End for the Wild

Many events...countless events have passed, since the events of the Hunger, since the Glitch, since Flowey has messed up all of space-time, and infected the monsters into his madness. But where to even begin, especially with what happen with Samael and Aliza, both of whom are able to finally put a stop to it with the aid of those that they were able to gain help in.

A week after the monsters have been freed, many of the monsters...they all remembered, they had regained their senses, and all of them...they were horrified at what they had done. Horrified at what became of them. And because of this...they have been filled with regret and shame, due to all that has happened. The children, the spawn that had been killed years back, they revived, although in a bit more mature bodies, between 13-18 years of age. The grief was far too much to handle, the despair and agony, they all felt towards what they had done, they cannot stand what they had brought upon themselves. Thankfully, Samael and Aliza, they both spoke out to the monsters, and comforted them, before telling them that the barrier is now broken permanently, and even though they had done bad things, it is not by their choice, as they were consumed by the infection, and are able to reason with many monsters. Alphys, revived thanks to Samael, and reunited with Undyne, who has sense apologized and forgiven Sans, and reignited her lost friendship with Papyrus, was able to help out with this. Samael, speaking with Alphys, decides to try and find an area where they can make a new town, and incorporate what remains of he technology of said town near the mountain. But Samael will not do it next to the human city, due to the fact that the humans will easily spot them, and will not easily accept them, not to mention the fact that the Humans' tensions are now high with the other continents, as he had seen in the Laptop that he stole, and the fact that the CORE is unstable, and the explosion could accidentally destroy the village. So they did it that is far from the core, and far from the human cities, where no one will spot them, and began to construct a village, incorporating magic and technology to make it big enough for the monsters to live in, or at least, the ones that want to come along. Only 1.5% of the Monsters, or 95,000 of them, if Samael calculated correctly, decided to leave, and this includes Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, and Napatablook, who has reunited with his cousin, and is happy to see him again, even if his teeth-looking mouths made it look like a creepy double smile.

Thankfully, Sans is able to aid in the construction of the Village, as his intelligence has returned, due to the Hunger being purged from his systems, and with Samael request, made a dome to protect it in case the Core exploded and tries to hit it. The monsters that have been less mutated, the monsters that still kept their children nor were still children by lived, or children resurrected, such as Fuku Fire and Monster Kid, they came to the village, and began to live there. And Frisk, returned as a ghost, helped Aliza and Samael with everything that they have and prepared for the village, and both Samael and Aliza, they went into the human city, the city that they had one lived in, and stole some of the technology when it is nighttime, and the stores are closed. Not the greatest thing that they want to do, and they dislike it, but they know that it is necessary, since the Monsters are in need of aid. Samael even had to take out the cameras without getting spotted, and Aliza would use her teleportation and blue magic to steal them, which hopefully would aid them. And just for fun, but thankfully didn't steal, they bought some anime series, because Alphys wants them.

But during a morning walk, Aliza's Grandmother, who somehow still remembers her, tried to force her granddaughter back into her life, with no hint of remorse of the pain that she caused. Thankfully, Samael was here, and attacked her, punching her repeatedly, but Sans decide to finish the job. Aliza's grandmother was horrified to see a skeleton, but Sans revealed that she is Frisk's husband and Aliza's father, and she will pay for hurting his kid. He axed the grandmother, but did it slowly so that she can suffer before she dies. Frisk, Samael, and Aliza don't like it, but...she deserved it.

Samael and Aliza continued, such as Samael stealing food and seeds for fruits, vegetables, and wheat, Aliza going into Mount Ebott and bring back the remaining books that are still intact, all of which are about the history of Monsterkind. Samael and Aliza even wrote their own story about the hunger, where it came from, and how they fought against it, so they Monsterkind can remember this. Soon, the village began to turn into a town, and the town began to populate more and more with monsters, due to the fact that they get to now make more spawns then before.

