5: Marsh on Mars.
(O/N) point of view
"Hey, bright lights! Your dull performance last episode has caused you to be up for elimination. Everyone ready?" Mephone announced. "Hmm well I actually had a question about...Um..." Paintbrush didn't remember? I always wonder what that painting utensil was thinking about. "Yes?" Mephone questioned. "Uuuh..Darn it, I forgot." Paintbrush replied. "Oh, bummer! I really wanted to hear that question. Oh well, let's see, who will be first to go home this season?" Mephone said. Wow mephone just disregard paintbrush lmfao. "WAIT, I REMEMBER!!!!-" "So, I want to introduce you guys to our newest cast member." Mephone announced.
I walked over to the stair case where the elimination place is. I figured I would start interacting with people other than trophy, but I fear that they might not like me. I jumped up to one of the stairs and sat down. I looked up at the clouds in the sky and leaned my head against something. I didn't know what it was, but eh resting is resting. As I was dozing off, my mind went from the subject of clouds to..."What am I thinking??" I said out loud. "So, mind telling me why I saw you with trophy?" Knife questioned. "EEP!" I jumped up and turned around and sure as hell, knife was sitting on the stairs. "Uh....um....well...uh...you see. I-Uh-err..." I couldn't form the words. "My suspicious were correct after all. You like him, don't you?" Knife remarked. "W-what?! Pssh...NEVER! AHAHAHhahahahaha...." As I said that I started to process after what I did with trophy. I enjoyed his company and it seems like he enjoyed mine. I never actually had a friend like him before. "W-well...uh.... yeah..?...please don't mention this to anyone...please..?" I asked. "...sure." Knife replied. Knife jumped off the stairs and walked away.
I scoffed and all of the sudden, I got pushed off and landed on the grass. I looked up and sure as hell, the bright lights were all there. "O/N, I did not permit you to leave the calm down corner." Lightbulb said. "Oh **** off." I replied. I had to censor myself because I knew this moment was being filmed. I'm just going to stay here and watch the elimination.
"MISTAH PHONE!" Toilet screamed. Jesus when can that guy catch a break? "Hey... could you go get me some uh, some wires?" Mephone asked. "Sure thing, mistah phone!" Toilet...ran? Uh...anyways toilet was nowhere to be seen. "Works like a charm. Anyway, we got prizes. And you know, if you are safe, you'll get a prize and this month's prizes are oatmeal raisin cookies!" Mephone announced. EW! OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES?! WHO EVEN LIKES THOSE?! "Sir, I'm sorry but according to the latest poll, 0% of the population like oatmeal raisin. I suggest you not make that decision again." Who is this guy? Where did he come from? I'm confused. But he does have a point nobody likes oatmeal raisin cookies. "What? Oatmeal?" Fan said. He sounded disgusted lmfao. "Raisins? Ugh! Gross!" Paintbrush said. Relatable...
"Uh...I kinda like oatmeal raisin..." What...?
I looked at her with the most disgusted face I could ever make. "Wait, what are you guys looking at?" Lightbulb questioned. Oh great haha very funny lightbulb. "Gwuys! Oatmeal raisin is the reason for global warming! GWUYS!" Tissues said. Tissues promptly flopped on the stairs. "True, anyway, the following people are safe: Paintbrush (88), Lightbulb (122), and Fan (139)." Mephone announced. Mephone then threw the (disgusting) cookies at the safe contestants. Lightbulb then.... ew. Lightbulb ate the oatmeal raisin cookie and that kinda made paintbrush cringe. "Mmm, I love that oatmealy raisiny taste!" Gross lightbulb.
