The guard dogs
Being with the skeleton brothers is very...interesting, to say the least. Even though they both are inside of a very screwed up situation, they still manage to pull through for each other's sake. The 2 of them act like glue that are stuck together. And...Samael does not know why, but he feels very safe and comfortable around them, at least, with Aliza being present next to him. They both act friendly, and with Aliza, Sans acts very protective, happy, and fatherly towards Aliza, like an actual protective parent. There is just nothing else to describe about it. The even fed her food, though the food is made of...meat and organs...which resembles food that normal humans eat everyday, and this is only so Aliza can play along as Frisk in Papyrus' mind. Samael, though, doesn't play along immediately, as he still has his food to eat, but does promise Papyrus that he'll eat his Spaghetti once he used up all of his food, which Papyrus agrees, and Aliza actually eats Samael's food whenever she is done eating what Papyrus is making all for her to eat, as much as it really disgusts her doing such things. But the truth is that Samael needs to have the food last long enough for him to find a way out of this mess, as well as help Aliza and her family escape...if they ever can. But some part of Samael believes will be impossible to escape, and he highly doubts that it will be a good ending, even if they were able to help what remains of the monsters that are trapped underneath the damn mountain.
Though, with Papyrus, Samael thinks of him as a whack job of sorts, but remembering what Sans said, plays along for his sake, so that he does not start what might be considered a bad situation of sorts. And too make matters worse, Samael is constantly watched by Sans when he is alone, and whenever he is alone, he can feel the killing intent coming from Sans, as well as an aura of hunger. It is very obvious to Samael that Sans...doesn't like Samael that much, mostly because of the fact that he gets to know her longer than Sans does, which makes Sans very unhappy at the fact that Samael gets to bonded with her much sooner than Sans being able to bond with Aliza, despite the fact that he's her father. Guess he must have been jealous of Samael for the fact that he knew her more than even the father himself.
But...there is something that is bothering Samael immensely, as well as Aliza. And even Ruby could sense that there is something wrong. Because the both of them would here the voice of a child, that keeps on saying stuff such as 'Give your bodies to me' 'I can free the monsters from their agony' 'Only I can give them mercy' and it is coming from a moth that is constantly following them, this one that looks like a normal moth, except that on top of the moth's wings, are red lines, on the edges, looks like a circular blush...but there is a one that resembles a smile. It is obvious that Chara must have sent this moth to try and tempt them to use it, so that Chara may use it for something, and Aliza has been tempted to do it, but Samael, not trusting it easily, stops Aliza from fulfilling the deal with it, and always tries to steer her away from the moth. He knows that Chara must have sent it, because it is speaking in her voice, and is doing all that he can to make sure that Aliza ignores that bug.
But there is another thing that is strange. There are these weird red white flowers that appear all over Snowdin, and when Aliza touched Samael touched them...they are treated with a memory of sorts, and when that happens...Ruby seems to be growing more and more stronger than ever. Samael and Aliza don't really know why this is the case, but they decide not to discuss it.
Right now, though...Sans, Aliza, and Samael are outside, as they are wandering beyond Snowdin to try and find some food to bring back to Sans' house. Sans and Samael looked around, as Samael spotted some canned food on the ground. He picks it up, and Sans saw it, as Samael than gave it to Sans.
"Must have been pretty before I fell down here huh?"
Samael acted a little sarcastic in his comment. Sans chuckled humorlessly, as he than spoke out.
"yeah, being in the underground where the monsters want to 'rib' you when they 'meat' you, is a very pleasant experience to have."
Samael does not find the joke funny, as Aliza than tried to do a much more lighthearted pun.
"Well...I think I should thank you 'snow' much, for trying to help me."
Samael and Sans looked at Aliza, as Samael began the snort, and Sans began to laugh.
"Hahahahahahahahaha...that is my baby girl, Aliza! You really take after your old man over here."
Samael laughed as well, as he than spoke out.
"Okay, that was 'Ice' of you to say that, Aliza. I'll admit, it we say more puns, it'll make me-"
This made all 3 of them stop, as Samael spoke out.
Sans sighed, as he looked very annoyed at this, as Aliza than spoke out.
"What's wrong, Daddy?"
Sans than looks at Aliza, as he than spoke out.
"unfortunately...this is a reoccurring problem that I had to deal with countless upon countless of times. what you are hearing is Dog Guards, and they are very annoying. they are mostly scared of me, but they will come to snowdin, my village, in an effort to try and kill me, and it seems that they are arriving. samael...get your weapons out, and get ready to fight. aliza...stay behind me, kay?"
