Woooooooow, I just realized that this fanfic has over 1k reads, wtf when did that happen? My writing isn't even that good and I'm bad at updating, I procrastinate too much lol. (PlslovemeIaminsecureandneedhugs)
Wow this is the longest chapter so far
-Two Weeks Later, Thursday-
Since Sam and I are trying to be discreet about our continued friendship I no longer sit with him, Dean, my brother and his friends during lunch. Which means I have to, hopefully, find an empty table. I'd rather not sit with strangers who might try to start conversations with me. After a minute of awkwardly standing in the middle of the room I spot a table, seemingly empty, in a corner. Perfect.
I put down my plate of food on the slightly dirty table and check on the chair before I sit down. Believe me when I say you better see so no one has spilled yucky stuff on your chair. Several times I've accidentally sat on spilled food. Gross. I have time to take a few bites and realise that todays food isn't disgusting until my phone makes a sound (a Dalek screaming 'exterminate') and I unlock it. A text from Sam! Well, it says '076 883 72 88Unknown Number' because mom took my phone about a week ago and deleted his number but I had already memorized it. We've decided it's best to delete our texts after we've gotten an answer so that IF my mom would take my phone she wouldn't see that Sam and I have been texting constantly.
076 883 72 88: Hey, do you think you could come over during the weekend? We're having a sleepover with some friends since mom and dad are away visiting some friends, they'll be back on Monday.
Me: I'd love to join you guys but I don't know how to get away from my mom all weekend. I'll text you if I come up with something.
076 883 72 88: Okay :D see you after school?
Me: Yeah! Bye.
I quickly delete our conversation and finish my meal. I stay at the table for a minute, playing a game on my phone when someone sits down opposite of me. I look up and see Jess. I smile at her. She's a girl in my class and she's also my cousin.
"Hey cousin, how are you?"
"Hi Gabriel, I'm good!" She smiles brightly at me and we begin a light conversation. Suddenly I have an idea.
"Jess, what are you doing this weekend?"
"Oh nothing I think, why?"
"Well my friend is having a sleepover with some of his and his brothers friends and I'd love to go but my mom would never allow it. She ...doesn't like Sam. So I'm wondering if I could say I slept over at your place but actually go to Sam." I look at her excitedly while she thinks it over. "You could also come with if you want? Just tell your mom you're staying over at my place."
"Yes, it'd be fun." She smiles and nods.
"Awesome!" I quickly send a text to Sam saying that I can come and that I'm bringing my cousin Jess and he replies with a simple 'yesssss'.
I stick my fork through a pea on my plate and raises it to my mouth, just to lower it again. I look over the table to the side where my mom and dad are sitting. They look so happy. Dad is smiling towards my mom and he kissed her cheek. To me they have always looked like they're in love but the image of my dad kissing that store owner is etched into my memory and I couldn't forget it even if I tried. And I have tried. I'd rather not have the thought of my dad making out with anyone in my head. To keep my thoughts away from anything involving my parents love for each other I decide to ask them about sleeping over at Jess' place now.
"Hey dad, you know our cousin Jess who's in my class? Well we have become better friends since we're in the same class and I was wondering if I could sleep over at her place this weekend. We want to hang out a bit." I nervously smile. Hopefully I am as good at lying as I think I am.
"Yes sure, as long as it's alright with her parents." He smiles at me and I force myself to smile back.
"Thanks dad!" After that I excuse myself from the dinner table and run up to my room to text Sam and Jess and tell them that it worked and that I'll see them tomorrow. I stand for a moment and smile at my reflection in the mirror on the wall. This weekend will be so much fun. I pick my backpack up from the floor and empties it over the foot of my bed before rummaging through some of my drawers. I pack some clothes, a sleeping bag, phone recharger, my favorite blanket and a pair of headphones. I glance around my room to see if there is anything else I'll want to bring with me tomorrow and my eyes fall on an envelope on my bookshelf. It's the gift I was supposed to give to Sam but I never got the chance too. I place it neatly on top of everything else and zips the bag closed.
