

A male woke up from his bed, as he than looked around the room that he is living in. The house is...a little bit broken down. It does not look very good at all. He rubbed his head, as he then spoken out to himself.

"Heh. Same old same old."

He spoke out, as he then stood up from the ground, and began to walk around for a little bit, as he looked himself in a mirror, to see what he looks like right now.

This man has black hair with red eyes, which are glowing for some reason. He has a petite, feminine looking body, and has a very pretty face. So much that he can be mistaken for a female. And his hair, for a very odd reason, on the sides of his head, the ears have a strong resemblance to ears of a goat, with the hair being shoulder length, possibly more, as the hair reached down in the middle of his back.

This is Samael. He is a 15 year old teenager that lives in a broken down house. Of course...this is just a house that he is simply using now. In the past, he once had a loving family with him. There was his parents, and they are the one thing that made him truly happy. He would always play game with them, he wound always smile with them, when they read bed time stories, they would go to places that would be of great interest, Samael smiled, as he cannot help by feel extremely adored to his family, as he smiled for them. And it was as though his life could not be anymore better.

But Samael, he learned the hard way that life...can sometimes be ripped away from him, and it would be in a way that he would not expect. One faithful and tragic day, while at night, he and his family had been attacked at night. There were men that had tried to take his father and mother, and tried to do whether it is that is not good. And the worst part of, Samael was here with them, he was present with his parents for when the attack suddenly happened.

The bad people tried to attack him and his parents, and they had weapons such as knives and a baseball bat, all to knock them unconscious, or to hurt them to the point in that they would not move and they would be dragged with them. But the parents were not going down without a fight, and they tried to force them back. But the men were too persistent, and they even tried to threaten Samael, their son. But the problem is...the men that had held Samael by the throat had his hand he caught on fire for some reason. And when that happened fire began to generate around the house and consumed everyone in there. Even the parents, and they burned right in front of them.

Samael could never forget it. He could never forget the cries and screams of pure anguish of the bad men and his parents when the got burned alive. The parents made it out alive, but not for long. And the house...in its entirely, got consumed by the flames, as the men tried to escape, and it was all for nothing. All of the men...died in there. And oddly...in spite of being consumed by the flames, even though he was in the center of it all...he was fine, and even more strange...was that he felt stronger than he did before. And all of this happened with he was only a 6 year old.

The screams of his parents, and the men...is carved into his very soul. He can never forget it, no matter how hard he had tried to force it to the back of his mind, it still keeps on coming out. And even right now, to this very day and night, at this very minute, the screams of pure burning agony can still be heard within his mind, and there is not way for him to take it back. And he can never forget what he had seen from the burns, the red- cooking pieces of flesh that have burned and scarred the men so badly. It is nearly impossible to forget them, even if he had tried to. Red, cook, it smelled...horrendous, as the organs within their burned badly by the deadly flames that looked as though they had been summoned for the burning depths of hell itself

Samael kept on looking at the mirror that is before him, as he observed his own face. He touched it and rubbed it to see if it is still okay, and saw that there are no injuries our wounds that are present all over him. He always thinks that he might have burn marks all over him, and tries to make sure that he is still fine.

"Phew. I still do not have them. That is good."

Samael looks up with a smile on his face, before he than goes to his drawer, and takes out his clothing, and began to put it on. He always sleeps without clothing, since it feels much more comfortable underneath the sheets, and he does not want to feel too warm for some reason. He than puts on his clothes, as he puts on his pants, his shirt, and than, he than puts on his jacket. He than goes to a full body length mirror, as he observes his appearance. He is wearing long black pants with a white and orange stripe going down, though it has some tears and holes in them. He is wearing a bike shirt that is faded in color, but looks as though it was originally red in color, and it is as though it had been abandoned for years, and he was able to stitch a piece of the same material that the bike shirt is made of, and made a hold onto the back part of the bike shirt. Basically, he made a hooded bike shirt. Worn over the hooded bike shirt, is a long coat that looks like it has been abandoned in an alleyway of sorts, as there are holes and tears all over it as well, at the sleeves and at the bottom ends of the coat. The longcoat looks like it was originally a blue color. But now it is a faded, almost black color instead.

