7. Nostalgia
Jongho couldn't remove his eyes from Yunho. He followed the movement of his lips around every word he spoke, of every flicker of his eyes through the room. He saw him swallow at worse news and smile hopefully at better ones. Captivated, Jongho forgot everything around him, how he leaned in Yeosang's arm for support, how his own hands had curled in his lap uselessly, and how Wooyoung had specifically gotten on a nerve-wracking trip to the kitchens to get some bread for him. The treat stood in front of him on the table untouched.
Ever since Yunho had ushered them all in an empty room that the guards used for their breaks to exchange information, Jongho had not moved even a millimetre. He was scared of moving as if Yunho might get startled and run off or disappear in a cloud of smoke.
"So you are the rebels we have heard of. That explains a lot. We didn't have a clue who you people might be." Seonghwa's voice carried respect and appreciation. Grateful and humbled, Yunho smiled at him.
"Just how we didn't expect you to be alive. We decided to start our operation at the rumour of your death, knowing that it was unjust. But we were overjoyed to hear that you were going to come back and aid us in our battle. I looked forward to meeting you in person, Prince Seonghwa."
Surprised, Seonghwa rose a brow at him. His fingers played with each other on the table.
"You heard of it? Whoever might have given you that information?"
With a wink, Yunho kept his secretive smile.
"An old friend of mine who helped me through some dark times. I know of what happened to you and what you went into the canyon for. Fear not, that information is safe with me and me only." Sincere, Yunho glanced at the door. They had left the other two Bishops outside to patrol the corridor. No disturbance had reached them here, and no one in the palace seemed to have noticed a few guards missing from their places.
"We didn't know that you would be here tonight, though. It was through luck that we stumbled upon your predicament earlier. Luck of fate, it seems." Yunho's eyes found Jongho once more. Then, he fixed them back on Seonghwa.
"I have men, quite a few of them. They lurk everywhere. Inside the armours, posing as guards, and ready to breach the palace upon my command. They would be delighted to serve you."
A murmur went through the group hoarded around the small table. With grim determination, Seonghwa nodded.
"I can use them to de-escalate things. If you wish so, you can join our team to meet with the king. I'm sure you have a lot to tell him."
"I certainly do. And I can inform my men to be ready to catch the fallout. You shall not worry about your safety."
Seonghwa leaned back on the bench, satisfied with the fruit of their talk.
"Very well. These three will flee the scene for the time being once the mess starts and return later. Since you belong to them, you may join them if you want." He motioned over to the huddled forms of San, Mingi, and Jongho. Two of whom were staring at him in awe, while the third one remained unbothered and just curious at the developments.
"I will make use of that. I might become a target, too, once news spread about me, so disappearing might be the best way to go. I can also make sure your team is protected, then. If you will excuse me? I will inform my men of this change of plans and rejoin you here."
Yunho rose his helmet to his head to hide his identity once more. With a greeting that looked grotesque on his weaponised hands, he left the room. He had to duck in the doorway.
Once the entryway was empty again, thick silence enveloped the men. Jongho felt their eyes on them, tasted their questions on his lips like machine grease.
"Your brother is so, so admirable! I'm so happy that you have him back!" Yeosang's excited whisper magicked a little smile on his lips. With Yunho gone, he could suddenly move again as if the spell lifted once the man left.
"I never would have guessed... We were told he died in the war three years ago," Jongho murmured as an explanation for the clueless ones. Understanding, Seonghwa hissed through his teeth.
"I'm dying to ask how he survived. It seems as if he was busy. I'm glad he could hide his identity, and my father didn't find out about him at that time."
Yeosang's fingers rubbed little circles on Jongho's hip. A gesture that he would normally use on the other man, but Yeosang doing it for him was all the more adorable and doting.
"Me too, yeah... Father would have loved to hear that news." Jongho trailed off, his thoughts fleeting. He had so much explaining to do for Yunho, just as much as his brother did himself. Maybe they would find time to sit in their home together and drink tea while both recounted their stories. Jongho would love that.
A short silence passed before San brotherly squeezed Jongho's shoulder. Compassionate smiles filled the room.
"I'm sure he will be open to talking everything through once this is over. Until then, I hope that you two brothers won't distract each other too much. I would hate to see any of you hurt right now," Seonghwa pleaded like a worried mother. Jongho chuckled at him, pretending he didn't see the glance that Wooyoung sneaked at San. Caught in the act.
"I'll take care, Seonghwa. Currently, my spring is wound, but my hands aren't moving anyway. And once it's time, that will come in handy."
The prince gave him a graceful smile before he turned to the newly opened door. For a moment, they all were tense and ready to attack if this Bishop that looked just the same as all the other ones chose to attack. However, Yunho's voice travelled through the thick metal to them.
"It's all taken care of. I'm ready to go whenever you are."
For a moment, they exchanged glances to check if there was something to do still. Steely determination painted all of their faces with the symbols of resilience and courage. No words needed to be spoken, they all had their reason to be here, and none of them would take the cowardly route out of this.
No more than a few passageways divided them from the king. The key to all of their questions. The reason for centuries of suffering, famine, and sickness. A single person with such a grand role.