"So was Marshmallow (162)." Mephone threw the oatmeal raisin cookie at the empty seat. "Wait, what the-?" Mephone asked. "Mephone, (O/N) sent marshmallow to SPACE!" Apple said. SERIOUSLY?! APPLE STILL BELIEVES I DID THAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! "Wow, she landed all the way on Mars!" The right cherry said. Pfft like you know cherries because YOU WERE THE ONES THAT SENT HER TO SPACE!!! "Yikes!" The left cherry said. "Do you guys even realize how serious this is?" Mephone said, sounding concerned? "Pff, more serious than oatmeal raisin?" Paintbrush remarked. Heard that paintbrush was an artist like me! I should draw with...her? Hi-OH! WAIT! PAINTBRUSH MUST USE THEY/THEM LIKE ME! Hehe! "Marshmallow's in SPACE!" Mephone exclaimed. "Yeah guys, if you studied object anatomy, you would know that the objects die within an hour of being out of our atmosphere." Test tube said. Test tube really is a natural huh? "Yeah, but if she dies out of orbit, I won't be able to bring her back." "Seems logical." "Well, our viewers are more important, honestly. So let's do the elimination first." WHAT THE HELL MEPHONE.
"But, she could DIE!!!!" apple said.
"I know, could you imagine the lawsuits? Let's quickly get this done. Test Tube (150) and Cherries (184) are also safe. Congrats." Mephone said. He threw the disgusting cookies at the two. "Wow! Can you imagine the molecular structure?" Test tube exclaimed. Okay test tube... "Yeah, I can. And it's boring me to tears" Left cherry said pointing to Right Cherry, crying. Damn would of been nice if you didn't frame me.
"You three are left: Yin-Yang, you are reckless and fight with yourself, I mean, that's pretty weird." Mephone said. "It's weird, I'm sorry for the trouble we're causing." Yin said. "No! I'm not! You're just dumb! Idiot!" Yang said. "Um, Tissues is just is, disgusting." "No I'm not, it's my condiShAWn-" he sneezed with a reply. "And Apple, you're really stupid. Half of the words you say you don't even know the meaning of." SKFNRJF- "I'm definitionally challenged! Leave me alone!" Apple said. Wait...rip. "Yin-Yang, you're safe (399)." Mephone announced. Mephone threw the oatmeal raisin cookie at yin-yang. "Yes!" Yin said, catching the cookie mid-air. Yang slapped yin, dropping the cookie. "No!"
"Apple, Tissues, one of you will be the first off the show. Let's see who it is. MePad, display the results." Mephone announced. So, the guys name is mepad? Huh. Mepad then reveals the votes. Apple was safe with 554 votes. Tissues was eliminated with 700 votes.
"Why, seriously gwuys! It's my cOnDishAwn, wasn't it AH-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO-CHOO!" Tissues was sneezing out of control! Then he coughs. HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS WE CAN USE HIM FOR-wait. Apple ran away in the process. "It's just snot fair!" Cheesy slapped his knee and oh my fucking god if there wasn't a camera pointing at us I would've killed his stupid block of a mist- "Uh, you good (O/N)?" Cheesy questioned. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for your concern though..." I said. "Ah! Thank God!" Apple said.
"Tissues, thanks for playing, your presence was...disturbing. Anyway, into the portal." Wait, did he mention something about a portal? Wait, the camera isn't facing towards us!
Yes! I slapped cheesy. "Ow!" Cheesy said. "For the love of God cheesy can you please SHUT UP WITH YOUR STUPID LAME PUNS?!" I yelled. I looked at him dead in the eyes. I despised him with all of my might. I hated him. Cheesy looked at me with a shocked face, then it became a hurt one. My eyes softened after I looked at what I did. Did I... hurt someone? Oh no... "...this is all my fault. I'm...sor-" I got punched in the face. Cheesy promptly picks me up and slams me on the ground. "So we got a heckler in the crowd huh?! Is that what it is?! Oh (O/N), You messed with the wrong person!" He said as he placed one of his legs on my chest. Cheesy was pressing hard, it felt like a hundred needles was stabbing my chest. "You do NOT! And I mean NOT HECKLE ME! ESPECIALLY FROM SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Cheesy said. I just looked at him...I... "... you're right. I'm just a horrible person, am I? You happy? Get off of me and let...me...leave..." I struggled to get those last few words out due to how hard he was pressing. Jesus Christ, this guy is buff! Cheesy lifted his leg off of my chest and I started coughing... "..." I was silent. "You're not going to stop me from doing this. You'll never." Cheesy said, looking down at me. I felt inferior again. Ugh.
