Like The Old Times
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Sans' eyes widened, as he realizes that the kid has came back, the one that had possessed Frisk and killed all of the monsters back in the previous timeline, is now possessing Samael, as Sans narrowed his eyes, before speaking out.
" have a lot of nerve coming back from the timeline after all that you had done."
But Chara smiled, she raised Samael's right hand, as she spoke out.
"What can I say about that, Sansy? Just as you prevail from the blood and death within the Underground, I continue to exist, and hoped that I would come back once more, and after so long, it had finally happened."
Sans snarled angrily, as he readies his axe, while Chara readies the Real Knife in Samael's hand, as she than spoke out.
"You have grown a lot stronger as of now, Sansy, after all these years of killing and consuming monsters. And yet, it will make very little difference. For you...and your both will still die. And when I am done with you...your Daughter will be next."
Sans' left eye is now the only thing flaring, as he spoke out to Chara.
"I dare you to try to put a hand on her."
Chara smiled, as she than spoke out.
"We shall see about that."
Chara than ran at Sans, and when that happened, she became insanely fast and strong, with only Sans knowing how to deal with her, due to the fact that she had to fight her countless upon countless of timelines ago.
Chara swung her Knife at Sans using Samael's body, but Sans blocked the attack with his Axe, as he return the attack back at her, only for Chara to block the attack with the Knife. This body, it felt great, even more than Chara has expected it to be. He gained LV 20 before he even went into the Judgement Hall, now an Execution Hall, as Chara and Sans combated and fought against each other, as Chara taunted Sans.
"Hahahahahaha...this is so like the old times, now isn't it, Sansy? Where I had killed every single one of the monsters in the Underground, and kill you, again and again, with the feeling of no chance in trying to defeat me!"
This made Sans angry, but he felt a familiar calm emotion inside of him, as he kept a cool head, and ran at Chara, as he leapt up into the air, and tried to cut Chara in half, caring nothing of Samael's life, but Chara had dodged the attack just in time, as Chara than swung her Knife, as a red slash projectile rocketed at Sans, as Sans does the same, but with a blue slash with a red outline, as both of the slashes countered and detonated when clashed together. This made Chara intrigued, as she ran forward and launched a bunch of spears at Sans, as Sans fired his sharp bones at the spears. But the Spears themselves detonated as soon as they are hit, as fire began to spread and go all over the place, and Sans did all that he can to avoid getting hit by them.
The explosion was enough to wake Aliza from the room thar she is sleeping in. She woke up, and rubbed her eyes, as she spoke out.
"Wh...what is going on?"
Back in the Execution Hall, Chara and Sans stared at each other, as Sans' left eye flares, and Chara's red eyes flared through Samael's own red eyes, in a much more dangerous way. Sans snarled, as he has never thought that he would face Chara again, especially now that she is in control of Samael's body.
Chara than ran at Sans, as she launched Tridents down at Sans, who backflipped out of the way, as he than ran fast, with Chara matching his speed, and not backing down from the fight, pushing Samael's body beyond its limit, yet does not give him a drawback. Chara tries to stab Sans in the face, but Sans moved out of the way to dodge the attack, before trying to decapitate Chara, only for Chara to duck, as she than tries to punch him. But Sans raised right hand and caught the attack, as Sans and Chara smiled, as both staring into each other's eyes, as Sans than raised his axe and tries to amputate Samael's arm, only for Chara to block the attack with her Real Knife, and prevented the axe from cutting Samael's arm clean off. Chara than launched fireballs at Sans, as Sans than teleported out of the way.
At the same time, Aliza came running to the entrance, and she leans in to see what is happening, only to see her dad, Sans, and Samael, who is possessed by Chara, fighting against each other, as Chara cruelly spoke out.
"You cannot dodge forever, Sansy. You will get tired. And than, you will die."
Sans then spoke out.
"Not in my life, Chara. You maybe using Samael's body to help fight against me, but you will not be able to kill me that easily!"
This made Aliza shocked, as she than whispered out.
"Sammy, he is...being controlled?"
Chara's eyes glint with malice, as she than ran fast towards Sans, and launched Tridents at Sans, who barely got out of the way, but at the same time, Chara ran too fast and went way to close, as she than spoke out.
Chara than swung her Real Knife, as Sans blocked it with his Axe, as he skidded back, and Chara looks at Sans in the eyes, as Sans can feel his sins crawling on his back. And Chara, she feels Samael's karma coursing through his veins, his anger at the treatment that Sans had given to him during his entire time within the Underground. And even Sans is beginning to see how Samael feels, as thanks to his yellow eye, he can see how extremely enraged he is, for being treated as the victim for way too long down there, as Chara than realized something odd. Sans is not using every bit of his powers. He is using blue magic and bones and his newly obtained axe, but he has no used his strongest weapon yet. This made Chara suspicious, as Chara than glows blue and sends her flying into a wall, as the wall has bones pierce out of it. But Chara used the Real Knife to stop it from happening, as she stood up from the ground, as Chara than spoke out to her.
