The Fiend of a Thousand Eyes


Samael thought to himself, as he looked and saw the gargantuan behemoth that is towering over every single thing there is inside of the area.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This gigantic, the most largest thing that he has ever seen in his entire life. So large, that there is simply no way to describe how Samael is feeling, because it is more than just terror. It is more than just fright, it is even more than just pure horror. It is something beyond those 3. Way, way beyond those 3 concepts of human feelings. Samael wanted to breath, but Chara grabbed Samael's hand with her legs, and, with a surprising amount of strength from something this small, holds it over and onto Samael's mouth, and Samael, realizing what this meant, immediately does what Chara is wanting him to do despite the fact that she is not telling him anything, as Samael held his mouth inside of his hand, and his breathed, just so lower the noise, and so that The Fiend of a Thousand Eyes does not find him.

"Whatever you not get killed by The Fiend of a Thousand Eyes. If you get killed by him, than there is no coming back to life from this. It is a permanent form of death if you dare get killed by it. In fact, right now, you are not strong enough. You need to flee and find another place to go to, one that he cannot reach and follow you through to, since he is way too large to fit through anything."

Samael nodded, as he than spoke out.

"But how do I get past him? He literally has a thousand eyes all over his body, maybe even more, and he can see in all directions."

Samael looked down, as he than looked at his hand. He is very unsure if he even wants to take a chance at fighting him. He may have gained LOVE, but even he is not strong enough to try and take on him. If he tries to fight him, than he is gonna get killed for all of his troubles. And he does not want to risk it. But as he looked at his hand...he felt something. He looked down...and saw that his hand...sparked a little bit. But the spark, with some blue coming out of it. ignited from his hand, was now a different color, a more descriptive has 2 different colors. The flames are now colored red and blue, with the blue part of the flame being smaller and in the center, with the red flame being all over the rest of the flame, and it is much more stronger than a normal blue flame. Seems like him killing the Dragon Royal Guard has increased the power of his fire. But he is he gonna use it? But as he looked down, he leans against a rock, out of the Fiend's eye sights, and he saw that...he is not the only one that is hiding behind something.

Sans and Aliza are hiding behind some stuff, as The Fiend of a Thousand Eyes strolls past them, unknown to the fact that they are here.

Sans and Aliza...they had went down through the route of where they thought that Samael had went into, only to found out that Samael did not go down there, and instead, had went to another route, and needless to say, Sans was not happy with that, especially with the fact that Samael had lured them away from him, and they had to fight for their lives, due to the monsters trying to ambush them in order to consume him and his daughter. Luckily, Sans was able to dispatch the monsters that are attacking them, but it was one heck of a harrowing experience for Sans and Samael, and Sans became hungry. Luckily, Aliza brighten Samael's bag, which contained chips and snacks, and Sans ate them, which held back the hunger from inside of his soul. But that does not mean the Hunger is gone, and they had to go and find Samael as much as they can, before he goes to where the Weed is at. But the problem is...they went deeper into Waterfalls...into the Dead Swamp, and the Fiend was present, meaning that they had to run into the Fiend, and Sans, who is with Aliza, had to keep her out of the Fiend's sight. And this is very bad news, because with Aliza with him, he is at risk of losing his daughter to the one that had took his wife away, to the one that had ruined the Underground, and destroyed his whole life, by taking the 6 human souls. Luckily, he only has 4 souls left, due to 2 of them, Justice and Bravery, having perished while inside of the Fiend, but that does not stop this thing from being at the top of the most dangerous monster ever in the Underground.

"damn idiotic kid. he lured us into the wrong direction, and now we are in the presence of that weed! he is going to get us killed, and get the both of us consumed!"

Sans snarled under his breath, as Aliza, who got a glimpse of the monster, was shaking and in a fetal position, whispering to herself.

"I wanna go back to Snowdin. I wanna go back home, I wanna be with my friend again. Samael, where are you?"

This is a very bad spot, because Samael and Aliza are both in the same area. Having Flowey being a threat by consume one of them would be and enough, but having 2 souls, both of them have the power to power up Flowey to near-unimaginable levels, is a pure nightmare and a disaster that is daring to happen. If they both get consumed, than the Fiend will be way to powerful to be stopped.

