
~Kai’s PoV~

     I was sipping  next quick shot  from the mini glass, my vision was blurry. During drinking I was observing  people, who were dancing on the dancing floor.

In our own V. i.P.-room  we were save from annoying fans. Even our  leader Kris was  ‘harassed’ by multiple of crazy fan-girls; they tried to enter  our V.i.P-room  but for the first time we had have silence and peace. 

    Why is it first time?  Since our debut we were surrounded by those young girls… or even boys. But they were mostly girls… no one of us liked them, so they fell on our black-list.

We call them sasaeng fans for reasons.

      Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Kyungsoo and Luhan sings and plays karaoke. Kris and Tao talk intensively about something what takes their attention  from reality. Lay, Chen and Sehun were dancing. I wonder where did they get so much power? I mean… I used to be hyperactive just like Chanyeol hyung…

      I drunk a lot of soju… I lost counting after ten glasses…It maybe wasn’t the best  idea, but I desperately needed. All the stress which sasaeng fans brought was slightly ruining me. I bet my hyungs were ruined as well.

    We didn’t get the rights to walk, even incognito ,sasaeng fans always followed us… but it was mostly like stalking.

They thought we will appreciate it just as much as they do. I bet most of them were burning of excitement in a fake glory.

     Before our last  performance on M-countdown we were attacked by these crazy beasties. The crazy maniacs were dare to touch us, here or there, without caring about our privacy and intimacy. As if we would like that... I didn't like  when  my relatives doing that to me, even simple hug from my granny was very heroic for me to bear with.

 Why should I like someone who is a total stranger to me?! Why should I tolerate stranger who is… hugging me or do more intimate things?!

        These last days were much a hell for me and my EXO-fellows. I couldn’t believe we are having a peace now and every one  of us could do what he liked. I observed Kris who  was swamped into his thoughts, Tao joined the karaoke team. Duizhang was writing something in his tablet, I don’t remember times when he was using his notepad. He was so addicted to his Samsung tablet. But it was nice to see leader Kris in that situation. Instead of stressful and… uncomfortable, treated by our antis to us.

“Kai~ Why don’t you join? It’s no simple sasaeng fan here anymore” Sehun yelled to me.

       Yeah, dance. You would love to know why didn’t I dance or sing, right?  Well, it’s because since few good minutes I mainly was focused on someone new. I didn’t know if it was the real person, at first I thought it was only a figure. Besides  it was too dark in this room to notice someone else except fellows from EXO.

What a dumb I was… I should’ve  notice her.

Yes, it was a woman. I can tell it now.

“Kai? Are you okay? You didn’t answer my question” Sehun said dramatically, looking at me worriedly. He sat his butt on a sofa.

Sehun looked at me slightly annoyed by my ignorance.

“Hey~” he  yelled  when I pulled him more to my side, but I immediately put a hand on his mouth.

“Look at this direction” I said to his ear quietly, pointing at that  direction.

Sehun looked at me worriedly but next thing he did was to lock his glaze at that direction I told him.

“Ehm…” he cleared his throat.” Is it that what I think…” he stated, very disappointed.

“I don’t know what do you think, Sehun-ah” I replied. “What do you think?” I asked.

“ I don’t know…Should we inform  Kris hyung?”

An evil smirk appeared on my face.

Sehun went to Kris… and Kris nodded his head, Sehun came back.

“He knows about that girl-ah” he said.

* * * * *

“Okay guys, It’s time to leave” our leader said. I drunk some cocktails with alcohol…

I even didn’t  notice, when. I  felt my head was fizzy. I kind of got a super power.

The girl  was still there and I got an idea…

“Kai! We are going to leave now, silly” someone called me.

I went to Kris and discussed something.

“Kai!” He scolded me and smacked my head. “It is …” he started but I didn’t  want to listen to him.

“Oh , come on , Kris. Let me stay.” I started  to  begging him, after a while Kris let out a deep sigh.

“Fine, but don’t stay long. We will be outside” Kris said before he gone.

     I smiled to myself. The view I saw was really nice …

There was nothing unique in the girl.. I thought that firstly , I was observing her  few steps away from her , but… well, It was maybe my dirty, horny side… my curse… Aaaah~ I seriously shouldn’t drunk too much alcohol.

* * *

    I didn’t care  if she noticed me or not. I just leaned to her face level and quickly kissed her. I gripped her wrists tightly, because I noticed, she started trying to show me cold shoulder. I didn’t  like when girls were doing  that, so I wanted to show her that she shouldn’t  argue.

She tried to, but too bad for her- I was stronger.

“Whah! Let’s stop Kai” I heard familiar voices.

“Let’s not stop him, ahh~ He seems like he has good fun right now” someone commented.

