Execution Hall

Samael went inside of the Royal place, hood on, as he held Aliza with his newfound strength he gained when he had killed the monsters in New Home. He felt more powerful than he ever was before in the past. Because now...he has gained it. He is now at LV 20, the limit of his power, and thanks to that, he is now able to fight against Flowey with all of his king. However, there is still some stuff that needed to be done, with first and foremost being that he puts Aliza down someplace else.

As Samael looks down, he saw that Aliza had been knocked unconscious, as Samael looks sadly at her face, which is shown that her eyes have been closed.

"Aliza...I...I don't know if you can hear me. But...I want to say...I'm sorry, for everything. Truth is...I never wanted to separate myself from you. I just wanted you to stay back at your father's place, so that we could have avoided this...and I thought that...I was protecting you, from having to get us killed by one another. But now I realize...I was just protecting myself, all for the truth. I...I don't deserve to be your friend after all this had happened. Honestly...I just wish you'd hate me instead, so that it will make things easier for the both of us."

Samael than went into a section of what seems to be similar to the Ruins, where they had than went to an area that has a tree in the middle, but the entire area is grey instead of purple. Samael kept on waking, and he walked, as he than went to an area that seems to be very familiar. He looked around, before he than saw that there is a door, and Samael went in, only to see that it resembles the same room that he had went to, except that he had to be the one to sleep in that bed before, after the beginning of their journey inside of the Underground. So...it is fitting, that it is Aliza that sleeps in it, near the end of the Underground.

Samael took a deep breath, before he walked over to the bed, and placed Aliza down, before he stroked his hand across her face, as Samael spoke out.

"Aliza...I wish that I could have done something better to help you. I'm so sorry...I broke our promise, or not hurting you."

Samael then lifted his hand up from her face, as Samael looked down to the ground...only to see something that caught his attention.. on the ground...are 2 boxes with items inside of them. And they both feel immensely powerful. Samael, feeling interested, crouched down, as he spoke out.

"I wonder what is inside of those boxes?"

Samael than opened the one that is nearest to him, as he fished his hand to see what is inside of the box.

Inside of the box, was a heart-shaped locket, a Delta Rune symbol present on the front, as Samael picked it up, and, with a strange urge, wore it around his neck. And oddly, he felt a lot more tougher than ever before, with the Locket feeling magical. He almost noticed some words on the back of it. He took a look at the back part of the locker, and he read the 3 words that are present on it.

"Best Friends Forever."

Samael than gawked his right eyebrow up, a little bit curious as to why it says that, but he does not speak anymore of this. Samael than went to look at the other box, and he crouched down, before he opened it, and he looks inside.

Inside did the other box...is a knife, but this one seems magical, due to the fact that it is glowing red, meaning that it is in the same position as the Heart Locket, in that it is magically powerful. Samael, without anymore hesitation, fished his hand into the box, and grabbed onto the handle, before he than took it out, and he observed the weapon.

Samael looked at the red glowing knife in his hands, as he observed it, before he than decided to take it with him. But as he stood up from the ground and gripped it, the Scarlet Moth appeared and spoke out.

"About time."

This made Samael look next to his shoulder, as he spoke out.

"Where in the world have you been?"

Chara than spoke out.

"I was thinking about something that I felt was really important, that is all. And besides, I had to check on the Fiend himself."

Samael rolled his eyes, as if he finds it very hard to believe, but he decides not to speak out, as he than stood up, gripping the Real Knife tightly in his hand, as Chara giggled a little bit, looking down at the locker that is hanging by Samael's neck, as she than spoke out.

"Right where it belongs."

Samael does not hear her, as Samael continues to walk forward, and goes out of the room, and he then looks to see the chains blocking the stairway. He swung the Real Knife, as the chains break, before Samael went down to the stairs, as he than enters a very strange place, after what must have been a very long time walking. As he went to the doorway...he sees a large group of White Butterflies gathered in this one spot, as Samael looks at it. Chara was a born to go and eat them, but Samael blocked her, as he than touched fit, and the surroundings began to change, as Samael went to the other side.

Standing before him, is what appears to be a risky hall, that is a rich golden color. A Save Point is present there, but this one appears to be in the form of star. Samael, he goes up to it, and presses it, as Chara's voice spoke out.

"The mysterious figure that is standing near the end of the Judgement Hall, it fills you with DETERMINATION."

Samael activated the Save point, and when that happened, he sees someone...a young human, no older than a pre-teen, possibly 11-12 years of rage, with short brown hair, and wears a blue sweater with purple lines, holding the same Knife and Locket in hand.

This made Samael confused, as the firm acting are d the SAVE Point, as he spoke out about the existence of the girl.

"Huh? Who's that?"

Than, Chara spoke out something that stunned him.

