forty three

043 — weaponized

season four —
episode seven


ARRIVING AT THE hospital using her vampire speed to rush towards Derek who's carrying Braeden's unconscious state.

She gasps seeing how injured her best friend is before looking up at Derek's worried eyes, kicking the emergency department's doors open.

Marlo immediately looks around for Melissa knowing she'll help them straight away.

"She's been shot, I think she's dying" Derek calls out capturing multiple nurse and doctor's attention.

Who immediately help the two concerned friends of the woman's to a seating area.

Marlo looks down at her hands seeing the blood from just holding onto Braeden for two seconds, holding her hands shakily in the air.

Marlo gasps letting a sob at the overwhelming fear that she might lose Braeden.

"Hey, hey, baby, she's in safe hands now, she was awake when Malia and I found her, she didn't fall unconscious until we pulled up at the hospital, she had a pulse" Derek explains seeing Marlo biting her lower lip anxiously.

"Lo, baby, look at me" Derek demands softly as Marlo meets his worried eyes latching herself into Derek's side needing her partners comfort right now.

Melissa eventually comes out from the operating room to update Marlo and Derek about Braeden's progress.

"Is she okay?" Marlo asks snapping out of her daze.

"She's okay, surgery went well, she's in recovery now" Melissa nods as Marlo exhales in relief hugging her mother figure, feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket.

Marlo sighs before answering the phone call, "Hey, are you okay? I heard about Braeden from Malia" Stiles says on the other line.

"Yeah, I'm okay, so is Braeden, thanks little man" Marlo says into the phone.

Melissa nods at her from Braeden's room saying they're both able to enter the brunette woman's room and wait for her to wake up.

"Listen, little man, I gotta go, Melissa is letting Derek and I into the room, good luck today okay?" Marlo states remembering the teens minus Lydia are headed to the high school for their PSAT's.

Marlo gasps seeing Braeden lying on the hospital bed, grabbing her hand softly.

Marlo chuckles, "It's only you Brae, you survive anything, really thought you were leaving me this time" Marlo states talking to Braeden's unconscious state.

Derek chuckles softly from beside her putting the chair he grabbed from earlier and sitting beside his girlfriend.

A few hours after the couple sat in the room together waiting for Braeden to wake up.

Marlo receives a text message off her dad explaining what's happening over at the school and that it's currently on lockdown as a possible illness outbreak has occurred.

Derek notices the cornered frown on his girlfriend's face, "What Lo? What's wrong?" Derek asks as Marlo looks up from her device looking straight at her boyfriend.

"High school's on lockdown and Stiles and the others are all there, what if it's another assassin?" Marlo asks scared for the safety of her little brother and the rest of the pack members.

"Hey, they'll be okay, your dad will update you throughout the day" Derek says reading the text over.

Marlo nods and exhales looking back at her best friend unaware she's biting her lower lip.

"Hey baby, stop that, you're going to rip the skin off your lips" Derek says gently comforting the brunette who stops biting her lip and leans into him accepting the comfort from the male.

Melissa comes into the room looking at both Derek and Marlo with worried looks.

"What's that?" Derek asks confused seeing the needle in the nurses hand.

"Naloxone, wait you're waking her up?" Marlo states looking at Derek before directing the question at the older nurse beside her.

"We need to wake her up" Melissa states looking at Marlo.

"I thought you said she needed to rest?" Derek asks, "That was before I found out the CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in there, did you know Marls?" Melissa asks.

Marlo nods knowingly as Braeden shoots up from the bed awake and alert, she looks around her surroundings confused and then groans realising the pain coming from side.

"Braeden, look at me—you were shot, but you're in the hospital, and you're fine, do you understand?" Melissa asks as Marlo sits on the bed beside the woman gently soothing her nerves.

Braeden looks at Marlo and relaxes seeing her best friend beside her.

She then proceeds to look at Derek and Melissa before nodding in understanding.

"Good, okay, last night, you were in the woods, and you came across another pack? Do you know what happened to them?" Melissa asks.

"I told you, they were poisoned" Derek frowns, "No, no, they were infected, it was a virus—designed to kill werewolves and hybrids, and it did, it killed them all" Braeden states looking at the two
supernatural beings and Melissa.

