Unforgettable Cold
Samael said, as he began to look around at where he is right now. And needless to say, where he is is very scary and confusing to him. It looks like his home, but everything is turned and warped. Objects are placed all over the place, and often teleport to different locations for no reason. The outside is not...outside anymore. It is more like he is inside of something. When he looks out of the window, he sees that there are in what appears to be a fleshy tube of sorts. It resembles a throat, but there are teeth all I've the place, and all of them are canine teeth, for tearing and ripping a piece of a meal off of them.
"What is this messed up place?"
He than began to open the door, and he saw an endless hallway. But there are no walls. It is just blackness. And Samael took the chance to run on impulse. He does not know why he needs to run out of all the choices he has done. But he knows one thing. He needs to do it for some reason. Possibly to try and escape something. To try and find something. He does not know. All he needs to do is to simply run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.
Samael kept on running. He did not stop, he did not turn. He just ran, running down to endless hallway that was never meant to be here. But as he than, he looked back, and what he as horrified him down to the core. Multiple black hands coming from the shadows of where the walls are supposed to be, and each of them has an eye on the palm of their hands. Instead of eyelashes, curved teeth replaced them. With the hands themselves looking skeletal, garble, warped, grotesque, indescribable. This made him horrified at the sight that he is seeing before his eyes, as he kept on running, hoping that he can get away from the hands that are about to drag him and do something horrible to him. But the arms were much faster than Samael, as they than grabbed him by the leg. He panicked, as he than struggled to get out of the arms.
But the arms fell onto deaf ears, as they than began to drag Samael into the darkness. And as they did that, a voice suddenly boomed out from behind where Samael is, and by the kind of that, the voice sounds very hungry.
"Need more meat!! Meat!! MEAT!!! MEAT!!! MEAT!!!!!! MORE MEAT!!! MORE MEAT!!!! MORE MEAT TO SATISFY OUR HUNGER!!!"
The words chanted meat, as the arms began to cover and began to gnaw on his arm, as Samael can only do one thing. Scream.
Real world...
Samael screamed out, as he jumped from the position that he is in. He held his head, as he cannot believe what had just happened. What in the world was that dream? This was something he does not expect to happen. He always woke have dreams about fire, about the death of his parents, of the bad men, but this...this was new. Did...did the magic of the Underground...affect his dream?
A female voice groaned, and Samael turned around to see that the door is opening, and Aliza came out of the door, as she held out her head, looking a little bit like she has not slept in a month, even though she had just gained enjoin sleep after Samael woke up from the nap that he had. And it looks like they still need to go.
"Hey, Aliza."
Aliza turned to Samael, as he than spoke out.
"You ready to go?"
Aliza nodded, as she than spoke out.
"Just one second, Samael."
She went back into the room, and she than grabbed some stuff, before she went back out, and spoke out to him.
"Okay. Now I'm ready."
Samael than nodded, as he spoke out.
"Than let's go, and not waste time."
Samael and Aliza than walked to where the spiral stairs are at, and needless to say...when Samael looked down...it is as though the stairs would go down forever. And even worse for him, in his vision, it is as though the flights of stairs are longer than what it really is like.
Samael began to sweat and even shiver, as he looks down at the flights of stairs in fear. But he shook his head, and re-hardened his resolve, as he is filled with some determination, for Aliza's sake. He than spoke out to Aliza.
"Let's go down."
Aliza and Samael than goes down the stairs, as then began to walk down the steps. It looks as though it had been damaged in what appeared to be some sort of commotion. But whatever it was, it has caused some damage to the stairs, and because of this, Samael and Aliza need to be careful, because one wrong step, and you will end up tripping and rolling down the stairs in the most painful way possible. Let's see what happened when you bump and break your bones after hitting the edges of the steps.
But as they went down, a moth with a smile on the top of their wings appeared, and it is now closer to them. Chara's Scarlet Moth has found them, and now is going to try and wait for them to fall under its temptation. But for now, it is going to follow them. And than, when they get too tired to fight, it will take their bodies, and Chara will gain control of them to kill the monsters.
They went down a purple hallway, and there was a lot of bodies all over the place. Entrails and organs and all that type of stuff are all over the place. Samael felt grossed out and horrified, as he wanted to spill out his guts all over the floor. But he held it forte he for Aliza's sake, as he than kept on moving forward, but much more faster, and Aliza seems to have the same idea, because she want faster as well, not wanting to see the bodies that are all over the floor.
They kept on moving, and eventually...they went to the other side. They went through a purple door, and entered it. And once they went to the other side...they got hit with a sudden blizzard, as the cold seeped over their bodies.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Both Aliza and Samael closed their eyes, as they saw that they are in a snowy area of sorts. But there was also blood in some areas. Samael and Aliza do not like there this is going.
"Okay...there is something clearly wrong with the mountain. Guess Chara was not joking when he said that the monsters are beginning to consume one another. Just...how far does this go?"
Samael said, as he looked around. Aliza, feeling a little bit scared, grabbed onto Samael's hand for comfort, as if she is afraid that he might get ahead of her and leave her alone to be eaten. Samael flinched at the sudden gesture, but he saw that she was afraid of what might happen next, and because of that, he than returned the gesture to assure that she is not gonna leave her.
