Fighting to Hotlands
Samael is walking on the trail of where it will lead him to Hotlands. Honestly, Chara knows where she is going, since she went to Hotlands with the previous human that had been there, when she traveled with that human, somehow. Samael can only assume that this monster is Frisk, who was mentioned by Aliza, as Frisk is her mother, and Aliza has her journal. So he must have guessed that Frisk must have know of Chara, since she seems to know where in the hell is Hotland, which is proven in this conversation that she is now having with Samael. Chara spreads her wings out and said to Samael in a soft spoken tone.
"You know, Samael, I can be the one that leads you to where Hotlands is. I know where the direction. And location of the bridge to goes to, if you will just let me show you."
Samael than looks at Chara, as her Scarlet Moth self, as he than spoke out to her.
"How do I know that you are not gonna betray me and misdirect me to my death? If I know you as something, is that you have plans for me and Aliza. So how do I know you are not planning to do something to me, and more importantly, how are you planning on showing me the way to where Hotlands is."
Chara than spoke out to Samael.
"Simple. It's because I know where Hotlands is at, and I know the direction of it all, as I had said before. In fact, we are in the perfect direction of where we need to go to. And how I will show you, well, it's simple. I can be the one that guides you to Hotlands. I can fly and act as the beacon which you are able to follow. But unless if you want to find the way to Hotlands on your own, than well, be my guest."
This made Samael stop in his tracks, as he than looks down and think about what Chara said to him. He only had 2 options. He either tries to find the entrance to Hotlands himself, and it could get him killed along the way, or he gives in, removed the stubbornness inside of his head, and he allows Chara to help him locate where the entrance to Hotlands is at. He clenched and unclenched his fists, as he felt very frustrated. He really wish that there are easy answers for him to have. He just really wish there was. But instead, he finds more and more provokes, and it takes for him to make harder and harder decisions to make. He can't risk Chara being the one to guide him, due to the fact that he is well aware that she would be manipulating him, but if he does not get to Hotlands on time, than he'll succumb to the hunger, and as he knows, the Hunger is not going to stop until it takes ahold of him too. He looks down for a little bit before he than sighs. He cannot help but feel frustrated at this.
"Damnit. Guess I got no other choice."
He than looks at Chara, as he than spoke out to the dead human's moth.
"Fine than. You wanna lead the way, I'll let you lead the way. But if you dare lie to me and try to lead me to my death, than I'll make sure that you're ripped apart, bit by bit, painfully, and than we'll see what it does to the you that is still back there."
If there was an expression that Chara could think of because of what Samael said to her, it would be that she has a very annoyed expression on her face, if her mouth was still attached. And this is due to the fact that Samael is well aware that she has a plan for him, but since he is not that easily fooled compared to Aliza, who was fooled very easily herself. However, Samael has a lot LV with him, and since killing the monsters, she knows that he is the ideal host that she needs, especially since he has the Red Soul of Determination. And with the Red Soul, combined with her own, it will make her more powerful than with Aliza, not to mention far more compatible than when she gets to be with Aliza, possessing and using her. However, as Samael is her ideal host needed, the only trick is to try and make him stand down and let her take over. But Samael, he is very stubborn and refuses to be possessed by her, and is even well aware of the fact that she has a plan for him, plans that she will not be able to obtain easily, due to his distrustful nature to her, and this is frustrating her a lot, but alas, she cannot do anything about it now, and thus, she needs to wait until she is able to possess him, and this is when he finally starts to crack under the pressure. But for now, she has to be his guide in order to help him through the Waterfalls, and she had to make sure that she does not try and kill Samael, because if she does, she will forever be denied host, and she will be stuck in that damned flowerbed for the rest of her life. So, she clenched her fist, and a look of determination fueled her soul.
(The sound of Samael's distrustful nature towards me fills me with Determination)
(The suspicion of Chara's plan for Samael fills him with Determination.)
Chara than flaps her winds, and spoke out.
"Follow me."
Chara then flaps her wings, and she began to fly forward, and Samael began to run forward. He is well aware that this is a risky move for him to do, especially since this is Chara that he is forced to help him guide his way. He knows that Chara will likely lead him into a trap, but she is also the only chance that she has in being able to find a way to Hotlands without much issue at all. So, between having to wait all his time in searching for Hotlands vs having Chara having to help him find it in risk of death, he decides to take the risk and let Chara guide him. Samael does not like this idea one single bit. But it is either this or he wastes time, and he is not here to waste time at all. He is here to get to Hotlands as fast as possible, and to the next area, before the Hunger takes over.
