Hotland Guards
As Samael looked at the soul...he can feel insane power coming from it. The power, it is in itself dangerous, and yet, it can be used as a powerful weapon for him. He can feel is calling out to him, it wants to be used...but he does not know if he wants to risk using it. The soul, it is immensely powerful, but what will it do to him when he uses it, he wound rather not find out, unless it is needed. He held the container, he wants to open it...but as he did...he felt an urge to not do it, he felt like it would end in a disaster, and it would be a very bad one. He needs to use it when he feels like he should.
Unbeknown to him, Sans and Aliza are watching, and Sans recognized the soul inside of this.
"oh god, how did he find this one?"
Aliza looks at Sans, and spoke out.
" you know this soul, Dad?"
Sans nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"i do. it is a synthesized, articulate artificial soul that was made inside of the true lab, the location that you had seen inside of your mind."
Aliza nods her head, as she knows of that as well. But at the same time she saw the memory, which is a disturbing memory to see, Ruby has also grow stronger, she has grown much more powerful than ever before, and she has no idea how it is happening. But she knows that the White Butterflies had something to do with this. Ruby is now out in the open far more longer than ever, she can even feel something, a voice, one that she feels like she should know, but has no idea what it is.
"that soul, it is said to be too dangerous. it is said to be growing in power as time passes. so how did that kid manage to get his hands on this?"
Sans looks down at the moth, and he saw it, a bunch of red lines that formed into a smile, the same smile that only he would recognize.
This made Sans clenched his fist, as he snarled to himself.
"how could i have been so stupid? of course chara was not gonna give up that easily. and she is able to manipulate samael into killing monsters. not all of them, considering the fact that he did not kill undyne, but this...this is insane. i am not experiencing another genocide...not again."
As Sans clenched his fist, his voice low to the point that only he would hear it, the Scarlet Moth than looks at Samael, and spoke out.
"Well...this is very useful to have with us. Samael, I think we have found the perfect cure to the monsters. Use it. I want to see what will happen if we are both together and we both can absorb it. Let's see who is in control of the new body that you have.
This made Samael uneasy, as he looked down at the capsule, and Chara sees that she is getting through with him, as she continues to speak out.
"Come on, Samael. Isn't this what you wanted, to give monsters a new chance, to free them, by getting the power they you desired?"
Samael could feel a temptation to use it grow, but as he felt it...he than stopped, as he turned around, and saw a familiar red butterfly coming.
The butterfly that is coming, is none other than Ruby herself.
Aliza is stunned, as Ruby is rushing in and stopping the Scarlet Moth, as Chara looks to see that there is someone in control of the Red Butterfly.
"You...I thought that you were dead!!"
Although Samael cannot see what it happening, he can feel a presence, far different from Chara. And Chara, she can see who it is that is before her eyes.
This spectral entity, this ghost, she has manifested before Chara, and is putting her body in front of her. Chara's form snarled with rage, as she spoke out.
"How dare you come here, Frisk!"
Frisk, the 7th human, is the identity of Ruby, as Frisk looks down at Samael, who retracts his hand away. As he looked down, he felt a presence in front of him, and Samael saw the Devil before him.
He is looks down at Samael with white pinhole eyes, as he than spoke out.
"What are you waiting for?"
The Devil smiled, as he than spoke out.
"You don't want to waste time. Get moving."
Samael nodded, as he stood up, and grabbed onto the capsule, before he than puts it in his bag, and he moved, as Chara spoke out.
"You cannot stop me, Frisk! I will have what I want!"
But Frisk looks down at Chara and spoke out.
"You tried that, and you failed. You kno le what what you will want will never happen. Why do you continue?"
Chara snarled, as she spoke out.
"I continue, because I won't stop until all of the monsters are given the peace that I have given them!!!"
But Frisk spoke out.
"You are not giving them peace, you are ending their lives when they are filled with despair. Peace is when they are free from this torment in this tormenting existence that they are in, and this freedom is to free them from the hunger. And you are not freeing them."
Chara narrowed her eye dangerously, as she spoke out.
"Just you wait."
She then disappeared, as the Scarlet Moth fled, while Frisk went behind her daughter, Aliza, as she waved at Samael.
