forty seven

047 — a promise to the dead

season four —
episode eleven


IT'S BEEN A WEEK since the Deadpool ended, Marlo and Derek have both been spending time together just the two of them as has the other couples despite Marlo being quite unwell.

Riley and Marlo have gotten extra close with the fear of James coming after them both since the male helped Marlo escape in Mexico.

Jordan and Riley have become best friends alongside working together as partners.

Marlo finally felt comfortable enough to return to work beside Melissa now knowing there isn't anyone out there wanting fifty million dollars for her death.

Marlo and Stiles decided to make plans for every Saturday night she'll go to the Stilinski household and watch a movie or have dinner with her family a lot more since she's now engaged and settling into her own life.

Derek lies wide awake with Marlo asleep in his arms, the male stares blankly into their loft wondering if he could consider a future or if that'll be taken away due this stupid thing Kate did to him in Mexico.

Derek sighs as the alarm goes off startling Marlo awake from her slumber.

Derek screws his eyebrows together confused seeing a figure walking side to side outside the loft door.

"Marlo" Derek states getting out of their shared bed.

Marlo nods getting ready to attack if needed while Derek holds his gun in the air also prepared to shoot if necessary.

Derek opens the loft's sliding door seeing Lydia soaking wet outside looking straight at Derek before letting out a massive wail resulting in Marlo covering her ears.

Derek holds onto the brunette as she winces before Lydia collapses on their doorstep shocking the engaged couple.

"Lydia?" Marlo asks leaning down towards the strawberry blonde girl on the ground groaning confused of her surroundings.

"Hey, come on, let's get you some dry clothes and maybe call Stiles to come pick you up, yeah?" Marlo gently asks.

Derek still looks at the banshee shocked at the wail she just let her towards him.

Lydia follows behind the brunette woman and yawns tiredly apologising to both Marlo and Derek for waking them up.

"It's all good Lydia, Stiles is going to come and get you" Marlo explains.

Derek quickly puts his shirt back on wishing for his fiancée's brother to arrive at the loft so himself and Marlo are able to go to sleep again.

Not long after calling Stiles he rushes over alongside Isaac who was talking to Stiles about something when he received the phone call of her sister.

"I'm really sorry Marlo, Derek" Lydia says walking out of the loft, "It's okay, Lyds, go home and sleep, you have school tomorrow" Marlo says.

Derek nods agreeing with his fiancée, "Thanks for coming so quickly, little man" Marlo says embracing her brother in a hug before also doing the same to Isaac.

Since his return from Paris alongside Chris and Zara he has felt himself being more drawn towards Marlo as a mother figure, "I'll talk to you both soon, go home and sleep" Marlo nods.

Isaac nods leaving beside Stiles who waves closing the loft's door, "You okay handsome?" Marlo asks seeing Derek's frown on his face and the distant look.

"That's the second time, she's predicted my death, Lo, we have to come to terms with this" Derek responds before taking his shirt off once more and climbing into their bed wanting to rest as much as possible.

"We'll figure it okay? Just don't give up on me, please" Marlo whispers kissing Derek's lips before cuddling into his chest once more falling into a deep slumber.

Marlo wakes up before Derek does quietly sneaking out of the bed to shower and get ready for her day.

Allowing the hot water to pour over her tight muscles.

She feels hands slip around her waist, "Good morning, desperate what happened last night" Derek whispers pecking the brunette's neck earning a soft chuckle from Marlo.

"Good morning Der-bear" Marlo smirks turning around to face her man.

Derek rolls his eyes before smirking and tapping her ass with his muscular hands.

"What's your plans for today?" Derek asks kissing Marlo's neck once again allowing the brunette to let out a few frustrated moans.

"Spending the day with you my handsome future husband" Marlo pouts turning around and grabbing her shampoo and conditioner bottle and doing her routine in the shower.

Derek's arms remain around her body keeping her in place, after their shower, the couple walk into the closet together.

Derek and Marlo quickly get dressed and walk downstairs seeing Scott coming into the loft looking for both of them.

"Scott? You okay?" Marlo asks seeing the look of nervousness on the true alphas face.

"This is for Derek" Scott says handing the money from the Deadpool towards the male who sits on the couch gently dragging Marlo along with him.

"Okay" Derek shrugs pushing the bag of money away from himself and Marlo.

"Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it?" Scott asks.

"How much do you make at the animal clinic?" Derek asks, "Minimum wage" Scott states.

"That's why—everyone can be tempted, Scott; even a true alpha" Derek explains.