Samael continues to run and run as fast as he can to catch up to Chara's Scarlet Moth. And Samael does not stop running a single bit...until he finally reaches it, the entrance. Chara flies around Samael, as she spoke out.
"This is it. The entrance to Hotlands. But ready to it weapons just in case you need to fight."
Samael nodded his head, as he than took out his sword, and held it tightly in both hands, and luckily, since gaining LV, the sword feels a bit more lighter than ever before, due to having gained enhanced physical strength and having gained some speed. Samael sighed, as he calms his nerves, as he looks around for anyone that is daring to fight him. He walks through the entrance, and he than looks around, and sees a stream of glowing water next to him. And when he did that, he kicked a stone, and it clattered onto the ground, before going into the river, and it is here that Samael heard a sound of a shriek.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Samael stopped, as he recognized that sound anywhere. He turned around his head so fast, it caused his neck to make a cracking sound, which was still enough for the monster to heard it, as it walked more faster to him. And when Samael saw who it is, he is not happy to see who it is that came here.
Walking before him, was none other than Undyne. Her spear on her left hand, tightly gripping and refusing to let go, as if fused with her skin. Drool leaked out between her teeth, with one of her red hair covering her eyes that looks as though they are glowing in the dark. Her right arm is his king a cut on the left arm. Looks like she has not forgotten the injury that Samael inflicted upon her. Samael stepped back, a she readies his sword in his hand, as he spoke out.
"Oh boy. Here I go against fighting you again, ugly."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Undyne grips her spear, and shrieks with rage, as she charges at him very quickly, with Samael than also charging at her. He and Undyne closed the distance fast, and while Undyne is faster than Samael, not to mention more stronger, Samael had gained enough LV, and is still able to see clearly, not to mention hear much more better than before, not to mention having a lot of weapons at his disposal. He jumps into the air, and swung his sword down at her head, while Undyne raised her spear and blocked the sword strike, as Samael than punched Undyne in the face, thankfully having his combat gloves on so that he does not end up getting hurt by the musucs that is all over her face. Undyne stumbled backwards, but she does not stop that easily, as she than charged and attacks Samael again. But Samael than leapt up into the air, and punched her again, before kicking her backwards, as Samael spoke out.
"Must have been painful, stapling your face. I think I should call you staple face for simplicity. What do you say?"
Undyne simply shrieked, as she charges at Samael again, as Samael jumped backwards, and dodged gettin but by Undyne, before elbowing her in the forehead, and using his sword to hit her on the chest. Problem is, she has armor, which protected her form the attack, simply making her walk backwards. But she regains her balance, and she than does something that he did not expect. She raised her hand, and suddenly, bright cyan spears appeared into the air, before she than points her fingers at Samael, and she spears began to rocket towards him. Samael dodge the attacks, and he almost got killed for the sake of it. Then, she sees a bunch of spears going around him, and another spears tried to reach him fast. Thankfully, Samael was able to avoid the hit and grabbed onto the spear, before he than began to use the spear to block the attacks that are coming to his position. And it is difficult, as Undyne, in the past, had her spears not this strong. But because Indyne gained LV, Undyne now has spears in her possession capable of killing him in likely just a few hits. Samael than dodged an attack and blocked Undyne's spear with the magical spear that he has. But he is struggling against her strength that he is beginning to buckle onto his knees and give in. But Samael refused to give up, and kept on pushing back. During the struggle, Samael saw that his arms are glowing in the same color, and the spears began to glow more brighter than ever before. And the spear, or at least, bits of it...are beginning to enter his body. Samael than felt a kick on his stomach, and was launched back by the sudden attack. And at the same time, Samael felt the spear disappear and enter his body. Samael felt so hurt that he vomits blood from the pressure that it had given to him, the kick did. Samael than stood up, his hands on his stomach, as he felt a lot of pain. But he grabbed onto his sword, and held it tightly, as he readies to fight back against a Undyne, when a familiar a voice spoke out.
"didn't think you were having this much fun, kiddo."
This made Samael's heart stop, as he and Undyne turned to the voice that they both have suddenly heard.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Barely lit by the eyes that he has, is none other than Sans himself. His blue and yellow eyes glowing very menacingly at Samael and Undyne, due to Sans having caught sight of Samael. But Undyne caught sound of Sans' voice, and she shrieked in pure, unrestrained fury. She even managed to shriek out her first words since he had met her.