"That portal is quite effective sir, I admire its user functionality-" Mepad got interrupted. "MePad, we have a serious problem: Marshmallow's in space! We can't bring her back if she dies." Mephone said, concerned. "Well, it's nice you care so much for her, workplaces function best with caring bosses behind them." Mepad explained. "What? I don't care about her, it's the lawsuits! I can't deal with any more lawsuits!" Mephone said. Wow...Just wow. This pain in my chest is too much. Ow. "Well, why don't you make the challenge to save her? That should solve the matter." Mepad suggested. "Mepad, you're a genius!" Mephone exclaimed. I was just about to walk off when all of the sudden I was back with my team. I didn't want to stand right next to cheesy. He scared me now. "Okay guys, this challenge is gonna be out of this world." Mephone announced. Cheesy slapped his knee. I would do something, but I didn't want to, because I know he'll just hit me again. "Ugh, yeah. I think they get it, Cheesy." Mephone said. "Just making sure!" Cheesy exclaimed. "So yeah, it's an outer space challenge. Build a rocket ship, fly to Mars, and rescue Marshmallow. But since Marsh isn't present, someone from team Grand Slams has to sit this one out." Ugh, oh boy I wonder who it will be. "How about you, Knife? You're good at sitting out!" Nickel said. "Sure, I guess." Knife replied.
"We need materials to build the rockets." Paintbrush said. Oh yeah, If we don't have materials how the hell are we going to build the stupid thing? "Uhh..." Mephone was looking around. I saw a big box labeled "rocket parts" or whatever on the box. "Thanks mepad! You're a lifesaver!" Mephone said. "But what about the tools?" Paintbrush asked. Yeah we didn't get no tools wtf. "Uh, it's called a challenge, not a blueprint. Anyway, if you don't do it in one hour, Marshmallow will die; and you both will be up for elimination. So you better hurry." Mephone announced. Oh no! I don't want to be eliminated! I'll try my best then! "Don't worry everyone! I have all the tools we need!" Suitcase said. She opened herself and there was a lot of tools. This can help out a lot! "Wow, this should make this challenge a walk in the park!" Baseball, our team leader said. "A ballpark?" Cheesy said, slapping his knee in the process. Ugh... Anyways, Our rocket was built in no time! I wondered where trophy was. I really needed to talk to him. Just the thought of him made my face turn slightly red. "No, I shouldn't." I quietly mumbled.
"Hmmmm.... it says this spaceship runs on, uh... lemons? Really? I've had enough of those!" Baseball looked traumatized when he said that. Could it be..? "Well I'm great at climbing trees, come on!" Nickel exclaimed. Nickel was climbing a tree. Oh my- then something brown fell on Baseball "Ew! Nickel what's this?!" Baseball said, looking up. Brown was on baseball. Looked like - "Oh sorry, my chocolate bar melted again. Anyway here are some lemons!" Oh. Well Nickel then dropped some lemons on baseball. "UH!" Baseball groaned as the lemons hit his head.
I walked away and tried to find trophy. He was nowhere to be seen I guess because I searched everywhere and-
I turned around a tree, careful to not step on anythi- *snap.*
ᵒʰ ˢʰⁱᵗ.
I looked down and sure as hell I stepped on a twig. Fucking hell ma- "WHO'S THERE?!" Trophy yelled. So I know trophy was here, great. "Uh... hi?" I said. Trophy then lowered his fists and looked at me. "Oh, it's just you." He said. "Yeah.. hahaha.." I said. "So, what are you doing?" I asked. "Pff, none of your business...Uh...I'm actually uh taking photos...don't tell anyone, okay?" Trophy said. "Sure, won't tell a soul." I said. I heard trophy sigh in relief. That chest pain was coming again and I tried to push it off. "So..... what.. now?" Trophy looked at me. "You look hurt (O/N), what happened?" He said, concerned. "Well uh... don't get mad but I uh... got tired of cheesy and when the camera wasn't looking, I slapped him and told him to shut up, to which he punched me and started to press on my chest with his leg and told me how worthless I was...I think. But that guy has some strength in him holy shit...but I hate what he did because it reminds me that everyone here can just do that to me because I'm just that weak. I'll never be as strong as you...I'll never-" Trophy hushed me with his finger on my lip. I was now blushing...and it was an obvious one. Trophy retracts his finger and stared at me. I stared at him back. "I'll deal with him later...for now...you need to get bandaged up. You look hurt." Trophy reached in his head to retrieve some bandages. "This will take a while, okay?" Trophy asked. I nodded in response. I looked around and saw a tree stump. I walked over there and sat on the stump.