"Good luck, Samael. Although you have done a terrible deed, your heart is still in the right place. I know that you, and my daughter, will save all of Monsterkind. I believe in the both of you, Judy as you both have belief in how you feel towards each other."
With Samael...
Samael has no idea how long he had been waking for. But he knows that it is a very long type of walk, as he than looked around. But as he did, he than saw that there is an elevator, as he than spoke out.
"What do we do in this?"
The Devil looked at Samael, as he than spoke out.
"Well, it is made to go up and down, so use it. Press a random button and see where it takes you."
Samael looked at the devil with an annoyed expression on his face, as if to say to him that he isn't helpful. He goes and presses the Elevator door, as he than entered, and he looks to see where to go to. He than sees a first floor. He presses it, and he goes down. When he went down to the first floor, he goes forward and into an area of some kind, that has conveyer belts and blue lasers, as Samael looks at the area, before speaking out.
"Ahh great. Of course we would run into shit like this."
Samael looks at the conveyer belt, in which he narrowed his eyes, before he than walked towards the belt, and he sees that the blue lasers are activating and deactivating ar random times, but with warning, when the lights flash on for 2 seconds, to signify reactivation. Samael took a deep breath, as he stepped back a little bit, before he than clenched his fist very tightly, before he than spoke out.
"Here we go."
Samael than stepped back, and when the blue lasted turned off, he ran as fast as he can, and due to LV, he ran at inhuman speeds, much faster than a human, and he ran close to the other side, the lasers began to reactivated, but Samael does not stop, as he continues to keep on going, and he is able to reach the other side, just as the blue lasers had turned back on, the end of his jacket was cut a little, as Samael turns around and looked back at it, and Samael spoke out.
"Thank goodness."
Samael than continued toward, as Samael looked around the place that he is in, before he than saw that there is a pathway that splits into 2 areas. One that goes right, and the other goes left, and in front of him is a door. Seems like he needs to do something in order to open the door. Samael, breathed deeply, as he went to the right, in order to try and see what will be at the other side. And what he saw...confused him.
It looks like some type of room that has a yellow arrow, like a spaceship in a game he once used to play. And there is a piece of paper that says 'shoot the opposing ship! Move the boxes to complete your mission.'
Samael tried to activate the machine, but nothing happened. He than pressed onto the screen, and still it is nothing. This made Samael confused, until he than saw something next to the game. There are 2 holes in the left side, and they are almost unnoticed. Samael looked, as he spoke out.
"These look like twin prongs of a taser. Wait a minute!"
Samael realized something, as he than fished into his backpack, and pulled out his Taser, which he had not used since Snowdin. Samael saw that it is loaded with a cartridge. He has 5 of these, and is already using one of them. He'll need to be very careful and aim perfectly. He grips it and aims the Taser, as he spoke out.
"I hope this works."
Samael than pulled the trigger, and the prongs launched and hit the holes, and the electricity inside of the taser, reactivated the puzzle. The puzzle began to flicker, but after repeated shocks, the puzzle was on and reactivated. Samael sighed, as her cartridge was pulled out, and Samael looked down at it, before he than took it off and put on a new one. He puts it down, and he than looked to see that the ships and boxes are glowing. Samael, took a deep breath, before he than began to move the boxes. He put one between the 2 open boxes, away from the way of the ship, while the other is in the way of the ship, but luckily, Samael has 2 shots. So, he fired the first shot, which destroyed the box, as the second shot, which attacked the ship itself.
A sound was heard, almost like the dinging is trying to say, congratulations, to him. He than looked up at the machine, and he senses a new thing that is happening. Samael than went outside, and there is a dot that is on the door, which he had not seen before when he had first saw it. Obviously, he needs to do the puzzles and activate them, complete them, so that he can continue forward. And in order to open the door, he will need to go to the next puzzle. So he turned to the left part of the area, as he than went into the area, and he looks to see that it is something else's
The left is the same as the right, except the square is larger, there are more squares, but has the same shooter icon. And the prongs are not on the left side of the game. Samael took a deep breath, before he than took out his Taser, and fired it at the prongs with careful aim, and hopes that it does not miss, and luckily for Samael, it did not miss, and it is able to successfully land into the holes, which activated the game once again, the game flickered, but then it began to fully activate, before it than fully turned on, Samael sighed, as he than began to play the game again. He began to move the boxes again, but this took a lot of time and effort. Because of how big it is, he did all that he can to try and put it in a proper position, and so the the is able to hit the box without wasting and using up his 2 shots. But the thing is...he is not good with puzzles.