-The Next Day( AKA Friday)-
Classes were pretty okay today, except math class. We had a surprise test and I can already see the big E that is going to be written on the stencils when I get them back. Lunch was actually good, we got pancakes. Though they ran out of jam pretty quickly. We didn't get any more homework so that's good. I even allowed myself to smile at Sam when he looked over at me and the world didn't end!
When the last class ends Jess and I walk home to her place first so she can get her stuff and then we take a slightly longer way to get to Sam's home. We meet no one on the way there so I feel quite comfortable that there is no way my mom and dad could find out I am with Sam and Dean and Castiel. Dean opens the door and lets us in. Sam, Cas and Kevin are sitting on the couch and according to a groupchat Dean has Charlie will be here in 2 minutes. Sam bounces up to give me a hug and Dean brings out a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of soda.
"Shouldn't we, like, save that for after dinner?" Sam says and glances at it as Dean places it on the living room table.
"But Sam, this is the fun part of being home without your parents. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want. There are no rules." He grins and hands Cas a bunch of popcorn. I go out in the kitchen to get some glasses to drink soda from and while I'm in the kitchen I hear Charlie slam the door closed behind her and shout "I'm here bitches."
We spend the next hours watching tv and YouTube. At some point Charlie pulled out her Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit so we spent quite some time playing that too. it was fun and we were in teams. Sam and I and Jess, Cas and Dean, Charlie and Kevin. Charlie and Kevin won and I have realized that I really need to watch all of Doctor Who. Questions about Classic Who and the most recent seasons are hard to answer since Sam and I only are on season 6. But Jess was caught up with the show so she was very helpful. When we started to get a bit hungry we thought about what we should eat to dinner. At first we thought of cooking ourselves but after realizing none of us were very good at making edible things we decided to order pizza. We ended up buying 6 pizzas which we all shared. When we had almost eaten all the pizza Charlie pulled out a DVD from her backpack.
"Guess what this is?" She said playfully while covering the front. We all shrugged.
"It's half of the first season of Doctor Who. Season 1. From 1963." We all cheered loudly. I've been trying to find somewhere to buy that without success for several weeks. She puts the CD into the DVD player and I half hide under my black fuzzy blanket with a slice of kebab pizza. (the author be hella craving pizza rn) We start the first episode and I thank God for the amazing special effects. It's hilarious. And you can really see when things are made out of bubblewrap or plastic. After a few minutes you don't even notice that it's black and white. At first it was weird.
When Cas falls asleep on Dean's shoulder we decide that it's enough of that for now, we don't want him to miss anything so we start to do other things instead. Dean continued reading a book that I recognize to be Castiel's, Charlie and Kevin are watching something on Charlie's phone. Jess, Sam and I turns on the Wii and decides to play Mario Kart. It's not a game I'm terribly good at but I actually win a few times. Jess is surprisingly good at it. Apparently she plays against her brothers now and then.
"How many brothers do you have?" Sam asks at the same time as I throw a green shell at Sam who just passed me. I hit him and laugh when he swears.
"I've got one older brother and two that's younger than me. Joel is 18 and Lewis and Drew are both 7. They are twins and are always running around and making a mess. But they are still adorable and both of them are still excited for school," Jess finished the second lap on 3rd place and shoots a quick grin at Sam and me. I'm on 6th place and Sam is closing in and is now right behind me. "What about you Sam?"
"Oh, it's only me and Dean. And I guess Cas is like my brother in law since he and Dean are soulmates." They both quickly look over at Dean who's mindlessly playing with Cas' hair while reading.
"Guys, stop talking or it will be too easy for me to win." I laugh as Sam and Jess realize they stopped paying attention to the game and that they are far behind. I finish the round on 1th place and I watch them try to fix their scores. Sam crosses the finish line at 7th place and Jess at 10th.
