PART -25 ✧
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Rocky went to the bar section of his office after few days. He had promised himself that he would try not to be drunk infront of her.
He had already lost his control once and now he doesn't want to repeat it again.
But now he has come for another reason. He needs to clear his mind and thoughts , and to find some peace
But along with the guilt and sadness there was another emotion too in his heart, an unknown emotion.
Reena is pregnant....
And he was going to be a father soon.
He has always tried his best not to involve into any relationship, until Reena came to the picture.
Being with her ; knowing her changed the total course of his life. And when he came to know that he is married to her , he felt his own fate laughing at him.
All his life he avoided women and now he was married to Reena, during his path of revenge .
But loving Reena was never part of a plan not something he could avoid.
Her striking personality and her caring nature and not to forget the anger all reminded him of his mother.
And now knowing that soon there is going to be a new life, born by their love, he couldn't wish for anything better.
Ofcourse he wanted it oneday, where he would propose Reena for marriage along with his mother after his revenge.
And maybe having a family of his own, somewhere no one recognises him.....a peaceful life from all this bloodshed.
But when has his life ever been normal. And he was sure that his child too will change the future just like him.
Everything now made sense to him.
Her sudden unannounced arrival to kgf , the accident...
He gulped an entire bottle down as now his thoughts went back to his mother
She seems to know Reena a lot and that meant that she was with Reena for a long time.
But the condition was something he didn't predict. His mother might have really liked Reena , for she wouldn't bring such conditions if she didn't like her as an individual and not just because she is the mother of his child.
With a bottle in his hand he approached his room but was shocked to find the nearby room unlocked.
He kept his bottle near the door and walked inside the chamber in silence.
Once he was near the bed , his eyes fell on Reena. The full moon enhancing her beauty as it's light fell on her through the balcony.
He smiled seeing her hugging a pillow, with a paper attached to it. And near her was his mother.
All this gold but still my most precious treasure is infront of my eyes.
He took the paper and chuckled seeing a drawing of him , probably from the kids in kgf and kept it aside on the table.
He kept watching them, cherishing the moment, when Reena turned in her sleep and faced towards Rocky.
Rocky moved back and stood frozen, trying to analyse whether she is still asleep.
And after a few minutes , he went near her again, and his eyes now fell on her slightly visible baby bump over her night wear.
He stood on his knees and caressed it , making sure that he doesn't wake her up .
Don't worry baby, papa is going to take care of everything
Just don't hurt your mother.
Rocky took a step back and changed the settings of the fan and closed the windows and went back to his room to sleep.
After a week.
Reena was in the dining table when Rocky came with a staff.
" Show her !!" She heard a voice behind and found Rocky.
The staff noded and revealed a tray with a huge container filled with milk, a bowl full of boiled egg, a plate full of different kinds of fruits and many more.
" What is this Rocky?"
" Your breakfast!!" Rocky smiled
" Are you kidding me?.. this is not just breakfast but a meal for the whole day !!".
" So true!!". Replied Shanthi ma as she came with Reena's breakfast and some milk.
" Reena, ask him to learn something before going all overboard!!". She said not facing Rocky as she continued talking with Reena.
" I will!.... anyway Reena, I have asked Ravi to bring best stylists and designers from the city and you have to choose your dress!". Rocky continued as he is now used to this dynamic between his mother.
He knows that they both love him the most and it's only a matter of fact before they accept his apology.
" Dress, what's that for ?". Reena questioned
"For the function!
We have to announce it and should celebrate it with the people."
" No !....say him no Reena!!.....the announcement should be delayed..... it's not good for the baby!!". Shanthamma intervened.
" But then how can I cleebrate ?".
" Ask him to celebrate later....and arrange a car to visit a nearby temple !!". She said in anger as she kept feeding the breakfast to Reena.
" Say a word chinna!..... I'll bring anything to your feet!!".
" Ask him to -"
" Stop it both of you !!... please!....I'm already getting tired of this !..." She said in exhaustion as this type of conversation between them never seem to end, with Reena struck between the mother -son duo.
" Shanthi ma.... we'll go to the temple today!...I don't care who arranged it !... please just list out the things needed!!". Reena said.
Rocky smirked and left the place and went to meet his partners.
Reena was in her room getting ready when she saw a familiar shadow.