Once it became clear in this case, both Aliza and Samael kept on walking. The crunching of bloody snow filled the air, along with the blizzard that is happening. How the wind is blowing in spite of being inside of a mountain, Samael does not know. But he guess that it has something to do with the magic inside of this mountain. After all, how else can you explain something like this?
They kept on walking, and as they did...they heard something. Rustling. Samael, not wanting to take the chance, grabs Aliza and brought her behind a tree. This made them both be caked in mud that somehow appeared, which made Aliza grossed out, but he than covered Aliza's mouth to make her avoid making any sound. He turns to the left to see what it is that had ran to their direction, and what he saw made him feel queasy.
It looks like a humanoid dog of sorts, wearing a red vest and having brown straps all over its torso, but the eyes are covered in a blindfold. And to make it even more disturbing, the eyes looked like they are no longer there. It is as though the dog has it's eyes ripped out of its face. Samael held his breath also, in order to make it not notice Aliza and Samael. Aliza looked as well, and even she was horrified. The dog began to speak out.
"Where are you?! I know you are here somewhere. I had smelled your scent!! I will find you and I will each your flesh and bones!!"
It snarled, before scampering off to a random direction. Samael puts his hand off of his mouth and off of Aliza's mouth, and spoke out.
"Phew. That was close. And it said smell. Maybe we should cover our scent so that we smell like nothing to that deranged mutt."
Aliza spoke out.
"Well, I don't want to look and even smell so dirty, Samael!"
"At least I can get some meat!!"
A voice shouted before them, causing Aliza and Samael to jump and look towards the one that spoke out.
"What the hell!!!"
Samael shouted, before he threw the combat knife into the head of that ugly monster in a panic. This made the monster stop, as he than looked up, before he complained.
"Of course...I had to die just when someone new comes. Well, at least it is better than this life anyway."
Than, the instant that the monster finished that sentence...it than suddenly...turned to dust. And the last words it said were to complain of what happened to him now. Samael was shocked at what had just happened...as he felt his own body...suddenly become more stronger, after that thing died. He than looks around, before he turns to Aliza's eyes, as he spoke out to his friend.
"What the...what was that thing? Was it one of those so-called monsters that Chara and...your Mother's journal had mentioned about.
Aliza spoke out to him.
"I don't know, I think they are. Let's keep moving, and see if we can find some...friendly faces to speak to?"
Samael nodded, though he highly doubts that there will be anybody what would want to be friends with them, and Samael picked up the knife off of the ground, before they began to keep on moving, but as they did...Samael felt something behind them. Samael looked behind himself, and it was a good thing he did...because there something sneaking up from behind.
Samael said, and Aliza noticed as well, as Samael grabbed Aliza's hand, and ran for their lives. But the large dog was not going to let them get away, as it than began to run in order to chase after him.
But the dog was relentless, and it tries to keep on chasing them, and refuses to let them go. It is very persistent and will not stop until it has eaten their bodies. They ran as fast as they could, they ran and ran and ran and ran. And as they did, Samael turned and saw a monster that looks like a blue bunny, but it's limbs looked like they had been hacked off and had their wounds burned, and it is screaming in pure agony. And Samael shook his head, as he does not have time for that. He cannot pay attention to that thing right now. They need to keep on moving. With Aliza and Samael running, they ran past several wooden posts, and some bones, as well as a sight of a snowflake feasting on the body of another one of its kind, the sounds of flesh and organs being eaten sounded very, very horrendous.
But Samael is not going to let that happen to himself and his friend, Aliza. No, he will never let that happen. He is going to make sure that he lives along with her. Luckily, he had his Taser inside of his pocket, just in case he is running from something and he does not have time to retrieve it from his backpack. So he turned around, and pointed it at the dog, as he spoke out.
"Here, big guy. Try eating 50,000 volts of electricity inside your stomach!!!"
He fired the taser and it pierced the large dog in the throat, before it than shocked the Greater Dog badly, paralyzing it badly. He than yanked the Cartridge off of the front part of the Taser, as he kept on running, and they ran and ran and ran and ran, until then reached what appears to be a bridge. It looked a little unstable, and Aliza felt very, very scared at the sight. But Samael spoke out.
"Here, let me carry you."
Samael lifts Aliza off of the ground in a piggyback style, as Aliza looks very embarrassed at what it is that Samael is doing, as she than spoke out.
"Samael, don't do that!! Put me down!!"
But Samael did not listen, as he than ran across the bridge, and went to the end, before putting her down.
"Sorry, Aliza."
"Just...don't do that again, okay?"
Aliza shook her head, as she than walks forward, and Samael followed suit. They kept on walking, until they than reached what appears to a town of some sort. But the homes look broken, and some were destroyed. The sign, 'welcome to Snowdin' is said on one of the signs. This place must be the town's name.
"What the...what is this place?"