"For your information I would have totally won if someone," Sam coughs and fakes looking offended while glaring at Jess "wouldn't have distracted me." Sam says to me. Jess places a hand on her chest and gasps dramatically.
"Me? Distracting you? I remember you asking me about my brothers!"
"You guys are definitely related." Sam says to me and Jess. We start a new race and Jess wins this time. Both Sam and I swears revenge and says we'll win over her tomorrow. We are just too tired to concentrate right now. Sam takes my phone and unlocks it. I watch him play some games he likes on it. He likes playing the games I have but he isn't allowed to get the games on his phone since they cost money. Sam and Dean's parents doesn't want them to waste their money on games. My parents pay for the games I want, they're nice that way. They even bought me some seasons of Doctor Who. Though i am pretty sure that if they would actually watch the show they would take them from me and try to burn them. Something tells me they wouldn't like characters like Captain Jack Harkness, River or Madame Vastra and her wife Jenny.
When Sam gets tired of the games we three huddled around my phone and watches YouTube videos. We stumble upon a new channel that we find hilarious, Liza Koshy is the queen of puns. Since we're all starting to get quite tired at 12 am we decide to go to bed then. We have taken the mattresses from Dean's and Sam's beds and the three extra mattresses they had in the attic. They are currently stacked against a wall in the living room. We move the coffee table to the opposite wall and put the five mattresses on the floor and cover them with sheets. Now we have a big improvised bed. Sam succeeds in finding seven pillows so we can have one each. We have six covers so no one needs to use their sleeping bag, as long as they're okay with sharing covers. We just need to decide which two of us needs to share covers.
"Dean why don't you share with Cas?" Sam asks and Dean grunts.
"Yeah but he steals all the covers!" Dean pouts. Cas, who has his head in Dean's lap now, opens his eyes.
"I do not." He says sleepily.
"How dare you?" Cas scrunches his face up and Dean mumbles something that sounds like 'but a cute liar'. Kevin interrupts them.
"Okay guys stop being all lovey-dovey and gross, you don't have to share covers." He pulls a fake disgusted face.
"Yeah, no one wants to see that," I say, ignoring Charlie who is squealing in a corner. "Sam and I can share, right Sam?" I turn around to look at Sam who nods.
"Yeah, Gabriel is tiny so that's okay."
"Hey! You're only a head taller than me!"
"As I said..."
Cas rolls down from the couch onto the mattresses and Kevin jumps out of the way. It takes a while but everyone are eventually getting ready to go to bed. Dean and Cas takes their toothbrushes and pajamas and takes off to Dean's room to change in private. Charlie and Jess occupies the toilet downstairs and Kevin changes in the kitchen. Sam and I finds it unnecessary to leave the living room since we both are alone in here now. It takes a few minutes for us all to change into pajamas but after we have done that and brushed our teeth we all turn the lights off and, slightly clumsily, lays down on our part of the bed.
Charlie and Dean are lying next to each other and are whispering and occasionally giggling while Kevin shushes them. Castiel fell asleep in half a minute and has wrapped himself around Dean while Jess has music on in her earphones. After a while everyone goes quiet and they all seem to have fallen asleep. It doesn't take long until I fall asleep too.
I wake up in the morning by Charlie's loud screech. I grumble and my hand reaches for my phone which I put under my pillow before I went to sleep last night. I find nothing. I roll over and feel something hard under my back. My phone. I turn on the screen and glance at it before turning it off again. It's 10:23am and I don't seem to have any angry texts or calls from my mother or father, so they don't seem to have found out that I'm not actually with Jess. Well I mean, I technically is with Jess but I am also around several people my parents hate. I sit up and look around the room, Sam and Kevin are still sleeping. I rub my tired eyes and yawn.
Charlie is sitting in the kitchen with Cas, very close together and both staring happily at Charlie's phone. I look down on the screen when walking past them and they seem to be watching two youtubers who are laughing at something. I open a cupboard and grab a bowl. It doesn't take me long to find the box with the most unhealthy cereals in the house and I pour some in my bowl. The cartoon of milk is already on the table. I tap Cas on the shoulder.
