18. Celebrate

After a long day of work, Jongho and the team joined the rest of the people that steamed towards Zey's airship terminals like an endless flood. Their babbling voices and curious wanderings mixed both cities once more. With their work well done, they bonded over the series of events that had led them all up to here. None of them minded Jongho squeezing past them at the sides of the narrow alleys of Zey as he led Yeosang by his hand to arrive on time. They were late after making sure that Yunho took care of Mingi first. Seonghwa had already arrived a while ago to meet with Hongjoong and talk over their plan for tonight.

They all were supposed to appear in front of the crowd at some point, so their hurry was justified as the masses of people collected on the docks attractedly. They all filled in and around the open hall that provided a roof for the tired airships to await Seonghwa's appearance.

Wooyoung found Jongho soon enough and led them up one of the seated ships that they were allowed to use as a stage. Heaving for breath, Jongho sat down on a barrel nearby while Yeosang slumped against his shoulder, giggling.

Once they all had found their place and had made it up, Seonghwa joined them. He wore brilliantly white clothes today; a fit made for a king that softened his look. At his side was Hongjoong, dressed in the browns and blacks of Zey but never missing his accessories and scarf as he offered his arm to Seonghwa.

The mumbling and rambling hall fell quiet once the two of them appeared in sight. Their faces were illuminated by the oil lamps that lit up the whole ceiling and bathed the scene in a golden glow of dancing flames. Jongho squeezed Yeosang's hand in his reassuringly. The librarian looked nervous at the prospect of having this many people stare at him and judge his words. He wasn't alone.

When Seonghwa rose his voice, the people quietened to listen.

"Dear people from Zey, dear people from Asora. Anybody who found their way here tonight, no matter who you are. I thank you fervently for your abounding. Despite what you may think, I am not here to speak as your crown prince, and neither am I here to speak for the king. I came as a friend and a man just as desperate as you for change. Let me tell you my story." With that, Hongjoong stepped away from Seonghwa. Upon Seonghwa's trustful beckon, Yeosang slid from his barrel to join him at the railing.

"This is my younger brother: Yeosang. My half brother if you so wish. We share the same father." Seonghwa wrapped an arm around Yeosang when he stepped in. At the whisper that went through the crowd, the librarian shyly lowered his eyes to look at his hands that clutched the hem of his shirt. Jongho watched him cautiously to step in if he needed help.

"For years, he got shunned by the palace and the royal family. Nobody recognised him for who he was: a prince. To the point where he never took the identity of one. I want everybody to remember him."

Grave nods came from several spots in the crowd. As well as some evil eyes at the assembled guards. The men in question hid between their shoulders.

"A few weeks ago, the news of my death spread through the lands. A death that was asked and warranted by my father, the king. After discovering his past of slaughter and greed, I began to research ways to stop his madness. When I found out too much, he ordered his men to push me into the canyon at night and leave me to die. As he did before with other sons that the older generations of you may remember to have disappeared in tragic accidents."

Grim understanding, just as bitter as the feeling that the team had carried for a long time, settled upon the people. All of them listened with their lips sealed shut.

"Thankfully, this air pilot here happened to traverse the canyon at the right moment. He caught me and brought me to Qam. The safe place deep within the canyon to let me rest and replenish my energy. Without Hongjoong, I wouldn't stand here today." Seonghwa pulled the pilot to his side. When cheers and praise broke out between the people, he nodded and waved at them shyly. No doubt, everybody saw the affection in Seonghwa's eyes when he peered down at the man.

"From then on, my brother takes over this story. Yeosang, take your time." With more respect than expected for a crown prince, Seonghwa bowed his head for his brother and stepped aside with Hongjoong. At Yeosang's timid fumbling, a few people in the crowd cooed at him.

"I-I- Sorry. I'm not used to speaking or people... I uh- So Seonghwa was one of the few people who cared about me in the palace. He always took great care of me, and he told me of his dreams to unify the cities. Asora and Zey, I mean. One day, I met a thief who snuck into the palace at night." Through the surprised gasps and murmurs (and complaints about the guards that carried no guilt), Yeosang stretched out his trembling fingers for Jongho. At the split of a second, the mechanic was by his side to take his hand and hold it with his. After a shaky exhale, Yeosang continued to talk.

"He came to finance the medicines for his sick father. I helped him out in exchange for stories about Zey. And everything I heard about the sorrow and agony of this beautiful place sounded vastly different from what the king taught me. When I heard of Seonghwa's proclaimed death, I asked him to take me to the canyon, where Seonghwa believed to have found a way to prove the king's guilt and help out both cities. That's the sphere many of you saw yesterday." Yeosang's voice was steadier with Jongho by his side, even if his eyes still flickered around hauntedly. A few encouraging nods answered him.

"I got to know Mingi, Jongho's best friend. And also San, the son of the mayor in Qam who received us to aid our search."

Mingi rolled up to wave at the crowd with a big grin. People cheered back, and the voices from Zey of those who knew him were the loudest. For once, San also wore actual clothes, but the crowd still swooned at him when he showed his dimples as he smiled.

