Samael said, as he than stood up from the ground, he than looked around...and his vision is a little bit blurry, because of the impact of the fall. But...for some didn't hurt like it was suppose to. Well, sure he is still feeling pain...but not that much. Just enough to disorientate his vision a little bit, and not enough to give him a concussion to his brain or something else, such snapping his neck from the very high, terrible fall.
Alice groaned as well, as she sat up from the ground, and she held her head. She than looked around, and spoke out.
"Where are we?" she said that...a red butterfly appeared out of nowhere and spun around Aliza and Samael.
"Oh...hey Ruby."
Samael spoke out, as he recognized the butterfly. Thing to have forgotten to mention. Ruby is an entity that Aliza somehow manage to have sometime in her childhood. Because of this, she has become a constant companion for Aliza, and than to Samael, since he had been the one to be with Aliza himself. Aliza smiled, as she rubbed her finger and spoke out excitedly to Ruby.
"I'm so glad that you found join us, Ruby!"
Ruby flapped her wings a little bit, as Samael stood up from the ground, and looked around the area that they are in.
"What in the world? What is this place?"
Aliza stood up, and she began to look around the area that they are both in. And it seems to be the inside of the mountain...but not in the way that they are expecting.
"Is this what the inside of Mount Ebott looks like? It is what my mother said it looks like on the journal."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Aliza said, as she looked around. As that happened, a young child's voice spoke out.
"Greeting, new visitors."
This made Samael's body flinch, as he than turned around and spoke out.
"Who's there? Show yourself!"
The voice spoke out.
"You don't need to ask twice."
Then, a figure began to emerge from the shadows of the place that they are in. And when the figure has shown themselves, Aliza and Samael were very shocked at what they are seeing before their very eyes. And clearly, it is something that Samael was not expecting to see. He had seen some magical stuff before, but not to the same extent as this.
The person clearly resembles a human...but there is something wrong with this human. It looks like a ghost of some sort, in a corporeal form of some kind, as they lack feet of sorts, and they have a long and large red scarf that seems to end in red mists. The scarf is hiding their mouth, and the child that is before them has brown hair, a green shirt with yellow stripes, as well as brown pants. Their eyes are red, similar to Samael's as they are glowing, but they are gleaming with very dangerous intelligence. Samael as a bad feeling about the kid.
"Who...what the hell are you?"
Samael spoke out, suspicious of the kid that is before his very eyes. The child tilted their eyes, as she than spoke out.
"My name is Chara. It is nice to meet some new visitors down in the Underground. You are the first ones to appear in 15 years."
Aliza than looked around, and spoke out to Chara.
"You know do the underground? Do you live here?"
Chara nodded, as she the spoke out.
"Yes, I do know of it, as well as knowing as to what had became of it."
Samael was a little bit uncertain of this, and actually feels a little bit uneasy as to what is going to happen, such as the answer to whatever question might involve in the Underground. But he needs to know, so that they can get the idea of what is going on.
"What on Earth do you mean well as knowing what had became of the Underground?"
Samael could tel that Chara smiled, and it is not a nice one. In fact, it felt amusing, as if whatever disturbing answer inside of her mind is going to make Samael feel very sick.
"It was 15 years ago, when the denizens and the residents of Mount Ebott were attacked by a monstrosity, who had taken 6 human souls to become an all powerful god. This entity made a tear of some sort, and accidentally created something. A virus, that fills any sentient being of magic with unbearable madness and hunger. It is because of this hunger, that the whole underground have become nothing more than mindless beasts, only to crave for something to satisfy their gluttony."
This made Aliza shocked, as she than spoke out.
"B-But my mother's journal said that the monsters were friendly. She met them, she befriended them, and she never mentioned anything about them eating themselves or their own kind!"
Chara than spoke back to Aliza.
"Well...they...used to be this way. But they are this way, now only bent on feeding on more and more entities. And they were not stop until they get what they want."
Chara smiled, as Samael thought to himself.
'I do not like where this is gonna go to.'
Chara than spoke out this suggestion to the both of them.
"But I have a solution. The monsters? They are suffering, they are starving, and it will not stop. Not as long as they still live inside of this place that has once been their home. But I have a solution for one of you to take. Let me take over your bodies, and I will give them gateway to free them. Give me your bodies, and I will give them the mercy that they deserve. What do you say? Will you help me free the monsters from the agonize that they are feeling now?"
Chara extended their hand out, and Aliza and Samael looked uneasy. Samael than looked closely at Chara...and for a brief second, their appearance changed to something different . They look more rotted, their flesh melting, and maggots burrowing halfway in their skin. Samael's eyes widened, as he than grabs Aliza by the arm, as she was about to grab onto Chara's hand, as Samael spoke out.
This caught Chara by surprise, as she then spoke out.
"No. What do you mean no? I am here to give them mercy."
But Samael spoke out to Chara.
"If what you say is true, about these people being infected, than they are not themselves. That there may be a chance to bring them back to their senses. We're gonna go to them, and we will give them back their mentality. I'm just hoping that it is not too late for most of them. Come on, Aliza. We're going."