It's been a few minutes of silence, but it wasn't awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence. "Done" Trophy said. "...Thanks trophy." I said. "No problem, anything for a...friend." Trophy said. Wait, he called me a friend? That's new. "I wonder, why do you act more nice to me than all of the others?" I questioned. He was silent. Okay, guess I'm not getting an answer out of him.. "Nevermind that, let's go back." I stated. "Yeah." Trophy replied.
Now for all you've been waiting for...drumroll please.
Trophy point of view
I was walking back to where my stupid team was located, minus (O/N). To be honest, I enjoyed the gender freaks company. Thought I would never get to this moment, but I guess it did. To be honest, I kinda liked them in a way. I mean, sure, they are tiny and all (not to mention perfect for punting them like a soccer ball), but they pushed my careless acts aside and actually enjoyed my company whenever we get to talk. I feel generous for that, and I've started to gain feelings for them. I just hope they like me back. "We're here." I said. I hated my voice. It sounded really monotone. "Oh, well thanks for bringing em here! I'm going to find a place to draw. See ya!" (O/N) said. The gender freak ((O/N)) was walking off Into the distance. I walked back to my idiotic team. God I hated the people on my team, especially that cheesy guy. Fuck him.
"Quick, a half hour has gone by! Let's get this thing in the air. There's a three-person maximum capacity, though." Baseball said. Didn't want to listen to this guy so I looked around. I turned my head around and saw (O/N) drawing. Looked like the gender freak was drawing a flower. Huh. I turned my head back and sure as hell baseball has selected- "I'LL GO TOO!" microphone screamed. JESUS! I just looked at her. "Ow! You can if you never do that again!" Baseball said. Microphone pressed her power button thing. "Sorry." Microphone apologized. She's got to stop saying sorry.
The rocket deployed and I looked up. The sun was piercing my eyes do I used my arm as a blocker. That's when I noticed that the rocket was flying so slow! UGH! "Ugh! They're flying so slow!" I said, clearly annoyed. "It's just the perspective! It appears now they're moving at-" Baseball said. Jesus, is he a nerd? Ugh. I need to shut this nerd up. "Shut up! You're such a nerd! Where's Knife? He's the only cool person here." I said. I turned around and walked. I was closing my eyes while I was walking until I heard someone's voice. I opened my eyes and the sight was all just too good. I stood there. Knife.. had a doll? I thought he was tough! I guess he's just a girly doll obsessed freak! I quickly scattered and hid behind a bush.
"Dora, you are my only true friend. Nobody else understands me." Knife said. Then Dora started to say something in... Spanish? I don't know. This was entertaining. I reached in my head and grabbed my camera. "Oh. Well, well that's interesting." I grabbed my camera. "What? Who's there?" Knife questioned. He looked around until his eyes landed on me. I held the camera to my face. Smiling, I took the photo. "Hey Knife, look at this awesome picture! Wait 'til everyone sees this." I said. I started to walk off in the distance. "Wait, no! Don't show anyone that! Please! Please stop! I'll do anything!" Knife said. He peaked my interest when he said the word "anything." 'jackpot' I thought. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Anything?" I questioned. "Yeah." Knife said. "If you do everything I say for the rest of the competition, I will show no one this picture. However, if you don't, let's just say, no esta bien. (Not Well.) Do we have a deal?" I said. I was basically blackmailing him, but that just means I don't have to do the hard work. I can just manipulate people in the present so I can be lazy in the future! How genius of me! "...Sigh. si, señor." (I Google translated it and it said 'yes sir.')