She charged at him and tried to grab Sans, only for Sans to dodge Undyne. And Sans...he ran too fast. He was like a blur. He than took out an Axe from his hand, and clashed with Undyne's spear, as he and Undyne held their ground against each other, and tried to force one another to submit. However, as Sans had refined and grown stronger, her now is so powerful for even Undyne to combat against, due to how much he has improved over the years, and since his Axe is indestructible, in comparison to Undyne's Makeshift Spear, which can break, Sans is basically at a type of advantage when it comes to Undyne.
With Undyne and Sans duking it out against each other, Sans immediately takes the chance to run away as fast as he can, as he tries to go to the Hotlands bridge, hoping to run towards it. But as he kept on running, he suddenly felt his body raise up, before being sent to a wall. He landed onto the wall, and he looks to see someone he didn't expect to appear.
"Samael, stop!"
Samael turns to see Aliza present.
And she looks like a tiny bit of her muscle tissue is exposed, and her hands look like they have had the flesh melted, as well as the muscles, turning her fingers into bony claws, just like her old man's. Samael's eyes widened in fear, as be pints his finger at Aliza, and fireballs rained down on top of Aliza, or at least, aimed at near Aliza's position, as Aliza than jumps backwards and Samael falls down to the ground, and Samael landed gracefully, as Samael looks at Aliza, before he than is speaking out to her.
" just don't know when to give up in this, do you."
Aliza shook her head at Samael, as she gives him a sad look, her eyes turned red as she looks at Samael, with Ruby flying next to her, and Chara flying next to Samael, with both Ruby and Chara looking at each other, before Aliza began speaking out.
"I could never give up on you, Samael, even if I wanted to. I promised that you would come back to me, no matter what."
Samael look a down a little bit, with an almost sorrowful look in his eyes as he spoke out to her.
"You should have taken the chance to go away and not come back to me. And know what happens to us both next, don't you?"
Aliza looked sad at Samael, as she than spoke out to him.
"Samael, please, it does not have to end this way. It does not have to involve us fighting against each other like this."
Samael looks down at the ground, as he than spoke out to her.
"If only that I could, Aliza. But I have gone to far in turning back. I have not stopped to do whatever it takes to make sure that I stop this. Besides, you're infected, and the thing is, Aliza..."
He than pulls a lock of his hair out of his left eye, and Aliza gasped at the sight, as she sees that Samael's left eyeball has turned black with a red iris, as he than spoke out.
"So am I. There's no turning back for the both of us. can only go 2 ways. You either give up on me, and we both will be spared from having to fight against each other, or you try to force me to come back to you and your father's house, and we will be forced to fight against each other."
Aliza than looks down at the ground, she clenched he fist, as flames came out of her hands, as she spoke out.
"I am not giving up on you, Samael. I will bring you back to me no matter what!!"
Samael sighed, as he than spoke out.
"So be it. I hope you're ready for what I will do to you next. Once we will continue like this if you keep following me. You know that, right?"
Aliza looks down, feeling a little bit sad, it she clenched her fist, as she preserves to keep herself alive, and she is determined into making sure that she does whatever it takes to bring him home. She is very patient about it. She looks at Samael on the eyes, as she than spoke onto.
"I'm not giving up on you, Samael. I will bring you back. You are my childhood friend, and no matter what happens, I will stick with you, even if we are forced to fight."
Samael signed, as he than looks at Aliza in the eyes, the red irises glow with Determination, as he than spoke out.
"Well we go."
Samael and Aliza's souls flickered 3 times readily and quickly, as Samael and Aliza are forced into combat against each other.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Samael and Aliza looked at each other, as Aliza's eyes turned blue, when Samael and Aliza now fighting against each other.
Aliza presses the ACT button, and Samael does the same, as they both checked on each other.
LV: 2 HP: 212/212 ATK: 20 DEF: 20
She will stop at nothing to try and bring me back to her arms again."
LV: 12 HP: 260/244 ATK: 60 DEF: 30
I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back to me."
