Chapter 28: Leaving for a Deathtrap

Chapter 28: Leaving for a Deathtrap

Raven wasn't even sure what time she went to sleep last night, but when she woke up she was still sitting on the floor with a broken leg and dried tear tracks running down her cheeks.

She had cried herself to sleep.

Now that was pathetic.

There was a lot of blood on the floor as well. She was surprised she hadn't bled out.

She didn't bleed out, but she felt extremely weak. She felt very pensive and solemn. Lying on the floor alone in her house. She felt sorry for herself.

Now she had to get ready to go to the airport. Because they were taking private though, she didn't need to get there three hours before hand. More like one.

She cleaned up the blood before Agent found his way into the living room. Since Raven wasn't in her bed he'd be looking for her.

Once that was done she healed up her leg and tried walking. It was a little wobbly but she managed.

After taking a shower she noticed that her leg had a lot of scars on it. Perfect. Another thing to hide.

"Forget it." She groaned. "I'll cross that bridge when I get there." She simply put on a purple sundress that went to her knees, a few bracelets, and pulled some hair in front of her face to make makeshift bangs and was happy with that.

She packed her stuff up and waited. Since she had no car anymore she couldn't drive on her own, so she just decided she's teleport herself somewhere close then walk the rest of the way to LAX. It's easier than calling a taxi anyway. And cheaper. The others were going in Robin's butler's limo.

The clock switched to 8:45 and soon Raven was out of there. Without even speaking to Agent or the cats.


Gar couldn't sleep all night. All he could think about was Raven. How he lied, how he changed her, how he outright used her. As much as he wanted to deny it, she was right. He didn't even need to be with her for the past month but he just had to.

Turned out to be more detrimental than anything. The plane ride is going to be the most awkward thing he's ever experienced.

He wondered if she was going to keep up the act or not. Or maybe she'd just crash the plane and end them all there. She could easily do that.

He kept thinking about one specific thing from last night too: Raven's broken leg. He never really understood how she really felt about him. If she had expressed it before then yeah he was just that clueless. But the fact that she saved him with a shattered leg told a lot. Too bad the realization came when it did and he didn't get to enjoy it. What was supposed to be a happy memory got sullied in a matter of mere minutes.

Gar could hardly even bring himself to get out of the bed. He just didn't want to go anywhere. He felt horrible.

And of course, what was on the news?

"Devastating car crash with no sign of survivors!" The police got there and everything was destroyed, except for the car other than Raven's. It's nose was mangled badly but other than that and a few stray flames it was well in tact. Including the licence plates. The number was "Hell" specifically "H3IL". Was Raven watching the news right now? Was she even up?

He had to stop thinking about her and get his act together. He had to act like nothing had happened to cater to what he assumed Raven was most likely to do. He took a gamble and went for it.

Good thing his pets were sleeping. It was nice and quiet. It gave him thinking space. As soon as he left though they'd wake up and all they'd find was a bowl of food and no Gar.

Finally when he got out of the bed he sluggishly meandered to the bathroom. Most of his stuff was packed already, so he had to use the makeshift stuff he left for this morning. He showered with what he had and brushed his teeth. He put on a white T-shirt with a green collar and cargo shorts. He also wore his favorite shark tooth necklace.

After asking Agent to fill the bowls with food and water he set them down himself, and then headed to the bird cage in which the little parakeet was sleeping soundly. He slipped some treats in there as quietly as he could then briskly headed to the front door.

He was stopped by the voice of his Agent.

"Mr. Logan?" She asked politely. "Where are you going?"

"Didn't I tell you?" He said solemnly.

"My hardrive was cleaned yesterday. I am confirming." She said.

"Oh ok. I'm going to Hawaii. Maui specifically. With Cy, Dick, Kori and Rav– Rachel."

"Alright. Thank you, sir."

"Agent, are you ok?"

"Why do you ask?" Her voice was sounding a little flat, void of some emotion, which all Agents usually had.

"Uh, no reason. I guess I'm imagining things. Bye."

"Goodbye, Mr. Logan!" And there it was, back to normal. Gar wrote it off as a glitch, which his Agent is frequent to.

He headed for the garage, still with Raven still on the brain.

How is she going to get there? She doesn't have a car anymore. He sighed. He didn't want to say this, but it was true.

Raven is resourceful. She can figure it out on her own.

Car started, pedals pushed, put in drive, and he drove into the street headed to Dick's penthouse.


"Woohoo!" Vic hooted. "Spring trip is here!" He said as he stretched in his suburban house. He was pretty much the only one of his friends that actually lived in a suburban house instead of an appartment. He just enjoyed the extra space he had with it. And the privacy. The things he worked on at his house were usually very secretive. If he had upstairs or downstairs neighbors they'd surely complain about the excessive amounts of noise.

"Alright! Where's my stuff?" He rubbed his hands together like he was going to get to working on something.

He had packed most of his stuff the previous nights since he had so much.

As he continued to get his things together his Agent strolled in. His, unlike most factory made ones, had legs and arms. Likened to a small autonomous robot. He found that the little thing was much more mobile and versatile this way, but he also found that this was his personal opinion. Many people, his friends alike, didn't really seem to feel the same way about his Agent as he did, or else he would have capitalized on it ages ago.

"Hello, Vic." The dark blue, limbed orb said calmly. He had a rather unusual tinge to his voice.

"Wassup, Agent?" He chirped.

"You're certainly happy."

"Today is the day we leave for Hawaii remember?"

"Yes Vic I remember." His was a lot more casual and easy going than other factory-made ones, which he liked. But that didn't hinder the Agent's performance. "I was going to turn on your TV."

