Chapter 4

When Emma came back from the reset, I pretended to be already asleep, but apparently that didn't work because in result, Emma pounced on my bed whisper-shouting,

"So what happened?"

I opened up my eyes and sighed, sitting up, I said, "Nothing!"

She gave me a stern look, "Oh really, we both know how this is going to end, you are going to tell me what happened, so why don't you just save us both some trouble and tell me what really happened!"

"Fine," I took a breath and said, "Wealmostkissed," I blurted out,


"We almost kissed," I repeated, saying it slower this time, "That is until you came barging in,"

"Oooo, now I feel bad," Emma said, "So do you like him?"

I stood up, alarmed, "What do you mean, of course I like him,"

"No, I mean 'like' like, do you like' like Horace Somnusson?"

"Maybe?" I sighed "I don't now, I've always liked him as a friend, but now I kind of like him more than a friend,"

"Well then you should tell him,"


"I don't know, just go up to him and tell Horace how you feel and ask him on a date,"

"What do you mean," I asked puzzled,

"I mean, ask him out to lunch or something,"

"I'm too nervous, and what if he only likes me as a friend?"

"He won't, trust me, I have a plan,"

* * *

Early next morning, after breakfast, I was just about to go ask Horace 'you know what', when I got stopped by Miss Peregrine,

"Miss O'Conner, may I please talk to you for a minute please,"

"S-Sure," I replied nervously,

"You know very well that I want very much for my wards to express their selves in their own, creative way but what you did was absolutely irresponsible and-"

"Uh, Miss Peregrine-" I tried to cut in, but stopped when Miss Peregrine gave me a stern look,

"Now Miss O'Conner I advise you to think before you ever do anything like that again, and as your punishment, starting today, for the next two weeks, you shall be helping in the kitchen to help make dinner. Be there at 5 o'clock, sharp!"

With that she continued on her way, down the hall, as I started to look for Horace, first I looked I the yard. Yet he's not there,

"Hey, Hugh," I asked, "Is there by any chance do you know where Horace is?" Hugh was currently playing a game of one on one football with Victor,

"I'm not quite sure," Hugh replied, "Try the Library, he's almost always there," and just at that moment, while Hugh's distracted, Victor run up and stole the ball away from him, "Hey!" he exclaimed, chasing Victor,

I walked back into the house and thought about what I would say to him, Hey Horace I like you, like 'like' like. No, too straight forward, Horace, would you like to go to town with me today? No, too casual, Hey Horace do you want to go have lunch with me today in town?

So enough I was just outside of the library doors, I opened it a crack to see if Horace is in there, and he is. I took a deep breath and walked in,


Horace looked up from his book, "Oh, hi Mia,"

"What are you reading?" I asked, looking over his shoulder,

"Shakespeare," he replied,

I glanced at the title, "Romeo and Juliet," I read out, "Oh I know this book, isn't this the one that end with 'For there is no story of more woe, than the one about Juliet and her Romeo,'"

Horace chuckled, "Close enough,"

"So," I said nervously, "I was wondering if you have any plans today,"

He smiled, "No, unless you have any ideas on what we can do,"

"Well, perhaps we can go get lunch in town together," I looked down, fiddling my thumbs,

Horace grinned, "I thought you'd never ask,"

"So is that a yes?"

"What do you think," Horace said, but after seeing my still confused face, he continued, "Yes,"

"Great, so I'll meet you right in front of the front door at 12:00?" I asked, 

"Okay," Horace replied, then took my hand and kissed it, "Till we meet again," 

I giggled and left, practically skipped out of the library, which resulted in me bumping into Enoch, causing him to drop the clay soldiers he was holding, "Hey! watch it-" He cried angrily, that is, until he realized who I was, "Oh, it's just you," He continued, his tone changing immediately from angry to calm, "What were you doing, prancing around like an idiot?"

"Oh nothing," I said with a sly smile, although he is my brother, I don't want him to know about it, I mean, will tell him, eventually, just not now, "What are you doing?" I asked, helping him pick up the dropped soldiers, 

"I was just taking them downstairs for some experiments, care to join?"

I checked the clock, it was just 9:30, Only two and a half hours away from my date with Horace, "Sure," I replied, "I've got some time to kill," 

Together we walked down to Enoch's bedroom in the basement, I wondered if he were ever lonely, while everyone else had roommates, Enoch have decided to bunk with himself.  Nowadays, the only people who came down here is either me or Victor, whom I hate. Don't get me wrong, Victor is a good guy but he just seem to me as sort of a lose canon, in a bad way. He seems kind of crazy and relies to his strength a lot. 

As we walked into his room, I breathed in a noseful of the nasty smell of the fluid coming from Enoch's jars of hearts. To most people, this smell would make them gag or throw up, but luckily I got used to the smell from when I was sharing a room with Enoch in our first loop.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked, 

He smirked, "Well, let's start with this," he handed a jar of hearts, "Maybe we can try making multiple hearts on one homunculus, but in different slots by adding....."

I didn't hear the rest of it, sometimes Enoch can be very boring, I forced a smile and said, "Sounds great,"

So I bet you guys already know what's going to happen in the next chapter, their first ever date! I can't wait, can you? Well I'll try to post it as soon as possible to minimalize the wait time! 

XOXO, Victoria

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