Samael was shocked, as he cannot believe what had happened now. Sans and Aliza are in the same area as him, and they are both in trouble. He held his hand over his mouth, as he is unsure of what to do. Than...he looks down at the water below. He saw how large it is. It is nearly covering the full area of the Waterfalls of this level, and he is afraid of wing dropped down and drowning inside of it. He can swim, sure, but he cannot swim with what is likely a huge pack of monsters that are eating down below, just to eat him. But than...he looks up at his fireball, and he snapped his fingers, realizing wha to do.

"If I can make the fireball explode with enough force to make a cloud of steam, than it should be enough to block the vision of the eyes that are all over the Fiend's body. Well, it is worth a shot."

Samael leans to the side, and, making sure that he is able to do so without having a body part of his being spotted, Samael flicked the fireball into the water. The Fiend noticed the fireball through its many eyes, though, and wandered towards it, only for steam tow erupt, spreading far like fog.

The fog spread so much, that the Fiend is unable to see what is happening what is going around it's body, and Sans, taking the chance, grabs Aliza, and went to a larger rock for them to hide in. But as they did that, Aliza looks at from behind the rock, and spoke out

"Daddy, look! Samael!"

Sans, hearing the name, rose up from the rock, and sure enough, Samael is present, as he is running from behind the rock, before hiding behind another one. But than...Samael rose up from the ground, and he did something that is very unexpected. He raised his hand up into the air, as a fireball began to generate, which is still its new, different color, before he than through it at the Fiend. He than ducks down, and curls up into a fetal position, as a loud explosion was heard.


The Fiend shrieked in agony, as it felt most of the eyes from behind it being gone. The eyes that it had looked through from behind are destroyed, meaning that it can no longer see in that area. Samael pumped his fist a little bit, before he than through another fireball, and aimed at the other eyeballs, than at the back of the legs, but he could not get the eyes from the forearms, due to the fact that the legs are blocking it. And every fireball that he fired at the Fiend of a Thousand Eyes, he destroys more and more eyeballs, which makes him more and more blind in some areas. But the cloud of Steam finally vanished, and Samael was forced to duck down into hiding, as the Fiend than began to look around, and began to smash into several walls, before he than fired with a mouth lasted, a bunch of bombs, large pellets, what seems to be ninja star-shaped objects, multiple vines, finger missiles, and a flytrap sucking in multiple flies.

Sans and Aliza ducked out of the way, and they looked behind, but Sans notices that the eyes from the back and behind part of the Fiend are burned and destroyed, making him blind. Samael than took the chance to run to multiple rocks, and hide behind each of them, before he than looked around, and he saw an exit. Samael, not wanting to waste the chance, immediately runs to the exit as fast as he could. But before he could reach it, an Axe is than thrown, and Samael had to stop, before he could get hit, and saw that the Axe had hit the wall, and the Axe has a spine that acts as the handle. It didn't take long for Samael to realize who it is that has arrived. He turns around, and saw Sans and Aliza coming to him, as Sans teleported the Axe into his hand. Samael, in a panic, took his sword out from his back, and gripped it tightly, as Sans than extended his hand, and used blue magic to roughly bring him to Sans' position. But Samael caught Sans by surprise, by swinging his sword, and Sans, unable to block the attack, instead dodged the attack. But Samael was not done, as he than launched fireballs at the ground, creating a cloud effect, and disorientating their views, as Samael ran fast to the exit. But Sans was not giving up just yet, as he then teleported in front of Samael, as he has a sinister, sickly smile present in his infected face.

"and where do you think you're going?!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Samael, without any hesitation on his part, swung his sword, and Sans blocks the attack with his axe, as Sans actually was pushed back by Samael. This caught Sans by surprise, as Samael has never been this strong. Samael than tries to kick Sans, but Sans avoided the attack through dodging. Sans than swung his hand at Samael, but Samael dodged it, though he did get some claw marks on his left hand, which he raised in order to protect his face. Samael looks at Sans, as Aliza spoke out.