A fire burned in Seonghwa's eyes as he beckoned them to go. With their eyes set on their goal, the men filtered out of the room to reorientate themselves. The bits of blood that had flown in the fight earlier blended with the carpet and barely left a stain. It blended with the ground from which the palace and the king's might grew. A carpet made of blood and the deaths of countless people.
Seonghwa led them to the king's quarters. The few more guards that they met mostly let them pass since they were with a group of Bishops, and they assumed them to be guests. Only a few got suspicious, and the group made quick work of them. They left their bodies in the adjoining rooms to wake up later or be found once this mess was over.
In the few minutes of relative peace they had, as they walked the corridors leading up to the large double-winged doors, Jongho found himself walking next to Yunho. His senses never left their surroundings, but his voice was directed at his brother.
"How have you been all this time?"
One of Yunho's men shot the guards in front of the door. Now, it didn't matter anymore. Now, they had nothing to lose. Nobody would pass these halls for a while until the servants arrived with more food, and nobody would find the corpses until then. In that time, they could get rid of the king and flee into the skies.
"There have been good days and bad days. Lots of work and little time to rest. I missed you every day, though." As hollow as his voice sounded in the helmet, Jongho knew that Yunho was seized by emotions just as he was. Gulping, he looked up ahead. The mighty door in front of them protruded into the sky like the gates to heaven itself. The wood was white and heavy with golden ornaments that depicted two Spheres, the symbol of the Kingdom of Asorazey. What irony.
"I missed you a lot, too. We all did."
"How's mum?"
Jongho stayed silent at the question. His eyes were trained on Seonghwa's back as the prince led them with firm steps and a grim expression on his face.
"She left. Dad did as well a few weeks ago. I hope they are happier wherever they are now. No more pain. No more suffering."
When Jongho felt Yeosang gingerly reach for his hand, he immediately took it. The librarian held on to calm both of their tense nerves. Jongho's stomach knotted up all over again.
"I'm sure both of them would have loved to see us succeed today. Who knows, they might be watching somewhere." Yunho's armour clanked loudly at every step, and the other three automatons around them created a cacophony of screeching metal and heavy steps that Jongho by now associated with certain doom. Today, however, it didn't mean doom for him and his friends. It meant doom to the very man that allowed them to gather their strength.
"It must have been hard for you. Thank you for taking good care of them," Yunho added gently. Fresh tears clouded Jongho's vision, and a lump got stuck in his throat. If only they had been a bit faster. Just a bit. His father might have lived to see both of his sons return home.
Blinking, he looked up at the far ceiling. Symmetrically sorted ancients in the colours of their kingdom hung from it. The crests all showed the mighty castle of Asora. Jongho forced back a bitter laugh that threatened to bubble from his throat.
"I hope to make it up to them by doing this. So that no other person has to suffer through the same." Resolute, Jongho faced the doors again. Yeosang squeezed his gloved hand gently.
Yunho didn't comment on that, but Jongho knew without asking that the man agreed. Three years could feel like an eternity of missing someone, but time had also passed so fast. Yunho was still the same, even if scarred from war and his struggle to stay alive. But he had returned, and he wouldn't go anywhere from now on. Jongho had a family to look forward to being with once more. Something worth living for. Yunho, and also Yeosang.
His gaze found the pretty librarian when they halted in front of the doors so Seonghwa could quickly check on the map again. Yeosang looked pale and tense, but his bravery outweighed his fear. In the minute of standing still, Jongho pulled Yeosang into his arms gently. Surprised by the sudden action, Yeosang shyly buried his head in Jongho's chest.
"If you get scared inside there... You can hide behind me. Don't feel as if you need to face your fears just to prove yourself. We are a team, and we are ready to protect you. No need for more damage." Jongho paid attention not to press his brass gear too much against his lover to avoid any discomfort. Humming, Yeosang breathed in his scent that had to be of machine oil and metal mostly.
"I appreciate that. But I always felt as if I needed to face him to get closure. If only this one last time. I can do that." He rose his head to look at Jongho without moving back. Their faces were inches apart, and his pink lips looked so inviting. Jongho withstood the need to kiss all his sorrows away. This was neither the time nor the place for that.
"You're a strong gentleman, Yeosang. I'm sure that you will win this battle." Smiling underneath his mask, Jongho stepped back to release the man from his grip. He was right in time to catch Mingi staring at Yunho curiously.
"What, you want one of the suits, too?"
"Huh? Oh, ah, yeah! Blimey, these things really bang up to the elephant! If we all had them as we went in, then we would win, no doubt!"
Yunho chuckled through his helmet. The action had Mingi's eyes widen.
"And also be too slow to escape. I might have to get out of this to run." Chunky, his fist knocked against the torso if his suit. Mingi looked excited at the prospect, and Jongho also liked the idea. The armour separated him and Yunho, kept him in the role of a rebel when Jongho just wanted him as his brother.
Seonghwa's quiet call brought their attention back to him.
"Then, gentlemen, are we ready to go?"
Nodding, they grouped around him. With a last deep breath, Seonghwa used both hands to push the grand doors open and led them in the throne room.
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