16: Flight to Bugla
Sixteen: Flight to Bugla
The flight had been surprisingly uneventful-well, once Toothless had peeled off and chased off the two Hunter planes that had tried to intercept them. Hiccup's hands remained clamped to the harness and Toothless had calmly maintained a constant dialogue with the young agent as they had headed for Bog Isle. But as they grew closer and the grey landmass came into sight, the wind picked up and the rain started. Hiccup glanced at Astrid, who was chewing her lip. She voiced what they were both thinking.
"How do we land this thing?"
In the Seashocker flying boat, Toothless was having the same thoughts. A water landing was tricky enough for a novice with an instructor in perfect conditions, but the wind was gusting and the little seaplane was starting to drift.
"How is your fuel situation?" he asked, glancing at Fishlegs.
"Under a quarter...well under," Hiccup reported as the harness pulled in response to a strong gust. Beneath them, the sea was growing choppy and white caps were appearing while a wide bay yawned ahead with Bugla, the capitol of Bog, at its head. Astrid glanced across at him: he was looking exhausted.
"That craft is designed to land on flat water," Toothless told him swiftly, his voice sounding strained. "And you have negligible piloting ability."
"Accepted," Hiccup said shortly. The harness was really pulling.
"And that little Night Terror can't land on a conventional runway," Toothless added, flicking a couple of switches in his cockpit.
"The only option is to ditch," the Dragon decided. There was a pause.
"You mean crash," Astrid said sharply.
"Yes and no," Toothless admitted.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Astrid snapped. "We'll be killed!"
"That's the 'no' part," Toothless explained. "You will need to jump from the aircraft before it ditches."
"So jumping from a moving plane-without a parachute?" Astrid checked.
"This day keeps getting better and better," Hiccup muttered, his knuckles white as he hung onto the harness. The little seaplane was juddering quite badly and rain was starting to flick over the windshield.
"Jumping at that speed is going to break several bones!" Astrid argued.
"Wow. Wanna put that on my 'to do' list," Hiccup murmured sarcastically.
"You slow to just above stall speed and jump from thirty feet," Toothless told them firmly. "Begin a gentle descent and keep your wings level. Banking increases your stall speed..."
"Gottit," Hiccup murmured.
"Slow your flight gradually and when we get to the longest axis of the bay, drop it to sixty mph and steady at thirty feet-and then jump the hell out of there!"
"Can I vote that this is a seriously insane move?" Hiccup murmured.
"And crashing isn't?" Astrid asked him, seeing him sigh.
"Okay-but if I break my neck, I'll blame you..." he began and then wrenched the harness sideways. "That is if I can even get outta here. I may need to stay here to let you get away..." And then she looked at him, seeing his pallor and the bruises on his face and recalling how badly he had been treated. She gently grasped his wrist.
"That would ruin the mission," she reminded him.
"I thought we'd already accomplished mission Rescue Hiccup and Get Hiccup and Astrid Off The Island!" he shot back, gradually slowing the little plane and dropping them down, aiming directly at the distant lights of Bugla.
"New mission!" Astrid said, taking her headset off as the Seashocker zoomed overhead and then peeled away, circling round to the right. "Get Hiccup to a warm bed." His emerald eyes widened as they drifted lower. The needle was hovering over thirty feet and the groundspeed at sixty-three mph. He gave the smallest smile as she pulled his headset off.
"I could get used to that," he admitted as she pecked a swift kiss on his cheek and then twisted to open the door.
Especially if you are in it. AARGH! What am I thinking? I must be concussed.
Blinking to dispel the thought that would definitely certainly 110% get him killed by her, Hiccup watched as she braced herself, half in and half out, the wind battering her as she turned.
"Ready, agent boy?" she smirked and he sighed.
"Now that's just plain lame," he pointed out, shuffling towards the door while hanging onto the harness. She grinned and grabbed his wrist.
"One-two..." Astrid began and he braced his legs. "THREE!"