"That is Frisk, when she was young."

This made Samael's stunned, as he than looked to see Frisk walking, and Samael followed suit, as he held the Real Knife in his right hand, Frisk's Real Knife in left hand, and they kept on walking, until they reached the end of the corridor, and it is there, that they both see someone. Samael was confused at first, but then...a bright glow of yellow and blue appeared, as Samael's eyes widened at the sight that is before his eyes, and it is someone that he did not expect to see.

It is none other than Sans himself, and he looks mostly the same, except that he is shorter, just as short as the child Frisk, he is wearing slippers, and his left eye is glowing blue and yellow. And when Sans spoke out, his voice was calm, but it felt so chilling that it made Samael afraid, a voice so cold and composed, yet so soft, that it made Samael shake, due to the fact that this Sans, this old orignal version of him scares him even more than the one that he has seen before his eyes.

"heya. you've been busy, huh?...so, i've got a question for ya. do you think even the worst person can change...? that everyone can be a good person, if they just try?"

Frisk does not answer, as she steps forward, and it made Sans laugh, before speaking out.

"heh heh heh heh...all right. well, here's a better question. do you wanna have a Hungering Time?"

This made Samael stunned, as the memory suddenly was interrupted, the entire Judgment Hall began to warp and shift into the state that it is in at the current time it is now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The appearance of the Judgement Hall changed, as it now shows it's real appearance, becoming decrepit and worn down and damaged than it was in the memory, plants are all over the walls and a single-eyed-flower out on the ceiling. And the one that has interfered with the memory, is none other, than Sans himself.

Sans smiled mysteriously, opening his right eye, which is blue, before teleporting mucb closer in front of Samael, his left eye appearing and his smile becoming sinister. Samael glared, as he held the Real Knife in his hand, as Samael glared at Sans, waiting to see what he will do next. Sans than looked at Samael in the eyes, as he spoke out.

"ya know...kid...this reminds of me of when i had judged someone. someone that had done some very bad stuff, and i had to stop them. heh, how funny, that you decide to take the place of that person, and are using the very items that they had used back then, back in the previous timeline, before the RESET."

This made Samael stunned, as he spoke out.

"You...you knew about the RESET?"

Sans nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"Of course I did. I remember every time that the timeline had been switched to the position it was before, back when we had once been at the surface, only to end up in the underground again. I remember when I had died many times because of a kid possessing Frisk, only to come back to be tormented. And than...I got what I wanted, no more RESETS...but not in the way I wanted."

Sans smiled, as he raised his head, being a sinister appearance of sorts before him, as Samael stepped back, cautious of what Sans would do, as he than spoke out.

"and now...here you are...in the same position as that kid. so now...it seems fitting, that i get to fight you. how amusing is that. and to make it work...you brought Aliza with you, and you almost killed her."

Samael nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I am well aware of that fact, Sans. And in all honesty...I just wished that Aliza would hate me instead of caring for me. It would have made things much more better, even if I felt like I deserve it. I just wished that she had never had done that."

Samael looks down, being rather silent, before he than spoke out.

"Tell me, Sans, and be honest with me...do you have any regrets?"

Sans looks at Samael at his eyes, as he stared sternly at him, as he than spoke out.

"i used to feel that, i used to regret, to feel remorseful for the actions that i had done in the past, all just to keep my brother alive, before you and aliza came down to the underground. But now...i don't know what to feel anymore. i had stopped caring long ago. so...how about I ask a question of my own."

Sans than looks at Samael in the eyes, both his eyes glowing, as he than spoke out.

"What is it that motivates you into continuing to move forward?"

Samael than looks down a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"I...I don't know. I don't know why I even bother moving forward. I cannot explain it. It is like my own body is moving on its own, just to get the answers it needs to get. I can't stop, even if I wanted to. I have gone too far to turn back now."

Samael than points his knife, as Sans smiled, before speaking out.

"the real knife...i remember that one, especially from back when frisk had chara with her."

This made Samael confused, as he spoke out.

"How do you know about her?"

This made Sans smile, as he spoke out.

"what, has chara never told you of the connection between the both of us?"

Samael shook his head, as Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"It it simple. When chara had been reborn inside of frisk, she had directed frisk into coloring genocide. back then, frisk had control over the timeline that the underground is in, and thus, is able to reset everything back whenever she wants to. and chara, she had manipulated frisk into killing every single monster in the underground, even my brother, papyrus. and all of this, is before aliza is born."

This made Samael horrified, as he looked at the Scarlet Moth, as he than spoke.

"Chara...is that true?"

The Scarlet Moth did not speak, but he can tell that this is the yes to his answer. And it didn't take him long to realize what Chara would have done.

"You...you were gonna control me, so that I can commit genocide. How dare you. I know that trusting you is bad from the start."