Samael sighed, as he than brushed his coat and clothing for a little bit, as he than looked at himself, before he than spoke out.

"Well...clothing could have been good in better days."

He smiled a little bit, but it was simply to act reassuring to himself, as he than looks around and spoke out to himself.

'Besides, I should probably eat breakfast. I'm getting kind of hungry, anyway. Probably must have slept for longer than usual.'

He than goes downstairs, as the steps creek a little bit underneath his footsteps. He than goes to the kitchen, and he than began to cook some stuff. Even though the machinery is a little bit faulty and messed up a little bit, they can still work. Samael took out some slices of bread, which he had stolen from a supermarket, and he began to put them in a toaster, as he than turns it on. Luckily, the stove does work, as he than turns it on, and the spark mechanism ignited the gas that is getting out of the holes on the stove. He than puts a pan on the stove, and he began to cook eggs on there. Feeling his lips to be a little bit dry, he than took some apple juice from the fridge, which can somehow still work, despite its damaged state, and drank it. He sighed, as he than looks down at the floor, and see some cracks present.

Clearly, the house he has chosen is not a good one. It looks as though it was left alone for god knows how many years. There is simply no describing what it is that the house is looking like now. But as he puts the glass of Apple Juice on the counter, a knock was heard, and Samael turns to see that there is someone at the door. Samael smiled, as he than walked up the to door, and he opened to see that it is someone that he has known of for a very long time.

"Oh, hey Aliza. It's very nice to see you. How are you doing today?"

Samael said, as he looked at his childhood friend. Aliza smiled very warmly at Samael right in the face, as she spoke out to him.

"I'm doing good, now that I get to meet you."

Aliza has been friends with Samael since he was an 8 year old, and Aliza was 9. Yes, Aliza is older than Samael, but only by a few weeks, possible a month, with Aliza was born on Febuary 24th, and Samael was born on March 30th. They both met when they ran into each other at one point. Well..they didn't really crash into each other, but more like they met with Aliza sat in a park of some sort. As Aliza has no friends, due to people thinking that she is weird, it made her sad. But she than spot Samael, sitting down and sort and in a similar situation, Aliza decided to come and talk to him. And it went off on a rather awkward start, due to Aliza accidentally scaring him, and Samael having never known how to get a friend or how to act towards new people. but they both still greeted each other, and..in time, they both became friends with each other.

But Aliza's rather abusive grandmother, she did not approve of this friendship, and she was already a very rotten person to be with, and forbids Aliza to stay away from him for no reason. But Aliza was very sneaky, and they both agreed to meet at the same park again and gains and again. But as they grew older, Aliza found Samael's house at the age of 13, a couple of years back, and they than visited on the weekends, and it made Aliza happy that she gets to meet with him more frequently. As Aliza has always been on some some shady stuff, and has also use drugs, Aliza tries to distant herself from her grandmother as much as possible, and tries to avoid getting in trouble, so he does not her hurt by her own grandmother. And Samael, he had become a temporary escape for her. And even more better is that Samael always patches her up if she were to ever get injured by her own mother, and because of the tragedies that they had endured, the 2 of them, they had both relied on each other for comfort.

But funnily...their heights are a little bit different. Aliza is at the height of 5'5. But Samael...he is a 5'3. Yes, he is shorter than his childhood friend, much to his embarrassment and ire, as he really wishes to be taller. Other kids have teased him above this, as well as his hair resembling goat ears, but Aliza always stood up for him, and he cannot thank her enough for that. Sure, he is brave, but he does not want to fight back, as he is afraid of causing more trouble than being able to fix trouble.

One that unique about Aliza, though...is that her eyes can change into 3 different colors. And...both Aliza and Samael had believed it is something magical, in a way. And this was proven in an accident that happened. A man nearly tried to mug Aliza, and something unexpected happened. A piercing agonized scream was heard, and the sound of flesh and clothes being scorched was heard as well. This made Aliza and Samael traumatized at what just happened, and it made Samael and Aliza to never think about the is again. This made Samael believe that there is something wrong with him, just as much as there might be something off about her.