         I stopped kissing this girl. She pushed me and I fell on my butt on the floor. She  didn’t  took her handbag and ran. Some of EXO fellows caught her. I noticed that it was the leader of EXO-M. It was dark in the room , but light enough for me to see how he  firmly smiles at her.

        For the first time  sasaeng fan wanted to run away from us, but they didn’t let her go.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” she was lectured by Suho. Boys started yelling at her, hahaha. If they only knew I was the one who kissed her…

“Come on Kai. We’re going home” I heard but I was too tired to obey my hyungs.

* * *

  4 months passed and I didn’t  back to this club neither my hyungs. We were busy as hell. All the time we were attacked by sasaengs. Do they never give up?...Probably never…

I felt that my phone started beeping.

“Yah, Jongin. Did you see the newspaper ‘Marionetté’ “ I heard Baekhyun’s voice on the other side of phone.

“No, why?” I was a bit confused.

“Then better don’t look”

“Why~ Tell me” I whined  childishly.

“Eh~ what? S-sorry, I..I don’t hear you. See you “ he finished the talk and to be honest it made me confused more yet so curious.

I was  about to buy newest newspaper anyway.

So before buying it I took a slight look inside.

My jaw dropped when I saw the photo-looking drawn picture.

“What…” I opened slightly my mouth. I couldn’t understand. How? When and where? And who?! It was unbelievable and I felt embarrassed.

I didn’t want to go back to our apartment. I could imagine how mad Suho and Kris would be reading about my person…

    I decided to go for a walk to order my thoughts. I was on a way, thoughtful when suddenly…

“Ouchie~” I heard , then I looked down. I noticed a girl and she looked familiar.  

“S-sorry?” I said and she could feel my style, Kai style. I kneeled down to her level, looked at her direction and glazed intensively with a concern. She looked like my fav mangaka . No.. No no…. I shook my head. It cannot be she, kai, not a chance. “Oh, you’ve injured hand”  I mumbled.

She looked like she wanted to hide it but I could see that she fights with pain.

“You should be careful” I told her.

“I know, I am clumsy as f^ck but excuse me, mister… it was you who bumped into me” she said.

I opened my mouth, slightly in suprisement…

Was that really me?

   When I was about to help her, somebody shouted. There was two women and two men who came there. They pushed me harshly , and one of the men picked the girl up. As I was  staring at the girl, I realized something.

“Hey! You! You’re the girl who I met in the club!” I made the loud notification.

“Don’t you dare talk in such a way to miss Song” somebody spoke to me.

“It’s okay, Il hoon-ah. Let him talk”  she talked to one of those men.” It’s okay. You all can leave now” she informed her guardians.

     So her name’s Song… She is really similar to MY favourite mangaka as hell …it sounds too familiar, but I don’t know for 100%.

“Nice to meet you, stalker girl. What would you say after what you did?!” I welcomed her.

“I did ‘what’?” she asked confused.

“Don’t play dumb. You know it’s very highly price to pay for when you mess with anyone of us” I warned her.

“Price? Oh, I had prepared for that.” She replied. “Will you.. satisfied with 50%  of rights to my newest project?”

        To be honest  I felt confused. Do we really understand each other?

“Not sure… what are you talking about?! Who did you pay to take the photo?!” I yelled furiously.

“What? Are you telling me that you didn’t  see the full article in newspaper? “ she said.

“I saw… That’s why I am angry if you don’t see” I answered cockily and threw  the newspaper at her. She picked it up from the ground and nodded.

“You should’ve noticed the note that it was saying  it’s a request from SM’s manager…” she muttered.

           I blinked. In fact I did NOT read the full article. I looked at the article again…

It was highly-detailed scene of kissing in manga. I could really recognize myself…

“I didn’t want to offend you, Kai-shii” she said quietly and bowed at me. “Wu Yifan-shii  agreed , but forget it, I’ll…-“

“I am agree” I cut her sentence.  In one while I made up my mind and realized everything.  So, Kris was planning everything behind my back…

I didn’t like the idea that it was all  behind my back at first.

“I like it. It’s awesome” I complimented.

“R-Really?” she blushed and I found it cute.

“Yeah… is the manhwa  called  ‘in the club’?

“How did you… I didn’t think about public it yet..” she notified me.

“I’ve been waiting for it.” I said a bit happier. “ I’ve made a big mistake miss Song…”

“O-okay. A-alright”  she tried to comfort me. “Could you sign the contract?” she offered shyly. I kindly agreed. I didn’t think about being involved into a huge project- but now my dreams came true.

 - - - 

A/N :It's already an end . How was it ? Vote, subscribe and comment, pretty please ^^;

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