Keeping Aliza Safe
" is so intense and insane. I'm even surprised that I was able to get out of that mess."
Samuel said, as he than looked out of the window, as he looks to see what is happening outside. The battle is a bloodbath. It was bad that he was in it, but he did not pay any attention to the fight itself, as he is too busy trying to survive the battle zone that is outside. But he gets to see what it looks like on clear detail, and needless to say, it looks outright disgusting and revolting to look at. Entrails are all over the ground, bodies are scatter, and body parts also littered the floor, as the monsters that won over the fight toon the body parts and the corpses for them to feed on. He even saw some of them eat eyeballs or even tore an intestine their their sharp teeth-filled mouth and ate it. Samael was so disgusted that he decided to not look at it, as he does not want to throw up.
Samael sighed, before he than turned his head and he looks to see Aliza, who is laying down onto the couch. Due to the fight that she had with Bratty, she was simply just hurt to the point that she is unconscious. But other than that, there is no change in her leg, as it is simply bruised, and nothing more, Althing she will be unable to walk for a little bit, and will need to take some time to heal.
Samael held his head, as he feels like he is in a situation that he cannot get out of. The problem that they are in, he feels like he is about to die if he tries to go outside, due to the fact that he and Aliza are in the middle of a war zone, and when you are in the middle of a war zone, no one mourns for you, as you can die by being in the middle of a fight. Samael, he has no idea what to do in the situation that he is, and he needs to do whatever it takes to make sure that he and Aliza are hidden away, or at least, hidden long enough to make sure that he and Aliza find a way out of the situation that they are in.
As Samael held his head, he can hear his own soul beating from within his body, in perfect synchronicity with his heart, as Samael than spoke out.
"Oh god. What do I do in this situation that we are in now? I was making some progress with going to the castle. Aliza, why can't you just listen and not come with me?"
Samael looked at Aliza, laying down on the couch, comfortable, as he sees her face, and hopes that she would speak to him back, but knows that it will not happen, due to the fact that she is already unconscious from the fight with the fight against Catty herself. Samael honestly wished that Aliza did not have to chase him, and instead just stayed with his father, Sans. But it seems that Aliza, she just does not want to give up on him.
Samael looked down, and he checked his stats. He now has 290 HP, as his stats have improved. He is honestly surprised in what is happening to him, due to the fact that he has no gained 10 more HP from killing countless monsters. But with every HP that he has gained, Samael becomes more and more stronger than he was ever before in the past. But with every monster that he has killed, it is now becoming more and more difficult to try and gain new EXP to increase his LV. Samael narrowed his eyes, as he gripped onto his soul, and his eyes began to leak more black tears. He than fished into his bag, and he than took a couple bites of his Crab Apple, and this is able to hold back against the Hunger. The black tears are gone, and he can feel like himself again. Samael than looked at Aliza, as than, the Scarlet Moth appeared next to Samael, as he spoke out.
"Took you a long time to show up, Chara? Where have you been?"
Chara looks at Samael through the moth, as she spoke out.
"I had to think of something that can be of use. And so far, it has not worked."
Samael than spoke out.
"I see."
Samael than sighed, as he held his head, in a very frustrated way, with Samael speaking out.
"I still can't believe that Aliza would do this. She should not have followed me like this. She should have just stayed back at Snowdin, where she would be safe."
Chara than looks at Samael and spoke out.
"If you are so worried about that, than why don't you just ditch her. The only thing that she will do is get in the way of what you want?"
Samael than looked at Chars, and spoke out.
No. I am not doing that! That sort of thing is not an option!"
But as soon as he said that, the Red Butterfly than appeared next to the Scarlet Moth, as Chara and Frisk looked at each other, clearly not happy to see each other again. They spoke to each other, but Samael cannot hear them.
"Frisk, why don't you go and bother someone else?"
"So you can try and manipulate him into again don't Aliza, leaving her to die, that is not happening. I will not have Aliza be abandoned!"
Chara than spoke out.
"Is it simply because she is your daughter? Or is it because of something else?"
Frisk than spoke out to Chara.
"What do you think?"
As both Chara and Frisk began to argue, Samael than stood from the seat, as he than goes up to try and look for something. He went inside of a Chest, and he accidentally scraped his hand, as he took out a gun. But this one only has one bullet left. He began to think of Chara's word, about leaving behind AliA, as he than spoke out.
" Chara right? Should I leave her I can get to the Palace quicker. is...I don't know if it is work it.