It took months, but the town was complete, and thankfully, it was hidden from the Human City. And as said before, most of the monsters stayed in that city. But as for the remaining monsters, the 0.5% that are not coming up to the surface, they felt so guilty with what they had done that they believe that they should stay in the Underground. But some, such as Muffet, cannot enter the Surface, due to their mutations preventing them, such as Muffet being bloated from constantly eating and having gained mass and fat. But Samael always visits her, in order to make sure she is not alone, despite the fact that he is afraid of spiders. And finally, after a few months, Frisk, after spending enough time with Sans and Aliza, as well as Samael and Papyrus, said one last goodbye to them, making sure that Sans is okay with it, and Frisk finally answered the call of the cycle, as she enters it, finally free to rest. Aliza even has her soul trait picked, which is of the soul trait of Justice. And around what must have been 3 years, Samael and Aliza turned 18, or 19, in Aliza case, and it is here that some future children of monsters appeared.

Undyne and Alphys gained a Daughter named Nymph, who has inherited her mother's Determination, Green Magic, and Spears, as well as Alphys' electricity, Yellow Magic, and her intellect. She has also inherited the love of anime, which she watches with her parents, and it is a very happy family moment for the 3 of them. Undyne and Alphys even tried to be great parents, even if they are not the best ones. When hanging out with her parents, she would watch and even practice her ability to fight, or she would invent some new machinery, such as what Alphys can also do. She was born at the beginning of the 1st year.

Muffet, also gained a child, named Kumo, from another Spider Monster, who is similar in appearance, except for being a male, and the fact that he was not as mutated as Muffet, for he had been inside of the Home city in the Ruins. And unfortunately, as Muffet is way to huge and, bluntly, fat, to properly care for Kumo, the male spider decides to take the place of proper parenting to help him. But Muffet was able see that Kumo has inherited her purple magic and webbing, so if he were to ever grow up, she'll teach him that. The same male spider was also introduced to her by Samael, he found him and lead him to Muffet, although he did talk about what happened to her, he decided to meet her, and they both fell in love with each other to make him. He appeared in the middle of the second year.

Lastly, Papyrus and Mettaton, who had regained his senses, are able to make their own child, as well as Aliza's cousins, named Impact, a hybrid monster of a skeleton and a ghost, as well as Aliza's cousin. He is as fashionable-loving and dramatic as Mettaton, but he is also as eccentric, bombastic, and friendly as Papyrus. He had Papyrus' bones and Blue Magic, but he also has Mettaton's Bombs. But he has his own unique ability, where he can exit out of his own body and turn into a ghost form similar to Mettaton.

And needless to say, it did freak Impact out when he did this, although Mettaton was able to help him, even if his glitchy voice made him difficult to instruct Impact on how to go back within the body he was inside. Like Nymph, he was born at the beginning of the first year.

As for Sans and Aliza, when at the age of 16, Aliza possibility being 17 at that time, during the middle of aiding the Monsters in their home, mange to preform procreation of their own alone, the night being one of pleasure that they will never forget, no matter how long it is for them both. And it is here that they made 2 children of their own, at teenage years. Of course, both of them has a Rainbow Soul that they inherited from Samael. One of them, the youngest, inherited the Rainbow Fire, Trident, Plants, and Spear, as well as the Shocker Breaker, Star Blazing, and he also inherited the Chaos Buster, and the Chaos Binder. And the other child, the eldest, he has bone attacks, blue magic, Gaster Hands, Manipulate his own personal reality, a pair of swords called the Gaster Slicer, which are his own pair of weapons that he uses, but made of the same martial of the Chaos Striker, and has both the Gaster Blaster and the Hyper Goner. But both children did inherit the ability to teleport. And Sans, he is simply very happy to see his grandchildren, even if Frisk is not there to see them. And needless to say...it was a very happy life for all of them...but the happy life did not last.