Hiccup found himself ripped out of the little seaplane by the hand, pulling on his bruised wrist and then he realised he was flying through the air, legs pinwheeling and the grey and turbulent sea approaching at a very fast rate. The roar of the plane was receding fast but there was the dopplering of a dive beginning. Astrid was fully concentrated, arms crossed over her chest and chin tucked in, aiming to go in feet first while Hiccup was still whirling his limbs as the sea hit him. The cold water closed over his head and the impact greyed his vision for about the third time that day. And while he really wanted to think 'this is getting old', all he could think about was thrashing desperately upwards towards the greyish light and alleviating the burning in his lungs. Determined not to die straight off, he managed to break surface, tossing his sodden auburn hair off his face and seeing the little plane dive into the sea, pinwheeling end over end and bursting into flames.
He thrashed to keep his head above water, the heavy swell and whitecaps obscuring his view. "ASTRID!" he shouted, desperately casting around. The cold was sapping his energy and his limbs already felt leaden. "ASTRID!"
"Here!" the cry came and she appeared, swimming strongly...as a black shadow touched down and headed directly for them. Eyes wide at the approaching propellers, the two turned and began to swim away desperately-but a net shot out and they found themselves tangled and rapidly hauled in to the still-moving seaplane as it turned away just in time. The moment they were out the water, the engines gunned and the sea accelerated beneath them, dropping away with astonishing speed as they took off again. Hiccup stared at the yawning drop beneath his legs and clutched desperately at the person hauling him in-Hookfang-and only let go when he was dumped on the floor of the cabin by the sopping Astrid.
He looked up, teeth, chattering.
"Th-th-th-thanks..." he managed and heavy footsteps approached and Hiccup found himself hauled up and wrapped in a huge hug.
"Oh Thor!" Fishegs said urgently. "I am so glad you're okay, Hiccup! I really don't know what I'd do if I was left with these lunatics! I'm sorry I was whingy...well, I had every right to be whingy but I realise how difficult things are for you and you did save my life and...are you alright?"
"AIR!" Hiccup croaked as the husky guy finally finished crushing him. "And...ow."
"We haven't exactly been availing ourselves of the spa facilities," Astrid noted dryly and then stiffened as Fishlegs hugged her as well.
"Thank Thor you're okay! I was so worried!" the hacker squeaked. She looked over at Hiccup who was wincing, his hand on his abused chest but he quirked a small smile at her very shocked look. She gently patted Fishlegs's hand and he released her.
"Um...good," she said self-consciously. Hiccup limped to a seat and collapsed in.
"Are they okay?" he asked, gesturing to the unconscious twins and Snotlout, who were all tied to seats. Meatlug gave a smile.
"They annoyed Toothless," she admitted grimly.
"I really don't know how you control them," Fishlegs added.
"I don't control Snotlout," Hiccup sighed. "And why has he got MTNHED shaved on the back of his head?"
"Because his head's too small to put 'Muttonhead' on," Fishlegs explained as if it was obvious.
"It's a good look," Astrid commented, throwing herself into the seat by Hiccup and catching his hand. "You okay?" she mouthed and he flicked a weary gaze at her, then shook his head.
"Really liking the concept of 'Get Hiccup to a warm bed'," he admitted and closed his eyes. Fishlegs frowned.
"The Hunters weren't very nice to him," she explained as his breathing deepened into a doze. "He needs a rest and some medical attention." Hookfang gave a smug smile.
"Then you're in luck-once we reach our suite at Bertha's Casino Resort," he grinned.
Hiccup awoke slowly, fuzzily aware that he was curled up on a very soft, very comfortable bed with a soft, comforting quilt pulled over his aching body. A very soft, very deep pillow supported his aching, muzzy head and the incline of the mattress told him that there was another body in bed with him. Frowning, he rolled over slightly to glimpse a blonde head...
...and his eyes slammed open as he stared into the sheepish face of Fishlegs.
"Morning," the hacker said.
"AARGH!" Hiccup squeaked and launched himself backwards, tumbling from the super-Chief sized bed and slamming to the floor with a thud. He gasped in pain and stared up at the big round face as it appeared over the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay?" Fishlegs asked, staring at the sprawled young man. Completely disorientated, Hiccup stared up at him and tried to work out what happened. His last memory was dropping asleep in the Seashocker and he had some vague memory of walking through a very plush lobby and entering a lift...and then...nothing. And then he realised he was just in his boxers and a fresh unfamiliar tee-shirt on bearing the symbol of 'Bertha's Casino and Resort'.