Samael looked down at it, as he puts the bullet in place, thinking of what to do with Aliza, and he looked tried to think, before then...his blood dropped to the floor.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
As soon as that happened, the door began to knock down, as it broke, and out came a Monster, who smelled Samael's blood, but than looks to see Aliza, who is closer, as he spoke out.
"Time to eat!"
He than extends his arm, as he tries to grab Aliza, but Samael, conflicting on whether to save himself or to leave Aliza behind, due to Chara suggesting him to, made a decision, as he moves his hand holding the gun and shot the monster in the side of the head, which blew his brains out and a part of his head scattered and broke apart, as Samael looks to see the monster drop to the floor, dead. As that happened, Samael realizes that he cannot stay here anymore longer, as he than went to the couch and picked up Aliza, while also putting his food inside of the backpack to make moving easier, and Samael spoke out.
"Aliza, I'm not letting you get hurt anymore. I just hope that you can survive through this with me."
As Samael spoke out to her, he turns his head and looks to see that a monster is charging at the place where the door is at, ready to kill him and Aliza. But Samael raised his arms and made spears appear where the door used to be, as Samael took many steps back, as the monster began to knock down the barricade, as another monster decides to break through the winds, giving Samael the sight that it is time to go. Seeing another door, he opens it, and closed the door after getting through, just as the monsters broke in, and Samael, not wanting to turn back, runs for his life, the Scarlet Moth and Red Butterfly following behind.
"That idiot, he should have just left Aliza behind!!! All she'll do is slow him down!!!"
Frisk than looks at Samael, as she than spoke out to him.
"Go, Samael, go. Protect my child, keep her from harm's way!"
Samael kept on moving, as he ran with Aliza in his arms, not wanting to stop, as he continued to move toward.
He kept on moving for a few minutes, until he than sees that he is in an area where he does not have to run, and instead, he is now able to keep on moving by walking, just so that he can save his strength. He felt comfortable enough to walk without harm for now. As he looked down, he sees that Aliza is stirring in her sleep, and looks like she will wake up at any moment. Samael looks down, as he spoke out.
" least she is okay. That is a good thing."
As Samael kept on moving, he turned around, and saw a monster screaming, as the monster held a large rock, which he than slammed on top of the monster's head, killing him. This made Samae frightened, as he than tries to hide behind something, and luckily, he is able to cover the wound that he has, so they do not smell him. Samael looked down, he feels a lot of stress from what is happening, as he looked down to see Aliza. She is beginning to wake up, with Sameel signing, glad with the fact that she is now able to see him.
As Aliza woke up, she saw Samael's face, as she spoke out.
"Samael, what is-."
But Samael spoke out to her.
"Don't speak, Oka-"
Before Samael could finish speaking, a Butcher Knife came out of nowhere and sliced the crate that Samael is hiding behind, and one of Samael's horns are sliced. This made Samael hiss in agony, as blood began to drip down from the sliced horn, as Aliza spoke out.
This pain when his horn is sliced is unbearable, as it is something that he has never felt before in his life. He than looked around, and saw a fire extinguisher, and Samael grabbed it. Just as the monster ther spotted his horn is about to attack, Samael swung the Extinguisher, and a white mist appeared, as Samael ran away from the monster fast. He coughed a little bit from inhaling the mist, as he kept on moving, he then made to an open area, and he saw that he is getting close to the Royal Palace, and without any more hesitation, ran fast.
Even though he is now in an open battlefield, he does not bother to stop, as he spoke out to himself.
"Come on, come on!! We're almost there!!!!"
As he looked up, he sees the Royal Palace getting more and more closer as he runs. But as he ran, something very unfortunate is happening. As Samael kept on running in fast, the monster that had chased him, one that resembles a hog, came forward, his Hunger infected eyes looking directly at Samael, as he than did something that is very unexpected. He closed his eye, before opening it, and unleashed a powerful magical power that is affecting the hunger within Samael, the instant that power is used, The Hunger inside of Samael began to spread, much lord faster than before, as the white stuff he used at the lab, the one that is meant to slow down the infection, it has been overwhelmed, as Samael cried in agony.
He fell down to the ground, as black liquid of corrupted magic began to leak out of his mouth, eyes and nose much more violently, and he fell down to the ground, no longer holding Aliza, as he crawled over her and away from her, and he held his head. Aliza watched, as Samael's appearance began to change a little bit. The claws are now much more sharper, and the horns began to grow a little bit more than ever before, although the horns are curving backwards, as Samael spoke out.
