14. A land of Pure Imagination
Glynda POV.
Location: the new age Academy
It is been a couple days since the embarrassment in Washington DC and ever since then the headmistresses and some of the Geniuses behind the new age Academy had a brilliant idea if this mysterious vigilante had such amazing power maybe they could track her down using her own powers against her they realized that it couldn't have been a quirk because not even the most powerful mind control quirk in history was powerful enough to control the minds and actions of so many people at the same time without causing an extreme strain on the Quirk user also after the embarrassment in Washington DC some of the more Brilliant Minds in New Age Academy managed to find a special energy frequency on All Might and Midnight so using the remains of the energy exerted from Supremacy they were able to conceive a device that would track down this vigilante to her hiding place so for the last few days the most intelligent students and staff of the new age Academy have been working non-stop to create a device that can track down the powerful energy of vigilante calling herself Supremacy and now the machine is ready for action.
Glynda: so are you sure this will work?
Mei: without a doubt!
Tabane: this device will link up with our network of satellites to scan the entire world looking for the energy source from the vigilante and once we have a lock on of their energy signature anywhere on the planet anywhere from the highest mountains the lowest ocean floor.
Venelana: excellent activate it now.
Without any form of hesitation the device was activated in immediately linked up with the satellite hanging in the Earth's orbit within a couple of minutes the machine locked on to the energy signature of the Vigilante calling herself the Infinity Hero Supremacy.
Tabane: we got her!
Glynda: where is she?!
Mei: well this is unexpected!
Glynda: what do you mean what's unexpected?!
Mei: according to these coordinates the vigilante is currently at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in Germany.
A very long moment of silence past as everyone was trying to comprehend want the creator of the Infinite Stratos had just said as soon as it registered and everyone's head the same response was uttered by everyone in the room.
Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!??
Ruby Tojo: you've got to be kidding us!
Tabane: she's not kidding according to these coordinates the Vigilante is right now at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in Germany.
Glynda: well that's unexpected
Venelana: indeed
Ruby Tojo: agreed
Realizing that their target was now in a location they had access to the three headmistresses decided to act now knowing that violence was not going to work they were going to have to extend the hand of friendship and go for a more diplomatic approach.
Glynda: all right if we want to recruit this vigilante we're going to need a more diplomatic approach instead of using blunt force.
Venelana: I wholeheartedly agree
Ruby Tojo: I also have to agree if we want this vigilante on our side we're going to have to extend the hand of friendship instead of going for blunt force.
Glynda: that's what I just said.
Ruby Tojo: I know I was agreeing with you now let's not get off topic.
Glymda: that I can agree with now the question is, who are we going to send to retrieve this vigilante?
Venelana: I recommend my daughter and her Peerage.
Glynda: that does make sense she's normally very friendly and just in case things go awry they could always use some more less civil methods of persuasion and reason.
Ruby Tojo: hopefully it will not come down to that.
With that said and done Venelana summoned her daughter and her servants and after a couple minutes of waiting they arrived at the headmistress's office.
Rias: hello Mother how may we help you today?
Venelana: have you been keeping up with the news about the so-called vigilante calling himself the Infinity Hero Supremacy?
Rias: I've heard of her yes I have to say what happened in Washington DC was quite unfortunate but it could have been worse.
Glynda: absolutely now we have a mission for you and your group.
Rias: whatever it is we are ready willing and able.
Venelana: excellent your mission is quite simple we have Tracked Down the vigilante to a very unlikely location your mission is to recruit her and bring her back to the new age Academy so that she may be given a place as a student at this Academy.
Rias: an excellent idea but how are we supposed to convince her to join this Academy as a student?
Glynda: that is quite simple before we wanted to bring her in on charges of vigilantism but you will extend the hand of friendship to this vigilante trying to be cordial and respectful and above all else try not to use any type of violence because if threatened this mysterious vigilante May flee.
Rias: I understand now where is this vigilante located?
Venelana: Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in Germany.
A very long moment of silence past as everyone was totally shocked by what they had just heard they stared at the headmistresses as if they had said something absolutely ludicrous.
Rias: are you being serious right now?
Ruby Tojo: unfortunately yes we are being absolutely serious.
Rias: that is quite a peculiar place for a vigilante hideout.
Venelana: I absolutely agree but now is not the time for questions like that now is the time for diplomatic action.
Glynda: now go you all have to leave immediately.
Rias: understood consider our mission underway.