"What the Hel happened?" he asked suspiciously, emerald eyes narrowed. Fishlegs ruffled his blond pudding-bowl haircut and shrugged.
"Um...there were only a small number of rooms so we had to share," he explained. "I volunteered to sleep with you because I guessed you wouldn't want the twins or Snotlout..."
"Thor no," Hiccup muttered. Then he frowned and rubbed his head. "Is Astrid okay?" The florist frowned and looked embarrassed.
"Not sure," he admitted. "She was very concerned about you and insisted they warmed you up and treated your injuries before they put you to bed. And they made her share with Ruffnut."
"Oh Thor," Hiccup murmured and winced as he tried to get up. He was incredibly stiff and then he looked around. "Fish-where're my clothes?" A pudgy arm gestured at a sorry pile of salt-encrusted, mud-stained and ripped clothing and muddy and damp shoes. Hiccup levered himself up and winced then sighed.
"I wonder if there's a bathrobe I can wear," he muttered ironically.
"MORNING!" The door exploded open and the twins erupted in, followed by Toothless and Astrid. Hiccup scrambled backwards, shocked and tried to cringe away, completely self-conscious of his state of undress-and the nasty cuts and lacerations visible on his arms, testament of Viggo and Ryker's kind attentions.
"AARGH! Don't you know how to knock?" he yelped.
"Yeah-we just knocked hard enough to open the door at the same time!" Tuff said cheerily.
"Oooh-someone got out of bed the wrong side," Ruff added, her eyes drifting over the lean shape that was trying to half-hide behind the bed. Hiccup snatched a pillow and held it in front of him, trying to shield himself from her unsettlingly calculated look. She smirked at him and he shuddered.
"Actually, he fell out," Fishlegs added unnecessarily. Astrid frowned and walked forward. She was in a flattering set of tracksuit bottoms, a pale blue spandex training top and new trainers.
"Are you okay?" she asked in a low voice, staring at the blushing auburn-haired man. Hiccup nodded.
"Um...what happened?" he asked softly.
"Toothless and Meatlug treated your wounds," she explained. "They also bathed you because all that seawater and mud wasn't good for your injuries-and you were hypothermic. And then they put a special cream on your face and other wounds-it's supposed to take down the bruising..."
"What have I missed?" he asked anxiously. "I mean, did I mess up again by passing out and..." She smiled and led him to a table by the wide window. He sat down, still clutching his pillow and she sat opposite. Iggy entered, leading in a room service waiter with a trolley. The young man easily unloaded plates and plates of fried breakfast, trays of danish and other pastries, pots of tea and coffee, juice, toast, waffles, muffins, butter, honey, jam, marmalade, jelly and peanut butter. The small dragon tipped him handsomely and escorted him out, closing the door behind him. Astrid primly served them both with fried breakfast and toast and sloshed out coffee.
"Eat!" she commanded and he flicked up a half-amused look before tucking into his plate. Astrid watched him calculatingly then bisected a slice of bacon and dipped it in her fried egg. "Alvin spent the evening enjoying the spa-yes, really!" His eyebrows shot up and he chewed his toast thoughtfully. "Eret did not emerge from Alvin's Penthouse. No one else came in. But the leaders of all the syndicates are arriving today and he has booked a private salon for a meeting this evening in the casino."
"So are we setting up surveillance?" Hiccup mumbled through his toast. "Is there a plan to bug the place? Or are we getting the twins to go in?"
"Actually," Astrid said after a brief pause, "we're going into the Casino..." Hiccup sipped his coffee.
"Oh good..." he began before his brain caught up. He choked on his coffee. "WHAT?" Toothless grinned, his green eyes sparkling with humour.
"Your Tux is on order," he confirmed as the auburn-haired agent coughed. "And after breakfast, we can get the layout of the resort." He laid down a pile of clothes on the bed as the others tucked into breakfast. Fishlegs paused, his plate laden with danish and waffles the gestured to a sagging object by the bed.
