16. I have Arrived!!!

3rd Person POV.
Location: Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory Germany

Y/n L/n is currently with the occult research Club in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in the country of Germany.

Rias: all right I've made up my mind you're coming with us back to the new age Academy.

Y/n: all right then I'll come with you peacefully but first I need to go grab some very important things and make a very important call.

Rias: all right then just make it quick.

Y/n: all right I'll be back in about 35 seconds give or take~

Y/n L/n used the power of the space Stone to teleport himself away from the occult research club and back to the head office of the factory when he got there he was greeted immediately by Emerald and his two Terror dog Associates.

Emerald: you're back how did it go?

Y/n: we're going to the new age Academy pack your toothbrush and let's get out~

Emerald: but what about the factory?

Y/n: I've already got that covered~

Y/n L/n channeled the powers of the soul and reality stones to create a temporary duplicate of himself as soon as Willy Wonka comes back the duplicate will disappear and it'll all be like he was never there in the first place.

Emerald: you really think of everything don't you?~

Y/n: I do like to cover all my bases~

Suddenly a thought just occurred to Emerald.

Emerald: wait a minute I used to work for the dark faction if I go with you and we go back to the new age Academy as soon as they find out I used to work for the bad guys they'll cart my ass off to jail so fast my head will roll and with all I've done that might actually happen!!!!

Y/n: don't worry my friend I've been told I'm very persuasive~

Emerald: all right then I don't trust them but I most certainly trust you and if anyone can convince them that I'm no longer a bad guy than I guess it's you.

Y/n: thank you now let's get going.

With that said the four of them teleported back to the location of the occult research Club when they arrived there they were greeted by the president of the occult research Club Rias.

Rias: who is this?

Y/n: she's my best friend and these two dogs here are my pets their names are Zuul and Vinz Clotho.

Rias mind: wait a minute I've heard those names before, but where have I heard those names before?

Rias could feel a strange power coming from the two dogs but it was very faint it was as if they're Powers had been locked away inside of an indestructible chest and the power was so great that it was leaking out through the cracks metaphorically speaking.

Y/n: so are we going or not?

Rias: well our mission was to just bring you to the new age Academy.

Koneko: and I don't think the new age Academy allows pets.

Y/n: sorry but if they can't come with me then no deal~

Y/n L/n raised his nose closed his eyes and looked away from the occult research Club.

Rias: please be reasonable.

Y/n: as they say here in Germany nein!!!

Rias pinched the bridge of her nose you shook her head in anger and she realized that she was not going to convince this young man otherwise she decided to relent.

Rias: fine they can come with you can work out the details with the headmistresses but for now you must come with us........all of you.

Y/n: excellent now let's go!!!

With that said they left the Chocolate Factory they made their way onto a transport and soon enough the transport took off towards the new age Academy unbeknownst to the occult research Club the temporary duplicate of Y/n L/n was watching over the Chocolate Factory back in Germany to make sure that nothing went wrong while Mr Willy Wonka was away as soon as he got back the duplicate disappeared Into Thin Air never to be seen again.

(Time skip later)
Location: the new age Academy

When everyone arrived at the new age Academy they made they're way to the headmistress's office on the way to the headmistress's office Y/n L/n summoned his mask again to make sure that his identity would be kept a secret when they arrived in the headmistress's office they were greeted by the 3 headmistresses of the new age Academy the first was Glynda Goodwitch.

Next is the mother of Rias Venelana Gremory.

And finally there is Ruby Tojo.

Glynda: excellent you've returned and with the infinity hero Supremacy.

Venelana: excellent work daughter of mine, did she give you any trouble?

Rias: no not really but something unexpected happened.

Ruby Tojo: what happened?

Rias: well apparently our Target has some friends and two pets that he wished to bring with him and he wouldn't come with us willingly unless we allowed it I told him that they would have to iron out the details with you three.

As soon as they heard the word him and he the three had mistresses became very confused.

Glynda: why did you say he and him don't you mean she and her?

Rias: actually no apparently the Infinity Hero Supremacy is a male.

A very long moment of silence past and eventually the headmistresses started to laugh.

Glynda: listen I like a joke as much as the next person but be serious.

Rias: I'm not joking I'm being as serious as a heart attack.

Venelana: sweetheart listen that's impossible there has never been a male with any Powers outside of the 4 factions in all of recorded history it's just not possible.

Rias: well if you don't believe me you might as well see it for yourself.