Aliza and Samael than turned around...and they saw them...walking towards them. The 2 the dogs, one large and one blind...they recognize them both. But the one that is new to the bunch, is a female dog with double axes.
"That is not good. Aliza, step back.
Samael spoke out, as he, Aliza, and Sans looked at what it is that is before them. Samael stepped back, as he had the feeling that something bad is about to happen. He puts on his hood, and takes out a bat, as he than held it in his hands, as he prepares to fight off against the dog guards that is before him, Aliza, and her father, Sans. Sans summons his axe, as his left eye began to flare.
Aliza looked scared at this, as she hid behind her dad, Sans. But Sans puts a hand on her hand, as he spoke out.
"it's alright, precious. i won't let any of them consume you."
Aliza smiled, but than, a growl as heard from one of the dogs, as she than hid behind Sans, as Sans returns his attention to the dogs, as his left eye flared, his smile contorting into a very wide and crazed smile, as he looks at the dogs that are before his eyes. Clearly, making the dogs suffer for trying to enter his town, and now to try and attack his daughter, it really pisses of Sans way beyond the patience that he has left inside of his very mind.
"So...Snowdin's Sentry is guarding our needed meat. It seems that if we are going to be sated...than we need to be past you."
The blind dog said, as Sans than spoke back, his voice corrupted and distorted with the hunger, as he is now extremely pissed off at the dogs coming to him, especially at a time like this..
"too bad you ain't having them. Especially you, Dogressa. You people never seem to learn huh."
Doggo than spoke back to Sans.
"(Sniff) (sniff) you have more meat with you. Got it to us, and you will not have to be bothered by us anymore!"
But Sans spoke back to Doggo.
"you are not getting them. cause they belong to me!!"
Dogressa smiled a very feral smile, as she than gripped her 2 axes, one of them having once belonged to her husband, as she than spoke out.
"If I can't have the meat being given by you...than we shall take it from you...all by force!!!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dogressa charged at Sans, who than used his own axe to clash against one of her axes. The other axe was raised to try and decapitate Sans' head off, but Samael rushed into the fight and hits Dogressa on the head, making her lose focus for a little bit, before turning to Samael, and charging at him. He does the same, as he dodged axe swings as much as he can, whine hitting her with his metal bat. But than, Dogressa sliced his bat at the part where Sans made a deep cut into it.
Samael said, before he was than kicked in the stomach. This made him gasp in pain, as he than began to stand up. But than...Greater Dog came behind him, and began to try and eat him. But not wanting to become a dog's dinner special, he turns around, and points his gun at the Greater Dog, and shot him. The bullets got deflected at the armor, and one of the ricocheting bullets hit Dogressa, making her hold her head in pain, with Doggo biting into Sans' arm, which is doing nothing but annoy him at best, as he does not have any skin or meat inside of him. But one of the bullets managed to hit Greater Dog at the arm, and this caused so much pain to the big dog, that he than scampered off and left.
Samael got off the ground, as he than turns to see that Dogressa snarled.
Samael, in a panic, tries to throw his combat knife at Dogressa, only for the dog guard to simply use the axe to slice it into 2 pieces, therefore, making his weapon useless. He than ran as fast as he could, as Dogressa than began to chase after him, her hood now off, her face revealed, and needless to say, Samael looked horrified, as seeing her cyclops-looking face, which made him run even faster.
He turns turns back forward...and saw that there is a tree before his eyes. So not wasting it, he jumps up and gets up as high as he could. He than looks down...and saw that Dogressa is now trying to climb up.
Normally, this would look funny, if she was resembling a normal dog. But this...this is not funny. In fact, this is frightening to a horrifying extent. He is lucky that Dogressa is unable to climb. But the luck didn't last for long. Than, Dogressa came back with axes, and began the chop down the tree with them. Not wanting to let the tree fall down on top of him, he than kept, just as she had finished chopping, and Samael kept on running as fast as he can. He kept on running and running, as he does not want to get killed for all of his troubles, and needs to find another weapon that he can use in order to stand a chance against Dogressa, as he highly doubts that his gun can even stop her, due to having Axes that are large enough to block and act like shields. But as he kept on running...
Samael cried in pain, as he foot hit against something. He fell down to the ground, but he quickly scrambled back up, and looks around in order to see what he had hit with his food. And then...he finally saw it.