Samael gripped his knife right, as he than looks  at Samael, before Sans than spoke out.

"kid...do you really wanna have a chance with me?"

Samael than stepped forward, he points his knife, as he than spoke out.

"There's no going back, Sans. What happened depends by your choices. You either get out of the way, or I thrust this into your soul."

This made Sans smile, before he than spoke out.

"you can try me, kid. besides, you having chara as your side, you made it all the more better reason to make sure that you will die."

Samael stepped forward, his eyes flaring dangerously, as he spoke out.

"It's about time, for the burning hour to begin."

Samael's Soul Flashed 3 times, as he is ready to battle against Sans, as he than closed his eyes.

"it is a poisoning day outside. birds are croaking, flowers are dying. on days like these, kids like you..."

Sans than made his left eye appear, the twisted Justice present in his left eye, as he than spoke out to him.

"Should be devoured in hell."

Samael felt his body lift up from the ground, before being slammed down, as he jumped, with bones appearing from the ground, his soul turning blue, before Samael than saw Sans swinging his axe, which Samael blocked with his Trident, as Sans than spoke out

"huh. i always wonder why people never use their strongest attacks first, especially when it comes to getting prey."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans held his Axe up, as Samael held his Real Knife, both getting ready to fight. Samael took a deep breath, as he checked Sans' stats, and what he saw made him shocked at what he is seeing.

"LV: 34 HP: 8

ATK: 99+ DEF: 99+

The Snowdin Sentry, he cannot avoid death forever."

Samael was shocked. Sans, he has much more LV than he has, but how is that possible?! But unfortunately for Samael, Sans doesn't give Samael the time to prepare for his attack. He ran forward, as he than appeared behind Samael, and Samael barely was able to get the spears up from the ground, as he summoned them behind him, and this is able to block the Axe, but it did still cut through and slice through the spears themselves. This made Samael jump back, as Sans smiled a twisted grin on his face, before Samael than ran forward, and swung the True Knife at Sans, only for Sans to block with his Axe. But than, Samael extended his hand, and summoned the spears from the ground, as Sans leapt up into the air, and fired sharp bones at Samael. But Samael ran fast, as he did all that he can to dodge the bones, even spinning his Trident like a buzzsaw blade in order to block the attack. But as he ran forward, suddenly, his body turned around and became still on its own, as Sans came out of nowhere to try and kick him. But Samael was able to move his arms and summoned a Trident as he is able to avoid getting kicked, but this made Samael back up and hit the wall of bones behind him, which Sans has made in order to cause as much agony to him as possible. Samael felt a lot of pain from the attack, and the most shocking part is that the bones are piercing through the defense of the Locket itself, almost like the defense of the locket is not acknowledged at all. Samael felt a lot of agony, but when he is done, he made fireballs appear beside him and launched them at Sans, who than dodged the attacks as fast as he can. But Samael is not done, as he ran forward with the True Knife, and swung the Real Knife at Sans, who blocked it with his Axe, but the Axe was still affected by the force of the impact, as Sans was pushed back by the strength of the Real Knife itself. However, due to the training he has given himself, and the nature of the weapon, the Axe is the only one that can match the Real Knife in terms of sheer damage.

As Sans is pushed back, Samael ran forward, as he summoned his Trident and swung hhis other weapon, as Sans dodged the attack, before he than launched from behind him, as Sans has also appeared, and he made a bone wall to block the attack, just in time.

Normally, that would be bad, due to how close they both are to the barrier, but like Samael, Sans has injected himself with the white liquid back at the True Lab, and thanks to that, it will not have that much of an effect on him, due to how slowed down it is.

Samael leapt up into the air, as Sans made bones appear below him, before Sans sends him down, and tries to get him pierced. But Samael launched fireballs at the bones below him, destroying the ones that give him enough room to land safely on, as Samael looked at Sans, before Sans leapt forward, and attempts to swing his Axe at Samael, only for Samael to duck down, as Sans missed him. But then, Samael grabbed Sans by the leg in midair, and swung his hand, while he also swung Sans into the air and launched him into a pillar. But Sans teleported and sends himself back into position, as he than launched a series of bones, and Samael ran away to dodge them, but than, Samael was teleported in front of Sans himself, as he tries to swing his axe. Samael barley dodged it, but the Axe did leave a cut on his chest, which hurt a lot still. He took down almost half of his HP, like at 155 HP to 300. This made Samael shocked, as he did not expect for that to happen, but as that happened, Sans leapt forward, and attempted to grab Samael by the neck, only for Samael to dodge the attack. He than summoned spears between himself in order to pierce Sans, but Sans dodged the attack, as Samael than launched Tridents from above. But Sans ran fast, and needless to say, he ran at inhuman speeds, he almost looked like a blue blur when that happened. Samael than made a wall of flames appear behind him, but Sans sliced through the wall, as he attempted to decapitate Samael, only for Samael to dodge, as Sans missed him yet again. But Samael grabbed Sans' arm and yanked him back down, allowing him to hit the ground, as Samael punched Sans at the right side of the head, through not to the point of breaking it. Only to the point of hurting him. This made Sans touch his face, and it made Sans angry, as he launched himself at Samael, and tries to claw Samael at his face, but Samael used his own claw, the left one, as both claws attacked each other, though did not actually hurt the other.