Samael than readies himself and ran towards her, as he swung his sword at her. But Aliza moved out of the way, and Aliza noticed that Samael is not even trying to hit her. He is swinging widely and does it in an unpolished way, even though she had seen him fight against her dad once back with that Thousand-Eyed creature, and Samael held his ground against it. This made Aliza realize that, in spite of what is happening to the both of them, Samael can't muster the strength to force himself into killing his own friend from childhood. He cannot bare having to try and kill her, even if he wants to do it. Samael than points her sword at Aliza, as fireballs then formed and they launched at her. Aliza the summoned fireball of her own, as the 2 fireballs collided with each other, causing an explosion and for the area to be covered in smoke. But Samael rushed through the smoke and tries to grab Aliza. However, as she learned to dodge and fight against an enemy, she dodged an attack that Samael is doing, and used her own fireballs to try and attack Samael. But Samael dodged the attack fast, as Samael swung his sword to try and decapitate Aliza, or rather, make it look like he is trying to, and he is acting predictable whine doing it, simply forcing Aliza backwards. Of course, the last thing he needs is to try and actually hurt Aliza. All he wants is for her to flee and turn back, especially since he does not want to fight against her. He is just hoping that she would leave and not be burdened and feeling guilty by what she is doing in forcing in having to fight against him. But since she won't give up, Samael will make her. But the thing is, Aliza is very determined to try and make him come back to her, as Samael launched more and more fireballs at Aliza, only for to Aliza to dodge the fireballs, and used some bones to try and pierce and pin Samael by the clothing. But Samael dodged the bones and even cut some of them in half, as Samael ducked down and dodged the attack, before he than charged at Aliza and tries to punch her. But Aliza dodged the attack, as she than used her blue magic to hit him at the side of his head. Samael than was lifted into the air, and was slammed into a wall, fast, as he felt blood coming down his head. Thankfully, the wound was able to be healed, but in the cost, he had to use the HP that he was given when he was inside of the bed that he had slept in. That is not good. Samael clenched his fist, as he then jumped up into the air, and tries it attack with a sword that is over his head. But Aliza dishes, as Samael simply not the ground, not really wanting to attack her. But as that happed, Aliza than went behind Samael, and hits him in the head with her Mother's journal. This actually was able to hurt Samael, but only a small tiny bit, as Samae stumbled forward a little bit, before he swung his arm and hits Aliza in the face with a back hand, sending her flying backward, and causing a lot of agony, draining her HP a little bit. Thankfully, she has taken an item out, and revealed it to be the crabapple that she had gotten when she had her father saw Samael snuck out of that place. Samael was surprised, but did not question it, as he than rushed at her and tries to attack her, only for Samael to be thrown against a wall, and is pinned to the wall itself.
Samael tried to move, but now, Aliza is putting all of her effort into using her blue magic so that Samael does not move a muscle. It is in order to make sure that he is put in place, so that Samael does not go anywhere. He than looks as he continues to struggle in moving, as Aliza held out her hand to use her blue magic to try and stop Samael from continuing on ti Hotlands any more further. Samael continue to struggle to get out of the situation no matter what, and no matter how tough it is, as Aliza than goes up to Samael's face and strokes it, almost in a loving fashion, but he does not know why. Like, does Aliza even love him, despite being infected, or is it just s single sense of comfort in order to make Samael feel better. Aliza than raised her book in the air, as she spoke out.
"Sorry, Samael. But I will not let you leave me. Forgive me for this."
She than tried to swing down her boom in top of Samael's head, and Samael's eyes widened in fear, as than...something unexpected happened. Spear went down in front of Aliza, and it landed in between Samael and Aliza. Thugs made Aliza jump back, and her front clothes have been shredded, exposing her stomach and chest, partly, as Samael than launched a bunch more spears at Alia, forcing her to flee, as Samael made a wall of flames behind him, it not before speaking out.
"Sorry, Aliza. But I have gone way to far to stop this now. Leave me behind, save yourself."
Samael than ran away as fast as he can, as more spears rained down behind him, as Samael kept on running and running and running, as fast as he can, and after a little bit, he is able to save himself and go to the bridge, and is able to find a place for a Samael to stop at, in a Sentry Station, as Samael saw a flower, and Samael recognized it as. SAVE Point. Samael sighs, as he than pressed it, and the SAVE Point activated yet again, as a message was spoke to him.
"The heat of magma that you are felony against your skin, it fills you with DETERMINATION."
Samael sighed, due to Chara having been the one that says that to him, as she is next to him, right atop his shoulder. looking beyond to see what it looks like, and needless to say, this place is an extremely bad condition, almost like he is really in hell. Samael does not know if he finds this humorous, even though he said that coming is Hell.
Samael's face began to sweat, although he does not know if it's from the heat or from his own fear. Regardless, he says that.
"Ahh, we go again."
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