"Hey, do you know where they have spoons?" Without even looking up from the screen both Castiel and Charlie point to the top drawer behind the stove. Cas laughs when one of the guys on the screen yells about something and Charlie whispers 'rip headphone users'. While I eat my breakfast Dean comes into the kitchen. He's only wearing boxers and is holding a t-shirt, his hair is wet so he probably just came out of the shower. Cas eyes immediately leaves the screen and looks at Dean who now stands next to Cas.
"Are you guys watching those two British nerds again?" He asks and Cas nods and looks back at the phone screen just as one of 'the two British nerds' loudly yells 'fuck'.
"If I was you I would be careful around the Phandom." Charlie suggests and Dean snorts.
"Sure thing weirdo." Dean bends down and kisses Castiel on the lips and I decide I'd rather eat in the living room since there probably aren't as many people there making out. I was right, in the living room sam and Kevin are still sleeping and Jess is nowhere to be seen. I put my plate down on the coffee table pushed to the wall and sit's down on it. There isn't really anywhere to sit as the couch is full of our backpacks, clothes, recharges and other random things we brought with us.
Sam sighs in his sleep and rolls over, hair covering half his face. I giggle, he looks hilarious. I finish my cereal just as Jess comes back into the living room. She's holding a big bag of candy and I wave her over. She gives me the bag and I immediately look through it. I'm happy to find many suckers and lollipops. I take three lollipops and opens one of them.
"Really Gabriel, candy for breakfast?" A mocking voice says. I look down on the floor to see Sam grinning up at me from the mattress. I throw a lollipop at him and he hides under the covers.
"For your information, I have already eaten a bowl of cereal." I say and stick my tongue out at him. Not that he can see that from under his covers.
"And how much sugar did those contain?" Sam's muffled voice asks.
"That is not of importance." I say and Sam laughs. He throws the covers off of him and grabs the lollipop that I threw on him and hands it back to Jess.
"You better hide this from Gabe or he will eat it all today." He says and Jess nods.
"Yeah, I know." She rolls her eyes at me.
"Rude." I cross my arms.
We hear a loud crash from the kitchen followed by several curse words and Kevin jolts awake from the tumult. The four of us enters the kitchen to see what is going on. Kevin yawns. A bowl is lying on the floor, or rather, pieces of what used to be a bowl was lying on the floor and Charlie was slow clapping at Dean who must have dropped it. Castiel was reading the book that Dean was reading yesterday and doesn't seem to have even been bothered by the noise. Sam hands his brother a sweeper.
"You're lucky that wasn't one of the nice bowls we aren't allowed to use, then mum would've been really mad at you." Sam said and Dean rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up and eat some breakfast."
While Dean swiped the floor of every piece of porcelain he could find everyone started discussing what they where going to do today. None of them had any fun suggestions and they all felt that staying inside all day would be nice. They all,agreed that going outside and get some fresh air and sunshine they could save for some other day. So todays plans were pretty much that they would stay inside, play some boardgames, watch tv and be lazy and over all do nothing.
"Sounds like a plan to me." Cas said happily and I know that he will spend most of the day reading his book in some corner. When he was younger he would spend almost every day reading books and our parents always complained that he should go outside. Now when he lives with Luci he could probably read however much he wanted, as long as Amara didn't find him. Do you have any idea how hard it is to read while a small child is trying to get your attention?
Everyone finished their breakfast and we all slowly gathered on our improvised 'bed'. Some of the candy was poured into a plastic bowl and placed in the middle of the group and the tv was turned on on some random channel. Now everyone was free to do whatever would please them. So Sam and I starts playing some card games and eventually Kevin and Jess joins too. Cas is reading the book out loud to Dean and Charlie is watching whatever is on the tv while solving a Sudoku in the newspaper. When we get bored of playing cards we start to listening to the book Cas is reading while rolling ourselves into blanket burritos.
