10. Blagbarrow
Like the old and worn pages of a book, Yeosang's world was crumbling.
It had faded around the edges for years, wavering and trembling with doubt. Not even once his beliefs had found solid forms, whether they were his own or the ones that were taught to him.
However, ever since Seonghwa's disappearance followed by his return, rips that travelled from those worn corners towards the core of Yeosang's mind had formed. They deepened with every new revelation about Seonghwa, the palace, and now, Jongho. The man that Yeosang knew was hiding a lot, but he wouldn't have expected this sudden turn.
The rips were pushing his borders. They had him hesitate, had him doubt and cast suspicions about everything he had ever known. As much as he desperately tried to shove them away, it seemed as if the horrendous truth that he didn't want to acknowledge loomed right behind him and only waited for him to turn. Its icy fingers tickled the hair on the back of his neck already and had him freeze in fear.
Yeosang didn't want to gaze upon its grotesque features. He wanted to deny for however long possible. But Mingi and his keen mind had uncovered his insecure stance in the eye of the storm.
The fear of being swept away and losing himself in that raging storm overwhelmed Yeosang.
He kept his head low and eyes cast downward as he entered the little village at San's side. As expected, fewer houses held themselves in the gorge and stretched the dwindling legs made of wood that kept them in their web between the walls. The few people that milled around eyed the newcomers warily, but some of them seemed to recognise San, too. They didn't seem pleased with his appearance.
Without an ounce of fear, San approached one particularly grumpy looking man. His warm arm around Yeosang's supplied the librarian with comfort and security.
"Lead me to your mayor," San asked not particularly polite but at least in a friendly tone. He was rewarded with a withering glare.
"What do you want here? You know that the likes of you are not welcome here." Gruffly, the man snarled at them and looked the strangers up and down. His distaste was palpable in the tense air.
"I am well aware of that. But my business concerns only the mayor and me. Now if you would please either point us to him or mind the grease?"
San's eyes were sharp like those of a fox and penetrating to the core. If he had looked at Yeosang like that he would have cowered in fear.
The man, however, just snorted at them. He nodded his chin at one of the huts and stomped away to gossip about their arrival.
With malicious eyes stuck to them as if the group was glazed with delicious honey, they halted in front of the mayor's hut. After he made sure that everyone was there, San rose his hand to knock on the door.
Even at the first pull on the entrance, the person behind was guarded. They had no way of knowing who it was that dawned upon them. Yeosang assumed that similar to Zey, Blagbarrow also couldn't trust their own people.
The man who opened the door for them seemed to be the same age as San's father also was. Compared to Qam's mayor, this person had tired eyes and lips pursed into a constant thin line. Even when he gazed upon the troop, his features didn't display a hint of joy. Rather, he narrowed his eyes at them even more.
"Choi. What do you want here?"
San gave him a charming smile, but it held frostiness. Uncomfortable, Yeosang shifted his weigh so he wouldn't lean on the other man too much.
"We came to trade information and ask for a place to stay for the night. As morning dawns, we will be out of your hair."
The mayor's suspicious eyes travelled over the other three. Yeosang tried not to stand out too much. While Mingi and Jongho might as well be from Qam or get recognised as people from Zey, Yeosang stuck out like a sore thumb. As if the word 'eastsider' was written on his forehead, he ducked into San's side.
"What information could you offer that requires you to come here instead of waiting until we hear about it via trade?" The man had stepped away from his secure position behind the door by now and faced them upfront. His arms were crossed in a defensive stance.
"Information about the Undying. The upper world is changing, and we might get caught up on another war. It is only fair to notify you soon enough so that you could prepare."
San was an expert in haggling. His direct and simplistic words had the man cease his doubts. After a moment, he stepped aside to let them in.
"Fine. But only one night."
As he went ahead of them into his home, Yeosang just moved to follow him when San held him back. Surprised, Yeosang froze when the man leaned in to whisper into his ear. His warm breath tickled Yeosang's sensitive skin. Pleasant shivers travelled over his neck.
"Don't mention that you are from Asora. He might rethink his decision."
Yeosang nodded shyly when San didn't pull back just yet. His hand lingered on Yeosang's shoulder as if he wanted to add something.
Jongho cleared his throat indiscreetly. The sound had San remove his palm ultimately.
With a motion of his hand for the men to follow, San stepped into the warm house first. The woman seated at the table further in nodded at him once she recognised his features. Then, she refocused her attention on the book in her lap.
"I hope you don't expect me also to feed you all. I can offer you water or tea at most."
"Tea is more than enough."
They found a place to settle down in the living room. Yeosang sat next to Jongho on one of the bamboo mats and soon received his tea to nurse. None of the three spoke up when San explained the situation to the mayor of Blagbarrow. He left out the origin of the group that travelled with him and wrote them off as a few friends he helped on a mission.
The mayor seemed increasingly frustrated with the news. In the beginning, he mostly frowned, but the more he got of the bigger picture, the further his lips turned downwards. By the time San finished, the older man sat opposite them with his fingers crossed in front of his chin and his brows dark like storm clouds.