Marlo gulps looking at Melissa praying that the boys and the others are okay at the high school.

Derek sighs once hearing there's no news from the high school as Noah isn't able to get any information out of anyone.

After Marlo ends the phone call with her dad.

She shakily places the phone back in her back pocket, "I can't lose Stiles" Marlo mumbles worried for her younger brother.

Derek shakes his head immediately wrapping his arms around the brunette.

"I promise you; you won't, Stiles is incredibly smart and if he heard me saying these things he would never let me off the hook, but I promise you, he'll be okay, as well as Scott and the others" Derek explains holding the brunette's face gently wiping away the tears that have poured down her face.

"I just can't lose him, his been through so much" Marlo says as her lower lip trembles with anxiety.

"You won't" Derek states pecking her lips and wrapping his arms around her smaller frame.

She inhales the males scent frowning sensing something wrong with his scent but shakes it off due to the things happening around them and their loved ones.

Deaton comes rushing towards the room seeing the brunette hybrid about to go into her friend's room.

"Marlo, I need your help" Deaton states as she looks at Derek who nods and motions for her to follow the veterinarian that's rushed off in the direction he came.

She quickly hurries behind him seeing Melissa holding a wounded and bleeding black blood out of his mouth, nose and other places.

Marlo gulps before seeing Satomi standing to the side worried for one of her pack members.

Marlo waves politely before stepping in and helping them stabilise the injured werewolf, "Okay, this isn't happening at the school, is it?" Melissa asks.

"School? It's Saturday" Deaton frowns, "They're taking the PSATs" Marlo explains as the werewolf on the gurney starts vomiting black blood out of his mouth.

"I think we need to hurry" Satomi says worriedly, Marlo nods and they rush off towards the elevator.

Marlo helps the dying man on the gurney and Melissa presses the button trying to get the elevator to close.

The male takes his last breath and Satomi sobs are heard coming from beside them.

Melissa turns around looking at Marlo and Deaton who both shake their heads silently telling her the man's gone.

Marlo leans towards closing the male's eyes and standing beside Melissa to allow the older woman to mourn her friend in peace.

Satomi, Marlo, Melissa, Deaton and the now deceased werewolf soon move into the morgue so Deaton can do some sort of autopsy on the man's body.

Marlo stands beside Satomi comforting the older woman enough as she listens to the drill, drill into her friend's skull.

Melissa stands beside the veterinarian looking at Marlo who has her arm softly wrapped around the older alpha woman, "I think I know what this is" Deaton states.

Melissa raises her brows curiously wanting him to continue explaining.

"Unfortunately, if I'm right, and Scott and the rest are infected? It's not good" Deston states.

Satomi, Melissa and Marlo all grow worried hearing those words.

"They're going to die without an antidote" Deston states as Marlo gasps growing even more worried for her younger brother and the rest of his friends.

Satomi notices the worried look on the brunettes face and taps her arm gently.

"Whoever it is you're worried about, they'll be okay" Satomi nods gently smiling at Marlo even though minutes prior the older woman lost one of her betas to the disease.

Upstairs on the ward, Derek sits beside Braeden bedside waiting for the woman to wake up once more as his nerves eat at him.

Braeden hums before noticing the male leaning against the hospital bed, "What are you still doing here?" Braeden sleepily asks.

"I promise Lo, I'd watch over you, plus I'm protecting my investment, got a lot of money riding on you" Derek shrugs softly smiling at the woman.

Braeden softly chuckles looking at the male once more seeing the way his brows are furrowed with nerves.

"Oh god, what is it?" Braeden asks making herself more comfortable in the bed.

"Um, I was kind of hoping to talk to you about something—you know about Lo" Derek explains reaching into his pocket and pulling out a velvet box showing the sleepy woman who gasps seeing what's inside.

"You're really going to do it?" Braeden smiles remembering the conversation from a few weeks ago with him.

Derek nods looking at the item he chose, "I really love her Braeden, I want this" Derek explains.

Braeden smiles seeing how the male's faces brightens when Marlo's mentioned.

"Well, in that case, I give you my blessing as you know her best friend" Braeden shrugs.