Samael looks down, and noticed a sword on the ground. It is scratched and maybe a little rusty...but it is the best chance that he has. He does not want to act like he can know and use all of the weapons, but he needs to use something that can help him with this situation that he is in. He than began to pull at or...but the armor made a grinding sound, as the wires in the armor and the helmet began to move the armor, which is now grinding against the ground. Samael knows that this is bad...but he needs a weapon. Than, Dogressa came from the distance, as she than spoke out.
"It is no use, trying to take that out. You will not get it out of the ground, and you will become food for me and my darling mate!!"
She than grabbed her 2 axes, and charged at Samael. But Samael is very determined to protect himself, and uses all of his might to try and rip the sword out from the ground. And as soon as Dogressa went in front of him by about 8 feet...Samael finally yanked the sword out, and he than used it to block against the axes. The armor clanged and clattered against each other, as Samael than swung his sword, and hits the armor pieces on Dogressa's face, causing her immense pain, as the wires are then accidentally sliced by the axes, sending the pieces of armor everywhere, before Samael than swung the sword, and he was able to slice Dogressa right across the torso. This caused immense agony, as blood began to spill from her wound, before she than turned tail and flee from Samael.
Samael sighed, as he held his head, feeling relieved that he was able to scare her off. But in e knows to him...some of the wood began to morph, and Samael...caught that at the corner of his eye. He turns around, and than...what he saw nearly made him faint in fear.
Samael shouted, as he than ran for his life, as the large deer-looking monster began to gallop towards him, while speaking out to Samael.
Samael, however, does not stop running, and he leapt onto a tree branch. He than looks up, and sees the dear monster coming towards his way. Samael looked panicked, but he than noticed chains on his antlers. Reacting quickly, Samael jumped even more high up, and than jumped off of the branch, and landed onto the deer's head. The deer noticed, and began to move at random directions in order to try and fling Samael off of his antlers. It even began to jump onto the tree branches, in order to make him very scared to let go. But Samael, while he is scared, does not let go, forcing the deer monster to spin ajd run around.
But Samael does not want to get off, and instead, using whatever balance that he has on his feet, and all of his strength in his hands, he reaches out, grabs a chain from the antler, and when the most powerful force came, Samael was yanked off of the deer. But so did the chain, as he and the chain landed onto the ground, and needless to say, Samael was bruised. But at least he didn't break his bones. He than stood up, and looks at the deer, as more legs and a couple of mouths began to form at the sides of torso, as it than charged at Samael. But Samael swung his chain, and struck at the deer, agonizing it, as he used it just like a whip. He than struck at it again, and this time...he forced it away, as it cannot stand the pain of the chain. Samael he spoke out.
"Glad that's over. Now I just need to-"
But as he began to finish his sentence...he can hear something. Screams of agony. Samael turned around, and spoke out.
"Huh, where's that coming from?"
Samael said, as he than turned around, and began to walk down towards the direction of the screaming. He kept on waking...until he then spotted something that is causing the screaming. Pierced by what seems to be an ice cream a blue bunny monster. But the limbs have been chopped off and cauterized, and entrails are leaking out of a dangerously large wound, and is still alive...screaming in tears of pain began to come out of his eyes. Samael watched in a bunch of monsters came and began to feast on the monster, as the eaten parts of it began to regenerate. Samael recognized it, as he saw it when he ran away from that giant dog in armor. And he...he felt great pity for the monster...and walks over, sword ready in his hand to kill them and help this poor thing...when a bony hand grabbed his shoulder. And it was someone that he is familiar with.
"don't try it, kid."
Samael looks behind him, and sees Sans, looking at him with a dangerous look in his eyes.
"do not even try and be a hero to save this poor bastard. that dear monster you fled from...gyftrot...he was the one that attacked nice cream guy over there, and put him in the condition that he is in. you go there...and you die and become food for the monsters over there."
Samael than looks at Sans in the eye sockets, as he than spoke out.
"I can't just leave him here to suffer for no reason."
Sans looks at Samael in the eyes...and his eyes became black and blank, with a sad expression on his face.
" like her. you are very naïve, kid. not to mention very suicidal. no, kid, there is nothing you can do for nice cream guy. he is already a goner...and even if you did free him, the only thing that he will ever repay you for is becoming a meal of his. so don't even try and do anything like that, lest you want to become a treat that the nice cream guy will line to feed on.