The Humans have began a war against each other, and began to attack and fire at each other, some of them began to attack the monster's village and Mount Ebott without knowing what they are attacking. Because of this, and realizing that the Core has not been repaired and shut down, Alphys and Undyne decide to leave, go back to Mount Ebott to try and stop it. Samael and Aliza, however, began to fight and defend against the town. And this is because of the fact that some humans manage to find Monsterkind, and out if belief that they are freaks, invaded the Village to try and kill them.

But Aliza and Samael fought against the soldiers during the war, in order to protect the remaining monsters that are still alive. They do not like that they are attacking and killing people, but...after all the hard work that they put through, they refuse to let them die, especially since they had just began to recover from all that has happened to them ever since Flowey and the Hunger.

However, Samael also realized that there are still children inside of Mount Ebott, it more specially, the child that Muffet has. He tells Aliza to try and find if there are kids inside of Mount Ebott, take Sans along with her, and also to bring him to Muffet last. Aliza agreed, but only if there are others going to defend the town. Some of the stronger monsters agreed and kept guard at it, as Sans, Aliza, and Samael went to work, as they got as mamas children and some families out as they can, although most of the families wish to stay behind. And unfortunate, Muffet is one of such people. She and her husband can't leave, due to Muffet's size, unable to allow her to go and leave. He offers to take them with Sans and Aliza, but they refused, but claims that they can take their son, as they know that they cannot leave, due to Muffet. Samael felt saddened, but Muffet comforted him, and tells him to please take care of their son. Samael, although in tears, agreed, as he took their son and Aliza and Sans left, after getting as much of the children out, and when they left back ti the village, which is currently protected by the monsters that Samael and Aliza brought them to, Samael, thinking that this war is going to cause the core to detonate, told Sans to activate the force field, and Sans did, as he activated it, and a dome surrounded the entire town, protecting it from the humans outside. Sure enough...a missile fired at the Mountain without warning, the same missile that is going to the core, and all it took...was a slight nudge, to detonate.

Mount Ebott than exploded from the Core and the bomb, and it destroyed most of the Mountain, as well as the many remaining monsters that stayed inside of the Underground. But luckily, the town that the monsters resides in are still safe, due to the fact that Alphys, by Samael's request, and with the help of Sans, who regained his lost intelligence, made a forcefield to protect the entire village. And the explosion was so immense it leaked magical radiation unlike anyone had ever seen before, destroying even the city below the mountain itself. The monsters are in fear, as Samael and Aliza held onto their kids tight, along with Kumo in Samael's arms, and Sans hugged Aliza and Sans together, as the entire town shook from the mountain-sized explosion. And the same explosion also took out the human invaders, that are still trying to break into the shield, only to get incinerated by the heat and power of the magical nuclear explosion of the core. Samael and Aliza stayed inside of the house, with Papyrus and Mettaton holding onto Impact and Nymph, who Papyrus became in uncle figure to. And then...it stopped. Samael and Aliza...and the others, went outside, and they looked to see what had became of the world, and needless to say, to say that they are in utter sadness is an understatement. The entire area was in ruins, the city was now destroyed, and the bodies of human corpses present, and the most damaging part of the area, is the mountain, as it has been almost completely destroyed, but totally destroyed the entire area of the Underground.

And thus...what remained of the Monsters inside of the Underground, perished, and the other remaining monsters, stayed inside of the town, protected by the same forcefield that Alphys has made, mourned for the loss of those that went inside to try and saved those trapped inside, Alphys and Undyne, as well as mourn for those that decided to stay in the village, as some of their friends were still inside the mountain. Sans and Papyrus are horrified at the sight that was before them. Even they cannot help but feel agonized at the fact that some of their friends, Undyne, Alphys, and some others, had been gone. Even Samael was saddened, for Muffet had perished. After all, it is he that helped Muffet find her soulmate, and the one that gave them the child, and now...now he is entrusted with the child, the last remaining member of their magical bloodline. And it is not just Kumo. Nymph also had to be taken care of, and the grief of the parents dead became immense for her. Luckily, Sans, Samael, Aliza, Papyrus, and Mettaton, they were there to comfort their friends' only spawn.