"That's to bad for you, Sansy. You are gonna have...a BAD TIME."
Chara than extended her hand, as Sans' soul than turned green, as Sans realizes what is about to happen next, as Spears fired, surround him. Knowing what to do, Sans raised his axe and blocked the spears that are coming to him. Although his magic had somewhat weakened to an extent, he is able to train his body and magic to become lethal once more. And because of that, he is now much more stronger and more dangerous then ever. As that happened, Chara ran forward and launched a Trident above Sans, who then moved out of the way, as Chara's red eyes had glinted with immense sadism and malice.
Sans snarled, but remains calm, as he stepped back, as he points his axe at Chara, daring for her to attack. But Chara simply gripped her knife into her hand tightly, as she spoke out.
"You're not giving it your all. You are still holding back."
This made Sans confused, as he spoke out.
"What are you talking about, Chara? I am using all of my strength against you!"
Than, Chara spoke back.
"All of them? You have not used the one that I had known you would use, the ones that had killed and blasted me to smithereens many timelines in the past. Why are you not using them?"
This made Sans confused, until the word, blast, came into his mind, and it didn't take long for Sans to realize what Chara is talking about, and Chara smiled, as she realizes one other thing.
"You had decided to hide use them in a fight, and you have not even shown it to your dear, precious Liza. Heh, I wonder how disappointed she would sound if she did not discover the power that you had used, what you are most infamous for in my eyes."
This made Sans snarl a little bit, as his Axe's blade glinted, light from the window reflected against the blade. It is obvious that Chara is hitting some of his emotional buttons, and it is working. Sans than charged forward, as he than swung his Axe, launching blue slashes at Chara, only for Chara to use Res Slashes from the Real Knife once more, cancelling the attack out, as Chara charged through the smoke screen and to the other side. He extended his hand out, and grabbed Sans by the collar, as she attempted to swing him into the pillar next to him. But Sans teleported out of the way, before he can truly be hit, as he teleported onto the ground, which he was able to land down onto successfully. As Sans and Chara stared at each other, fireballs launched at Chara, as she turned Samael's head, and swung the Real Knife at the fireballs, and she looks to see that Aliza is awake, as Chara spoke out to herself.
"Just as I hope to appear..."
Aliza than shouted out to Chara.
"Leave my Sammy alone!!!"
Aliza charged at Chara, as she launched bones at Chara, who used Samael's magic and launched spears, cancelling each other out. And Chara did something completely unexpected. He rose Samael's arms and flexed his fingers, and all of a sudden, vines erupted from the ground, as Aliza is wrapped around her vines that had came out of the ground.
Sans shouted, as he panicked. Chara chuckled sinisterly, as he spoke out to Sans.
"This is how it goes, Sansy. You know that almost all of your powers won't work...with the exception of one. Use it, so that it can save your daughter's life. After do still have it, don't you. Or is it something that made you so cowardly into not using it after all of these years, in how much I wanted to torment you again."
Sans snarled a little bit, as he looked at Aliza, who is struggling to get out. Chara smiled, as she spoke out.
"Well, Sansy? Unless you prefer that you daughter dies~."
She began to clench her fingers into a fist, as she spoke again.
"I'm waiting~."
The voice that Chara makes, she has an air that sounds so menacing and cruel, despite having a tone that sounds sweet, kind, and loving. The vines began o construct and tighten around Aliza more, as she began to scream in agony. Sans was frozen unsure of what to do...and than...he finally decided...he cannot hold back anymore.
He roared our, as he than used his magic to summon the attack that Chara was waiting for, and she smiled, as Aliza looked at the attack that her father summoned, shocked.
Now, Sans summoned his most powerful weapon of all of time, the one that he had decided to not use after so many years, the Gaster Blasters. But they are nothing like they were before. They are melted together like amalgamates, or at least, a few of them, they have multiple eyes and multiple sockets, their jaws are unhinged, and they are screeching in agony. Aliza gasped, as she has seen nothing like this before, as the Gaster Blasters fired a powerful blast of blue energy at Chara, who dodged out of the way, the Blasters themselves hit a pillar, which destroyed it. Chara smiled, as she spoke out to her sworn enemy.
"That's it. That is what I want to see."
Than, the Gaster Blasters fired at the vines, as Aliza fell down, and Sans caught her, as Sans looks at Aliza, and is satisfied to see that she is alright, as Chara spoke out.
"Hahahaha. There it is. I had wanted to see you use that."
