adamantium.

When they heard this the two student council presidents were very shocked.

Satsuki: but I don't understand where did you get these metals adamantium is a man-made metal that is virtually impossible to find and vibranium is so virtually scarce it's supposed to be almost non-existent.

Y/n: I have my ways now you see the other two metals one of them I have a feeling that you may not have heard of but there's a slim chance you have the other metal I know none of you ever heard of the first is known as Goblin Steel.

Sona: but I don't understand how did you manage to secure Goblin Steel goblins are very greedy creatures and they never share their Treasures with anyone.

Y/n: like I said before I have my ways~

Satsuki: and what's the other metal?

Y/n: it is a metal only found in the Deep recesses of space it is known as Uru and it is said to be the Divine metal it is so powerful that it can only be wielded by creatures of immense strength and it can only be forged in the most powerful of forages such as the one known as Nidavellir.

Sona: so your weapon is made out of those four metals?

Y/n: yes and with those four metals combined it can channel the power of the Infinity Stones without being broken down or destroyed.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3354)

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