"Dad, you said that you won't harm him!!"

Sans looks at Aliza, and spoke out.

"sorry, precious, but Samael seems to force me to hurt him."

But Samael than spoke out.

"Oh I'm gonna do more than just that."

Samael than ran fast at Sans, in an attempt to stab him, but Sans dodged the attack, before he than swung his Axe. But Samael blocked it with his sword, before he than touched the metal part of the Axe, and he than began to use his power to try and heat up the weapon in order to burn Sans' hands, so that he will not use it. But Sans seems to know what he is doing, as he than jumped back, and Samael than launched fireballs after Sans, who than dodged the attack, before swinging his axe at Samael, right in the neck, only for Samael to block with his sword, though he did get pushed back a little bit. But Samael was not done, as he than summoned fireballs into the air, as he than fired them down at Sans, who than jumped back, as he avoided getting hit by them, so it does not even try to kill him and Aliza.

Sans glares at Samael, with Samael staring at him. His eyes than began to glow a bright-red color, as Determination coursed through his very veins. Samael than took out the chain, and than swung it at Sans, in hopes to hit him from a distance, only for Sans to turn it around by using his blue magic on Samael's chain, before tugging it, which made Samael launch into the air, and went straight at Sans. But Samael reeled his fist, and tried to punch him, and Sans avoided the punch, which made Samael land on the ground. He than looked and saw Sans, as he than ran fast towards Samael, and raised his Axe. But Samael raised his sword, and blocked the axe, as Samael struggles against Sans' strength, as he tries to keep up with Sans' ruthlessness and insanity, but Sans is not giving him the time to do it. So Samael, with whatever whit that he has, points his finger upwards, and summoned fireballs from above. But Sans noticed, and he jumped backwards, as the fireballs succeeded in hitting the ground. Samael than looked at Sans, and he than kept towards him, his arm extended, as he prepares to grab him by the neck, when he is then suddenly caught by blue magic before he can even reach Sans by about halfway.

But it was not Sans that is doing. Samael turns around, and it was Aliza, who has her hand extended out, and her hand is covered in a blue aura, as she spoke out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Samael, stop this, please! We don't want to hurt you!!"

But Samael than spoke out.

"Hurt me? You bout are gonna consume me!!!"

He than points his finger upwards, and fire than struck the ground, scaring Aliza a little bit, and Samael was dropped to the ground.


Sans shouted, as Samael rushed forward, and swung his sword, only for Sans to block it. But this time, Sans was the one that gets launched back. He than tries to attack Sans, only for Samael to be lifted into the air, and pinned at the wall. Samael turns to see Aliza, so he launches fireballs again. Aliza's concentration was lost, as she than jumped backwards. And Samael was dropped to the ground. As Samael stood up, Aliza than spoke out.

"Samael, please stop this!! I'm sorry about before!"

But Samael spoke out to her.

"Stay away from me!!!"

He than launched fireballs, and Aliza dodged the attack, as she than made a bone wall, which defended against the rest of the fireballs coming he away. Though the wall did shattered at the last fireball, making her raise her arms to avoid getting bone debris in the eyes. Aliza looks at Samael, sadness was in her eyes, as she than spoke out.

"Samael, please!! I'm in control of myself now!! You need to stop!!!"

But Samael than spoke back.

"How long in control are you gonna be then?"

But after saying that sentence, a roar was heard.


Samael, Sans, and Aliza turned around, and saw that it was none other than the Fiend, and it seems that he had spotted the 3 of them from a distance. Needless to say, Samael is not happy, as he than ran to the exit. But Aliza grabbed his hand, and held it tightly.

"Don't go! Stay with me, please!"

Samael looks at Aliza, and while he does look angry, the truth is that he is actually afraid. He is simply covering that emotion up with a fake mask. He does care for Aliza...but he cannot show it, as her eyes began to well worn tears, before Samael than has something to say to his childhood friend.

"Save yourself, Aliza."

Samael said, as he than heated his hand up, and Aliza was forced to let go, and Samael than ran to the exit, before he jumped down, and falls as fast as he could, so that the Fiend does not get him.

"Samael!! Wait!!!"