With that said Rias and her servants boarded a transport headed straight for Germany meanwhile the three headmistresses contacted Willy Wonka himself and they alerted him that he would be having some company and thanks to their status Willy Wonka was more than happy to accept some guests but he wouldn't be there right now he's with the Royal Family of England after the loss of the queen Willy Wonka decided to go send his condolences personally and a couple of condolence gifts so he left someone he trusted in charge of the factory while he was gone and that's who will be looking after the visitors.
Glynda: hopefully this vigilante will come willingly and quietly.
3rd Person POV.
Location: Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory Germany
Right now at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory Y/n L/n is wearing a special suit he crafted for himself using the power of the Infinity Stones this suit and his superhero suit are two halves of the same coin he combined the suit with his superhero suit so that when he deactivated his superhero suit it would recede into this special suit so that it would make for easy storage and he could carry it everywhere he went the suit had special light up pink highlights it had light armor which allowed for maximum defense and free Mobility.
Y/n L/n had already gotten off the phone with Willy Wonka apparently there were guests from The New Age Academy coming and it was his job to look after them and give them a tour of the factory apparently they were after the Vigilante and they were willing to extend the hand of friendship to her or who they thought was a her.
Y/n: today is going to be very interesting.
Y/n L/n looked over to his friend Emerald and his two Terror dog servants.
Y/n: it looks like we have some company.
Emerald: let me guess some more people to bring you to Justice?
Y/n: apparently not apparently these people who are coming from the new age Academy are here to extend the hand of friendship to me but they still think I'm a female.
Emerald: aren't they in for a big surprise when they get here.
Y/n: indeed but for now I think I should play along and give them a proper tour~
Emerald: then what should I do while you give them a proper tour?
Y/n: why don't you stay here and watch over everything from the cameras make sure that nothing goes wrong if things go south use your semblance and I'll come back for you all so we can make a clean getaway.
Emerald: sounds like a plan to me~
Y/n: excellent now I better go they'll be here any second~
Emerald: I'll be here waiting for you.
Y/n: then I'll see you later.
Y/n L/n made his way to the transport docks of the Chocolate Factory his weapon the Maelstrom was now attached to his back and it was ready for Activation and quick deployment.
Y/n: it's going to be very interesting~
Y/n L/n then remembered something very important his cybernetic hand was out and full display for everyone to see.
Y/n: oh crap my hand!
Y/n L/n realized that if these visitors were up to speed on the news and current events they would recognize his cybernetic hand in an instant so he had to disguise it but he realized that he couldn't replace his flesh and blood hand so he decided to transform his cybernetic hand into a different configuration using the power of the reality Stone he transformed his cybernetic hand into a different configuration he grew an extra finger the Infinity Stones changed their positions and soon enough it appeared that the cybernetic hand was nothing more than a gauntlet.
(A/n): as you already know this piece of art is a creation of my own design so tell me what you think in the comments.
Y/n L/n looked at his new hand configuration he flexes his cybernetic fingers a couple of times and eventually he decided.
Y/n: it'll have to do.
After a couple seconds past a transport ship finally arrived.
Y/n: ready or not here they come.
Once the ship landed a group of females exited the transport all of them were female and all of them were very beautiful the first female had long beautiful red hair blue green eyes and unblemished Porcelain like skin.
Next was a female with long black hair tied into a single ponytail she had dark violet eyes and Porcelain like skin.
The next female she had blonde hair blue eyes and just like all the others she had porcelain like skin.
The final female had white hair golden eyes she was the shortest of the group and just like the rest she also had porcelain skin but she had a serious stoic expression on her face.
Y/n mind: well look who it is and I thought I wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing them again~
Y/n: welcome guests I shall be your host for today!
Rias: it's very nice to meet you, may I have your name?
Y/n: absolutely my name is Y/n L/n and it's very nice to meet you all.
Rias: and these are my friends the girl with black hair is Akeno.
Akeno: well hello cutie~
Y/n L/n started blushing up a storm at Akeno's flirting.
Rias: Akeno behave yourself
Akeno: I make no promises Madam president I can't help myself when I see such a cute blushing boy~
Rias: please excuse her she has a terrible filter between her brain and her mouth.
Y/n: I-I-I-It's ok let's just forget about it.
Rias: I agree now next is Kira.
Kira: it's an honor to meet you.
Rias: next is Koneko.
Koneko: sup dude
Y/n: right back at ya sista~
Rias: and I am Rias it's an honor to meet you and to be here.
Y/n: it's an honor to have you all here I'm sorry to say this but Mr Wonka is currently not here right now he is in England consoling the royal family after their horrible loss.
Rias: we understand so do you know why we're here?
Y/n: yes I was informed that you have all been sent to extend the hand of friendship to the so-called vigilante known as the Infinity Hero Supremacy.