"I met Seonghwa again down there, and we went on the mission to find that sphere. We figured out the differences between our homes and where the issues truly laid: with the current king. We found the sphere as well as Yongguk and returned here to plan out the attack on the king. Our greatest helper for that was Wooyoung, who supplied us with intel from the palace." Yeosang beckoned Wooyoung forward to introduce him, too. Some guards stared him down icily, but others clapped for him and his courage.

Then, Yeosang moved them all back again so Seonghwa could take over once more. Shining like a fiery angel, he stepped up ahead without fear or hesitation.

"You experienced the rest for yourself. We received another one of countless confessions of the king about his deeds. Beneath the castle, he put up another army that victimised Zey's people and planned war against Zey, Qam, and Gizfall. We stopped his plans on time. On this note, allow me to introduce you to two other friends. Yongguk, a former advisor and the person who told me about the sphere. And Yunho. One of the few men from Zey who survived the war with Gizfall."

Seonghwa made space for the two of them. Yongguk's face was not unfamiliar for quite a few people, and they were astounded to see him. Even louder were the cries of Yunho's name, however. Yongguk - not needing to say much to be clear what his motives were - stood down to let Yunho talk.

"Yes, hello. I'm Yunho, Jongho's brother and citizen of Zey until a few years ago. Like many young men in our families, I joined the king's war and went through the same cruel treatment as the rest. Through luck that I wished I could have shared with all of my companions, I survived and was taken in by Yongguk. We formed a rebel group and operated in the shadows of Asora and Zey to dethrone the king one day. When Seonghwa's incentive came, we joined the fight. While I can sadly offer only myself and not the sons, husbands, and brothers you are missing dearly, I can only hope that our fight brings closure to all those who have suffered and saved us from even more pain."

His warm words pulled emotion from the people, and quite a few wiped their tears to agree with him. Zey gazed upon him with all the love and adoration they had for their ray of sunshine that they had yearned for so much.

Seonghwa patted Yunho's shoulder before Yunho went off again to sit next to Mingi. The redhair applauded him quietly.

"This is our story. A story that took years for some and only weeks for others. Yet, we found friends and family within those we once thought of as enemies. We fought together, and we succeeded together. And we came here to share all this with you. Today, all of you are asked how you want to proceed. We would like you to talk with each other, to understand both sides and eliminate irrelevant customs. And we will be here to reply to all of your questions." Full of understanding about their disorder, Seonghwa nodded at them. Then, he beckoned all of them over to bring out barrels and crates to sit on. They lined up at the railing like the heroes of a musical and waited.

The crowd discussed. Some turned to their friends; others asked their neighbour as they all recounted the story and let it settle to resound in their hearts. The rich murmur filled the hall with noise and liveliness as Jongho had never heeded it before. Everybody was invested, and everybody had an opinion that they were authorised and welcomed to share.

"Good speech, Seonghwa. If they elect you king, then probably just because you actually can talk in front of people." Mingi grinned at Seonghwa brightly, and Seonghwa copied the gesture. Then, Mingi turned to Yeosang.

"You also did great! I loved seeing them all listen to you. See, people now know and remember you. No more shunning and hiding, alright?"

Yeosang's lips slowly pulled into a sunny smile. He nodded meekly.

"Prince Seonghwa, a question! What happened to the king?"

As Seonghwa recounted the story as unbloody but earnest as possible, the people's faces darkened once more. When they discussed again once he ended, they were louder and more agitated over things.

Hongjoong leaned back on his crate lazily to watch them.

"The fellow from Qam! What kind of place is Qam?" Once more, everybody quietened to hear San's reply.

"A place where those who had enough of the inequality here came together. Without a horrible king and without automatons to hunt them. A place that I hope Asorazey can become, too. If you all were to practise forgiveness and sympathy."

More discussions, more indignant shouts whenever somebody said something unfitting. They watched on and picked a few conversations up as they went. Then, the next question came up.

"Prince Seonghwa! Are you or your brother seeking to become the next king?"

Seonghwa shook his head before he had even risen from his seat. Protests travelled through the crowd, and Jongho cocked his brow at them.

"No. Yeosang and I seek nothing but peace. Our mission was neither an attempt to gather a higher rank nor do we seek your sympathy now. We don't know a lot of things. Zey has still a lot to teach us, and we need the patience to learn. We are more than happy to do just that and forget about our bloodline that brought such misery upon you."

A few downtrodden faces appeared in the crowd, then more people yelled at Seonghwa.

"But what if we wanted you two in this place? If we wanted to crown you king? From how I see it, you already have a team that can teach you anything you need to know."

"We don't need a king, dear people. If you feel lost and helpless and want somebody to direct you at these trying times, I would rather sit here as your friend and advisor than become a leader. This is what my father did."

"But we trust you! You are better than your father!"

When Seonghwa hesitated still, Hongjoong rose next to him. At his emerge, the few people who had spoken up quietened. Jongho also spotted a few who clearly opposed what was just said, and he was glad to see their angry faces slacken.

"Now, listen up as I explain to you a wonderful concept that I learned from overseas. Representative democracy."

Everybody settled down to listen to him talk once more. The night would last for a long time until they had settled everything, but Seonghwa swore not to move until even the last needs and requirements found an ear and a solution. Jongho relaxed as he accompanied them through it.

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