" Sandhya?....just come inside!".
She just smiled seeing her friend being nervous and started to tease her.
"What is it Sandhya?....did the sun rise in west today?...what are you so nervous about??"
"Actually, can I come to the temple with you too ?".
Reena's eyes widened in shock hearing such words from her friend for the first time.
"Sandhya is that really you??". Reena couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing.
"Stop it Reena!!.... can't a girl visit the temple.". Sandhya defended herself.
".But tell me what's the reason?".
After taking a deep breath, Sandhya confessed.
"It's due to Farmaan!.....he is the reason why I'm suddenly believing in God."
"Oh god , when did this happen??....the last time I checked you were asking to change him....and now this ??"
Just then she saw shanthamma coming towards them with a glass of juice.
"Can I talk to you about it alone"
"Reena beta , who is this ?" Shanthamma looked at the new person.
"Ma this is my friend Sandhya "
"Hi auntie, I'm glad that you were able to be with Reena. But sorry I want to speak with my friend alone."
"Sandhya don't be so rude to her ? you have any idea who she is ??.....she is my mother in law !!"
"Mother in law?..... Rocky's mother?"
"Yes !.....and so you can say anything!"
"No Reena, it's that I had noticed that Farmaan doesn't seem to be happy working as a guard.
He wants to do more!!....tarin some more !.....take up heavy jobs !"
"But that would mean you'll spend very little time with him !.... he'll be busy!"
"I know that !....but I'll be happy knowing that he is doing the job he loves. So can you please request this to Rocky?"
"Okay I'll try !! are you accompanying us?"
"Sure let me just get ready!!"
Hearing the conversion Rocky entered the chamber.
"I'll think about it Sandhya...I can assure you that!"
Sandhya turned red in embarrassment as she realised that Rocky had heard their whole conversation.
Seeing Rocky Sandhya went back to her room to get ready.
"Reena didn't you want to go to the hospital?"
"Yes , i was asked to do a regular check up and my first ultrasound is also in due ."
".Fine, I'll consult with the hospital and get you the details by evening".
Reena nodded in agreement while Rocky caressed her cheeks and left for work.
"It's already been a week!!...and that Kamal is still missing!!" Daya informed the people gathered as they received information to be present tomorrow in kgf as per Rocky's request.
"It's unlikely to happen, Kamal would always inform if he is on vacation for more than two days." Andrews continued in agreement.
It doesn't matter anymore!.....Kamal has always been useless!". Replied guru pandiyan, as he wanted to concentrate more on important problems than him.
"He had met me last week and informed that he will be meeting Rocky in kgf ". Assessed Rajendra Desai.
"Then we don't have to worry about that guy anymore. He might have done something stupid and git himself killed by Rocky!!". Replied guru pandiyan.
"True , I always expected the worst from him. And now that he is gone we can have a larger part for each including his shares.". Andrew replied with happiness.
"And I have an important news to discuss!!....we now have the way to reach Rocky!!
Reena.....she is pregnant!!". Said Rajendra Desai.
"So ?.... what's good about this ?"
"Though Rocky may built a huge empire for himself, it still lacks infrastructure.
And a hospital with such facilities will surely take time, which means he will need to send Reena to banglore."
Guru pandiyan looked at him unimpressed.
"And if he joins her , we could easily get hold of him without much force!!". Continued Andrews.
"Exactly! will be very simple to finish him off in Bangalore than in kgf !".
Rajendra Desai confessed in pure joy and went to get an important file.
He opened the file and displayed it to his partners.
"And I have found these papers from Suryavardhan's previous advocates.
It indicates that few papers have been relocated for a hidden purpose and is also said to be delivered only to Reena.
So by holding Reena hostage we can finally fulfill our dream of possessing the land of kgf ".
"But if this mission fails ....we have no chances except to bring adheera back!" Finished Guru Pandian.
" What do you mean?
Adheera is alive??".
The next day ✯✯✯✯✯✯
" He have kept you alive?" Asked Guru Pandian in amusement as he saw Vaanaram.
Once they all arrived, Rocky came to the throne room.
" Thank for for assembling here partners..... I like your cooperation!!".
" Why did you bring us all in here ?".
" I have a great news to share with you!
I'm giving you all some work to do !!'.
" What are you talking about?". Asked Andrews in anger.