Samael spoke out, as Aliza and Samael ventured into the town. It like very...quiet. There were no people, like it had been abandoned for a very long time. But as Aliza and Samael kept on waking, Samael puts a hand in front of Aliza, as he than noticed looks down and he noticed something buried underneath the bloodily ground. Buried beneath the snow, though a little bit difficult to see, was a steel wire, and it looks like it's barbed. This has got to be painful to wrap it around someone's legs, if whatever possible. That does not look good. He than spoke out to Aliza.
"Liza...I have a bad feeling about this town. I need to test something. Step back."
Aliza did as she is told, and Samael began to prod and poke at the wires, and than...the wires reacted, and a bunch of traps activated in one place, as Samael spoke out.
"Great! This town is booby trapped! How are we supposed to get past that?!"
"hehehehehehe...that's the thing, kiddo..."
A voice spoke out, as Samael turned to see someone coming, as it spoke out again.
"you can't."
Samael shined his flashlight, and saw what that person looks like, and needless to say...he looks very...unease at what he is seeing before his eyes.
Before the 15 year old teenagers is a skeleton, wearing a blue jacket with a grey hoodie, laced shoes, and a white shirt. He wore pants similar to Samael's, except they were short, showing his skeletal legs. All of the clothing's, the jacket, shirt, and the pants, as well as the shoes, are caked in blood, as an axe is held by the skeletal monster. The left part of it's face has a large hole that must have been the eye, as it is glowing a yellow circle, though it does look more...orange like. The smell of rotten meat is coming from the skeleton, as it smiled crazily at the 2 new victims that is before the skeleton.
Aliza stepped back, as she felt scared at the skeleton that is before her and Samael. But at the same time, she also feels like there is something off about the skeleton. Something that she is familiar with. But she does not know why. And even more strangely, she feels a strange connection, somehow.
The skeleton than spoke out.
"so it seems that more meat bags decide to come to snowdin. That is fucking pathetic of you to do that."
Aliza seems scared, as Samael held the metal baseball bat in his hand. Looks like this monster is far more intelligent that the other monsters. He felt sweat go down his face, but he knows that this is a fight for his life. If he tries to make any sudden moves, than the skeleton is likely going to attack and he will have he head hacked off for all of his troubles. But if the skeleton attacks first without warning, then Samael won't know where the traps are, and where he will land at. So he needs to be lucky. The skeleton grinned manically, as he than spoke out.
"aww...what's the matter? are you all 'dead' scared that you will become my meal? it would a very big pleasure to 'meat' you in your graves.
Samael than spoke out.
"Let's see how 'dead' scared you'll be if you dare put your hand on my and my friend!!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He than ran towards the skeleton as fast as he could, as he than tried to swing his bat at him. But the bat had to be risen in order to block the axe, and shockingly, it was able to cleave halfway through the bat, even though it's made of metal. Samael snarled with frustration, as the Skeleton opened his mouth, and tried to snap his jaws on Samael's shoulder. But he avoided the chomp, and he jumped back, as the Skeleton swung his axe to try and slice his chest. Samael barley avoided it and simply succeeded in slicing the back of the coat. Aliza stepped back, as Samael puts his hand on her coat roughly, in order to prevent her from falling down and accidentally activating a trap.
Samael than kicked the skeleton back, making him feel pain, as he than looks at Samael, as he spoke out.
"you both will make fine dinner on a silver platter!!!"
But Samael than spoke out.
"How about i set you on fire, and let's see how you like being charred bones!!!"
He than ran with his combat knife, and began to swing and try and slice at the skeleton, in order to try and stab it in the head. The skeleton jumped out of the way, before moving so fast that Samael was caught off guard.
"Huh? Where did you-"
"Samael!! Behind you!!!"
Samael turned around, and jumped back. And as he did, he used the bat as support with one hand, and accidentally activated a trap. Luckily he was able to get his bat out of the way just in time before the bat could be lodged into the trap that this skeleton must have made. He than ran at the skeleton, and seeing the bat, as the skeleton dodged, and try to swing his axe at Samael, only to miss him again, as he was able to get out of the way and saved himself from the axe that the skeleton's using.
Aliza wanted to step back, but Samael grabbed her even more tightly on the jacket, as he than shouted out at Aliza in pure frustration, though it is not direction to her, as the voice also sounds a little scared, due to the fact that the skeleton is trying to kill then.
"Don't you dare move into a trap, or I'll never forgive you for that, Aliza!"
But the moment he said that name...the skeleton...stopped.
"Wait...did...did you say...Aliza?"
This made Samael confused, as he spoke out.
"You sound interested in that name. How do you know that?"
Aliza than spoke out to the skeleton.
"Wait...are you Sans?"
This made Sans turned around to Aliza, and this time...it sounds like he has a feeling that he knows her, even though he does not know her.
"How do you know my name?"
Aliza than took out a journal, and showed it to him, and spoke out.
"My mother, Frisk, mention about you in this journal."
The name, Frisk...made Sans flinch, as he than touched his locket...and he looked...sad. Samael...he than spoke out.
"You know Frisk?"
Sans looks up at Samael, but does not speak...as he than trudges towards Aliza. And than...he expression softens...as he spoke out.
"It...it really is you...Aliza...
...my daughter."
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