"Why out of all the things to use to open a door, why did they need to use damn puddles?!"
He kept on trying to do it, and when he thought that he got the formation right, which took him about a few minutes to be able to do it in a way that can help him, he fired 2 shots, one that hit the single box, and the other that hit the spaceship. The instant he did that, he heard the congratulations theme again, and he heard a click. This caught Samael's attention, as he than ran towards the door as fast as he can, and he than saw that it has now been unlocked, with both of the lights on the door on. This made Samael in what is interested in the other side of the door, but he is also a bit weary, as he knows that it will result in something very bad happening. But if he is going to know of what is on the other side, than he will need to continue forward and see it all completely threw. When he opened the door, he sees that it is all dark inside, due to the fact that the lights aren't on. Luckily, he still has his Night Vision Goggles, and thus puts it on. He could hide his magic, but he will only use it in combat, and because of the fact that he is now getting much closer to the barrier than before, he will need to only use it when he fights, not only to use food sparingly, but also to make sure that he does not get infected quickly. When he puts it on, he sees that he is what appears to be some type of kitchen. But the kitchen is a mess, as rotten food is everywhere, the table and fridge have been cracked, the whole place is looking like it will deteriorate at any moment. Even the floor looks like is about to give in at any moment. He looks up and he saw that there is a sign. It says 'Mettaton's Cooking Show.' He has seen that one before. He has heard of Mettaton through the skeleton's TV. He watches the show along with Papyrus, or at least, the old shows. He has even seen Mettaton's appearance, but he has no idea what he looks like now. He looks down, and he saw that there is a Chainsaw on the floor. Samael than picked it up, as he spoke out.
"Well, it's better than nothing."
He than takes it with him, as he continues to go even deeper into Hotlands and goes outside, as he is near the edge. He looks down, and he spots that there is a strange...rubber ducky in the magma. Huh? How is that fine? Well, he also looks and sees a tall tower, and a jet pack! Samael always wanted to have a jet pack, it is one of his favorite things to have as a kid! He goes up to it, and he picks it up, before he than decides to wear it. Thankfully, it fits on him just fine. He than looks down, and he presses onto the 2 handles, and the jet pack activated, a she begins to fly into the air. Smiling at the fact that it is working, he flies in as fast as he can and goes to the second floor of Hotlands. After a few minutes of flying, he landed onto the ground, and he smiled, but he than saw that the Jet Pack had shut itself off.
He looked and saw that is bar of some kind has appeared, almost looking like it's run out of barriers, but he also saw that the bar is going up, albeit slowly.
"Dang it. Ran out of juice. Looks like I'll need to wait until it can activate again."
He walked forward, and he than saw another Save Point present, in an area that is going on 3 directions, left, right, and forward. Deciding that he should use it, since he has some new items, he activated it, as the Devil's voice spoke inside of your head.
"The fact that you are able to fly with a Jet Pack, it fills you with Determination."
The Save Point activated, as a flower with a single eye bloomed. Samael signed, as he spoke out.
"I really need to stop using it as often as I can. I'm gonna get killed for my troubles by that fiend."
Samael walked again, and he went to a direction of sorts, and in this direction, he saw that it has a bunch of vents that are going into different directions. Samael's eyes fell a little halfway, as he then spoke out out.
"Oh boy, this is going to be a very long time to get across this."
For took a very long time to get across this point, and after that, he went to an area with bombs. And there is even a very large bomb, one larger than the others. This made Samael stunned, as he did not expect that this place has this much. Samael's eyes than looked around...and saw that there is an old-fashion bomb, one that looks like a black ball with string. Samael goes to it and picked it up, as he than spoke out.
"Well, I can bring this one, and it will be useful to my..."
Than...a large shadow appeared behind Samael, as he than spoke out.