Ruby Tojo: please tell her that you are not a male and that you're just using some sort of voice modulator or something.

Y/n: actually she speaks the truth allow me to show you~

Y/n L/n use the telekinetic command to open his mask and retract his hero suit into his undersuit once he was revealed to be a male the three had Mistresses went as quiet as a corpse eventually they finally spoke.

Venelana: I can't believe it, are you really a male?

Y/n: yes I am, why is it so hard for everyone to believe?!

Ruby Tojo: because it's impossible no male outside of the 4 factions has ever had any powers whatsoever sure some of them have political power but nothing substantial!

Y/n: well you know what they say there's always a first time for everything!~

Glynda: that is true but could you please tell us how it is possible that you obtained your powers?

Y/n: of course then let me Regale you with a tale that started a long time ago in a place far far away from this room.

Y/n L/n went on to tell the story of how he had obtained his powers and how he had trained with History's Greatest Samurai warrior at first the headmistresses and the Occult research Club were very doubtful of his story thinking that he was just telling them a wild fable.

Glynda: I'm sorry to say this but that story sounds absolutely absurd and impossible.

Y/n: then how do you explain all the stuff I've done and my combat skills?!

Ruby Tojo: well I don't know I've never known any combat instructor who would teach a male and I don't know exactly how a male could do the things you have done but there has to be a logical explanation.

Y/n: then let me explain in a way that I know you all will understand~

Y/n L/n raised his cybernetic left hand into the air and he began to channel the power of all six Infinity Stones each of the stones started glowing bright the room became blacker than the darkest void everyone appeared to be floating in a void of nothingness.

Rias: what's going on?!?!

Glynda: I haven't the foggiest idea.

Everyone watched as they saw what looked like six separate floating whirlpools of different colored energy.

Y/n: before creation there were six singularities after who knows how long these separate systems collided with each other and the resulting Collision resulted in the event we call the big bang.

Everyone watched as the event known as The Big Bang occurred right before they're very eyes everyone was enamored by the beauty of the Big Bang.

Y/n: The universe exploded into existence bringing with it light Darkness creation destruction chaos and harmony but Power like that doesn't just go away in fact the remnants of the six singularities reforged themselves into concentrated ingots known as Infinity Stones.

Everyone watched as the power of the six singularities came together to form the six Infinity Stones.

Y/n: many have tried to wield the power of the Infinity Stones before they can only be wielded by beings of immeasurable power each stone represents one aspect of the universe the first stone is known as the space Stone with it the user has complete Mastery over space able to teleport anywhere in the universe at any time it can defy the laws of spatial existence next is the reality Stone with it anyone can alter the universe to fit their wishes even if it's in direct contradiction to the laws of physics next is the time stone with it anyone can control the very fabric of time itself able to travel through time see through time exist in multiple places at the same time it can speed up slow down reverse and even stop time itself next is the Soul Stone with it the user has the ability to control any and all souls in the universe both alive and dead where the reality stone is considered to be the most powerful Stone the Soul Stone is considered to be the most dangerous Stone next is the Mind stone with it it can grant the user unlimited telekinetic abilities it can control minds shut down Minds create new minds erase Minds and it can even rewrite Minds and finally is the most powerful of all the stones the Power Stone which is quite straightforward with it anyone can manipulate and control all forms of energy in the universe imagine if you harnessed every single star in the universe combine them together into a single star multiply it by a thousand and you're not even close to how powerful the Power Stone is.

Everyone watched as each Stone was presented to them they watched as each of the stones displayed their ultimate power they watched as the Power Stone erased entire planets and civilizations space Stone allowing travelers to Traverse the Stars the time Stone completely manipulating and rewriting time the reality Stone bending and warping the laws of physics the Mind Stone manipulating and controlling the minds of others and finally the Soul Stone creating and destroying the spiritual energy known as the soul.

Rias: such raw power, where are these stones?

Y/n: for a long time they were kept separate from each other the Power Stone was locked away in an orb on a planet far far away the space Stone was encased in a cube known as the tesseract the time Stone was captured by the original sorcerer Supreme and it was sealed away inside of a pendant known as the eye of Agamoto the reality Stone was liquefied and turned into a substance known only as The Ether the Soul Stone was on a planet in the spiritual heart of the universe and finally the Mind Stone ended up on Earth where it was sealed away inside of a scepter and it was wielded by the Norse goddess of Mischief Loki so that she may obtain great power.