Aliza's cried out Samael's name, as Samael felt himself being lost inside of his mind. He felt everything becoming unreal and warped, almost like he's halfway in water. He felt control over his house slip away, as he also feels like he is being submerged in boiling water.
As the infection continues to spread, Samael's hair began to change from the original black that he had to a snowy white color. Samael held his head, the infection rapidly taking him over more and more, as his claws became sharper, his teeth began to change and become more sharper as well, as black tears continue to leak down of his eyes, nose and mouth, and Samael can only do nothing more than scream in agony, as he felt himself being taken over by the Hunger, as the voice spoke out.
And Samael can only do nothing, as his vision began to blacken, and he is forced into the back of his mind, unable to do anything, as he feels his own consciousness being filled up completely by the Hunger, taken over to now feed.
A certain skeleton is seen walking inside of New Home's road, as he smiled with pure insanity present in his mouth. He came out of the shadows, as he is revealed to be none other than Sans himself. Sans knows that he is in a dangerous spot, but he also sees that he gets to have free EXP, as well as possibly some LV for him to take. He has already killed a lot of monsters ever since arriving to New Home, and it made him much more stronger than ever before, and he will become more stronger.
As he walked, a couple of monsters spot him, as they charged at him, in order to try and kill him.
Sans smiled, as the monsters charged at him, only for Sans to swing his Axe, and chopped their heads clean off of their shoulders, an insane smile on his face.
Sans walked away, as he took some of the meat with him, and he continues to go to wherever Samael and Aliza are at. Thanks to Ruby going to Sans, which is Frisk, he is able to try and find locate Samael somewhere in this section of New Home. Ruby had left the moment that Samael was attacked, and now...she is helping Sans find Aliza and Samael.
As Sans ran up to try and find Aliza and Samael, he spoke out to himself
"aliza...when I find you...I need to give you a little lecture on how to teleport without doing it on accident."
As Sans ran, a loud cry was heard, in ether Sans is able to hear even from very far away.
This made Sans freeze in his tracks, as he recognized the voice anywhere.
"samael...i found you."
Samael turned around, as he than ran as fast as he can to try and see him, hoping to give him a piece of his mind, as well as make him suffer for trying to keep on running. But when he looked to find him, he saw something that stunned him.
Samael is now up from the ground, as his new white hair is shown, his horns had fully grown, with one of them, the left one, sliced, as black liquid continue to leak out of it. His eyes are now completely black with red eyes, as he now has sharp teeth. But he is no longer crying black liquid. It didn't take long for Sans to realize what had happened.
"oh fuck. samael has been consumed by the hunger! guess even with the defense he has with the liquid, he is still here consumed by it."
But than, Samael turns around, and Sans looks, only for his right eye socket to widen, as he sees Aliza, unable to move on the ground, as Samael than spoke out.
"Cook Meat..."
Samael began to walk to Aliza, as Sans realized in his horror of who he is deciding to target.
"no...not again!!!!"
Sans rushed in to try and save her, as he reaches out to save her daughter, but then, some monsters got in the way, and blocked him, as Sans fight for his life to them and get to his daughter. Guess this is karma for tearing Samael cruelly
Sans shouted, as he tries to kill as many monsters as he can, but no matter what, more came, as they are interested to take out the skeleton, due to his own high LV, and the fact that he is weaker than Samael.
Samael walked forward, fire engulfed around his hands, as Aliza than spoke out.
"Samael!! No, don't do this!!! isn't you!!! Samael, listen to me, I know that you are in there somewhere!!! You can fight it!!! Samael, come back to me...I...I don't want to come from my life!!!!"
But Samael can only respond in only some words.
"Fresh meat...taste good...I'm very hungry!"
It is as if this is not Samael anymore, and in fact, is just someone else, as Aliza than closed her eyes, as she than screamed out.
But Samael does not seem to hear her words. In his mind, she spoke out no words at all. Almost as if she is mute. And than, Samael, he reaches his claws hands out, fire surrounding his hands, as Samael prepares to kill her, the monster behind him began to approach and join in on the feast. And Sans went on top of a roof, as he watches, as Samael comes in close to Aliza, and Sans was about to interfere...but than...he stopped. This made Sans confused. When a person is infected, they will stop at nothing to gain their food, with Sans being the only one to fight it, due to the love he has towards his brother. But Samael...he is suddenly stopping. Why is he stopping?