Scott looks at Marlo who looks at him with the same eyes Derek's currently looking at him with, with no hint of anger or betrayal behind them.

"You're not angry? What about you Marlo?" Scott asks shocked, "It's not even mine, it belongs to Peter" Derek explains looking at his future wife beside him.

"I'm not angry because it's my business Scottyboy" Marlo shrugs, "Where's your money?" Scott asks.

"You're standing on it" Derek states pointing towards the ground, "There's another vault?" Scott asks shocked.

Marlo chuckles looking at Derek, who smiles and laughs at the teenager.

"No, he owns the building" Marlo explains getting a wide eyed look from the true alpha.

"We own the building" Derek states looking at Marlo before looking back at Scott.

"And I have my own bank accounts, all the money from the vault was Peter's, I think we'd actually be better off if the rest never came back" Derek states.

"I know Lydia was here last night, Deaton's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you—if anyone can find an answer, it's him" Scott states.

Marlo's mood drops and she taps Derek's arm walking away from the two towards the kitchen trying not to cry about possibly losing Derek.


AFTER THIRTY MINUTES Scott leaves after Derek tells him he should get to school.

Derek walks into the kitchen seeing Marlo leaning against the countertop looking out the massive window teary eyed, "Lo? Baby?" Derek softly asks.

Marlo looks at him and scoffs softly, "Don't tell me it's gonna be okay, I can't lose you Derek" Marlo mumbles cutting into a cucumber for her midday snack.

"I won't lie to you baby, because believe me I wish things would be okay, banshees predict death though" Derek says.

Marlo looks at allowing her lip to tremble before dropping the knife letting it clatter on the kitchen floor.

Derek doesn't hesitate in rushing towards his fiancée and quickly bringing the brunette into a bone crushing hug hearing her sobs loudly at the thought and possible death of her future husband.

Marlo soon calms down and cuddles into Derek's chest as they lean against their shared bed.

"Oh by the way, I said Scott and Kira could have the loft tonight, Scott wants to take Kira on a date" Derek states.

Marlo looks up at the man she loves smiling softly, "Okay" Marlo says quietly.

"So Lo, you and I are going out on the town" Derek shrugs grabbing a jacket for himself and the woman he loves.

Before leaving the loft clean for the McCall boy to have his date with the Yukimara girl.

Unaware of the nightmares that will occur later on in the evening.

Derek drives Marlo and himself towards a restaurant as Marlo sings along to the song on the radio, before looking to the drivers side seeing Derek looking at her lovingly.

"What?" Marlo giggles as Derek helps her out of the car leading her towards the restaurant to have their dinner.

Not knowing what's going on at the loft and Kate Argent and the berserkers kidnapping Scott along with Kira and taking them to Mexico.

Marlo happily takes the menu from one of the waiters and orders one of her favourite meals with a glass of red wine on the side.

Derek orders the same thing minus the red wine but orders a light beer instead knowing neither of them can get drunk.

Stiles, Liam and Isaac sit on the benches for the lacrosse game they're about to play against Davenport.

"They're still not here" Liam states nervously.

"Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another twenty-four hours" Stiles asks.

Liam and Isaac look at the nearly full moon in the sky above them, "Liam, you're gonna be fine, okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone" Stiles states.

Isaac nods looking in the stands seeing Malia and Zara sitting beside Sheriff Stilinski, "You're not worried?" Isaac asks.

Liam points at Isaac asking the same thing, "Okay, I'm mildly concerned, mildly" Stiles says checking his phone again before sending Scott a text message.

"We're gonna lose without him" Liam mumbles, "No, we're not, we can be just as good without Scott, okay? I've been practicing, let me tell you something, I'm getting good—really good" Stiles states.

The game begins and the teenage Stilinski misses every shot, mainly being hit in the head with the lacrosse ball.

Before being knocked to the ground grunting, looking at Isaac and Liam again, "Yeah, I'm gonna call Scott again" Stiles states nodding.


RILEY AND JORDAN WALK in through the tunnels with the guns drawn after tracking Peter's last known destination here due to Riley's super smell and hearing.

"They're gone" a weak voice says hearing the two deputies walking into the tunnels.

"How long have you been like this?" Jordan asks as Riley looks at the blood and wound trying to figure stuff out.

Thanking the lord he's in control and doesn't have the hunger for human blood anymore, "I don't know, might have blacked out a few times" Chris mumbles.

"Peter Hale did this?" Jordan asks as Riley shakes his head, "And James Northman, I know his dirty work anywhere" Riley mutters.