At 12:40 we have finished all of the candy that we poured up earlier and Cas has gotten tired of reading out loud. I can understand him, when I try to read out loud it takes about 11 minutes until I choke on my own spit. Instead we decide to take turns playing Mario Kart against each other since you can only be four at the same time. It's time to get revenge for yesterday. Surprisingly Charlie and Kevin are both insanely good at the game and as long as any of them are playing it's one of them who wins. Sam and I quickly get tired of losing every time and goes up to his room to do something else.
So instead of losing horribly at Mario Kart we find a dusty puzzle on one of the shelves in Sam's room and for some reason we decide that it seems fun to put it together. It takes us about half an hour to realize that it will take us about a week or more to finish it and that we only have today and tomorrow. We shrug it off and continues anyways, it's quite entertaining.
"Sam if you can find the last edge piece I will be forever grateful and I wouldn't mind if you handed me all the pieces that are bright yellow if you find any." I dig in the box with puzzle pieces while Sam immediately pushes a small pile of yellow pieces towards me.
"Thanks! By the way, what is this puzzle even supposed to be? There is no image on the box." I ask and Sam just shrugs.
"I'm pretty sure no one knows, it is my dad's old puzzle but no one has opened the box in at least 20 years. My dad passed it on to me a couple of years ago and since then it has been gathering dust on the shelf we found it on." Sam explains as he carefully lifts several bits that he has pieced together to the place inside the puzzle frame where he thinks they should be.
"This really would be much easier if we had any idea what this will end up looking like," Sam complains when his blue and green pieces doesn't fit anywhere. "Maybe starting on a 3000 piece puzzle wasn't the greatest idea?"
"My dear Sammy, when was the last time we had a good idea?" I joke and he laughs.
At 2:16pm Dean calls us downstairs again because everyone is starting to get quite hungry. We once again decide that ordering pizza would be the easiest thing to do even though it takes us about 15 minutes to agree on which pizzas we are getting. I make a mental note to remember what Sam's favorite pizza is. And after we have finally decided what pizzas to get we have to wait for them to be delivered so we had time to become quite hungry before the doorbell rings. Sam and I run to the door and opens it. A guy with brown hair stands outside holding several boxes containing our pizzas. I glance at his name tag, his name is Tobias.
We pay him and thank him for the pizzas and then we bring it in to the others who cheers. I'd like to say that we ate them slowly and but honestly we just stuffed our mouths full as fast as we could. But none of us choked so it's okay. When we stop being so terrible hungry and actually slows down enough to keep a conversation while eating Charlie suggests we should play Truth or Dare. We think it seems like a fun idea and agree. Charlie quickly tells us the rules so we all know what we are getting ourselves into. Jess finds the half-empty bottle of soda from yesterday and puts it on a empty pizza box so we can easily spin it without having to sit on the floor. Kevin starts and spins the bottle, which points at Charlie.
"Truth or dare?" Kevin asks.
"Dare." She answers boldly.
"I dare you to kiss the cutest person in this room." He says and we then watch Charlie get her phone out, take a selfie and kiss the screen. I feel like I should be surprised but I'm really not. Kevin just laughs. Charle spins the bottle which points at Dean this time.
"Dare." He says and crosses his arms. Charlie grins.
"I dare you to play the rest of the game without your shit on," she says and Dean rolls his eyes before taking is t-shirt of. "You're welcome." Charlie winks at Cas who just hides his face behind his hands. The next time the bottle points to Jess who chooses truth.
"Haaaave you ever had a... crush?" Dean asks and Jess laughs.
"Yeah, actually I had a small crush on my best friend when I was like 7, if that even counts."