Samael looked at Sans, as he spoke out.

'This guy is a nightmare, I can't hurt him!! He always gets out of the way!!'

As Samael looks behind himself, he saw that Sans is behind him now, and he swung his axe, with Samael barely being able to dodge the attack, but he still got hit, even though it is a slight graze. And now, thanks to that slight graze, he is now at 99 HP. Samael looked at Sans, as he than launched Samael into the air, before slamming Samael onto a wall, only for Samael to land on the wall, as he than pierced the wall itself, and Samael dodged the attack, before Samael jumped up into the air, and the bones appeared from below him. He even was able to dodge the bones above him when he went close to the ceiling during his jumping, but Sans than leapt up into the air, and tries to decapitate Samael in midair, but Samael than swung the Real Knife against the Axe, as both Knife and Axe clashed and grind against each other, as metal sparked on both sides.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Samael was launched backwards, as he is struggling to hold his ground against Sans, who is clearly leagues above him. As Samael snarled a little bit, Sans kicked Samael in the stomach, and launched him into a wall, and it made Samael a little bit hurt, but it did not really take down his HP in a way. Samael than stood up, as he looked at Sans, who is using his blue magic to spin his Axe like a buzzsaw, similar to how Samael did it. This made Samael realize what is about to come next, as he than summoned his Trident and did the same, as Sans leapt forward, and tried to decapitate Samael, but Samael did the same thing and struck the Spinning Trident against the Spinning Axe, as Samael and Sans are launched back by the power of the attacks. Sans narrowed his eyes, due to the fact that Sans, in his opinion, he is by far the toughest and strongest opponent yet, and is even stronger than him. Sans has observes and seen what Samael can do, and Sans, he has fought against Aliza, who did the same stuff that Sans had done, except that Sans is stronger, much more dangerous, and unlike Aliza, he is far more willing to kill him than Aliza ever can.

Samael than landed onto the ground safely, as he held onto it, as Samael than launched fireballs at Sans, in order to try and attack him with it, but Sans launched Sharp Bones at Samael, as they countered the fireballs, with one of them hitting the large eyeball on the ceiling, destroying it , as Samael looked at Sans, his fist clenched, as he felt immense fear at the sight of Sans, due to how immensely ruthless he is.

"what's the matter, kid? are you losing your ground?"

Samael than shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Nah, just a little sweaty."

Samael than ran forward, as he than launched Spears at Sans, surrounding them in their position, as Sans jumped up into the air, and landed onto the ground safely, but Samael suddenly appeared behind Sans and swung his Real Knife, and this made Samael struggle against Sans' immense strength, before Sans than punched Samael in the head, and he hurts like hell, as Samael was launched into a wall, and he crashed into it. While this did not take our HP, it did made Samael hurt enough to the  point that he cannot continue fighting anymore longer. Samael tried to stand up, but he fell to the ground again, as the Scarlet Moth came forward, and looked at Samael, all while Sans spoke out.

"heh...you're good, buddy. but in the end...you lose and become food for me and paps. don't worry. aliza won't know what will happen to you."

Samael tried to move...but he just can't, as the Scarlet Moth looked at Samael...before deciding to go onto Samael's mouth, as Samael's eyes began to glow a blood red color.

"goodbye, kid."

Sans than raised his axe into the air, and swung it down at Samael, but then, something unexpected happen. Samael swung his Trie Knife, and gained newfound monstrous strength, Sans was caught by surprise, until Samael kicked Sans hard in the stomach area, sending him back, before Samael stood back up, as Sans looked at Samael, and he then spoke out to him.

"what the...how did you do that, kid?! how did you get back up from that?!"

But than, when Samael spoke, his voice is mixed with another voice that is too familiar to Sans, one that he never thought that he would hear again in so long.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! Samael is now on break, Sansy."

The nickname made it all to obvious. Sans right eye and mouth changed into an expression of pure horror, as he realized who it is that has decided to speak to him.

"no, it can't be!!"

The figure smiled sinisterly, as he raised his Real Knife and points it at Sans, as the voice, now identified as a female child, spoke out to him.

"We've reunite once again, Sansy. It's me...


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