Venelana: but where are they now?!

Y/n: well my father many whom would consider to be an evil warlord While others considered him to be a hero of the highest order Thanos the Mad Titan he went on a hunt to find all six Infinity Stones so that they would end up in the right hands and so that he could balance the universe for many years he searched for the stones and eventually he collected them all and he completed his mission but unfortunately his mission cost him many years of his remaining lifespan my father spent the rest of his days on a planet known as the garden otherwise known as Titan II but eventually he died and he passed the power of the stones and the resulting Gauntlet on to me.

Ruby Tojo: wait a minute that would mean that you have the Infinity Stones?!?!?

Y/n: that is correct!, now do you believe my story?!

Glynda: well it would all make sense but how is it possible that you were able to hold so much power and not be destroyed?

Y/n: it is all thanks to my parents Heritages my father was able to use the power of all six Infinity Stones because he came from a Godlike race of beings known as Titans my mother on the other hand she was of this world she was known as the last of the flufflepuff faunuses.

Glynda: but that makes no sense if this is true then that would make you half flufflepuff faunus half Titan and if what you said is true you truly are incredibly powerful and add the Infinity Stones and that would make you........

Y/n: a God yes~

Everyone was totally shocked by what they had just heard but when they looked upon the young man they realized that he was telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth with that said and done Y/n L/n deactivated the power of the Infinity Stones returning them to a stationary standby state immediately the headmistresses office returned to normal.

Y/n: now do you understand how what I do is possible and do you understand that I truly am possible?!

Glynda: yes we have no choice but to accept your answer and our offer still stands, do you wish to join the new age Academy?

Y/n: I would love nothing more but only on one condition.

Venelana: name it!

Y/n: I will attend the new age Academy as long as my friend Emerald here is also allowed to do the same and I am allowed to bring with me my two dogs.

Glynda: well normally we would say no but since you have literally infinite potential then we are forced to accept your condition.

Y/n L/n leaned over and whispered something into Emerald's ear.

Y/n: I told you I'm very persuasive.

Emerald: I never doubted you for a second~

Y/n: excellent now I believe Emerald has something to tell you all but I would appreciate it if the members of the occult research club would leave the room.

Venelana: of course Rias you may leave now.

Rias: of course mother

With that said the members of the occult research Club left the headmistresses office once they were gone it was time to get down to some serious business.

Y/n: all right now we have to talk about something extremely important Emerald if you will.

Emerald: well you see I used to work for the dark faction.

The headmistresses: WHAT?!?!

Glynda: are you being serious you used to work for the dark faction?!?!?!?!?

Y/n: she did but she betrayed them and joined me now she's a good guy!

Venelana: listen this is very serious if she used to work for the dark faction who knows what she has done and what she's capable of she needs to be arrested and imprisoned immediately.

Y/n: you don't understand she betrayed them she no longer works for the dark faction she's my friend.

Glynda: I'm sorry but she's a criminal and she has to face Justice.

Y/n L/n was worried for his friend but eventually he came up with a wonderfully Sinister idea.

Y/n: well then if she has to go to jail then I guess she can never share with you all the juicy secrets she has managed to obtain while she was working for the dark faction.

When the three-headed Mistresses heard the words leave the young man's mouth they immediately knew what he was trying to do but they knew that he was right.

Glynda: are you trying to manipulate us?

Y/n: that depends is it working?~

Ruby Tojo: would you give us a minute?

Immediately the three headmistresses huddled up and they began to Talk Amongst each other once they were done they looked back at Y/n L/n and Emerald.

Glynda: we have discussed it and if Emerald here can give us substantial information about the dark faction then we will consider it as community service and she will be completely Vindicated.

Venelana: also we will expunge any criminal record she has but only if the information is of any positive consequence.

Emerald: consider it done don't worry I've got all kinds of Juicy secrets that I know the mistresses of Darkness would never want to fall into your hands.

Glynda: we shall be the judges of that.

Y/n: all right then then let's get started shall we~

With that said Emerald began to sing like a canary revealing secrets of the dark faction that would definitely paint a Target on her back bigger than the one she already had once the headmistresses had this information they held up their end of the bargain and now Emerald was an official student of the new age Academy but Y/n L/n had to prove himself worthy of joining the academy by participating in three extremely difficult tasks.

Y/n: this is going to be very interesting~

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3041)

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