But even so...they pushed on...and after 50 decades, Sans, Papyrus, and Mettaton, all 3 had passed away, the family and the children get to say goodbye to them, as they joined in the cycle. Monster kid had also passed away, but left behind his son with his mate, in which she took care of, Fuku died and had a spawn, that her husband took care of, and one of the children that Samael and Aliza had, the youngest spawn, who is named Gabriel, he went out to try and gain a better understanding of the world around him, while the eldest, who is named Loki, stayed, as he does all the the can to keep the entire village inside of this area as safe as possible. Nymph is also there, constantly improving in the technology, in order to defend the village easily, and keep the last remaining monsters alive. Kumo is able to hold his restaurant open, with his Mother's Spiders helping them, and Papyron began to follow in his parents footsteps and became famous, in order to entertain the monsters. Entrusting their children, as well as the children of future generations, Aliza and Samael leave, as they explore the world in order to gain knowledge and wisdom that is existing.

Ever since that day, the world had changed, the last remaining monsters growing and trying to thrive, humans at the brink, and the few animals that survived were becoming horribly mutated by the radiation that plagued many areas.

But even after all of that, the world was still spinning, and in time, life would bloom anew in these wastelands. It would be decades, upwards to over even centuries before humanity would begin to claw back. People scavenging the husk of cities and towns for old, damaged tech. New societies forming, new cultures, beliefs. And during all of this...a new discovery was made.

Aliza and Samael has now grown into a different person, 450 years later, after the Underground Infection. Now being titled the Oracle and the Prophet, their appearance change and their monster selves showing, they had both, unbeknownst to them, given birth, a creation, to a new generation of Monsters, one that is unlike ever seen nor known to host it before in the world of Monsterkind. These monsters have magic far beyond unlike any other, as well as a lifespan that is as the same as a Boss Monsters, and much more stronger than the original ones.

These new monsters...born from their youngest son, Gabriel, became far different, far more unique. Their magic much more powerful, the lifespan of the monsters far more longer than the original ones, but they are also much more violent and more ruthless than the original monsters of old. Despite this, they recognized Samael and Aliza as their saviors and their parents, as they are the ones that lead to the birth of the new monsters through their son. And Gabriel...he even gained children of his own. He lead his parents to his tribe, where they are residing in. And when the grandchildren met their grandparents, met Aliza and Samael, they are both happy to see them.

Their names are Kar'an and Tris'ket. Kar'an is the elder brother with the brown fur, and Tris'ket is the one with the white fur, like a Boss Monster, but unlike a Boss Monster, they have tails that are akin to that of lions, and their hands and feet look very similar to those of humans, except that they have sharp nails.

Both Aliza and Samael know what they are...however...they are the reborn version of Frisk and Chara, after they went into the cycle, and came back to life. New beings, but the essences of their soul, their minds, they have not changed mostly. They even met the ones that took care of them while they are not here for them.

The entity is known as Alderhorn, and is the one that maintained a peace pact between the remaining humans and the monsters. When he met them, he thanked them for giving monsters a new chance and for keeping the remaining members of the original monsters alive. Samael even took a chance to meet the surrogate older brother of his grandchildren. His name is Azrael.

And from the way he is...Samael believes him to be the reincarnation of Asriel, the Goat prince and the son of Asgore and Toriel.

Of course, Samael does not approve of the fact that they kill humans and use them as decorations, but Samael, even so, does still try to lead them into the right path, along with Aliza. But of course, Samael and Aliza do all that they can to keep their mysterious nature, and are given the name of, the Mother and Father of monsters, due to the fact that they are responsible for the birth of the new race of monsters. They are forever lionized, as the saviors of Monsterkind, and the bringing of a new generation of monsters.


Next to the destroyed Mount Ebott, the monsters of the Town, which Samael had called, Ganzir, is surrounded by a blue dome, and the monsters there, they have lived in piece inside of this apocalyptic wasteland, although the radiation is gone, they refuse to leave, due to not wanting to be killed by the humans that remain outside.

