Chapter 7: Everyone's Got their Secrets

Chapter 7: Everyone's Got their Secrets

Beast Boy's hand sleepily traveled along the desk
for Matthew's phone.

"Hello?" Raven's calm voice sent shivers up and down his spine.

"Hey, Raven. It's me, Matthew." He spoke steadily into the phone, sounding like Matthew. Not Beast Boy, not Garfield, but Matthew. His acting was impeccable to the point where he even suprised himself.

"Oh, Matthew." She didn't sound excited to so hear his voice. Even to the point of borderline disappointment.

He was extremely uneasy for some reason. Raven was too. But for a different reason.

"Why did you call?" She asked. He could tell she wasn't like herself. She was trying to play it up before she even got to the office.

"I wanted to know today's game plan."

"Oh, right. That. The goal for today — and the rest of the week — is for me to get friendly with them. I need to gain their trust before they trust me with any information." She informed.

"Makes sense." He replied.

"What time do you get off from work?"

"3:30." He answered.

"Good. So do I."

"So I go around, do my job, and tell you anything I know that could help?"


Sounds really freaking boring.

"Is there nothing else I can do,Raven? I don't feel like I'd be much help."

Wait what am I doing?

"Do what I told you to do, Matthew. It's way too damn early for me to be repeating myself." She curtly exclaimed.

"Fine." He begrudgingly agreed. Why can't she just be nice for once? "Just a heads up though, where you're working, you probably won't be seeing me." He explained.

Raven's eyes widened, narrowed, and she raised an eyebrow in skepticism almost in one fluid motion.

"Why?" And he heard that skepticism loud and clear.

"Because I work on the lower levels. You'll be doing things mostly upstairs."

"Great, Matthew. Absolutely wonderful."

"What's the problem now, Raven?" He asked. Both were frustrated with the other at this point. "We can just call each other."

"Alright whatever, Matthew. I'm not in the mood for this. Just don't ruin anything. I need to get as much information about them as possible for Slade, and for me."

"For you? What do you need the information for?"

"I...none of your business." He was a little fed up with this now.

"Come on, Raven."

"Whatever. I'll tell you later."

"Hold on—" Raven hug up on him. "That woman." He shook his head. Would he ever understand her?

'Trust trust trust blah blah blah,' yet you keep so many secrets that I can hardly even trust you not to kill me.

Raven snatched up her purse, shoved her phone inside, and left, leaving Agent to watch the place.

She stepped out of the appartment building and got a good whiff of gasoline as a large truck rumbled past her.

"Ugh...people still use gasoline? Get a battery." She made her way to the garage and got into her car.

Her phone rang again. There wasn't any number, but she didn't notice that part when she picked up. It's incessant ringing made her even more frustrated. Can't things not annoy her for five minutes?

"Hello?" She said after a long sigh. There was whispering and then silence. "Hello?" He tone changed slightly.

"We know who you are, Raven Roth." Her eyes grew wide. "Matthew is lying to you. Don't trust him. He will get you killed." The voice was clearly male, sending shivers throughout her entire body. She couldn't gather much from it, other than the fact that he was most likely well over her own age.

"Whoever the hell you are, go and suck one. I'm not in the mood for prank calls. Don't call this number again." With that, she blocked the number.

She was visibly unnerved. How did he know her name? If he truly did know who she was, she was in a heap of trouble.

Focusing on driving was extremely difficult for her after a phone call with wasn't even a minute long.

She parked in the employees only lot. She pulled out the keycard to the building she was faxed with 'her' name on it.

Rachel Chase. Why did I need to pick THAT name of all names?

There were two guards standing at the entrance, watching for anything suspicious.

"Display your keycard." The one to her left strongly demanded. She showed him the card promptly as to not cause any delay.

"Rachel Chase? Huh? You wouldn't happen to be that woman from the opening ceremony last week would you?"

"I am. I'm surprised you remember me." She stated putting the lanyard over her head, trying to not hit her braided bun. She wanted to keep up her appearance and keep up this act. She used to change her hair color, but now since purple hair is more common, purple hair doesn't stand out as much.

"Well you've become sort of a celebrity Miss. Chase."

"Have I?"

"Getting a job on the fly like that? Robin must've seen something in you. Because it's pretty hard to get a job here." Celebrity...

"Not suprised. But I need to get to work, so if you excuse me..."

"Oh, yes! Sorry for keeping you."

"It's not a problem." She entered the doors and looked around.

There's one, two, three, four, five, six cameras... Two guards at each door... one keycard identifier at each door...

She analyzed the area of the lobby as she made her way to the secretary's desk.

Ceiling is approximately 20 feet from the floor... four elevators...two staircases...

She finished being a human computer and reverted back to a normal human being.

"Good Morning." Raven slid her keycard on the desk to the red-headed secretary. Her voice was quite childish and bubbly, contrary to the usual way secretaries are seen, but matching the intensity of her long, firey hair perfectly.

"Good Morning Ms. Chase!" She greeted happily after looking at the keycard. "Oh! You must be the woman from the ceremony last week! We were watching it from the conference rooms inside the building. You have quite a mind!" She complimented gaily. She scanned the card and handed it back.

"Thank you." Raven almost smiled. Almost.

"My name is Caroline. I hope you like it here at Grayson Inc!"

"I'm sure I will." She pulled a fake smile to try and seem friendly. Caroline's office phone rang as she left.

Part of her hoped she saw Matthew entering. Just so she could talk to him face to face. Specifically about that call.