Over the course of the next 40 minutes we are all forced to do stupid things like massaging someone or running across the street in a dress and answer weird questions like 'have you ever thought your teacher was hot' to 'did you fail any classes last year'. Cas looked extremely silly when he was running over the street and back again dressed in a purple dress Dean took from his mom's closet. Charlie had to tell if she had ever kissed anyone; she had not, as long as you don't count kissing her mother on the cheek. Kevin angrily agreed to swallowing a spoonful of olive oil, and almost threw up.
I have so far had to tell them the most embarrassing thing that have happened to me (getting caught covering a classroom in glitter, my parents where not happy but to my defense the teacher was always really unfair to me.), and I've told them my five favorite pranks I have pulled and how many times I've tripped over in public. I have also been dared to hold hands with the two people sitting next to me for the rest of the game (so right now I'm holding hands with Sam and Kevin), I have had to try to balance twenty spoons on my face (which went quite well actually but I couldn't use my hands because of the last dare so Charlie had to put all the spoons on my face) and lastly I had to go get a glass of water to Sam who was too lazy to do it himself. Luckily I was allowed to let go of Sam and Kevin's hands while doing this task.
Sam had to quote tv shows for the rest of the day (which had so far gone great, Sam you nerd) and Charlie dared him to stand on his hands (and he fell over and hit his foot on the edge of the table, so he was currently massaging his foot with his free hand) and he also had to tell us one of his secrets which wasn't very interesting for me since I'm his best friend and know almost everything about him. Also Sam doesn't really have any secrets, except for our treehouse. Sam chooses to tell them that he did in fact eat the last of Dean's pie. I have never seen Dean look more offended and I advise Sam not to be alone with Dean anytime soon.
Sam spins the bottle which points to Dean. Dean is then dared to not kill Sam which he reluctantly agrees to. Sam looks relieved. Then the bottle points to me.
"Truth." I shrug and smile.
"Gabriel, what is your biggest secret?" Dean grins.
'Ah, shit'. That's my first thought, followed by 'lie'. Sam glances at me and makes a face as if wondering what I will say. Since my biggest secret is knowing that my dad is cheating I don't really feel like telling it to the people in this room. Even if they are my friends I'd rather not share that with them. And my only other secret is Sam's and mine treehouse and that I'll never tell them because then they would do anything they could to find out where it is. So I just shrug.
"I don't know, I don't really have any secrets."
"Aww come on, everybody has secrets," Charlie whines. "Tell us!" I just shake my head.
"No really, I can't think of any secrets." Luckily they let it go after that even though Charlie looks at me suspiciously. Sam looks relieved. After that Dean and Cas had to go to the bathroom so they both leave and the rest of us decide to watch whatever is on tv. Everybody seems to be done with the pizza so Sam and I takes the leftovers with us up to the unfinished puzzle in Sam's room. If we spend several hours on it today we might have a chance to at least finish almost half before I have to go home. Since I'm not getting any further on piecing my yellow-ish pieces together Sam sits down next to me and tries to help.
We start discussing what we will do on Tuesday after school since that is the day my mom thinks I do extra work at school until 4pm. I made her believe I was after in math and had to join a study group to catch up with the rest of the class. It isn't completely inaccurate though, I am a bit after in math but Sam always helps me with that. And if Sam wouldn't be able to help me then my dad is quite good at math and is always glad to help me. When Sam suggests we go to our treehouse I remember that I brought the envelope with money that was supposed to be Sam's birthday gift with me. I tell him I'll be back in a second and run down to my backpack to get it.
In the living room Jess and Kevin are playing cards, Charlie is on her phone and smiling about something (she's most likely on her Doctor Who blog) and Dean and Cas are cuddling on the improvised bed and watching the tv which is still on. I quickly move over to the couch and look for my backpack. I find it under my blanket and I throw it over my shoulder while rummaging through my stuff. I find the envelope and take it. With the envelope in my hand and the blanket around me I hurry back up to Sam. He looks up as I close the door behind me.
"What'd you run off for?" He asks and raises an eyebrow. I hold the white envelope out to him.
