Silver x Candle x Clover x Cabby

Request from @Hdbdgjs 

Personally I don't ship this, but I'll do my best!! (humanised) 

"Guys, what can we do? After all, we should spend some time together!" Clover asked excitedly. 

"I suggest a calming meditation session," Candle replied. 

"Oh, please! As IF we need another one of those, my dear!" Silver scoffed. 

"Hmmm... How about we bake some cupcakes?" Cabby shrugged. 

Clover's eyes brightened. "Yes! I should probably use the oven, because of my luck." 

"Baking! That's a lovely idea. It's soothing in a way, but fun and interactive. I'll start making icing." Candle smiled. 

"Bleurgh! But I could get all this... Meagre peasant mess on me!" Silver cried arrogantly. 

"Oh, come on, Silver!" Cabby laughed. "I can help you, okay?" 

The British teenager rolled his eyes, but allowed Cabby to drag him over to the countertop. Clover took out eggs, sugar, butter, flour and vanilla extract. Cabby placed down a bowl and used her phone to look up a cupcake recipe. 

"Wait... What's a... G?" she wondered, puzzled. 

"Let me see," Silver offered. 

Cabby passed him the phone. 

"Ah! You see, this is called grammes. It's the metric way of measuring things. In Britain, we learn a bit of both. Alright, so, 110g is 4oz! That means Cabby, you use the weighing scales to measure out 4oz of butter."

"Oh... Okay!" she said, cheerful as ever. 

"And Clover, dear, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius or 356 degrees Fahrenheit!" 

"Gotcha." she grinned, and turned the dials on the oven. 

"Now?" Cabby questioned. 

"The sugar," Candle answered, reading over Silver's shoulder despite her short stature. "Same weight as the butter." 

"Thanks." Cabby nodded, measuring the sugar. 

"Now mix it, right?" Clover guessed. 

"Yes," Silver said, checking the recipe. "Your luck makes you as much a witch as Candle." 

"Are you sure?" Candle teased, lightly nudging him. 

"Oh, so now you're the only one allowed to be mystic?" Clover goaded playfully. 

"Maybe I am!" Candle giggled. 

Cabby laughed and grabbed the whisk, forcefully mixing the two ingredients.

"Then an egg." Silver instructed. 

Candle picked one up, cracked it against the side of the bowl and let the yolk and white dribble in, careful not to allow shell pieces to follow suit. 

"And... Oh. Just the other egg!" Clover sigh-laughed. 

Silver Spoon watched as Cabby did the same as Candle just moments before. Clover took out twelve cupcake cases and placed them in the slots of the baking tray. 

"Right. Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract," Silver ordered. "Then 4oz of flour and... A pinch of salt? Okay..." 

Cabby nodded. Clover poured in the extract, Candle did the flour and Cabby sprinkled in some salt. 

"Bake for fifteen minutes until golden-brown." Silver recited. 

He held out the baking tray for the others to put batter into. Clover then took it from him and gently placed it in the oven. 

"This is certainly... Interesting..." Silver told them all. 

"I'm enjoying it," Candle remarked, a soft smile spreading across her face. 

"We should do things like this more often." Cabby suggested. 

"Ooh, definitely!" Clover replied. 

After a few more minutes of chatting, the oven pinged. Clover rushed over, slipped on the oven gloves and took out the tray. Candle was already starting the buttercream, so the others just called out instructions every once in a while until it was ready in a piping bag. 

"Since there are twelve cupcakes, we each get three." she announced. 

"That's alright with me, dear." Silver replied. 

"Same," Clover shrugged. 

"Can I ice mine first?" Cabby asked. 

"Sure," the others said in unison. 

The girl rolled her wheelchair over to Candle and was handed the piping bag. She began carefully squirting icing neatly on three cupcakes. Clover went next, and her luck ensured that hers were perfectly decorated. Candle's were a little messy, but she didn't mind. Finally, it was Silver's turn. 

"I... Have never done this before," he admitted. 

"I'll help!" Clover chirped. 

She walked over and began guiding his hand. When all three were finished, he stepped back to let the others see. 

"Well... You can certainly tell..." Cabby wheezed. 

Candle began laughing so hard she fell over. Clover covered her mouth to stop herself doing the same. Silver's cupcakes were atrocious, with messy blobs of blue icing dripping off the edges. 

"Oh... Wow..." Candle gasped, recovering from her sudden outburst. "They're... They're wonderful, Silver..." 

She collapsed into another fit of giggles. 

"Stop it!" Silver said scornfully. "They're not that bad!" 

"Yes, they are," Cabby giggled. "Now, will we try them?" 

"Okay!" Clover grinned. 

They each took a cupcake and bit into it. 

"Yuck! Cabby, how much salt did you put in this?" Clover asked, making a face. 

"Heurh! FAR too much!" Silver huffed. 

"Ew... I did NOT mean to do that." Cabby gagged. 

"Well, I suppose we're not eating them!" Candle chuckled. 

"Not a chance!" Cabby laughed. 

"Oh well," Silver replied. 

They all began to giggle. 

"I love you guys," Clover smiled, pulling them into a group hug. 

"I love you too," the others said, hugging each other hard, trying not to be the first to let go. 

[A/N] OK!! So, that was fun. Except I live in Ireland, so I use Metric and didn't know if the UK did too, so I had to Google a lot of stuff, but hey! IT WAS WORTH IIIIIT!!!! 

@Hdbdgjs, I hope this was something similar to what you wanted. 


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