This made Sans enraged, as he than looks at Chara, as he spoke out.
"I never liked to use my Blasters in the first place!! They remind me so much of why I had became the way I am in the first place, the reason that I had became corrupted!!"
Chars then decided to speak back to Sans on that.
"Seriously, is that the reason? Sansy, you have an axe in your hand, your appearance has become sinister, there are cannibalistic infected monsters everywhere in the Underground, you have a broken left eye socket, as well as high LV, and that supposed to be your excuse? Typical pathetic Sansy, you had reminders of that everywhere. You are just here to make childish excuses."
This made Sans snap a bit, because of what Chara calls it. But she is not wrong, as Sans is reminded of that corruption everyday, especially since he kills monsters and has an axe in his hand, not to mention his left eye socket being broken. Sans sighed, as he teleported Aliza beside the Judgement Hall entrance wall, before he teleported back, Axe in hand, as he spoke out, angry.
"Fine than. You want me to go all out? You got it."
He than snapped his fingers, and summoned more Gaster Blasters, as they fired blue energy, with Chara dodging them, as Chara is than launched into the air, and slammed into a pillar, as he than jumped, born spikes coming out of it, as Chara smiled, as he rushed at Sans and both Real Knife and Axe clashed against each other, as Chara than spoke out.
"Aaaaaaah...just like the old times, right, Sansy~?"
Sans narrowed his intact right eye socket, as he spoke out.
"Oh, it will be more than that, and you are going to wish you never came back."
Chara smiled, as she spoke out.
"But that is the thing, Sansy.~ I always come back, no matter how much pain that I am about to experience."
Inside of a black void, there exists a young child, at the age of 15-16. But the darkness of this place made it impossible to see what the young child looks like. But not for long, as he than opened his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Huh, where the hell am I right now? And why can't I see? Hang on..."
The young boy opened his hand, and a fireball appeared in his hand, white-hot, as the boy is none other than Samael, who is around the area that is pitch black and has a lot of black mist around in the place that he is in.
"Where in the...what happened?"
"What do you think happen, dumbass?"
This made Sameel jump, as he turned around to see that the Devil is there, as he is shown to be floating in the air.
"Great, you again. What happened this time."
The Devil narrowed his eyes, as he spoke.
"Chara happened. She took control of your body and is now using it to attack Sans and Aliza."
This made Samael stunned.
"What? But I didn't ask for her to do it!"
The Devil shook his head.
"You didn't need to. Because you gained a lot of LV, it made Chara more stronger than before, if only slightly, and because of this, she gained enough power to take control of you, her one singular target, and you had been unconscious inside of your mind. And now, thanks to that, she is able to use your body without interferences.
This made Samael shocked and scared, as he looked down and hugged himself, thinking that he will not get a chance to get out of this place that is his mind, until the Devil spoke out.
However...there is an upside to this."
This made Samael confused, as he than spoke out.
"And what is that?"
The Devil looked at Samael straight in the eyes, before speaking.
"Although Chara is on control of you, she is not in complete control of it. If she asked for permission...than she would have been in your control completely. But since you didn't, you have a chance to get out of the situation that you are in. You can regain control of your body."
Than, Samael spoke out.
"But...wait...if I am able to do that, why can't you do it, since you are the one in control of my mind?"
The Devil than spoke out.
"Because Chara used her power to lock me in the same room as you had done. But you here, you can break through it, with me."
Samael looks at the Devil, and nodded his head, as he than looked at the area, as he spoke out.
"Where do we break out of?"
The Devil points into a direction, as Samael goes to it, only to hit his face against something. This surprised him, as he stepped back, but Samael clenched his fist, as he than covered his hands in white flames, before punching it, and using every last ounce of strength into getting the barrier broken. Then, the Devil does the same, as he too punch the barrier himself, his hands also covered in white flames, as both Samael and the Devil pushed and used every ounce of strength to break the barrier they are in. And after a little worked. Samael and The Devil are able to get through.
The barrier shattered, as Samael and the Devil looked, to see the stairs that lead upwards. Samael and the Devil looked at each other, before they went up, with the Devil following Samael behind. As Samael went up the stairs, he went into a memory...filled worn flames and is inside of a house. Samael looked, and saw that he is back in the moment, where the fire killed his parents and the attackers, their charred bodies on the floor. But Samael became numb to it, as he than turned around and went up the stairs again, as he spoke out.
"I can't think about that now."
Although Samael has a sad look on his face, he shook it off, as he continues up the stairs, and he than goes up...and into Grassy field. He is back in Ebott city, or at least, the memory version of it, as Samael and the Devil looked around, as the Devil spoke out.
"This is an illusion that Chara has made. Hang on."