"And I brought your bag," he added, causing Hiccup to look up, his eyes unfocussing as a thought suddenly hit him.
"Thanks, Fish," he managed, grabbing a piece of bacon and chewing. "That might work." Astrid stared at him.
"Hey, hey-wait..." she said suspiciously. "I know that look. What are you planning, Mister skinny?" Hiccup gave a small smile.
"I'm pretty sure that Eret is here because he's of use to Alvin-whether he's jumped ship and sighed up with Al or is just pretending...we need to know," he said. "We both know he's an arrogant self-important ass and he is a good agent. But he's also obsessed with his appearance and I'm pretty certain there isn't a gym in the Penthouse. So maybe if someone wants to go work out, they may just get a chance to talk to him...and decipher what he's up to." Astrid frowned.
"You mean me?" she spat. "Thor, they really did hit you over the head one time too many! I really have the subtlety of a rock. And you know the only way I got you out of the Hunters' cell was to think 'what would Hiccup do?'" Hiccup stiffened, his eyes flashing disappointment for a moment.
"Get captured, get tortured, be utterly useless and stand no hope without you," he said dully. She stared at him as he sighed. "You broke me out and rescued me from Ryker when I really really needed it, got us away from the Hunter base and held off the guards..."
"While you actually knew the way to the seaplane port and flew the plane!" she argued.
"In fact, you worked very well together," Toothless commented, smiling. Hiccup blushed.
"Not worthy," he mumbled. "Worst agent in AI6, remember?"
"Hiccup-you are the best agent I know," she reassured him softly. "But I-I'm not good enough to do this..." Hiccup's eyes widened.
"Astrid-you're a fantastic agent!" he reassured her. "And I literally owe you my life! Look, if you want, I will come with you-though I really don't look like someone who uses a gym..." She smiled suddenly, her eyes sparkling with relief as Fishlegs gaped. Astrid gave a small smirk.
"All the more reason to go," she teased him gently. He blushed.
"Er...Hiccup...you can barely walk..." he protested but Hiccup shrugged, sipping his coffee.
"I can sit on an exercise bike," he murmured. "As long as you're watching Alvin and let us know when Eret is on the move, we can do this." He paused. "You can do this. And then I guess we need to have a look around." He winced as he rose and limped to the clothes. "Okay-can you all go away and let me change?"
"Nah, we're good!" Tuff said obliviously, chewing his breakfast. Hiccup cast an exasperated glance at Toothless, who was munching a fried egg sandwich. He rolled his eyes, grabbed the clothes and limped into the bathroom. Astrid glared at the twins but they remain oblivious. Fishlegs occupied Hiccup's vacated seat to a ferocious glare from the blonde woman.
"That's Hiccup's seat," she hissed.
"Hey-this is my room too!" the hacker protested.
"Well it isn't theirs and no one will allow the poor guy to eat or change in peace!" she hissed back. "Look-this is getting real guys. He's been really shaken by what they did to him and he still came up with a way to get us off Hunter Isle. Hel-he even flew a seaplane to get us away!"
"Why is everyone in here and not keeping my absolute awesomeness company?" interrupted an overconfident voice and everyone looked up-with some audible groans-as Snotlout swaggered in, instantly stealing Hiccup's breakfast and starting to stuff his face with pastries as well.
"I think you've just answered your own question, Snot," Hiccup said from the bathroom door. He was dressed in pressed brown slacks, a new green shirt and green argyle sweater. He padded to the table, pulled on some fresh socks and his old trainers then turned round. Astrid started giggling while the twins had thoughtfully covered each others' eyes. Snotlout's eyes popped wide and he began to roar with laughter.
"Oh Thor-you look like our grandfather!" he spluttered. Hiccup's eyes widened in shock and he looked in betrayal at Toothless, who was laughing quietly as well. Astrid was giggling helplessly as well and even Fishlegs was helpless, rolling around on the floor, chuckling helplessly. Silently, he snatched his Night Fury key fob from his muddy jeans and walked wordlessly from the room, slamming the door behind him.
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