Aliza nodded, as she than follows Samael to wherever they are going. Chara looked shocked and angry at the fact that Samael and Aliza refused their offer, and going to do something that's pointless. Her eyes twitched, and her fingers flexed little bit in a rage, as she spoke out.
"How dare they?! HOW DARE THEY REJECT MY OFFER??!!! I was so close!! So close!!!"
Chara than tugged on their hair, as she feels extremely enraged that their plan to convince the 2 of them failed. And it was just all in the first meeting. Then, Chara than caught on, as she than spoke out
"That Samael person, he must have seen my real self. I should have known that he may have caught on that something is very wrong with me. No matter...for I will not let them go away from me easily."
Chara than changed to their true form, and the skin condition and maggots returned, as the shirt became torn, along with the pants. Chara snarled with pure rage, as she than used her 2 hands, and began to grab onto the mouth part of her face. She than began to pull and pull and pull...until...
The bottom part of her face was ripped off, and most of the muscle tissue and the teeth are shown on the face, to make a visage that is very one terrifying. So much that it will make people believe that this thing that they are seeing before is not very human. Her red eyes gleamed menacingly, as she than looks down at the flesh and her mouth, as she then began to fold it onto something. And began to flap the skin, which than showed that the has now turned into something else. It turned into something similar to the Red Butterfly, except that, instead of a butterfly, it is a moth.
Chara's eyes glowed a bit more menacingly, as she spoke out.
"They will not get away from me easily. They will take my offer, one way or another. Or...Samael will take my offer. His is stronger. is stronger than even Aliza's. I should have my moth follow him. But if he continues to be stubborn, and tries to kill my moth, than I will have to choose Aliza to be my vessel instead."
She than shot her hand at the direction of where Aliza and Samael went, as the moth flies to their location.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Aliza and Samael walked around the area that they are in, and needless to say, it is mostly empty. There are some stuff...but what remained of those creatures...are just bones. And the bones are not human bones. It is obvious that these monsters...that Chara called them, are very, very real creatures. But what...what happened to them? Well, that is on a need to know basis. Aliza and Samael looked around, and they pressed a bunch of buttons and levers, which opened up doors. But as they continued forward, they than came across a bridge...with spikes. This made Aliza panic, as she spoke out.
"How do we get across thing one?"
Samael was also shocked, but he than spoke out to Aliza.
"Maybe one of the spikes of fake. Maybe there is a way."
Aliza looks at Samael, and spoke out.
Samael than takes out the baseball bat, and began it poke the top part of the spikes by using the bottom part of the metal baseball bat. He tapped and tapped...until he saw one of them lower.
"This one."
Samael than stepped on top of this spike, and it lowered safely. It was a fake. This made Aliza feel secured, but not very safe, as Samael continued forward and forward, as they kept on going to try and make it to the other side. Thing is, the route changes directions, and Samael had to go to a different direction in order to make sure that he knows it is safe. It also does not help the fact that he needs to make sure that he does not make Aliza bump into him, or else she might topple and fall down onto the actual spikes that's around her.
But after a little bit of over 5 minutes, they were able to make it to the other side. Aliza than landed on the ground, as her knees are now on the ground, as she felt very exhausted at what had just happened.
"Oh god. I really do not want this to be a part of my life!"
Samael than held out his hand, and spoke out.
"C'mon. We still got a long way to go."
Aliza than took his hand, and he helped her up, and after that, he spoke out.
"You're gonna be okay?"
Aliza nodded her head.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
Samael nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Okay. Good. Now let's get moving."
Aliza and Samael continued onward, and they came across a long hallway. The hallway seems to be...endless. It is like that there is no limit to how far and deep this goes. It does not help that the darkness has consumed the other side of the hallway. Samael felt a chill go down his spine, as he can't help but feel very uneasy and scared of what he is going to see next. Aliza then spoke out.
"What's that?"
Aliza points to a direction, and Samael turned...only to of the monsters?
It looks like what seems to be a white ghost of sorts. And it's...crying?
"Is that one of the monsters that your mother written about?"
Aliza looks down at the journal, and she read the it, and said to Samael.
"This monster is said to be named, Napstablook."
Samael spoke out.
"That is an...that is a creative name. Should wr go talk to him?"
Samael and Aliza turned to Napstablook, who is continuing to sob. His cries echo inside of this very long corridor. Samael does not know by...but what he had said must be a very terrible idea. And all he that this is gonna possibly cost him and Aliza both of their lives.
"I think we should."
Aliza said, as she began to step towards the ghost, who is continuously sobbing, as she than spoke out.
"A-Are you okay, mister?"
Unfortunately...the 2 teens were not ready for what was going happen to next.
