Drowning Falls
Samael...he went through the corridor that leads to the Waterfalls. He has no idea what awaits him from the other side, and it is really making him scared. He has seen only one monster, a ghost in the so-called Ruins, and few monsters in Snowdin, with one of them now trying hunt him down along with Aliza, who is now infected, just how many monsters exist inside of the Waterfalls, and what will they do to him if they were to ever see him?
Samael kept on waking...and as he did...he felt something...wrong. He looks around...but sees no one.
"Damn it. It is all so dark. I need to bring out my flashlight."
He than bends over, and takes out a flashlight from his backpack, before he than stood up...and he than switched it on.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The flashlight shines to life, as though this is the very very first time that someone has ever turned it on. He has no idea what it is that is happening...until he looked down...and he jumped. What he saw was a bunch of bones, and his feet was under some of the tainted meat that is on the ground.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He looks around...but than...he heard sounds of movement coming from somewhere.
"Quick. Hide behind that sentry station, and turn off that flashlight of yours."
Chara said, as Samael looked and saw the Sentry Station. Without hesitation, he rushed and jumped to the other side of the Sentry Station, and crouched down behind it, as he peaked up, and tries to see what it is that is scampering from the other side. He looks...and his eyes could barley make out some figures that are moving. But he can hear it, the sound of meat being munched and chomped on and torn by the sounds of razor sharp teeth. It is...disgusting. As he squinted, he could see their shapes...and they look...bipedal in appearance. But their mouths...they are sharp, despite the fact that they are wearing blue T-Shirts, as well as black hair with what seems to be 2 pairs of ears. One at the top part of the head that is triangular like a cat, and the other pair of droopy long ears that is shaped like that of a dog. And yet...the one thing that is scary is the fact that they have extremely sharp teeth. They than began to speak.
"MEet, S0 Gud!!"
Despite the fact that they are speaking a funny form of broken English, and the fact that they have high-pitch voices, they still sound so creepy, due to the menacing, feral tone that they have.
"Temmie wul find mur to goble eep!"
"Yis, Tem shul!"
The 2 creature than began to scamper off somewhere, as Samael than began to crawl out of the Sentry Station. So those monsters are simply referred to as, Temmies. Very funny name, if it wasn't for the fact that those thing are trying to kill him, as well as trying to eat him like he is nothing more than tonight's dinner special. Samael put a hand on his forehead, as he sighed very, very quietly.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He than looked around, and there...he saw bright light. He squints a little bit again, as he than began to go to the strange light that has been there in the end of the corridor. He walks through the corridor, and began to go into the strange light that is before his very eyes.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He can hear a loud sound or rushing water...as he than began to go to the other side of the tunnel. He continues to go forward...until he finally goes to the other side. And there...he saw a wide open area of the Waterfalls. And it was a saddening sight.
There are many bones and glowing flowers, and...the flowering flowers are...speaking?
"Huh? What is it saying?"
Samael said, as he than began to approach one of the strange flower that is sitting in the middle of the ground. But as he continued forward...he than heard a bunch of scampering footsteps coming from a direction. This made Samael frightened...as there is nowhere to hide. So he does what he can and stands in a place that is as dark as it can be. He jumped back...and blended in the dark...as the monsters came out of the shadows themselves...and it was revealed to be a Temmie. And needless to say, she the light was shown onto it...Samael was lightly revolted at what he is seeing before his very eyes.
True to Samael's vision...it resembles what seems to be a dog of sorts, with some cat ears above on top of its head. There is blood coming out from its mouth, as well as blood all over its body. And it has a crazed look of hunger in its eyes. Samael...feeling himself being drawn to it, unknowingly began to walk closer...before he realized what he was doing...and stopped himself. The monster than turned to his direction...and the problem...is that he is now exposed to the light. Samael froze...as he felt scared at the fact that the monster is facing him. But than...or began to look around...as if it didn't see him...as if it is...completely blind. It is however, sniffing, one of its ears twitching a little bit, meaning that it is trying to use sound and smell in order to try and sense where he is. But it seem that his time in Snowdin, and the fact that the food that he has does is inside of the basket, which prevents smell...means that the Temmie cannot sense where he is. The Temmie than looked at the flower...and began to walk up to it...out of curiosity...and than...once it got close enough...a trap had suddenly been triggered. Root erupted from the ground, and ensnared the Temmie, which began ti struggle in its right grip, before it than began to use the roots to burrow deep into the Temmie...before ie than sucked the Temmie dry of all blood. This made Samael horrified, as he puts a hand over his mouth, looking shocked at what he has seen before his very eyes. Than, Chara spoke out to Samael.