Samael smiled, as he than spoke out.

"I'm making breakfast right now. Do you wanna come inside and with me, Liza?"

Aliza smiled much wider, as she than spoke out.

"Sure, I would love to."

Samael then let's Aliza inside, and they both went into the living room for eating. They both are quietly, except for the crunching of toast, as Aliza spoke out.

"Heh. Still as good as it always is, Samael."

Aliza looks at Samael, who than looks at her back and smiled. He looks done at his drink...but noticed that he is blushing right now. This made her embarrassed to the point that he puts on the hood to try and hide his face. Aliza giggled at the sight, as she always likes to see how cute that Samael is acting.

But than, Samael spoke out.

"So...Aliza. Have you been thinking about that...thing we'd were talking about yesterday? About that plan of wanting to go to Mount Ebott or...something?"

Aliza sighed, as he than learned her head against the side of the couch, as she spoke out.

"Yeah. I have. And...I admit that, me going to a mysterious mountain that is said to be cursed is such a scary thought. But...I want to know what it is that has been going down there. Besides, my mother's journal talked about what is going on inside of the mountain, and I want to see it with my own eyes."

Samael sighed, as he shook his head. Last weekend, both Aliza and Samael had a discussion of the topic of Mount Ebott, of what to do if they should go there. Aliza wants to come and see what is going on inside of the mountain. But Samael was agains that. He does not believe that the rumors of the mountain are true. But what he does believe, is that it might kill her, and tries to convince her to not go there. But Aliza was stubborn and wants to go there, regardless. And Samael, even though he cannot change her mind, he can at least do one thing. If she is going to go down the mountain, he will at least go with her. After all, that is what friends do, right? They stick together. So if they are going down, than Samael at least came prepared. He manage to get a box that acts as a portable refrigerator, and another box with chips and snacks, just for the fun of it. And all of the supplies should last about a couple of months, provided that it can last them that long. But just in case for defense, he manage to get a combat knife from a Trash bin, which was abandoned for some reason, a baseball bat, which is metallic on materials, and a taser gun, which he got from some incident that is best to be talk about. And unfortunately, he only has 6 cartridges for the Taser. So he only needs to use them if he absolutely needs to, as he doesn't like getting close to anybody. He also manage to mug a Smith & Wesson from a gun store, and managed to get some ammo that will last a rather long time. He also has some weighted-knuckle gloves, just in case he needs to punch stuff.

"Well...if you are going to go to the Mountain, that don't forget that I am coming as well, okay? Besides, it is what we both do we stick together, and we do not leave each other no matter what.

Aliza smiled at Samael, and nodded her head at him.


Aliza than gets close to Samael and hugs him, which caught him by surprise. But Samael hugged back, as he wants to make Aliza feel better. After all, she did suffer a lot because of her abusive grandmother. But than, Aliza spoke out.

"But...grandmother is not going to let us leave. She will know that I am going, and she will try and stop me. What...what do I do in this situation?"

Samael smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Take this thing."

Samael hands Aliza a key, and Aliza takes it, and she examined it, as she then spoke out.

"It...it looks like the key that my grandmother used to lock my room. How did you..."

Samael spoke out.

"I saw it just a week ago, when I saw your grandmother, and held it outside. I manage to find a key that is similar to the one that she has that locked your room. So use it and you should be able to get out in no time at all."

Aliza blushed, but she smiled at Samael, before she hugged him again, but this time a little bit more tighter. She than quickly let's go, and she goes out the door. She still needs to go to school, so she'll need to be there. Luckily, Samael does not need to go to school. So he is fine. And it also gives him some time to prepare a little bit more.

Aliza's house...

"I swear, if you had met that nasty friend of yours, than you are in so much trouble, you little brat!!"

Aliza's grandmother said, as she snapped at her granddaughter, Aliza, as she than spoke back weakly.

"I-I didn't meet him! I swear! I never did!!!"

The grandmother was not convinced, as she than slapped Aliza across the face, making a red-hand print on her left cheek, as she than spoke out, harshly.

"You better have kept this word that I have given to you, young lady, because I am going to make sure of it."