For some reason she couldn't get it out of her mind. Who was he? How did he even know her name? Did he know she was Nightengale? Is that what he meant? And he said 'we'. How many other people are with him? She was snapped out of her deep thoughts by Caroline calling her.

"Ms. Chase! Mr. Logan would like you to go to his office!" She stopped.

"A-alright. Thank you."

She headed to the elevators and looked at the map.

Beast Boy's office was on the 152nd floor. There were 155, and Robin's was on the 155th. For a moment she felt bad for Beast Boy. She'd only have contact with them for a small amount of time and she could already tell people didn't take him seriously. He even told her not to refer to him as 'Beast Boy'. Apparently he told the others to do that but they didn't listen. And just the placement of his office showed how Robin felt about the rest of them.

Starfire's office was under his on the 154th, and Cyborg's was on the 153rd.

She shook her head and got into the elevator.

"What floor?" Asked the Agent in the elevator from a speaker.

"152 please." The doors slowly closed and the elevator shot up extremely fast. Quicker that any other elevator she's been in. Granted, the building was the tallest building in the country.

"Floor 152." The voice said. She stepped out of the elevator and looked around. This was the PR department. It was fitting Beast Boy's office had been placed here. She walked past many meetings in progress, most likely discussing new ways to advertise the Recreation lineup.

This floor was very busy. Many people were rushing around to get things done and there was an enormous amount of chatter. Especially for an office building. She took the opportunity to examine this floor. She knew she'd need to revisit this place eventually off the job. This job at least.

Glass conference rooms with metal doors. Most likely sound proof. Sprinklers, hand and keycard scanners at the seemingly important doors. West wing consists of conference rooms and Beast Boy's office separated by a thick block of wall. East wing consists of cubicles, one other conference room, and the bathrooms separated by a large wall and a window.

Her thoughts came to a screeching halt. She felt as if someone was staring at her. That someone's eyes were lasers burning into the back of her neck. She looked around, but didn't spot anyone doing such a thing. Everyone was too focused on making deadlines.

She continued down the hall to the door that had 'G. Logan' engraved on a silver plaque on the door. There was a hand scanner next to the door. She knew for a fact her prints weren't in the system.

Finger prints. Can't let them have those... She thought.

She knocked on the door.

"Yes?" A familiar voice called through the steel.

"It's Rachel Chase, sir."

"Oh." The door buzzed and a red light blinked over the door. "It's unlocked."

She turned the handle and entered. The door locked from the inside as soon as it shut.

Electromagnetic locks... Not exactly high-tech, but effective nonetheless. All the locks here must be electromagnetic then. Not a problem.

"Morning, Rachel."

"Good morning, Mr. Logan." She said politely. The office was all wooden. Contrary to the sleek, modern feel of his department, his office was very robust and woody, almost making it feel like you're inside a cabin if it weren't for the large, single-pane window in the back.

The walls, floor, and ceiling were all different types of lacquered wood. The walls made of a dark mahogany. The floors of black walnut. The ceiling made of a lighter mahogany. Clearly he customized it himself to match his love for animals and nature. He did not have animal heads mounted on the wall however. He loved animals too much for that. The office had its own bathroom, a desk for paperwork, another for a computer, and a copy machine and a printer. Raven could also sense a private room somewhere.

There were also no security cameras.

"How do you like the place?"

"The PR Department is very busy." She stated the obvious.

"Believe it or not, this is a pretty slow day." He replied. "Normally we'd have clients' representatives running though here."

"Really? Guess I've got my work cut out for me then."

"No kidding. Ahem, so I just need to do a few things." She put her hands behind her back, thankful for the lack of security, and rubbed her palms together.

There. Now they won't have my fingerprints.

"First, I'll need your handprint so you can get into the doors here." He slid a tablet to the front of the seat where she stood patiently. "Put your right then your left."

Raven removed her hands from behind her back and did as she was told.

"Great. Can't do your job if you can't get in the place can you?" He chuckled. Raven wanted to scoff so badly. "If all else fails just use the keycard. Even though you're new you're our assistant so you should have access to more or less everything."

"Is there anywhere I shouldn't go?" She asked.

"Uhm... all I can think of at the moment is the basement. That's where we keep all the parts and things for our products. There's also other stuff that only the four of us can access. You may get access eventually." She knew what he meant.

"Then I guess I know where I'm not going." She said lightheartedly. She pulled a pretty convincing fake smile and he laughed a little.

"Ok. So Robin wanted me to explain some things to you..." Beast Boy explained to her that she is not just his assistant, but Starfires's, Cyborg's, and Robin's as well. She is more or less the second in command of all of them. At least that's what she's working up to. She will be interacting with other workers among other things, taking care of things her bosses simply don't have the time for. Raven stood there and passively listened. "You should go see the others by the end of the day."

"Thank you, sir. I will."

"I think Robin gave us all specific times when we'd meet with you." He quickly looked though his computer. "Yeah here it is. You go see Cyborg upstairs at 8."

"Alright. What should I do in the meantime?"

"Since the others are going to probably try and work your ass of on the first day, I'm going to give you a bit of a breather. The calm before the storm you know?"

"Great. They'll overwork me and I get minimum wage for it. Fun!" She said sarcastically while strolling towards the award shelf. He picked up on it instantly.

"Are you always this sarcastic?" He asked with a grin, his fang poking out from his bottom lip.

"Only during the week." She replied smoothly over her shoulder with a sly smile. "How I act on the weekend is up to your imagination." She added.

Beast Boy leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. Clearly satisfied with something.

"I like you, Rachel Chase." He sat with a smug look on his face. The corner of her mouth came up into a half smile.

This is too easy.

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