The instant that she spoke, the ghost turns around, and lunged at her. This made Aliza fall backwards, as the ghost missed her. But it did not matter, as it than began to go into the direction of where Samael is standing at, who is behind Aliza. Samael panicked, as he saw the 3 mouths that are on his face, 2 of which takes the place of the eyes.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Samael moved out of the way as fast as he can, as Napstablook missed. But he has coming back to try and attack Samael. Not wanting to get himself eaten likes today's dinner special, Samael gets out his baseball bat and began to swing at the ghost. But...that does not make sense. How can you hit a ghost, if it is going to pass through any sort of object? Well...the thing is, when he swung the bat, it ended up getting drool or tears all over it instead. Needless to say, Samael was not amused.
"Does anyone have a water fountain that I can use against this stuff?"
But as he did that, Napstablook, he began to speak out to the humans that are before him.
"Oooooohhhhh~. Am I....horrible to you?"
This made Samael shocked, as the ghost floed full speed ahead, as Aliza dragged Samael out of the way, and the 2 watched in shock at what they are seeing before them. Samael smacked his head, as he spoke out.
"This Napstablook can speak. Aliza. We need to find a way to get through to him. But how can we?"
But as he said that, Aliza than brought Samael down to the ground, and nearly got himself eaten by Napstablook, who nearly attacked him from behind with his mouths. The liquid attacked Samael, and shockingly, it managed to damage him.
Samael touched his chest, and spoke out.
"What in the world is this?! Acid?!"
When he said that, Napstablook begs to sob once again. Even though it looks very also has a sad look. Because it is crying again, and it sounds like it is genuinely sad.
The ghost looks like it is slobbering from the mouths that is on his face, and seems to be...drooling tears? Samael does not have any other words. But regardless, they need to do something fast, or they will get themselves killed for their troubles. But...Aliza looked down at the journal,and encouraging Napstablook seems to make him happy. So maybe they can encourage him the way he is.
"Heh, don't worry, Napstablook. You look great the way you are!"
This made Samael confused, as Napstablooo stopped his attack.
Aliza nodded.
"Yes, really. Besides...I heard from people that you have hat. Can I see it?"
Napstablook nodded, and the liquid began to rise up and go on top of his head, and began to form something. And sure enough, it is a hat, but it looks a little...worn out. He than spoke out.
"I call it...Dapperblook. Do it?"
Samael than spoke out and follow Aliza's lead, as he spoke out.
"Yeah. It looks good. Better than even my own clothes, actually."
Napstablook than spoke out.
"I'm so...happy."
Napstablook than did something. It hummed some notes of a melody of sorts, and it was only a few notes that sounded a little bit haunting. And just drifted away, as it phased through the wall. Samael and Aliza stood up from the ground, as Samael spoke out.
"What was that all about?"
Aliza shrugged, as she spoke out.
"I don't know. I'm just glad that Napstablook is gone, and is not here to eat us."
Samael nodded, and he than looked and saw...
"Wait. Where's Ruby?"
This made Aliza confused, and saw that Ruby is gone.
"Ruby?! Ruby?! Where are you?!"
As she said that, the red butterfly appeared in the same direction that Napstablook disappeared to, and landed on top of Aliza's hood.
"Phew. Ruby. Don't scare me like that. I thought I was really going to lose you."
Samael than looks at the long hallway, and took out a flashlight, as he shined it beyond their eyes. He saw the end of the corridor, and he spoke out.
"C'mon. Let's go."
Samael spoke out, as he and Aliza continued down the path. But as they went down that path, they encounter something. It was a creature that resembles a frog, but the mouth has teeth, and there is a large mouth on its belly, with the teeth itself grinning and being razor sharp. It is a froggit, and it had been mutated by the Hunger. It than opened it's belly mouth, and it than launched what seems to be a pincher that acts as a combination between a claw and a tongue. Samael jolted, as he raised his baseball bat and the hand wrapped itself around the bat itself. Not wanting to get this thing eating them, he swung the froggit into a wall as fast as he could and slammed it, knocking it unconscious.
"We got to move, now!!!"
Aliza nodded, and they ran for their lives. And it was a good thing as well, because there were some packs of monsters from behind them. Samael and Aliza jumped over some Vegetoids, who's attacks act like a sort of toxin. Samael smacked it away with his bat, and they kept on moving. Luckily, they were able to get to a certain point, as they went up the stairs, and went into what appears to be a house of some sort.
But the reminds Samael of his own home, but worse. There were cracks all over the place. As well as cobwebs and dust.
"It looks like someone abandoned this place a long time ago."
Samael said, as he looked around the place. Aliza then went into what seems to be a bedroom of sorts, and Samael went into the kitchen. He looks in the oven, and sees something inside of the oven. He takes it out...and saw...a pie? It still smells good. He touched it...and he saw that it is not moldy. Despite being possibly 15 years old, the pie is still good. He does not understand how it can still be good, after so much time has passed. This made Samael confused, as he than picked it up...only to suddenly disappear.
"Wait! Where did it go?"
Samael said, as he looked around. Only to see...nothing. It has simply vanished. Samael felt a little bit unsure, as he than goes to Aliza. And he saw that she is sleeping on the bed.
Samael said, as he shook his head, as he smiled. Before he sighed, and he sat down to the ground. He than takes out his baseball bat, and sat case some unwanted visitors decide to appear.
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