This is basically like Ariana's day at school. Enjoy:)
"Bye daddy!" Ariana screams as she leaves for school, she holds her older brother's hand- Chase- as they walk to the bus stop.
Her and Chase's school is nearby, so Chase is able to just walk to her school pick her up, and then go home. Which is a good thing for Harry and Louis, meaning they got enough alone time after everyone leaves.
Once they finally arrive at the school Ariana hugs Chase tightly, before saying goodbye.
"Bye bye Chasey!" She says giggling, Chase smiles and returns the goodbye and proceeds his way to his school.
Ariana runs to her class, her bookbag bouncingup and down with every jump she made.
She makes it to the class and smiles at her teacher, and waves.
"Hi Ms. Calder!" The teacher looks down at her smiling. "Hello Miss Ariana". She returns the smile.
"Would you like to help us get ready for class?" She ask sweetly.
Ariana nods frantically.
Ms. Calder smiles down at her favourite student.
"You could start by un-stacking the chairs, but first go unpack".
Ariana nods and runs to her cubby taking everything out that she needed and placed her bookbag inside, she them carries her essentials and places them onher desk.
Ariana always canes early, she just enjoyed helping the teacher with setting up, that's just how she was. Definitely from Harry.
"Done!" She exclaims.
Ms. Calder nods, and waves her over. Once she's over Eleanor- the teacher- "Hey, wanna know a secret?" She whispers, resulting in Ariana nodding her head quickly.
She chuckles. "There's a new student coming in today".
Eleanor nods, without even knowing encouraging the younger girl's excitement.
"Oh look at the time, class is starting soon, take a seat" Eleanor says kindly. "I know you're excited" She nods.
Soon kids are walking into the classroom and taking their seats, but Ariana's little green eyes drifted to the unfamiliar face that walked in. 'The new student' She thought and smiles.
"Alright class, as you may have noticed. We have a new student" Eleanor says gesturing to the little girl shyly looking at her feet. "Would you like to introduce yourself".
The little girl steps away a bit and looks up.
"H-hi!" She timidly squeaks out. "My um- my names Liliana. But you can call me Lilly". Ariana smiles at her. "Hi!" Liliana looks over at Ariana and smiles back waving.
Eleanor smiles at the scene.
"You can go sit with her, okay?"
She nods and walks over to Ariana taking a seat, she puts her stuff in her desk and sits shyly.
Ariana looks over at her smiling happily. "Hi! I'm Ariana" She giggles. "I hope you like it here"
"Thanks!" Lilly responds happily.
"Wanna be friends?" Ariana asks hopefully. Lilliana nods happily. She giggles loudly.
Finally the bell rings, signaling recess.
"Alright class, line up. Grab your coats!" Eleanor calls out to the children.
Ariana smiles, grabbing Lilly's hand and pulling her to the coat rack to go out.
As they ran outside, Ariana directed Lilly to the swing set to, she sat down and Lilly followed after sitting on the seat closest to Ariana.
Lilly begins swinging, smiling and talking nonsense with Ariana.
"Push me!" She squeals. Ariana smiles standing from her swing, and running over to Lilly and standing behind her. She slowly pushes, gradually going faster. Lilly giggles everytime her long hair is thrown into her hair from force of wind. She kicks her legs into the air, swinging them back and forth.
Ariana smiles as well, pushing he as hard as her little body can. Once Lilly is satisfied, she hops of the swing landing on her feet, quickly regaining her balance.
She pushes her hair from her face and turns back to Ariana and running over, wrapping her arms tightly around the green eyed girl.
Ariana giggles hugging back, they oil away not wanting to waste anymore of their recess time. Lilly grabs her hand and runs off to the playground.
"Come on slow poke!" She giggles, Ariana pouts up at Lilly, seeing her all the way up.
Lilly sighs and swings down the pole, and runs to Ariana and walks up the stairs with her.
They plays for awhile when the bell rings, meaning recess was over. Now off to lunch they go. They slide down the a life giggling and skip to the lunch line, lining up in front of the teacher.
"Bubbles in mouths, hands behind backs!" Eleanor calls out. Quickly all the children do as they're asked.
Ariana and Lilly can't help but giggle at each other, seeing each others' face.
They follow behind Ms. Calder, walking as she led them all to the cafeteria, grabbing their lunch boxes- if need- and stepped back into line.
Ariana holds her lunch box in one hand and pulls Lilly's hand tugging her towards the table. Lilly giggles, placing he lunch box on the long table and sits down next to her.
They open their lunches and begin to eat. Suddenly Ariana smiles widely.
"Look! Look what my Dada gave me!" She exclaims pulling out the small sticks pad, with words written on it.
Lilly frowns. And pout forming on her face.
Ariana immediately notices, and looks at her worried. "What's wrong?" Lilly just shakes her head, playing with her fingers placed in her lap.
Ariana hugs Lilly tightly, Lilly sniffles a bit.
"I-I...I have trouble reading.." Lilly says looking ashamed, close to tears "I need help with reading, I'm not very smart" She sniffles.
Ariana gasp, wrapping her arms tightly around the other girl.
"Don't say that! Your the smartest-est girl in the whole wide wide wide um- world- No! Universe!" She exclaims.
Lilly wipes her eyes giggling at Ariana's words.
"Thank you" She says smiling. Ariana nods, her lips pulled back into a smile.
"Harreh!" Louis whines.
"Yes Lou?" He calls back in a sickening sweet voice. "What would you like?"
"Help..please". He calls back embarrassment laced in his voice.
"You Okay? What happened?" Harry calls jogging into their shared bedroom and laughing at the sight.
His husband running around with a shirt trapped around his head, and one leg inside his pants as he's running around.