Derek chuckles as a knock on the door is heard, "Derek, I think there's someone here you've been trying to find" Melissa says nodding to her side as Satomi steps into the doorframe.

Derek raises from Braeden's bedside relieved to see the woman in the flesh, especially after finding her entire pack dead in the woods.

Melissa and Satomi lead Derek downstairs where he looks at Marlo standing over a male's body beside Deaton confused before realising this was a member of Satomi's pack and is now deceased from the virus that's at the high school.

"It's a variant of canine distemper—a few years ago, an outbreak in yellowstone killed forty-percent of the wolf population" Deaton explains.

Derek stands to the side with his arms crossed listening carefully to the words the veterinarian's saying.

"What's it going to do to our wolf population?" Melissa asks from beside the man.

"Well, it's been altered to infect quite a bit faster" Deaton states looking at the McCall woman, "You mean it's been weaponized?" Derek asks.

Marlo now stands beside her boyfriend and Satomi, "It infected my whole pack" Satomi explains.

"Everyone except you, that's the real question, did you not get infected? Or are you immune?" Deaton asks leaving Derek and Marlo to look beside them at the alpha woman.

Deaton raises the sheet over the body of the werewolf, "If your pack was infected, then who was doing all the shooting at the entrance to the woods?" Derek asks remembering the bullet shells Malia and him found yesterday.

"Apparently, another assassin—personally, I'd rather face a gun than a variant of smallpox" Satomi mutters.

"Sounds like you're going to get plenty of chances" Melissa states understanding the deadpool is still active and trained assassin's are after the supernatural beings of Beacon Hills.

Satomi looks beside her looking at Derek, the male frowns not knowing why the woman is looking at him weirdly.

"Sorry, I just noticed how much you remind me of Talia, I used to visit her a lot, you know, do you two remember me?" Satomi asks.

Marlo smiles remembering the woman, Derek also smiles, "I remember the tea, you always brought that tea that smelled horrible" Derek states.

Marlo nods agreeing with her boyfriend, Deaton looks at the three with eyebrows raised.

"I brought that tea as a gift, your mother loved it" Satomi explains looking at Derek.

"What kind of tea?" Deaton curiously asks, "What?" Satomi asks.

"The tea with the smell, what kind was it?" Deaton asks, "Reishi, wild purple reishi, it's very rare" Satomi states.

"It's also a powerful remedy for sickness, Satomi, you didn't get infected because you've been inoculated" Deaton explains.

Marlo and Melissa raise their eyebrows thinking about the others at the school, "Okay, okay, how rare is it? Can we find it?" Melissa asks.

Marlo looks beside her at Derek in realisation, "We don't have to, my mother kept some of it" Derek explains as Melissa, Deaton and Satomi look at the male curiously.

"It's in our vault" Derek states, Marlo rushes out with Melissa to make phone calls to Mr McCall and Stilinski and let them know about the cure for the virus.

Marlo explains to Melissa that she's going to the high school to try and save them knowing she had to tea years ago when Satomi visited Talia.

Melissa nods as the brunette runs out of the hospital in a rush to get the high school to save her brother and his friends.

Pulling up hearing her own tires screeching on the cement she sneaks into the school using her ability to hear the assassin also known as the chemist threatening to kill Stiles.

She growls unhappily and uses her vampire speed into the locker room and stepping in front of her brother getting a smug smirk from the assassin himself.

"Oh, hi, the lead on the dead-pool and the one worth the most money" the chemist states as she growls at him looking at Stiles looking at her confused at her sudden arrival.

Stiles then pushes his older sister behind him in a protective matter due to her being worth the most money.

Marlo still growls at the man in front of them aiming his gun straight at the two Stilinski siblings.

Marlo notices the figure sneaking into the coaches office, as the chemist starts counting down to one.

Reaching the last number a loud gunshot is heard from coming from behind them startling Stiles as the blood splatter from the man's face hits both Marlo and himself.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Stiles asks both Rafael and Marlo.

Marlo shrugs and looks at Rafael confused at his sudden arrival but nods as a thank you.

"Stiles, listen—I got a call from Melissa, I don't know what it means, she said there's an antidote? It's in a vault, reishi mushrooms" Rafael explains.