" I know that you are already busy about planing to kill me., but that's going to fail anyway. So it's time that I make you all work before you guys get lazy".
Rocky started to walk in the room as he assessed everyone's mind as he continued to speak.
" The rich men always think ahead unlike the poor. They manipulate that greed is bad , when they have already made their descendants safe with the money.
And Suryavardhan did too , saving the gold so that his next generations have the same power like him.
But if you ask me.!".
Rocky gave a pause and looked at the facial expressions of his partners, who were already sweating due to the anticipated news.
"Greed is good!
Greed is progress!!".
" And you can't blame a family man to think about settlement soon !.....that would be so wrong!!
When you have your own 9 mines , why waste them by saving it for future when I could use it just now??".
Everyone were shocked as Rocky revealed such information, while they thought that he would hide it until he can.
" Why are you all speechless?
Didn't my father in law share the news with you all ?".
Rocky turned to Rajendra Desai who seemed speechless.
"Why father in law ?.....are you being too cautious of nazar on the baby??". He asked in a taunting way .
Rocky sat back on his throne and continued.
"Well if anybody else don't know, I'm legally married to Reena though we didn't have a proper ceremony.
And now you guys don't want me to explain how to make a baby too right? I'm trying my best to speed up this process and have a nice long vacation!!
So partners, no more parties and plans behind my back!.....set your alarms and start to work."
Suddenly a man rushed towards the guards to meet Rocky and Rocky signalled the guards to sent him.
" Bhai , the men assigned to the mines anre terrified to go in !!".
" Don't worry I'll be there in a minute!!". Rocky smiled as he had already thought of that situation.
" So meeting is over......class dismissed!!". Rocky replied and went with the man back to the mines.
" Rajender, I think it's time that we start to execute our plan !".
" Okay , inform the doctor!!".
On the way back to kgf , it was already evening, but Reena was in a hard dilemma.
She started to play with her mangalsutra due to nervousness as in a habit which was noticed by Shanthi ma.
" Beta , what's bothering you?....I'll try to help if you share !".
" Ma, I have decided to accept Rocky!.....I shouldn't have taken such abrupt decision and it was my mistake for not revealing the truth about my pregnancy
And now seeing how he treats me ans how seemed to be happy, I think that it's time that we think about the future..... about the baby and us.
That's good beta, so what's bothering you here ?
I don't know ma, maybe I'm feeling tensed for no reason!.....I feel a bit insecure!
What if Rocky's actions are only due to the baby? that he is filthy rich, he can have anyone he wanted, so why me -"
" Stop this here Reena!..... your hormones are just playing with you and causing this mood swings!
And Rocky will always be loyal to you !!".
" Thank you ma , I don't know what would happen to me if I hadn't met you !!".
Reena , Sandhya and shanthamma reached the palace but was puzzled seeing people working and unloading things.
"What's happening here ?". Reena asked one of the staff.
".There is a new woman in the mansion".she replied and went back to work.
".Seeing the changes in the routine there are rumours that she is wonder he brought another woman to replace her".a young woman spread the gossip and it reached Reena's ears and her eyes swelled up.
"Mind your own business...if you can't keep quiet atleast keep your thoughts to yourself!!". Shouted Shanthi ma and held Reena's shoulder.
"Reena beta..... don't worry....we will sort this out must be a misunderstanding.".
" I don't know ma!
Whenever I think that I could finally have some happiness, something bad happens!
I'm not sure anymore!!".
" Don't worry, we'll ask her ourselves and solve this unnecessary thoughts!!".
" Should we ?.....but what about Rocky?". She questioned.
" It's my order!..... let's go!!".
They both followed the men who were taking the things inside the mansion.
They found the people arranging the room present next to Reena, opposite to Rocky's.
By the door, they come finally see a woman giving instructions.
She seemed to be a dressed in a designer kurti her eyes adorned with spectacles.
She is beautiful
Reena thought, though a bit different from Reena in appearance but she couldn't lie that her appearance didn't make an impression.
Seeing both of them approaching her , she turned to them after asking the people to continue their work.
"Hi .....I'm Paru .....a new resident to this mansion..... it's a pleasure to meet you!" She forwarded her hand for a handshake.
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With lots of love ❤️,
Published on : 27 / 3 / 24
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