"Of course...you could see how bad this has gotten...and this is just a fraction of what Waterfalls' horrors are. The real horror...is that the thing that started it all...it is here...wandering around, ready to consume the monsters in order to preserve its form.
Samael looked horrified...as he than spoke out.
"Wh-Where is it?"
Chara than spoke out.
"I don't know...but you need to sense him in order to know that he is here."
Samael looked around...as rushing water fills the air around him. He looks around...before he closed his eyes...and began to walk up in a random direction. He is not sure of where he is going...but what he does know is that he cannot let himself be distracted by the sound this easily and that he needs to keep on looking for answers as to what is happening. But as Samael looked around...he than saw something. A bunch of white butterflies. Like the ones that they had seen in Snowdin. Samael sighed. He knows what he has to do. He goes up to it...he walks close to it...and than...he raised his hand...as he touched it. He than felt something in his mind. A memory, playing. Samael looked around...as he sees that he is in a middle of a fight. There are monsters in the Waterfalls, as they are attacking with swords and spears, and Samael looked up, and saw that there is a large monstrosity, made of plants with a T.V Screen, showing a sickening smiling face? With red eyes and green irises. It also has pipes surprising the screen, resembling pedal flowers, as it the spoke out.
It than raised its hand up into the air, before slamming it down onto one of the Royal Guards, with the problem in that Samael is next to said guard. Luckily, the memory enraged before Samael could be squashed like a bug. Samael shook his head, as he looked very confused, but also concerned.
"What the...that giant plant monster...was that...that thing must have been the reason that this all happened."
Samael looked up...as he than began to walk up more into the Waterfalls. He has no idea what he is doing...but he is not going to stand around and let himself get eaten by the hunger-infected Monsters.
With Aliza...
Aliza is sitting inside of Sans' room...feeling very upset with the fact that she lost her childhood friend, and all because of the fact that she has lost control of herself, when she had gotten taken over by the Hunger. She had her head down, as the hood was over her head. But as that happened...Ruby...the Butterfly began to glow, at the exact same time that Samael had touched the white butterflies in the Waterfalls. Aliza noticed, as Sans came into the room.
"you feeling better, precious?"
Aliza looks up at her father, as she shook her head.
"No...I'm not. But...Ruby seems to be stronger, and she is glowing brighter than ever before."
Sans looks...as he also noticed that Ruby is much more stronger than ever before. Ruby...than began to fly...before it than touched Aliza's palm...and just like with Samael...she saw that vision...which made Aliza jump at the end. Sans was alarmed, and raised his axe to attack Ruby...when Aliza spoke out.
"Wait, Dad. Ruby didn't do anything bad to me! She was just...trying to show me something!"
This made Sans stop...and he looked at Aliza with a confused look on his face.
"Showing you something? Like what. A memory of sorts, like it did back in that forest?"
Aliza nodded, as she than spoke out.
"Yeah. It was showing me something...a fight, in a place with a lot of waterfalls and glowing flowers. And it looks like monsters were batting some giant plant monster of sorts."
This alarmed Sans...as he than spoke out.
"Than Samael is in the Waterfalls. And that is not good. That Plant Monster that you had seen in that memory...he is still inside of the Waterfalls...and if Samael gets caught and gets eaten..."
Aliza didn't need to wait for another word, as she than spoke out.
"Well...do we teleport there, Daddy?"
Sans nodded, his facial expression is that of fright, but also determination.
"Yeah. We are not waiting for the Riverperson, nor are we gonna make a deal with them. But first, I need to tell Papyrus that we are gonna be gone for a little bit."
Sans then began to go downstairs, as he than began to talk with Papyrus.
Aliza, though, looks down at her bracelet, a gift from her mother's, who he had not known in her entire life, as she sees a reflection of Samael's eye, before she than seems her own eye's reflection. Her eyes turned red, as she felt fear. Not for her own life, no, but for the life of her childhood friend.
"Samael...please be okay me and daddy, we will bring you back, alive."
Than...Aliza felt a black tear beginning to leak out of her eyes...as she than grabbed onto a bag of chips, and ate it, in order to hold back the Hunger. She just hopes that she can last long enough to go and reconcile with Samael. Her eyes turned yellow, as she than stood up, and go down to her father.
With Samael...
"Well, at least things could have gone better for me, because now I'm by myself, with no one to help."