Inside, the Monsters of old had done their everyday lives, they hang out with families, enjoyed anime and cartoons, and even watched Impact's Showgame.

"Hello, all of Monsterkind, we will be playing a grand quiz today!!!"

Impact is shown to make dramatic poses, as he then spoke out.

"So step right up people, because it is about to get time we are at the finals!!!"

Inside of the middle of the town, there is a pub called Burning Arachnids, and the people inside, Kumo and his buddy, Agni, the son of Fuku Fire and grandson of Grillby's, are both seen delivering food.

"Agni, we got some customers that want some hamburgers."

Agni, son of Fuku, smiled, as he spoke out.

"Coming right up, Kumo."

Agni than was able to make the hamburgers, and he brought them to the monsters that are hungry, as he than spoke out.

"Enjoy the meal, folks."

And at the middle of the town, is the control center, which is the one that made the dome appear all the time, due to the machine that Alphys has made, and the improvements that she has made. And now...in the control center, Nymph is shown to use her electricity to burn metal parts in order to make new components and improve the machine, as Loki appeared. He has brown, like Aliza's, but also has his red eyes. He has a muscular build, skeletal hands, and horns on top of his head, and wears black clothing, with a grey shirt and black pants, as well as a dark blue jacket, as he than spoke out.

"Heya, Nymph. How's the machine going?"

Nymph looks at the machine, and spoke out.

"Well...it's doing well. The machine is going on for as long as it can, and now, I am trying to see if I can improve it."

Loki nodded, as his eyes changedstares intently at the machine, the as red as Samael's, as he then spoke out to her.

"Well...good luck with that, and be careful. After all, Alphys, your mother, did spend all that she can to make this and keep what remains of us safe."

Nymph sighed, and she spoke out.

"I know, and I'll try my best to be careful. You always speak about this."

Loki sighed.

"I know...but I...I just want to keep what remains of us safe. I'm worried that what we'll do...will make our parents efforts for nothing."

Nymph than spoke out.

"Do not worry, Loki. I can deal with this."

Loki nodded, as he turns away and goes out to look at the surveillance cameras, as he looked at the most important parts of the town, and he than spoke out.

"Mom, Dad...wherever you are...just know that I love you both. You're the greatest protector and heroes that this town has. You're...my hero. Hopefully...you can come back again...just as you both did a month ago."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Elsewhere, in what appears to be a forest, the sound of birds chirping is heard, as a butterfly came down and landed onto a white claw. The white claw is in the form of a man that is wearing a black coat that appears to be gothic in appearance, a pair of horns on top of his head, the right one having been repaired by his new soul, wears brown leather pants, bandages on his arms and legs, black boots, and has red eyes. His hair being white, and his face shows that he is somewhere in his mid or late 40s.

This is none other then Samael himself, who is now looking at the current state of the world, and seeing that some semblance of its original beauty had came back. Samael smiled, as he looks around, and a female voice spoke out.

"Hey, Grandpa. We're back!!l

"And luckily, she is in one piece."

A make voice also spoke out. Samael turned, as he sees 3 living creatures coming. One of them is a large wolf, the other is a goat monster, one that Samel recognizes, and the other is a tanned male with a right blue eye and a Hazel left eye, wearing a black coat and cream-colored sweater.

Samael's granddaughter, Tris'ket, is shown to have her arms and legs around a human that appears to be 30 years old, named Sam, who is with his dog, Buddy. As Samael noticed, these 2 are the reincarnation of Aliza's father, Sans and Papyrus. Somehow, even when they are no longer blood-brothers, not even time and death can separate them, and even the love between a human and monster can still continue, as if their souls are bound to their fates with both monsters and human together in the form of these 2 people. Samael rolls his eyes, and he smiled a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"You better not leave her in the pond like last time, Sam. If not, I'm burning you alive."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sam smiled, because he knows that Samael is joking, and Buddy barks a little bit, as Tris'ket spoke out.