As Samael reached out to Aliza...he felt himself stop, as he remembered something. He remembered when he had first seen Aliza hurt, back on the surface, when she had an incident with the bullies, as she is crying in agony, with Samael getting involved in order to stop them. When he had first seen her line this, he held out his hand, as he wanted to show how much he cared for her, and when Aliza saw him like this, she took it, and hugged with all of her might. This made Samael promise one thing to her.
" matter how I feel to you...I will never hurt you, not in any sort of way."
As Samael looked, he felt his eye change expression, as he felt sad. Because he is going to break his promise, and is really hurting het by driving her away from him.
'No...I won't...I refuse to...'
As Samael thought to himself, he closed his eyes, and he began to shake. Within the depths of his body, his red soul, having the center of it about to be totally is suddenly pushed back with a thump of the soul, like a beating heart, and it pushed back a chunk of the Hunger within his soul. Than, another thump, and another push, and than another, an another, this made Samael finally give himself a reason to fight it, as he than shouted inside of his mind.
As soon as that happened, Aliza opened his eyes, and saw that Samael has summoned a trident on his right hand, as he than turned around, scraping the trident against the ground, before he than hit the rocks on the ground, turning them into shrapnels, as he launched them towards the monsters, seeing this, one monsters raised their weapon, a pair of butcher knives, as the shrapnels hit the monsters in the head, instantly killing them, as Samael, who's right eye is back to normal, charged at the one that is still alive, trident raised in the air, as the monster blocked it with his Butcher Knives, only for the knives to be sliced through, as Samael chopped off the side of the monster's head, as his brains began to go out of his head. Samael then turned around and looked behind him, and thrown his trident, and Aliza thought that she was going to die, when she saw that the trident hit a monster that was about to attack her. This finally raised Samael's LV to 20, now having gained 300 HP. Samael looked at her, and than looked at the place, as he clenched his fist, knowing what he needs to do. He pulls down the levels of the Jet Pack that he still has, as he rushes towards Aliza's
Sans watched, as he looked at this sudden act of defiance towards the Hunger. He did not expect for this to happen to Samael! Even when he is close to the Hunger itself, even at the brink of becoming fully infected, he will never hurt Aliza.
As soon at that happened, Samael went to Aliza fast, and lifted her up, and Aliza looked stunned, as Samael spoke out.
Aliza, not wanting to argue, wrapped her arms around Samsel's neck, as Samael went forward. He ran fast, as he crouched down to the ground, before he than launched himself up into the air as fast as he can, by detonating the ground, which made him go up into the air fast. And at the same time, the sheet Pack activated at full power, as Samael flies up into the air as fast as the jet pack can, the black tears from his left eye leaking down to the ground fast, but never hit Aliza, with the monsters fighting, along with Sans, looking to see them both go.
Samael kept on flying and flying, and as soon as they reached their destination, Samael snapped the jet pack's straps around his shoulder, and he landed down safely. He looks up, and sees that the jet pack is continuing to fly, before it than made a powerful explosion on the side of the inner rock of the Mountain.
Samael looked up, as he saw that the rocks are coming down fast, and falling on not just some parts of New Home, but also in the position where Samael and Aliza are at. Samael ran inside, as the rocks barley missed them. Frisk flies along with Samael, along with the Scarlet Moth, as Frisk smiled at Samael.
"I know your heart is still on the right place, even at the brink of being fully infected."
With Sans...
Sans looked at the sight that is before him, as he than spoke out.
"Unbelievable. How is he able to do that?"
Sans than looks down and smiled.
"Well...perhaps it is time to confront him, in the one place that I know he will appear in."
Sans stepped forward, as he than teleported to meet Samael. And the location of his choosing is in some place that he has not been in a very long time, some place that he has always remembered, even after so many years of being within the hunger's influence.
Flower Bed...
Back in the area of where the Golden Flowers are at, the giant hole above the flower itself...a certain ghostly child is watching the entire event unfold through the moth that she has given life to.
Chara had seen everything that has happened, and needless to say, she is stunned.
"Wow...Samael...he has resisted and pushed back the infection with sheer determination alone, and he did it because he thought of Aliza."
Chara looks down at the flowers, as she spoke out.
"I do not like it when my host is attached to someone as worthless as her, but even so...I am astonished impress me."
Chara than puts her hands on her cheeks, as she spoke out.
"And that is shall be my perfect vessel~."
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