Marshmallow's POV:
"Hello?" My voice echoed in the martian atmosphere. I looked around. Nobody. "Is anybody there?" I questioned. Still, no response... "Oh, great, just great... Now I'm all alone." This loneliness reminded me of..." she gasped as she realized "Just like Apple was! Yikes! I don't like feeling so guilty." It reminded me of apple... I felt bad for apple. Apple was all alone.. Just then, A spaceship landed! IS THAT- "Aaah! Aliens!" I screamed out. Fortunately, they were not aliens, rather than the grand slams. "Oh, what a relief." I said.
"Hey Marshmallow! I found you! Good thing you aren't dead!" Suitcase said. Wow suitcase. "Gee, thanks." I said. It was obvious sarcasm. "Yeah-eah-eah-eah!" Microphone screamed. Her voice echoed in the martian atmosphere. "Wow, the gravity is really weird here." Balloon said. Why is balloon here? "Quick! let's go back!" Suitcase said. I got on the rocket with them and left.
(O/n) point of view
"Huh. Looks lovely." I said. I looked down at the drawing that I did of the flower. Looked beautiful. (A/N: if you count scribbles art lmfao) Anyways, I closed my sketchbook. I slowly got up and put my sketchbook somewhere (because you know object logic) and looked around. Our rocket landed and out came marshmallow! I ran over there and gave her a hug. "I'm so glad you're back here!!" I said. "Get off of me." She said. I broke the hug and put my hand over my head. "Sorry..." I said. "...listen if you hear apple say it was me, apple is lying. okay?" I said. "Uhh...okay? I guess?" She replied. "Anyways, Yay, I'm back! Good thing to know I'm not dead in the vacuum of space!" Marshmallow said. "Well, at least you're back here safe and sound!" Mepad said. Mepad always looked out for people, I liked that. "Yup, no lawsuits today!" Mephone exclaimed. wtf. I gave him a look. "I mean yay, you're healthy, woohoo..." Mephone said. it's a start. it's. a. start. "You mean the egg isn't Marshmallow?" Fan questioned. Wait- "It isn't? Marshmallow! You're okay, I'm so glad!" Apple said. "Me too!" Marshmallow said. Mephone slapped marshmallow. "And nobody cares, but here's what does matter: you guys are for up for elimination because that egg isn't Marshmallow- wait a minute, where'd you get that egg from anyway? Eh, you know what? I don't want to know. I've had enough drama for today." Mephone explained. I was going to- "But bringing a potential life form from a distant planet is highly dangerous." Mepad explained. True that. "Boring. I'm keeping it. It'll remind me that wherever I am, I can always have somebody to be there for me in my lonely hours." I saw trophy walk up to fan. Maybe he'll say something nice- "That's really pathetic." He said in his usual monotone voice. "Yeah." Fan sighed. "Sir, sir! I brought your wires! You have no idea what I went through to get these!" Toilet said. I thought that idiot left. More annoying people I guess. "Toilet, those are green wires! I wanted red ones! Go get me the right wires! Ugh, you never listen." Mephone said, annoyed. But he didn't even specify what type of wires.. "Oh, sure thing, Mistah Phone." Toilet said, going away. "Anyway, team Bright Lights is up for elimination again. So viewers, vote for a Dull Light to be eliminated. You know, because they aren't so bright." Mephone said. It took me time to process that until... "Ooh! Ooh!" Cheesy exclaimed. He was slowly reaching his knee and the knee made a slap worse than his original one. Oh my god I'm going to loose my shit if he keeps on... "Vote on inanimateinsanity.com, simply click on the vote button of the contestant you want to leave. Voting ends May 8th." Mephone announced to the viewers.
The camera turned off. Mephone sighed in relief. "Now that's over, everyone to your dorms. Shoo!" Mephone said, shooing us away. "Okay grand slams! Since I figured that we were superior in this challenge, this calls for a party!" Oh no. Everybody shouted "Yeah!" Everyone looked at me. It was like that one song that had the lyric "all eyes on me" in it. I looked at everyone, then trophy. He looked like he wanted me to go. I sighed in defeat. "...fine." I said. Everyone cheered and trophy picked me up. "E-Eh?!" I was surprised he picked me up. "I knew you would join us." Trophy said. He put me inside his cup and walked. Wow... the view here looked beautiful. I just hope uh.... I don't cause any chaos like I always do in parties.
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