"What why?"

"There is something on the news. It doesn't really pertain to you but I figured you'd might want to hear it." The agent turned on the TV and the screen glowed to life, filling the room with the blue light.

"Devastating car crash with no sign of survivors!" Two cars were on the screen. One charred, mangled, smoking car flipped onto its head, and another with the nose smashed in like an accordion.

"Wow. I'm not all that surprised that there were no survivors. Look at that wreak!"

"No kidding." Agent agreed.

"Since the car is so badly damaged, police were not able to figure out who's car the flaming one is. But they were able to find out that the other car belongs to a man in his late forties named Jacob Maston. Jacob Maston is a repeat offender previously known to be in cahoots with the highly reclusive Black Bird Association.

"There have been many crimes around involving the Black Birds but their main goal, they've voiced, is to capture and kill Nightengale. As of late however they've been very quiet. This could mean many things. How long have they been planning this? Could the person in that other car have been Nightengale? And most importantly, could this have to do with the threats she placed on Grayson Inc? All questions for the police to answer. This was Kitten Moth with the morning news."

"I wonder what script Kitten used." Cyborg said dully. "Girl's got the vocabulary of a third grader."

"She did bring up some good points, prewritten script or not." Agent stated.

"True, but we have Nightengale covered. I'm not worried at all." He calmly grabbed his things and headed out. "Later man!"

"Bye." He shut the door. "But you shouldn't be so calm about it."


Star woke up in the warm arms of a shirtless Dick laying next to her. It was possibly a dream come true.

He had become much more loving lately. And in light of what's happened, she owed Rachel a huge thank you. She basically fixed their marriage to an extent.

She couldn't help but wonder if Rachel had some experience with relationships

She snuggled in closer to Dick's chest, his warmth and his steady, sleepy breathing drawing her in. This is the most content she's been with him in a while.

"Morning Kori..." a sleepy voice purred.

"Morning." Neither of them had actually opened their eyes. They just kind of sat there in the bed, both awake, just with their eyes shut. They sat comfortably in silence with themselves, which they hadn't been able to even remotely accomplish in the pass months.

That is, until Agent hovered in.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson!" They both groaned. It was Kori's idea to make the Red Agent's voice so cheery so they'd "never be sad" but in the mornings even she found it to be a pain.

"Morning, Agent..." Dick said begrudgingly. He rolled over on his side and swung his feet over the side of the bed. After he got up Kori did the same. She adjusted her purple nightdress and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since Vic and Gar were coming she had to double up. She asked Rachel what she was going to do and offered for her to come there but she said she had her own way of getting there.

Kori didn't think twice about it.

"Agent?" She called from the kitchen.


"Would it be too much trouble for you to turn on the Tv?" She asked in the midst of making eggs for 4 people.

"Certainly not!"

"You never ask me if it would be any trouble." Dick came out of the bathroom claiming. Kori just smiled deviously at him and continued to cook. He wrapped his damp arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going to change ok? Then I'll finish breakfast and you can take a shower?"

"Alright." She agreed dreamily. She always felt up in the air when he was like that to her.

He went back into the room to change. He came out in a red V-neck T-Shirt, khaki shorts, and flip flops. His hair was messy from the shower but for work he usually combed it, so he just brushed it back with his hands and left it at that.

They switched out and Kori went to take a shower.

Nothing of interest took Dick's attention away from the waffles he was making until he heard, "Devastating car crash with no sign of survivors!" He took out the last waffle and Kori had just come out of the shower.

"Hey, Kor, look at this." She stopped and walked into the living room.

On the screen were two badly damaged cars. The only difference between the two was that one was in much worse condition than the other; one was on fire.

Kori gasped at the sight.

"Since the car is so badly damaged, police were not able to figure out who's car the flaming one is. But they were able to find out that the other car belongs to a man in his late forties named Jacob Maston." Dick let out a low growl from the back of his throat. "Jacob Maston is a repeat offender with a track record, previously known to be in cahoots with the highly reclusive Black Bird association. There have been many crimes around involving the Black Birds but their main goal, they've voiced, is to capture and kill Nightengale." He crossed his arms and let out a louder growl. Kori put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"As of late however they've been very quiet. This could mean many things. How long have they been planning this? Could the person in that other car have been Nightengale? And most importantly, could this have to do with the threats she placed on Grayson Inc.? All questions for the police to answer. This was Kitten Moth with the morning news."

Before they could make any comment, Agent shut the TV off.

"Agent! What the hell?!" Dick asked angrily.

"I'm sorry sir. I thought you asked me to turn the TV off?"

"I didn't even say anything. Is something the matter with your hardrive?"

"Last night was the yearly reboot of all Agents, sir." She informed him.

"Great. Just great. Forget the damn TV then."

"Ok." Agent's voice dropped 3 octaves in one word.

"What the–?"

"What is it, sir?" Her voice went back to normal and he reluctantly went back to cooking.

Kori came out about 10 minutes later to do her makeup. She was wearing a pink and red striped sundress with white wedge sandles and a flower-pendant necklace. When she got out of the bathroom her hair was tied up into a braided ponytail

"Those cars were so badly beaten up..." She said.

"I know. I hope the people in the cars are ok."

"It was Jacob again..."

"I know." Jacob, the man from the news, was a double spy for Dick a few years ago. He was supposed to spy on the Black Bird group to see what they were up to and vice versa for the Black Birds. Much of the damage was done before he figured it out.

"We should be watchful in Hawaii, Kori."

She sighed and nodded. For the sake of herself and her friends, she nodded.

20 minutes later the doorbell rang.


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