"Boo, grandpa! You're no fun!"

Samael smiled and spoke out.

"I am fun. This is just my way of expressing it."

Tris'ket stuck her tongue out, and Samael does the same, both playfully, as Samael sighed, and then, a hand touches his shoulder, the fingers being white and skeletal with claws of their own, as Samael turns to see who it is.

It is none other than Aliza, his beloved, as Samael smiled and snickered a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"Being your usual trickster self again, aren't you, Liza?"

Aliza smiled, as she than spoke.

"Well, you know of me, Sammy. Besides, I never stopped doing that, even now."

Samael nodded, as he sat down, and Aliza does the same, both next to each other. They both stared beyond, looking at the scenery before them, as Tris'ket and Sam have some fun, with Buddy also having his own form of fun, and Samael spoke out.

"Still...this is just...amazing."

Aliza looked at Samael, and spoke out.

"What is?"

Samael than looks up at the sky, and he then spoke out to her.

"So much has happened and so much has passed. First, we went through harsh childhoods, then we went to the underground, and met your monster dad, Sans...who is now Sam. And your uncle, who is now a wolf...

Aliza snickered a little, as Samael continued.

"And then, we defeat Flowey's and freed the monsters from the Underground, then Frisk passes on and becomes your granddaughter, the nuclear war...and now...this."

Samael finished, as he spread his arms, before lowering them and speaking out.

"It is so weird...that so much has happened over these past few centuries, and yet, we still remember and live through them, through so much hardships and suffering. And now...we have an extended family."

Aliza than touched Samael's hand, and Samael looked down, as he sees what she is doing, before tightening his hand and squeeze her hand a little bit, as Aliza then spoke out.

"Indeed...and yet...we endured through the end, through sheer determination and will, and your desire to pick those up that cannot stand. You helped them, my dad, uncle Papyrus, even freed the ones that have tried to kill you. You pitied them, and that pity is the one that gave you the strength to continue moving, all so that I can be alive."

Samael looks and spoke out.

"Yeah, I guess."

Aliza than used her other hand to turn Samael's face, while also slightly caressing it, as Aliza went in front of Samael's eyes, and Samael smiled, as Aliza then spoke out.

"Besides...I never missed having you at my side, no matter how far or how much time there is."

Samael nodded, and smiled, as Aliza and Samael learned to each other and kissed once more. Even after a few centuries of struggle and hardships, even after all that they had gone through, Samael and Aliza never lost their love. They are always together, no matter what. After separating, Aliza spoke out.

"I love you, Samael...with every fiber of my soul."

Samael nodded, as he also spoke out.

"I love you too, Aliza. I'll do whatever it takes to give you the happiness you deserve."

Aliza and Samael looked at each other...until a metal thud was heard. Both looked up...before they are suddenly doused on water.

"Hah, for you grandma, grandpa!!"

Samael shook his head and sees that Tris'ket had noticed her now out, and made an arrow of energy. Samael blinked a little bit, before a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Oh...it's on, you little rascal. C'mere."

He than ran up to Tris'ket, as the granddaughter than began to run away, and Samael chased after her, planning on giving her some tickle torture when he gets his hands on her. Aliza than shook her head and smiled.

"And yet...even after so long...somethings never change."

She looks up at the sky, and spoke out.

"Perhaps it is best to keep some parts of ourselves, so we can have some memory of who he once were."

Aliza smiled, as she closed her eyes, as she hears the blow of the wind behind her, the current of a river from far away, and Aliza felt happy, as she appreciates the life that she has, as she continues to keep on living so that Samael is happy, so that she is happy. And it seems that...no matter how much of a struggle life can be...it does not mean that people will fall down. No...for when they struggle...they rise back...stronger. And all the more wiser than ever before.

Even if Samael and Aliza die...their love will never be separated, for they will be back together again, even when they become much more differ beings, their love transcends all of life, death, and time itself.

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