Stiles looks at him confused, "Wait, what in a vault?" Stiles asks breathless.

Marlo looks at him and nods at Rafael silently telling the man she's got this.

"It's in a jar on one of the shelves, I came to say and save you little man, the cure to this virus is in the vault, let's go" Marlo demands pushing him to the basement where the others are currently blind and minutes away from death.

Derek and Satomi exit the morgue together, "I have to get to the school" Derek states worried for his girlfriend and others after Melissa came back into the morgue alone without Marlo.

The woman soon explained the male, that Marlo rushed off to save Stiles and the others.

"What about the others at Lookout Point?" Satomi asks just as the elevator dings signifying it's opening on the current floor they're on.

Derek jumps out of the way seeing the gun being aimed at both himself and Satomi who jumps into action dodging all of the bullets and eventually stabbing the blonde assassin in the neck with her steel spike weapon.

Instantly killing the assassin who drops to the hospital tiled floor below them.

Melissa and Deaton rush out of the morgue after hearing the gunfire seeing Derek get up from the wall.

Satomi smirks at them once turning around, "I may have learned to control my anger, but I still know when to use it" Satomi states.

The others look at the bleeding and dead blonde on the ground underneath her.

Stiles and Marlo rush up to the vault door, "Hey, Scott? Scotty? In the vault, in there with you, it's called reishi mushrooms" Stiles yells smashing his fists against the cement door.

"Scott? Scott, open the door, it's in there with you, it's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves" Stiles states looking at his sister scared that their friends are dead.

"Scott, Scott, can you hear me?" Stiles punches the wall falling down defeated.

Unaware that Scott used his werewolf true alpha eyes to find the glowing product and smashing the glass jar onto the vault flooring to cure them.

Marlo gasps seeing the vault door open and Scott falling out of it landing in her arms weakly.

Scott pants relieved seeing the hybrid woman and his older sister figure.

"Oh my god, Scott" Marlo states relieved seeing the others taking deep inhales inside as well.

Marlo frowns seeing the distant look on Malia's face once Stiles's rushes up to her.

She pushes the boy off her and looks at Marlo, "Did you know?" Malia asks softly.

Marlo frowns being handed the list seeing the list Malia just handed her and the key word that unlocked the rest of the list.


Marlo gasps looking at Stiles and Scott with confusion laced on her face.

Malia walks out of the vault leaving a heartbroken Marlo behind.

Who looks up at Stiles who looks down avoiding his sister's eyes knowing he should've told her.

Scott looks at her sympathetically as well.

Marlo shakes her head rushing out of the school before seeing her adoptive dad waiting at the entrance to see if his son is okay, unaware his daughter was in the high school as well.

Marlo latches onto the man startling him, "Marli?" Stilinski asks confused as he hears her sob into his sheriff jacket.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Stilinski asks, as she breaks free from the embrace showing the man the dead-pool list with Derek's name that broke the list.

"He's leaving me too" Marlo whimpers, Noah shakes his head sadly knowing how much his daughter loves the man.

He also frowns confused as he thought Derek was going to do something over the next few days that he needed his blessing for, "I physically cannot lose him Dad" Marlo sobs.

Stiles comes up behind them both and Stilinski sucks in a deep breath of relief seeing both of his children are okay, well as okay as they can be.

Walking outside into the parking lot, Derek frowns leaning against his girlfriend's car at the slumped figure walking towards her vehicle and sucks in a deep inhale seeing the tear stained cheeks.

"Lo? Baby" Derek carefully asks as Marlo looks up seeing the man she's going to lose because of the key word unlocking the third of the deadpool list.

Marlo drops to the ground with a gut wrenching sob, "Don't leave me too" Marlo whimpers looking at Derek.

Who sighs realising she knows about what's going on with his werewolf side and that his losing his power.

𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘 ⛧
please comment so I'm aware this
book is still getting attention
and people are enjoying it..
marlo in her sad girl era because
she knows about derek's
sudden power loss
malia will come to marlo a lot more
now knowing she is peter's daughter now
what's derek planning on doing?
he has noah and braeden's blessing..

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insta: hellfire.soulss
pinterest: hellfiresoulss

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