"Ha ha, very funny" Louis say sarcastically. "Now help me out".
Harry rolls his eyes and walks over to him, pulling the tight shirt off if his body.
"Thanks" He calls out and starts running around gathering his things and getting dressed. He quickly pecks Harry on the lips running out.
"Bye love! See you when I get back!" He calls over his shoulder.
"Love you too!" He calls back, then the door slams. He sits down on the couch, knowing it'd be awhile until Louis came back from practice.
Harry sighs hearing Ashton's crying, he stands up and runs to his son's room and opening the door.
He coos picking up the small child.
"Hey Ashy, shhh it's okay. Dada's here how'd you sleep?" He asks rocking him in his arms.
"Bad dweam Dada" He lisp rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"It's okay love, I'm here. You're okay" He then carries his son to the living room and sitting with him in his lap.
Ash grabs the blanket pulling it over to two, he leans back on Harry's chest smiling when his he put on Ashton's favourite cartoon- Loud House.
And if Harry was being completely honest, whenever the kids were sleeping he and Lou would curl up on the couch and watch the show, no matter how many times Louis denied it.
"Hungry?" Harry ask, not even surprised when Ash nods his head. He stands up placing a kiss on his son's head and placing him on the couch.
"I'll be back love". Ash nods, his eyes not removing themselves from the tv.
Harry proceeds to the kitchen, and makes himself and Ashton a sandwich. He pours chips onto the plate and grabs a juice for Ash.
He walks back into the living room and sits besides him, handing him the plate.
"Thank you Daddy". Harry smiles.
"You're welcome big guy, now eat up". He nods, not wasting a second and starts munching on the sandwich. Harry not far behind.
"Honey I'm home!" Louis' voice rang throughout the house, immediately he's tackled by Ariana. He winces from the impact, but smiles down at his little girl.
He sits up swinging her, her giggles fill the room. He places her in his lips, hugging her.
"Hi daddy! I miss you!" Louis' heart clenches at her words, and he smiles. He carries her to the living room and placing her on the couch, along with Chase.
"Be back!" He calls over his shoulder, running into the kitchen seeing his husband, grabbing things to start on dinner.
"Hi love" Louis smiles, wrapping arms around Harry's waist. Harry smiles back, turning and pressing a kiss to Louis' lips.
"Why don't you go relax, and I'll make dinner, yeah?" Louis offers.
"You sure, I don't want a mishap of last time " Harry chuckles.
Louis rolls his eyes.
"I made a mistake!"
"A big one of that, remember". He laughs, remembering the day as if it was yesterday.
"Hey love, could you make dinner while I shower?" Harry ask, Louis nods walking into the kitchen grabbing pots and pans. "Make enough, family is coming soon".
"Rodger!" Louis responds.
Louis washes his hands, and begins grabbing different things.
"So far, so good" he mumbles to himself.
He pours himself a cup of wine, as he waits. He sips a bit, then walks back over to the stove.
He notices the fire increasing faster, he turns down the fire quickly. But to know avail, the fire just kept growing and growing.
"Shit!" He yells, he grabs the closest cup near him throwing it onto the fire, quickly regretting it when he sees the fire get even bigger.
He screams freaking out, not knowing what to do.
"Louis! What's that smell?!" Harry screams.
"Nothing Love!" He tells back, swatting the fire with a towel, but the cloth catches on fire. He's waving it around trying to distinguish it.
Harry runs into the kitchen, and gasp at the sight.
"Holy shit Louis! What the hell happened!?" He screams, grabbing the bucket and filling it with water, throwing it on the fire. Finally, the fire disappears.
They're breathing heavily, trying to catch their breaths.
"What the hell Louis?! What did you do?!" He screams.
All Louis does is smile sheepishly.
"Oops? Oops?! Oops is all you have to say?! You almost burned down this whole house Louis!"
"Louis" he ask calmly, as he grabs the wine bottle and sighs deeply "Did you by any chance try distinguishing the fire..with this?"
Louis bites his lip.
"Maybe" he squeaks out.
"Louis William Tomlinson!" He shouts. "You clean this mess up, and God forbid you ever try to cook again. Harry runs the temples sighing.
Let's just say, Harry got a new kitchen.
"God, you were so pissed" Louis laughs.
"Of course I was! You almost set our house on fire!"
"Key word" Louis smirks "Almost, meaning I didn't"
"God you little shit, now if you're gonna cook get started. " Harry laughs fondly.
"Rodger!' Louis responds smirking.
"Louis! No! Never again, I don't trust you" . He exclaims.
"Fine fine! He walks to the stove and starts cooking. As Louis cooks, he smiles hearing his children's laughter.
He's so distracted he doesn't notice another flame is beginning to flicker (A/N: Buy Flicker on iTunes) until the flame has sparked.
"Shit! Not again" He mumbles to himself, he runs to the sink with the pot pouring water, watching as the fire withers away.
He sighs in relief, he turns jumping when seeing Harry walk in.
"So, how's pizza sound?" He laughs nervously.
"Again?! Louis you're never cooking as long as I'm here!" Harry shouts. "I'll order for everyone, kids! It's pizza tonight!"
They all eat the pizza, smiling.
"What happened, I thought you guys were cooking?" Alexis ask.
"Well you see, your father tried cooking and burnt dinner. So this happened ". Harry says, shaking his head seeing Louis' blushing face.
"Heh oops?"
They all laugh at him, smiling. It'll be awhile before Louis is ever allowed to touch that stove or oven. But if Louis' being honest, he enjoyed Harry's food much more.
There, another chapter. This chapter took me forever to write! It's 2097 words long, Jesus Christ! Hope you enjoyed it though! :) 💙💚
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