But as Sans said that, the monsters that are feeding on Nice Cream Guy's body than noticed Sans and Samael, before they howled and charged at the 2 of them. But Sans noticed, and he than began to slaughter them in order to protect himself and Samael against them, while also to gain more meat from him and Papyrus to feed on.
Sans walks away, his led eye flaring golden, as the monsters behind him got decapitated. Samael does the same thing with his sword, but with an uncomfortable expression on his face. He can feel his own body getting stronger when he killed the monsters, and he hates it. Sans than touched Samael on the shoulder, as he than spoke out.
"if you run away like that again...i am gonna hunt you down, and I will make you my feast, and aliza will not know what will happen to you, if you were to ever run and put her in danger without anyone to help."
Samael felt a chill go up his spine, but he nodded, as he than turns back around and walks away. Sans than turns around, and he grabbed onto some meat, and ripped it out of the corpses of the monsters, as he than began to eat it. The sound of meat being crunched and consumed by the skeleton, as blood began to ooze out of the piece of meat of the monster's corpse was a very sickening sound with Sans chuckling a little bit, as he intimidated Samael a lot, and he enjoys it. But Samael's behavior made him feel sad, as it reminded him too much of Frisk's personality, who would help monsters no matter what. After he is done eating the piece of meat that is in his hand, Sans than leans against a tree, and grabs onto the locket with his bare skeletal hands.
Sans looks down at his he tries to remember all the good times he had with Frisk...before she met her untimely end.
With Samael...
As Samael was able to find a safe way back to the house, he is than met by a surprise hug from Aliza, who had came out of nowhere.
"Samael! Thank god you are alive! I was worried that you were gonna be eaten."
Samael than spoke out.
"Yeah, and I nearly was. By the way, is Papyrus still in the house?"
Aliza looked a little nervous, as she than spoke out.
"Yeah...but he is not very well at all."
Samar raised an eyebrow, until Aliza directs him to a window...and he then looks in to see that Papyrus in wrapped in some chains, and he is snarling and roaring with aggression and violence. His spine had extended, and made him insanely tall. Samael was horrified, as Aliza than spoke out to Samael.
When you ran away...and we took care one of of the dogs, Papyrus ended up wandering close to the fight, and the large dog that had tried to sneak up on us tried to eat him. Sans saved him and forced the dog to leave, but it broke Papyrus' imagination, and he began to act violent. Sans had to teleport him back to the house, so that he can tie him up and keep him from accidentally hurting me and hurting himself."
Aliza shivered, as she remembered what has happened when his delusional world was broken, and he nearly attacked her, only to having been restrained by Sans.
And needless to say, that moment scared her very badly. She literally thought that she was gonna die from the attack. It was only a good thing that her father, Sans, was able to stop the attack just in time, but still, she was not very scared of what Papyrus was gonna do to her, or, rather would have done to her, if Sans had not been present. For all she would have known, she would have been a goner, especially by her own uncle of all people.
Samael than spoke out.
"Did he injure you?"
Aliza shook her head.
"No, he didn't."
Samael sighed, as he than spoke out to her.
"Look, Aliza...I'm...I'm sorry for...running away like that. I left you all work you dad, and the gift that you both had with those 2 would have killed you and Sans."
Aliza than shook her head, as she than spoke out.
"Samael, I'm not mad at you. In fact...I'm...I'm just happy that you are alive still."
Samael looks down, he spoke out.
"Still, what I did's unacceptable."
Aliza than turns around, and hugs Samael. This caught Samael by surprise, but he smiled, and he happily returned the gestures to Aliza, as he cannot help...but feel very happy with what Aliza is doing for him. To him, Aliza is way to kind and too forgiving for Samael's taste, but he cannot help but feel happy for her.
"Just...don't leave me, okay? I do not want to lose my own friend."
Samael nodded, as he held her tightly.
"I won't leave you, Aliza, ever. I'm gonna stay with you, and hope that we can get everyone, even your family, outside, all alive."
Aliza nodded, as she smiled happily, as she hugged Samael. Sans watches from a he smiled at Aliza...but had a very envious glare at Samael. But he said nothing, as he teleported to check on his brother. But unbeknownst to Samael...there was coming coming down Aliza's left eye, and it was leaking out of it. It resembles a tear...but there is something wrong with the tear. It is not a normal clear composition, just like water. No, it is something else, and it is something that it going to effect Aliza and Samael, and how it'll effect each other. It's the tear...of blackened infection.
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