"In case the war damages the canyon or soldiers get lost here, we should be ready. As usual, Qam offers all folks of Blagbarrow shelter. If you want to reunite with us to be closer to the port and able to flee at any time, then you and your people are our guests. I can arrange for that immediately."
Yeosang admired San's leadership potential. He had never found something similar in himself, and Seonghwa had these skills available because of his extensive training. In comparison to the two princes, however, San seemed like the born leader. He knew how to convince people to trust him and covered all the important facts that might be forgotten.
As Yeosang sat quietly and was lost in his own trance of waning sanity about what to believe and what not, he still found the time to be impressed by San for a moment.
"I will consider the wishes of my people and notify you by tomorrow. Thank you for taking the way upon you and telling us."
The mayor's voice had gotten more conciliable during their conversation. With the awareness that Blagbarrow was endangered if they didn't cooperate with Qam, he at least regained his senses and dropped some of his hostile remarks. San looked satisfied with that development.
"Of course. And please, do not worry about asking us for help even later if you choose to standby now. We shall not condemn you for your isolation." San bowed his head stiffly. That concluded their talk.
"Your quarters are one house over; my wife can show you around. I suggestionize you don't wander, but if you choose to, then I won't make the effort to excuse any trouble you might run into." The mayor finished his tea with a curt nod. Then, he left the room to notify his people of the unsettling news about the incoming war.
All of the men exhaled audibly as soon as he was out of earshot. Mingi was the first to giggle quietly.
"He's terrifying," he whispered towards San. The pink-haired man only rolled his eyes.
"Tell me about it."
The wife the mayor had mentioned fetched them shortly after and brought them to their quarters. In her presence, the inhabitants of Blagbarrow tried to hide the side-eyes they sent the troop subtly. Yeosang ignored them either way.
After they had settled and eaten some more of their precious provisions, San advised everybody to sleep early and relish in the feeling of a soft bed under their backs. Most of the boys immediately heeded his words.
But not Yeosang.
Yeosang spent half an hour with his friends rolling around restlessly. When sleep stayed far from his reach, he soon gave up on it and stepped out so he wouldn't bother the others.
Blagbarrow was beautiful at night. The inhabitants had taken their displeased faces to bed and left the still village as the little bastion of loneliness it marked in the canyon. It was far less lively than Qam, especially at night, but Yeosang welcomed the silence as he walked the wooden gangplanks between both sides of the canyon.
It was so easy to transgress here. He could walk from east to west and back, and no chasm, no row of androids, and no wall of devious stereotypes intervened. The little lanterns that lit the village dimly barely sufficed for him to see his shoes, yet they were everything he needed.
The dull patter of his footwear on the wood accompanied him through the sleeping village. For the first time, he felt trapped between those two walls. His mind seemed closed off as the lack of an open sky, and the ocean also cornered in his thoughts.
Yeosang's breath formed little clouds in front of his face and his hands slowly numbed as he stood leaned against the balustrade of a gangplank. It was the one furthest towards the black abyss that the gorge formed. When he concentrated, he noticed that the space around them had already grown more narrow than in Qam.
Soft steps on the planks behind him alerted Yeosang that he wasn't alone anymore. He didn't move an inch to let them pass in peace, but against his prediction, the person halted right next to him. With a thud, he let his body fall against the railing, too.
"It's getting darker," San commented. His voice was no more but a whisper in the cold duskiness. It carried a faint accent that showed only in his way of rolling the words with his tongue. Yeosang supposed it was a Qam thing.
"Can't sleep?"
Yeosang chuckled to himself. He had tried not to be obvious and expose his troubles to everyone, but as it seemed, he had failed.
"My mind is all over the place. I feel like it's breaking apart and I have nowhere to go. It scares me."
Side by side, they looked into the unknown void. Yeosang's belly clenched uncomfortably.
"Your friends are there for you. Even I am, though we barely know each other."
Yeosang threw him a thankful glance that San countered with a grin. The play of light and shadows let his pronounced cheekbones and dimples stand out stark against his features.
"Would you like to become a closer friend of mine? And get to know each other better?"
San allowed the thought to settle for a moment. He studied Yeosang's naive smile for a while before he turned his body and took a step forwards. As his body halted so close to Yeosang's, his heart rate picked up.
Oh so slowly, San reached out to gently cup Yeosang's chin. The librarian's insides swooped when his eyes met San's once his head was angled up. San was pretty in this light, and his eyes were just as magnificent as the night sky Yeosang adored so much.
"I do. In particular, I would like to get to know those lips of yours better, little birdie. But only if you want that, too."
The message was clear. It had been clear from the beginning. San was after something particular. From how Yeosang's heart raced, he couldn't deny his shared interest in that. All too easily, his heart gave in.
"Be gentle. It's my first time doing this."
San's thumb stroked over Yeosang's skin and left a burning trail there like a star that crossed the skies.
"Of course."
Yeosang's eyes fluttered shut when San closed the last gap between them. His kisses were shy and left Yeosang all the time to shudder in his grip from sensitivity. Only once Yeosang mustered the confidence to let his arms slide over San's broad shoulders, he deepened the kiss.
Yeosang found that indulging in San's sweet caresses took all the worries away from him. His head was blank as he fell into the other man. His wildly beating heart overtook everything.
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