Rias: excellent can you take us to her?
Y/n: I will but for now I believe that you are all owed a tour of the factory before we do that.
Rias: that's very nice of you but we should get down to business as soon as possible.
Y/n: please I insist after the tour I will take you straight to her.
Rias: very well then since you insist we will glad they accept your offer.
Y/n: excellent now please follow me there's so little to do and so much time to do it.
Y/n L/n started walking towards the entrance of the factory but before he could enter he abruptly stopped realizing the mistake he had just made.
Y/n: wait a minute strike that reverse it thank you!
Y/n L/n immediately went towards the entrance of the factory and he opened the door for everyone to enter they gladly accepted the kind gentlemanly gesture once they were inside they made their way over to a glass and metal door where there was a combination lock on it Y/n L/n immediately started dialing in the combination.
Y/n: 99 44 100% pure~
Once the appropriate combination was entered Y/n L/n open the door for everyone to enter.
Y/n: please follow me through the other door.
Everyone entered into the black and white room but as soon as they were inside Y/n L/n closed the door behind them and soon enough everyone realized that there was no other door they were crammed inside of the small room trying to find the exit.
Rias: wait a minute there is no other door!
Kira: what is this some kind of gag?!
Y/n: I know there's another door around here somewhere~
Y/n L/n started banging on the walls trying to find the other door all while this was happening everyone was trying to find a way out.
Akeno: oh my someone just grabbed my butt~
Kira: sorry that was me.
Koneko: let me out or I'm going to start punching my way out.
Y/n: is it my soul that calls upon my name?~
Kira: listen if this is a joke I'm not laughing!
Y/n: question time will come at the end of the tour now we must Press On Come Along come along~
Y/n L/n kept smacking the walls until eventually he found his way back in front of the door they had entered through.
Y/n: here it is~
Y/n L/n said that in a heavily accented southern accent.
Rias: you've got to be joking that's the door we came in through!
Y/n: is it really? Are you sure?~
Akeno: but we just came through there!
Y/n: well will you look at that~
Y/n L/n suddenly opened the door to reveal that the way they had come in through was gone and now it was replaced with a long hallway full of doors there were seven doors in total three on one side three on another and there was a big door at the end of the hallway or so it appeared.
Koneko: what is this some kind of fun house?
Y/n: why ya having fun?~
Kira: I'm getting out of here!
Y/n: I'm sorry to say this but you can't go backwards you got to go forward to go back better Press On~
With that said the members of the occult research Club exited the small room as they made their way towards the large door at the end of the hallway they realized that the hallway was getting smaller and smaller by the minute.
Rias: what the hell is going on?!
Koneko: I don't know but I don't like it.
Kira: I doubt we're going to get out of here without a fight.
Y/n: oh you should never never doubt what no one is certain about~
Koneko: oh great now he's rhyming.
Y/n: my new friends you are about to enter the nerve center of the entire Factory inside this room all dreams become realities and a couple realities become dreams and almost anything you see in there will be edible.
Koneko: now that's something I got to see.
Y/n L/n knocked on the door three times and soon enough a musical keyboard popped out of the door.
Y/n: now for the combination this is a musical lock~
Y/n L/n played a fluttery tune on the keyboard which Rias was able to easily identify.
Rias: hmm Rachmaninoff
Y/n L/n flipped the keyboard back into its closed position now that the combination has been entered into the lock the door was now unlocked and ready to be opened.
Y/n: my new friends I am proud to present the chocolate room!
Y/n L/n opened the door once they entered the chocolate room they were all amazed to see the wondrous place before them never before had anyone seen such a sweet place that looked like it belonged in a child's fantasy world.
Y/n: close your eyes make a wish count to three~
Y/n L/n channel the power of the reality Stone to start playing music everyone looked around trying to find the source of the music but they could not find any discernible source Y/n L/n started singing in a beautiful melodious voice.
As Y/n L/n sung his heart out everyone split up to have some sweets Koneko was definitely enjoying herself as everyone else was amazed by the sweet treats before them Once the musical number had come to a close Y/n L/n made his way over to the chocolate River everyone else joined up with him and they were disgusted by what they thought was polluted water running through a chocolate factory.
Akeno: well that's just disgusting
Kira: looks like Mr Wonka ruined his watershed.
Rias: I have to agree it's totally polluted.
Koneko took a couple of sniffs and she realized that this was not polluted water but instead it was liquid chocolate.
Koneko: I hate to correct you madam president but that's not polluted water it's actually chocolate.
Y/n: the little lady is right it is chocolate~
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3116)
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