The Devil than snapped his finger, and the instant that happened, the illusion shattered, revealing it to be a desolate wasteland with dying grass and trees, shriveled rotten plants, and the sky became black, resembling nighttime, as black mist is everywhere, the black mist of the infection. Than, a voice spoke out.
"So you have escaped from my prison. Not that much of a big deal."
Samael and Devil looked up to see that it is none other than Chara herself, and she looked even worse than she did before.
Her red eyes gleamed of malice, her smile shown when she pulled out her mouth is shown, as Samael looked revolted, as maggots are shown to be burrowed into her skin, partially out.
Than, the Devil looks up at her, as he flies up to her position, as he spoke out.
"You have a lot of nerve to control Samael's body the way you did, especially since he never asked you to do it. And here you are, attacking his childhood friend, along with her father, Sans, as much of a bad person that he is. You...on the other are even worse."
Chara shrugged her shoulders, her knife in her right hand, as she spoke out.
"I aim to please."
The Devil looked her, unamused, as she spoke out.
"Please this then."
The devil extended his hand, and caused an explosion, that hits Chara in the face. The Devil than spoke out.
"Samael, regain control of you body, now. Find the last area in your mind, and go there, fast."
Samael nodded, as he than ran into the town in order to find the place where he can control his mind. The Devil turns around and looks to see Chara rise up from the ground, as she spoke out.
"You'll pay for that."
The Devil spoke out.
"The only thing I paid for is pain. You will pay, with death."
The Devil flies up to Chara, as he summoned a Trident in his hand, as Chara fired Red Knives at The Devil, who than summoned Fireballs at the Knives, destroying them, as both Devil and Chars fight. Than, the Devil manipulated the mental world around him, as the ground to sink into a black pit, before flames roar from the ground, as well as pieces of ground, which hit Chara. But Chara is not down that easily, as attacked the Devil, who defends by using the Trident.
With Samael, he is shown to be running around in the neighborhood, as he tries to find a stairway that goes up into the mind that he has. Obviously, Samael is not going to find it easily, but he knows that he needs to find it, or else Aliza and Sans will die. As much as he hates Sans, he does not want to kill him, due to Aliza needing her parent. He kept on running an and running and running, until he saw Aliza's house, where she and her Grandmother once lived in together. And it has a staircase that goes up. This made Samael frustrated, as he spoke out very unhappily about this.
"Of course it had to be in a place like this! Why wouldn't it be in a place like that?!"
Than, a loud crash is heard, as the ground began to break apart, and Samael, he than spoke out.
"Well, no time for that!! I need to go!!"
He ran as fast as he can, and he goes up the stairs, as fast as possible, as Samael went up, and he continues to go up, in order to regain control of his body. The stairs behind him began to break down, but Samael does not stop, and eventually, after what must have been a very long time going up the stairs, he sis now to make it to the other side. He is able to make it to the part where he is able to regain control over his mind. The area resembles that of a black void, just like a Save Screen, except that in front of him, is a screen, that on the the moth, which is shown to be onto it. Samael, not looking happy about that, summoner a fireball, and launched it at the Moth, burning it. The Moth screeched in agony, as it than fly away, wanting to get out of the way and be safe from harm. Samael sighed, as he spoke out.
"Goddamnit. Of course it had to be a mess."
He than looks, and he sees that Chara is still in control of his body, but Chara is holding the Real Knife in the outside world, and in front of him are Sans, and Aliza, who has decided to come back into the fight, but she is hurt and in the ground, back against the wall, as Samael spoke out.
"Don't worry, Liza. I'll get out of this."
Samael stepped he engulfed his hands in white flames, and he looked at the screen, as Chara steps closer to Aliza and Sans, as Samael charged forward, and punched the screen, creating a big hole in it, which Samael is able to fit through. He goes inside, and he runs in, as he takes back control over his body.
Outside world...
Samael's body stopped, as his eyes are now longer glowing Chara's blood red color, and Sans, he is confused, as Chara is stopping, until he sees Samael's hand clasp onto the moth, and tries to pull it out. And than, he spoke out.
"Chara...get out..of my body!"
Sans, realizing what is happening, runs up to Samael, as he too also grasped onto the Moth, and began to pull it with all of his might. And after a minute, the moth has been pulled out, as Samael stepped back, some of the skin off of his mouth, as he held his mouth, which is bleeding and leaving above and under the lips. The Moth is free, as it flies around the place like crazy, as Samael looks at Sans, who looks at Samael, his Axe raised, wandering what he will do next. Than, Samael turns around, and walks away, not bothering to go against Sans, since all he is doing is distracting him from his goal. Sans is surprised, but he does not complain, as he picks up Aliza, who is unconscious, as he spoke out.
"time to go home, kiddo."
Sans turned around, as both teleport away.
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