The shadow belonged to a monster, as he than swung his large sword at Samael, who dodged the attack. This stunned Samael, as he is not prepared to this, but before Samael can react, the sword hits Samael hard, and he is sent to the magma.
Samael screamed, and he felt himself hit the magma. But it was only a split second of beyond unbearable agony, before the bomb in his hand went off, and it exploded in his face, as his burning body is blown to bits.
Save Screen...
When Samael opened his eyes, he is back in the Save Screen again, as he than spoke out.
"Are you for real?"
Samae than stood up, and looked around, as Chara than appeared beside Samael.
"Oh, there you are. I was so worried."
Samael scoffed at that, as he spoke out.
"As if you were. Had to die in magma by some Royal Guard."
Chara than looked around, and he spoke out.
"Well...unfortunately, luck is not on your side."
Samael looked in the shadows, and he saw that the Fiend is back, and this time, he is slightly farther to him than before. The Fiend shrieked, as he than rushed at Samael, and Samael, not wanting to take the chance, activates his jet pack, and pressed the Continue Button, which caused the door to glow white and suck Samael in, and he went inside of it faster before the Fiend can grab him.
When Samael reappeared in his newest Save Point, Samael looked around, before he than saw the Scarlet Moth beside him, as she spoke out.
"Looks like you will need to start from scratch one more."
Samael looked to the side, and facepalmed, before speaking out.
"Goddamnit. He we go again."
Samael than went back to the area with the bombs again, and Samael looked to see that the bomb is back in its proper spot once more, as if he has not take it from before in the past. Samael than grabbed it, and he ran into the conveyer belt, and as that happened, the guard landed into the ground, and looked at Samael, as Samael spoke out.
"Now to properly fight against this guy.
The Guard than came charging at him, as Samael took out his Sword, and he clashed blades with the Guard's sword, and this time, he is having little difficulty, due to Samael being able to use his enhanced strength to handle against the Guard. But as Samael stepped back, the guard kicked him hard i the stomach, which sent him backwards a little bit. Samael than stood up, but then, another guard came out of nowhere and nearly tried to stomp on his face, as Samael avoided the attack. Samael than jumped away, as the guards began to close in on him. He stepped back even more, and he than saw that a third guard had came, one that is stronger then the other 2 combined. Samael, needing to gain some LV, took out his Chainsaw, as he than revved it up. The guard tried to chop Samael in half, but Samael dodged the attack, before he than swung the chainsaw at the Guard's neck, slicing his head messily, throat inside of his neck can be seen, as Samael killed the Guard. His LV has increased yet again, now it is LV 16, and he has gained 260 HP. The Guards did not like that he had slaughtered one of their buddies, as they than charged at Samael, and Samael tried to cut their weapons. But one of them swing their sword and knocked the chainsaw out of his hands, which is sent down to the lava below him, where it will melt into liquid metal. Samael looks down at the lava, and it made Samael terrified. But he turned around, and saw that the guard that he had killed, has a shield. He grabbed onto it, and fenders against another sword strike. He than jumped back, and he began to block and counterattack, before he than ducked, and the sword hit the larger bomb, which activated, and shows that it is going to blow up in 10 seconds.
"Ah, fuck!!!"
Horrified for his life, Samael activated his Jet Pack, and flies up into the air as fast as he can, so that he does not get himself blown up. He flies as quickly as he is able to, and he is able to get away with 10 seconds to spare, because the bomb them blew up.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The power of the bomb is so powerful, it destroyed that area of Hotlands, which in which the rocks lands into the magma, which made them melt and sunk as well, as Samael continued to go to the area where the Save Point is at, as he than landed onto the ground, and after that...he went to the Save Point itself. He touched it, he saved his progress, before he than landed onto the ground, with Chara speaking out.
"This is clearly not your day, is it?"
Samael did not answer, as he than stood up. He than felt his mind beginning to lose itself, as he can hear the voice of the hunger speaking to him.
"Join in."
"Dine with the other monsters."
"There is no use trying to persist."
But Samael ignored them and ate a Crab Apple, which held the hunger back again. He puts the bitten Crab Apple away, as he than laid down onto the ground, as he than spoke out to himself.
"How much more can I take?"
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