Aliza shouted, as she ran to the exit, but Sans grabbed her by the shoulder, and spoke out.

"We need to get away, and fast!!"

Aliza looks at Sans, tears in her eyes, as she than spoke out.

"But...But Samael-"

But it was already too late, as Sans used his power to teleport out of the area that the Fiend is in. The Fiend stopped, and looked around...before or than spot about 10 Temmies coming into the area. Without any hesitation, he reeled the Temmies in, and puts them into his mouth, he munched an crunched on them, as bones cracked, organs pierced, bodies grind, as their eyes appeared at the back and rear part, with Samael burned off with his fire, and they are viewable, thanks to Flowey making them viewable. Flowey looked around, and roared in a rage, as Samael, Sans, and Aliza had escaped. It than turned around, and lumbered somewhere else.

But as that happened, unbeknownst to the Fiend, The Scarlet Moth is shown perched on a rocky edge, as the wings spread and contract a little bit, as Chara than spoke out.

"Tch...look at you, Azzy, all disgusting and grotesque, even more so than me. You could have used the souls that you have under your command in order to escape, but instead, you are staying down here, looking like a pathetic crybaby. No, you are worse than a crybaby. You are a mindless pile of dead vines."

Chara than looks at the exit, where Samael fell in, as she flapped her wings, before she than flies into the air, and goes to where Samael was located in, as she than flies down the dark tunnel, a joke that goes down to an area of the Underground, where Undyne had first met the one that she loves dearly.

She flies out of the whole...and saw that Samael is on a very large junk pile, where multiple pieces of Junk surround the one that Samael managed to crawl on top of. And he is resting on there, but is still very awake. He hugged himself as he shook, not that he is cold, though it is partly because of that, but because he had to face against Aliza again, and he is tearing up, though he does not make any sound. Chara spoke out.

"Hey, Samael, what are you doing?"

Samael heard her voice, and it made him jump a little bit. He than slowly rose up, and sat onto the Junk Pile. He than rubbed his eyes, as he got rid of the tears, before he than spoke out to Chara.

"N-Nothing. I'm just resting."

He tries to sound reassuring, tries to convince Chara that he is still fine and he is simply exhausted. But Chara could tell that this is not true, and Samael is in fact crying. But she does not speak of that, as she than spoke out to him.

"Right, of course. Well...if you are done shaking in your boots, you need to keep on moving."

Samael looks at the moth, before he than nodded his head.

"Right, I'll do it. I just need to-ghk!"

Samael than held his mouth in his hands, as he suddenly felt sick, and before Samael even knew it, he let's go of his moth automatically, and he than turned his head, and suddenly, threw up.


Liquid came out of his mouth for about 3 seconds, as Chara looks down at the liquid, and...if she had her human eyes in the area that Samael is in, it would have been widened with a realization on what has now happened to Samael, and Samael did not need to wait for Chara to speak this out.

He than wiped the liquid off of his mouth, as he than spoke out.

"God...when in the world did I suddenly become...sick..."

Samael he saw that the liquid that he puked out of his the tears of the infected, like Aliza's black tears.


He looked closely...and sure enough...the black liquid is made of a similar appearance to the black liquid coming out of Aliza's eyes, nose, and mouth. And it made him horrified.

"Nononononono. Oh god, please no, don't tell me that I'm-"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Samael he felt something coming out of his eyes and nose...and mouth, and he is not even puking. Samael...frozen with horror, quickly and hastily took out his sword, in order to see what it is that is happening to him, and if what he believes is happening to himself is happening now...he hopes he is wrong. And sure enough...he is not wrong. In his reflection, black liquid, infected is coming out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. The right eye's sclera is turning black, as the right iris glows red. Samael was horrified at what he is seeing before his very eyes, as he also notices faint black veins on his head.

" Please, please tell me...this isn't my face."

Samael's voice is all but a broken, scared whisper. And Chara spoke out her words, that made Samael truly realize the gravity of the situation that he is in.

"This is...your face, Samael. You...are...infected."

Samael...he could not believe it, and yet...he can believe. And at these words, he can only say one word, 2 times.



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