Samael was sitting down on the ground, as he is standing in front of a fireplace that he has made.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He had managed to get out some dry sticks, which he brought along in the journey, and is now using it to try and heat himself up. He luckily brought a lighter with him. After all, the Waterfalls, just like Snowdin, is very cold. But unlike Snowdin...there are no houses. And instead...there is simply just many glowing flowers that keep on whispering some stuff. And Samael was rather hungry, because he had been running away from the skeleton brothers and Aliza, man he deeply is saddened by what has happened to her.
But he cannot think about that, as he is now cooking some eggs with a rock that is enough for 2 of them to be used.
Because the basket that he brought with him is the one with the Frozen food, in which he gave Aliza the snacks. Problem is, though...he didn't bring a fork or a knife with him, even though he was supposed to. Luckily, he has a sword, and thanks to that, he can use it to cut the eggs. But that also leaves with the problem on where to put it. Thankfully, he found another large rock that is enough for him to put it down onto, and used the flat part of the sword to scoop up the eggs and put it onto the rock, before he than used the water to clean away the small egg residue.
And after eating...Samael continues on...as he than stumbles upon a miniature bright, and a bridge of flowers, which seems to have been rotting.
"Frisk had already gotten there first, and made a bridge with the flowers. You can cross it...at least...I think you can."
Chara said, as the Scarlet Moth flapped it's wings. Samael looks annoyed at Chara, as he than attempts to swat it, only for the Scarlet Moth to get out of arms reach. But the moth was able to get out of the way without any effort at all.
"You are clearly not helping."
He sighed, as he shook his head very annoyed at how unhelpful the moth is, but he doesn't sit around and tries to squash it. And instead, he now focuses in trying to get to the next area, and hopefully find some answers.
But as he continued onwards, as goes down a dark corridor again, and needless to say, it is deeply annoying him. So...he took out his flashlight, and shines it bright, before he than continues to walk down the area that he is inside of right now. The walls that surround him, they are dark and cold, as he looks around the area that does not seem to end. It is as though the corridor could last forever. But as he goes through the corridor...his leg got ensnared by something.
"Huh? What the-"
Before he could speak anymore, his leg was than pulled by whatever it is that ensnared it.
Samael screamed, as he dropped the Flashlight, which broke badly, before he than got pulled into a body of water, the cold liquid not surrounding his very being, the absence of air now surrounding him, as he could no longer breath, due to the water preventing him from being able to breath. He struggles inside the deep water, but than...he saw something...a light approaching him. It continues to get closer and closer...until...he than saw it...as well as another thing.
Samael began to panic at the horrifying sight that is before his very eyes. But he cannot scream, as he is underwater, and he can't breath inside of a place that lacks air of any kind. He saw a net...and ensnared inside of that net is a skull of a horse if some kind. Obviously, it just have belonged to a horse monster of some kind. The skin and muscle tissue are all gone, but the eyes are still here, staring, unblinking, at the monster that is not alone with it. It is a fish head, with long hair, as well as the fact that this fish monster has the feature of an angler fish, due to the light rod that is on its head, as well as the sharp teeth that is inside of its mouth. It than began to sing a lullaby...and it was a haunting, yet beautiful lullaby.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
It was so terrifying...that it made Samael panic, as he than tried to struggle and escape the trap that he is in, as the monster went closer and closer and closer to him. But the trap ended up entangling him even more, and needless to say, this is not good, as the humming grew closer and closer. And than...the monster got within biting range. It opened it's mouth wide, and chomped onto his hip. This made Samael's eyes widened with pure immense agony, as he than began to struggle more...and than...something truly unexpected happened. Samael's body began to glow again...and the water around him began to bubble up, the monster feels Samael's body heat began to rise, and immediately swam away, as it than looked to see that Samael is beginning to struggle. But the trap...it was beginning to unravel off of him. It began to weaken, the grip all over its body loosen, and it began to burn, the water around Samael is beginning to boil, and the whole body of water began to warm up, and than...the trap came off of his body, and Samael, not wasting any time, immediately began to swim up, and as fast ad he could, was able to get out of the water. He leapt out of the body of liquid, as he than crashed down to the ground, steam beginning to leak out of his hands...as flames began to dance around him. He than held his head, as he than spoke out.
"What the...what was that?"
Than...The Scarlet Moth appears next to Samael, as he than spoke out.
"Incredible...you have fire magic."
Samael looks up at Chara and spoke out.
Chara than spoke back again.