"You were following them?" Chris asks, "Every day since Meredith Walker" Jordan states meaning the reason why his been following Peter.

"Since he kidnapped and tortured Marlo" Riley states, "Listen to me, Kate and James are going after Marlo and Scott, James, Peter and Kate, you've got to warn them" Chris states.

Riley gulps hearing his first love is in danger once again before looking at Jordan and shaking his head, "I can't, there's no service down here" Jordan says.

"Then just go" Chris weakly mumbles, "If we leave right now, you'll be dead by the time we get back, we're getting you out of here" Riley states nodding at Jordan before looking at the weakened Chris Argent.


LIAM SITS BESIDE STILES seeing him sit on the bench, "All right, neither of them are answering, Isaac and I are going to go see what's going on" Stiles explains.

"You're both leaving? What are you going to tell Coach?" Liam asks, as all three boys look over to where Coach is throwing an angered fit over not winning.

"Uh, you don't tell him anything, okay?" Isaac states looking at young beta.

"Liam, you're gonna be okay, all right?" Stiles says nodding at the younger beta.

Before Stiles and Isaac walk towards Sheriff Stilinski, Zara and Malia sitting on the bleachers.

Letting the three of them know about Scott and Kira not answering Stiles's next messages.

Stilinski and Zara get up and stand beside Stiles and Isaac ready to help anyway she possibly can.

"Want me to stay here if he shows up?" Malia asks, "Yes" Stiles nods as himself, Isaac, Zara and the Sheriff rush off to find Scott and Kira.

RILEY AND JORDAN WINCE every time the hunter groans from the intense pain his feeling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't do it myself—it's not bending back, and it's not coming out of the wall" Jordan explains, Riley looks around.

"Leave" Chris mumbles tiredly, "We can't do that, either, we need you to help us, we know you're hurt and tired, but we need you to gather everything that you've got and help us" Riley demands.

"I've got nothing" Chris mumbles, "Grab the bar, sir" Riley firmly states alongside Jordan.

"I've got nothing left, please, just go, just go, you're both running out of time" Chris states weakly.

"You know what you need? Adrenaline, there's two ways to get it, fear and anger, since you don't look like a guy who's afraid of anything, you need to get angry, you need to get so angry that your brain lets loose every bit of adrenaline it has left" Jordan states, "I'm too tired to be angry" Chris states.

Riley sighs, "Okay, I don't know much about you, or what you've been through, but Lydia told me some of it and I know about Allison, I know how she felt about Scott and I think, if she knew what was happening to him, she'd be pretty angry—at least angry enough to try out more time to get the hell out of here, so, whatever trigger you need, if it's Allison, or your sister, or Peter, or James, use it, use it right now" Jordan states.

Riley looks at his workplace partner proud, before flashing his eyes and grabbing a hold of the steel pipe inside of Chris's torso, "Now come on, Mr Argent—you've got this!" Riley snarls.

Chris looks at him with anger behind his eyes and nods at the both before grabbing a whole of the steel.

Jordan and Riley nod at one another and begin pulling the piece of metal out of Chris's torso.

Jordan's eyes flash orange and Riley's go their usual bloodshot using as much strength as they can.

Chris screams helping the two deputies get the piece of metal out of him.

Marlo looks around feeling dizzy before focusing on her fiancé once more.

"We have to go" Marlo states growing uneasy about the sudden feeling in her stomach.

Derek looks at her confused before nodding and rushing out of the restaurant back towards their loft seeing the damage left behind from the fight.

"What the hell" Derek mutters rushing into the loft seeing everything broken.

Before seeing Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles, Isaac and Zara enter through the loft's entry looking around confused.

"What the hell happened?" Stiles asks, "It was supposed to be a date" Derek states, "And they were both here?" Stilinski asks.

"And they're both gone" Marlo states looking at her brother and father worriedly hearing Stiles's phone buzz in his pocket, "Hey" Stiles starts.

"Scott's been taken" Lydia states not allowing the boy to finish his sentence, "Scott and Kira, we just don't know where" Stiles states.

"Mexico—and, if you want to save his life, that's where you're going, too" Deaton states looking at Lydia thankfully.

Seeing as the strawberry blonde woke him up from his unresponsive state in Eichen House.

𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘 ⛧
*gulps* because
of next episode
braeden will be back
james and kate will be back
and one will die but shh

tt: hellfiresoulss
insta: hellfire.soulss
pin: hellfiresoulss

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