She took out the key, and goes out of the door, but did not close it yet, as she has one last thing to say to Aliza.

"You will not be getting out of this door. So do not even try it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The loud slam of the door made Aliza jump, as Aliza's grandmother locked door. Aliza than hears a click, which is the sound of the door being locked. She than rubbed her cheek, in order to soothe the hurt that she had felt from her grandmother. She does not understand why she is acting the way that she is. But now, all that she wants...is to get out. And luckily, she has that. Alize pulls out her backpack, and puts as much of her stuff inside of them as she can. And luckily, she was able to sneak away some rations while Aliza's grandmother's back was turned. But the next thing that she needs to do...is to wait, until her grandmother is asleep.

So she waited...and waited...and waited...until 11:o0 struck. She than took out the key that Samael gave them her, and used it on the other lock that is in front of her, which the Grandmother uses to lock the door with her inside, just so that she can trap her granddaughter with her, and makes sure that she does not accidentally lock herself out.

Aliza was able to unlock the door, and she looks around, as she sees that the whole house is dark. Luckily, she has a flash light. And she then used it to go down. But Aliza knows that her grandmother is sleeping on the couch, waiting for light to shine on her face, just in case. So...Aliza acted sneaky, as she walked silently and stealthily as she could, and tries to avoid making sound, so the true grandmother does not notice. But as she went to the living room...in which the exit door was present, she saw that the grandmother was on the couch...sleeping...as the Television was on, and static was playing on there. Aliza had some confused look on her face, as she thought to herself.

'Am I in some sort of horror movie cliche of sorts?'

But Aliza can't think of that now. She needs to get out of here as fast as possible. Aliza than looked around, and makes sure the light does not shine on the face of her grandmother, and looks around to see a bunch of stuff scattered all over the place. She takes a deep breath, and she does all that she can to not step on them, and to not make a sound. It took her about 10 minutes to get to the other side of the room, but eventually, she made it, and she then puts on her shoes, puts the hood over her head, and puts the backpack on her. She than opens the door quickly and softly, and she than closed it, before she locked the door with the key. She than runs from that godforsaken place that she once called her home, and tries to make sure that she does not turn her back on the door. She ran and ran and ran and ran...until she made it to the park. The very same park in which she met Samael. And luckily for her, Samael is present as well, waiting for her. He has a basket in his hands, one that acts as a portable refrigerator, and the backpack is holding the stuff he has, such as the snacks, the knife, and the taser. The baseball bat is strapped on his back. Samael smiled, as he than looks at Aliza, and spoke out.

"There you are. I've been waiting for you all night. You ready to go?"

Aliza nodded, as she spoke out.

"I'm ready!!"

Samael nodded, and spoke out.

"Let's go."

Aliza and Samael than turned to the mountain, and ran for it. They ran as fast as they could, and ran and ran and ran, they did. It is as though the cold of the night, the wind was pushing them in the direction of Ebott. Like the devil is coming for their lives. But Aliza and Samael never stopped running, ever. When they reached the mountain, they climbed up, as much as they could, and needless to say...Samael and Aliza are surprised at the fact they are still going, when they should be tired. What is going on with them? Are they even humans?

But as they reached the entrance, Aliza and Samael looked down, and they looked to see that there...is only blackness.

"It all...black."

Aliza said, as Samael nodded, and he looks down at the home that he is seeing. He can only say these 4 words aloud.

"Dark...darker, and darker."

Aliza looked a little nervous at what she is seeing, and Samael had a more uneasy look present, as sweat began to drop down on both of the teenagers youthful faces. Aliza's eyes turned a cyan blue, as she looks down. took a step forward, but as she did they, she then began to feel the ground break, as yelp.



Samael shouted, as he grabbed onto her hand, not wanting to let her go, and Aliza's turned a bright yellow in the panic that she is feeling right now. But than, as the Dawn approached, and rose up, life shines, and Samael could no longer sustain the weight of wha this is carrying, and fell down.


Aliza and Samael fell down to the hole, as the light shines beneath it. And there...a diabolical, disgusting presence...is waiting for them. For the ones that it will take, and steal their bodies from.

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