"Fire magic. It is what a Monster can use, at least, a Boss Monster, which are goat-like monsters, and the only ones that I know if they can use that type of magic...are my adoptive parents, who are able to use it, and it seems...you can use it as well."
Samael was surprised...as he opened his hand...and a fireball generated above his hand.
He was shocked...as he than spoke out.
"How is possible that I can do this? I mean...I'm human...aren't I? I mean...I grew up with human parents."
Chara than spoke out to Samael.
"Maybe...or your situation count be just like Aliza, you having a normal human parent and a monster parent, and you just didn't know it."
Samael could not think of how this is possible. But as he looked down at his hand...and he than noticed that there is something wrong with his hand. The skin of his hand...it is turning onto a pale color. Samael was deeply concerned, as he looks at himself, unsure as to why his skin is like that. As he continues to look down at himself...he heard a voice speak out to him.
He turns around, and saw a Temmie rushing in fast toward him. It's jaws beginning to snap and chomp, as it rushed at Samael as fast as it can.
"TeM atE MEat!!!"
The teeth of the Temmie than opened wide, and Samael, without hesitation, swung his hand, and the fireball launched at the Temmie, and burned the Temmie to death from the inside out. It than turned to ashes, as it lands onto the floor. Samael was shocked, a she cannot believe what he has done. He looks down at his hands...and has nothing but horror in his eyes, as he felt his EXP increasing inside of his body. Though he did not gain any LOVE, yet. He is getting close though, so there is that. He than looks down at his hand...as he than spoke out to himself.
"I wonder if I can..."
He than grabbed onto the chain that is wrapped around his body, before he than swung it, while also using his fire power to heat the chain up. Than, the chain had flames burst, as he than used the chain to slice through the Echo Flowers. Samael was surprised, but he smiled, as he now realizes that he can channel his Magic through his weapons. He than grabbed onto his sword, and he began to swung it, as flames than trailed the sword as soon as he swung it with all of his might.
"Interesting. It seems they you can use your powers on your weapons in order to make it much more stronger than before."
Samael looked at his hands, as he than raised his hand up, and decides to use the flames to illuminate the area that he is in.
"This is useful."
Samael said to himself, and without any further delays, he than began to walk in a tunnel, as he than goes to see where he will end up inside of next. There are more bones and meat, and many of them, he assumes, were either from different monsters, or, i the way he thinks, mostly from Temmie, mainly because of the fact that there are e most recurring monster that he had ever seen. Needless to say, he hopes that he does not encounter another Temmie, otherwise he will be doomed.
He continues to walk onward...before he than noticed a statue...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
But the statue is headless, as the head is on the knees of the state, and there is an umbrella in the hands of the statue. And...it is making some strange tunes inside of it. It seems like there is a music box inside of it. And it is haunting, as if the music box is warning him of what is yet to come. But Samael...he is not gonna let it get in the way. He is gonna go to the other side...even if this does make him a little bit hurt at the end. And to him, it is a risk worth trying. So, without any hesitation, he is walked to the other side, his hands engulfed in flames for a very brief period, before the flames extinguished, as he than prepares to fight against the monsters at the other side. He continues on...and goes over a bridge. There's some light from above, but he cannot let that help him, as it'll barely do anything. So he points his index finger upwards, and a small bright flame appears above the top of his finger, before he than continued forward, and thankfully, this is helping him much more, because now he can see most of the bridge that he is in. Or rather, sees much more of the bridge that he's on. So Samael...continues onward to parts unknown.
Beneath the water, underneath the bridge...there is a monster in there, sleeping, a spear in her hand, and the strip of a lab coat wrapped around said weapon. Her hair slithering and waving beneath the cold damp ocean, with barely light above trying to illuminate the dark depths of the ocean underneath her.
But as she slept...she heard the sound of footsteps, right above her, underneath the water that she is resting in. She than opens her eyes, and than...swims up...in order to 'hear' if what it she's hearing a genuine, and not a hallucination. And sure enough...it is. Prey. She can feel it, her gluttonous, bottomless hunger, as she felt an urge to consume her prey, an urge to tear apart his body, and eat all the organs inside of this poor whelp.
Her head, exposed into the open air, her face stapled to prevent it from falling apart, and looks from above the water, drool leaking between teeth...even though she is almost blind, but does see a colorful blob in one of her eyes, before she than dives down, in order to surprise the intruder that dares to approach the area in which she's sleeping in. And Samael is in for one hell of a surprise...as well as one of the worst fears of his life.
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