"This," I catch my breath. "It was supposed to be your birthday gift but I never had the chance to give it to you." I sit down on the floor again with a thud. He opens it and takes a colorful card out. When he unfolds it it falls money out of it and he laughs while reading what I've written. He leans over and hugs me.
"Thank you! This is great, now we can afford to buy more of that blue color we needed to the bedroom." He smiles brightly towards me and I can't help smiling back.
"You're welcome."
Nobody seems hungry enough to make some sort of dinner, downstairs they decided to just open a bag of chips and Sam and I already have the left over pizza in Sam's room. We stay there until 8pm when Charlie makes us come back to the others so we can finish watching the Doctor Who episodes we started yesterday. After we've watched seven episodes we don't really know what to do. I think I fell asleep because I wake up again at 12:31am when someone/something accidentally, I hope, hits me on the arm. I mumble a quiet 'rude' to whoever or whatever just woke me before realising that I'm still sitting on the couch and that the rest of this group of people is about to go to sleep. I move myself down to the mattresses since it's much more comfortable to sleep there. I then remember that I need to brush my teeth and groan.
I force myself to the bathroom, where I have to wait 6 minutes until Charlie is done in there. After I am let inside the bathroom I quickly brush my teeth and drink two glasses of water. I think I'm surprisingly thirsty until I remember I've barely been drinking anything today. When I get back to bed I lie in the darkness for a while before I fall back asleep.
In the morning I am weirdly enough the first one to wake up. At first I try to fall back asleep since it's only 9am but after a few minutes I realise that it's no use. So because the others are asleep I am careful not to make too much sound when I carefully crawl out of bed. Luckily I don't step on anyone nor fall over. I unplug my phone from the charger and takes it with me into the kitchen. No new messages from anyone. And yes, I know, we shouldn't recharge during the night because the recharger could set on fire, but if we get burnt to death we'll just have to blame ourselves.
I listen to some music, with headphones, while eating my breakfast. It is actually quite hard not to make sounds when eating a bowl of cereals. Your spoon hits the bowl and makes sounds and inside the carbon box the cereal is in a plastic bag which makes almost as much sound opening as a bag of chips does. At 10:02 Cas wakes up and joins me at the table. He yawns a 'good morning' and sits down opposite to me.
It doesn't take very long after that until everyone is up and we decide to start cleaning some things up right after breakfast. It'd be rude to leave it to Sam and Dean to fix the messes we've all made themselves. So firstly we put all the mattresses, covers and pillows back where they came from and we put the sheets in the washing machine. After that we all try to gather our own stuff up and put it in our backpacks so we won't forget anything when we leave. Then we start the dishwasher so there will be some clean plates, glasses and cutlery when Sam and Dean's parents get home. At 12pm my mom texts me and tells me she'd want me home by 2pm.
We make the most of the two hours we all have left together and play some board games and talk. Sam and I decide to meet at our treehouse at 3pm on Tuesday after school (Sam will try to bring our puzzle with him and I have no idea how he thinks he will be able to do that) and at 1:30 I hug everyone good bye, Sam gets two hugs. I'm honestly very surprised that my mom or dad didn't find out that I was with Sam all weekend and I feel a bit of hope for the future. My parents can't know everything and it will be quite hard for them to actually control who I'm friends with.
Written: 25th August, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th September 2017
Published: 5th September 2017
Words: 63000
Wooh, I finished it before midnight (11:27pm) o I don't have to add another day to how long it took me to write this!
*writing becomes gradually worse during the last part because I'm writing it when I am really tired*
Please point out any spelling or grammatical errors since they are completely my own fault. (I have a habit of trying to write faster than my fingers actually can move over the keyboard so sometimes I press the wrong letter, accidentally skips a letter or I might fail to make a space between two words)
Anyways, I'm going to try to make my chapters longer, like at least 1500-2000+ words instead of 1000+. Though if I where you I'd not expect a lot of chapters that are this long😅
Much love❤️
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